The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 2

by Mj Fields

  She ran down the stairs, out the door and got in Alex���s truck as the stupid smelly school bus, as Kendall and Jake called it, was stopped out front. Maggie stood on the curb taking pictures of her children as they all left for school. Tessa smiled and waved to the camera as they pulled out.

  * * *

  Tessa watched as Jade started to decorate her locker, she was putting in a mirror when she stuck her tongue out at herself and took off the sweater. Tessa���s locker was next to hers, as usual, since they had the same last name.

  ���You���re remodeling already, Jade?���

  ���Damn straight.��� She laughed as she threw the sweater in the locker.

  ���Too bad we missed cheerleading tryouts.��� Jade said as they passed by the group of varsity football players. She raised her eyebrows and looked in their direction.

  ���Too bad? Thank God! I wouldn���t be caught dead cheering for a bunch of Neanderthals.���

  The same dark haired boy from the pond smirked at her again. The one who had made her feel even more uncomfortable in her skin than she already felt. He was one of the white hat boys, the cutest. She didn���t understand why she felt her stomach flip and her face flush, why he made her feel so uncomfortable. The way he looked at her, the way he smirked at her, the way his eyes connected with hers and why was it so hard to look away. She almost felt sick to her stomach. Not a feeling she had ever felt before and it annoyed her. What did he think he was looking at?

  Lucas Links was an implant. He was also the captain of the varsity football team, a boy with a reputation.

  ���Damn,��� Lucas said, as he ogled Tessa and licked his lips. He waited the obligatory five seconds so they were almost out of earshot. ���Nice eats.���

  ���That���s my sister, Links.��� Alex gave him a back off look.

  ���Nice,��� Tommy said grinning at Jade.

  ���Step off, boys,��� Alex growled.

  ���You may want to watch it. You���re on MY team now.��� Lucas slammed his locker.

  ���I���ve been on theirs for seventeen years,��� Alex hissed.

  ���Ease up, Ross. Just enjoying the scenery,��� Lucas chuckled.

  * * *

  Jade and Tessa sat in the auditorium waiting for the Principal to make announcements and welcome the implants. Becca Brooks and the newest addition to the Brooks family Phoebe sat next to them. Becca���s family took in foster children and Phoebe was the newest addition to what Tessa thought was an amazing family. They were kind and accepting of everyone. Each person was made to feel like they belonged and were truly a part of the family regardless of the circumstances that brought them to the Brooks home. Mistakes were forgiven, love was given without expectation or explanation. She liked Phoebe immediately. They compared schedules and found out that they were all in Honors classes together. Becca and Jade had P.E. and study hall together. Tessa and Phoebe shared the same P.E. and government class.

  The football team sat in front of them, and as they sat down, Jade nudged Tessa and smiled. Tessa rolled her eyes and looked up. Lucas was staring back at her intensely. She turned away.

  ���Tessa,��� Jade said, ���he was checking you out.���

  Tessa scowled at her cousin.

  Mr. Camp, the school principal, took the stage. ���Welcome back students. As you know, we have merged with other schools this year due to state budget cuts. This school belongs to all of us, so let���s make sure we treat each other with respect as we all transition.���

  He gave the normal first day speech, went over the rules, and told them of upcoming sign up���s, games, the pep rally, and the fall festival. Jade saw Tommy look back at her. She smiled.

  Tessa saw them exchange glances throughout the assembly and laughed to herself. She also noticed, when she allowed herself to look up, Lucas was staring right through her with a devilish grin.

  The assembly ended and the girls all sat and waited for the auditorium to empty as they discussed what activities they could do together. The four of them got along so well they wanted to spend their senior year doing as much as they could together. They all began walking out having decided that they would sign up for chorus. They stood in the sign up line comparing schedules.

  ���Jade, that white hat was checking you out,��� Tessa laughed when she glanced behind Jade at the group of guys huddled together.

  ���His buddy was checking you out. They���re both totally yummy.���

  They finally got to the sign up sheet and Jade wrote her name on the list.

  ���Jade Ross,��� Tommy winked at her, ���Now I have a name to go with that pretty face.���

  Tessa and Jade laughed as Tessa wrote her name. They turned to see Lucas staring at her. She rolled her eyes at him and walked away.

  ���Tessa!��� Jade scolded her as the bell rang. ���Give the guy a break, he���s obviously interested in you.���

  ���No thank you,��� Tessa huffed and then made her way to her first class, English.

  * * *

  Tessa was sitting in English, listening to Mr. Mandel give them a list of required reading, when she heard a group of implants whispering behind her. She heard the name, Lucas Links and she tried not to listen, she really did, but there was something that peaked her interest in the dark haired, green eyed, square jawed boy. She chewed on her pencil as she thought about him. He was tall and built, not lanky like the majority of boys her age. His clothes fit him faultlessly. His shirts hugged his pecs and biceps just enough that you knew they were there. And his ass���. hmm, football pants looked great on him but his jeans rested perfectly on his hips. He had the nicest ass. Get a hold of yourself!

  She leaned back and listened.

  ���He���s so fine���have you heard what he did in the storage closet������

  ���I heard he could make a girl orgasm just by talking to her������

  ���I am going to have him just once before graduation. Since he and Sadi split up he���s on the market, fresh meat������

  ���Speaking of meat I heard that boy was hung������

  Tessa���s chair tipped back. She grabbed her desk, barely catching herself from falling on her ass. Serves you right Tessa, she thought to herself. She looked around to see who may have witnessed her moment of idiocy. No one, thank GOD.

  * * *

  As seniors, Jade and Becca were allowed to spend Study Hall outside on the quad. They sat under the tree at the far end and had just opened their books when Frankie and Mark, both juniors, came over. ���Ladies, looking fine this year.���

  ���Hey, Frankie.��� Jade smiled.

  ���Jade.��� Tommy walked up behind Frankie narrowing his eyes as he looked at him. ���Is this guy bothering you?���

  Jade looked down. Holy cow.

  ���Jade, you don���t want to play with the little soccer boys, now do you?��� Tommy continued without waiting for an answer. ���Can I get your number? You know, so I can make sure these boys aren���t bothering you.���

  ���I want your girl Tessa���s number,��� Lucas���s eyebrow raised slightly as he walked up next to Tommy.

  ���Jade, can you give those to us please?��� Tommy batted his eyelashes coyly at her as he wet his lips.

  She tried to appear cool. ���Sure, since you asked so nicely. Got a pen?���

  He winked. ���I���ll always ask you nicely.���

  She blushed and looked down while she wrote. He slowly took the paper out of her hand and slipped it into the back pocket of his jeans. He brushed into Frankie as he walked away.

  ���Douche bag!���
� Frankie said under his breath.

  ���What did you just say?��� Lucas turned around.

  ���I said DOUCHE BAG!��� Frankie stepped toward him.

  ���Let���s go, BITCH!��� Lucas growled.

  Tommy grabbed the back of his shirt, and tried to pull Lucas toward him. ���Not on the first day, let���s go.���

  ���Please, just walk away,��� Jade said to Lucas.

  ���You owe me, Jade, for not kicking that punk���s ass,��� Lucas yelled as he stepped away.

  ���Na dude, she���s saving yours.��� Mark smirked.

  The bell rang as Lucas and Tommy walked away.

  ���Call me!��� Frankie yelled in his best girl voice holding his hand to his ear mocking Tommy and Lucas.

  The Frankie and Mark were harmless. They were friends. They���d helped out on the Ross farm on weekends and over the summer. Neither of them had great home lives but they seemed to be breaking the mold that most kids in their situation can���t seem to overcome. Jade and Becca had known them forever. Not always the most appropriate acting crew, but lots of fun.

  Jades phone immediately chimed alerting her of a text message.

  - Is this the pretty girl���T

  - Who is this?

  - You���ll soon find out���T

  Jade laughed out loud as she walked toward her locker and saw Tessa.

  Tessa took her phone from her pocket and read the message she���d just received.

  - Tessa Ross, you���re lovely… LL

  Jade walked up to Tessa and saw her looking at her phone. ���Did you get a message?���

  ���Yeah. Weird. I have no idea who it is?��� She handed the phone to Jade who was laughing.

  ���It���s from Lucas. He asked for your number!��� she giggled.

  ���And you gave it to him?���

  ���Tommy asked for it, nicely, so I gave him both of ours.���

  ���Jade, seriously?��� Tessa turned and walked away.

  Tessa had never dated, had never been attracted to a boy. At the time in her life when most girls her age became interested in dating she was trying to help Alex and Jade through the loss. Helping others always made Tessa feel strong. Ignoring her pain and allowing herself to feel others pain and help them became her way to cope.

  She didn���t understand or like the way she felt when Lucas looked at her. She didn���t like that for some unknown reason he made her feel a weakness she had never felt and a vulnerability that made her anxious. There was something about him that unnerved her and she did not have the time or the luxury to be weak. Not now when Alex and Jade finally seemed to be breathing again and not with the dark cloud that seemed to be hanging over her family.

  The rest of the day passed in a blur, and Tessa happily headed for the locker room after the last bell, ready to work out her first day stress on the hockey field. She compared notes with Jade and Phoebe while they changed, then headed outside

  They all walked passed the football players and cheerleaders.

  ���Nice skirt, pretty girl.��� Someone yelled. Jade flipped them off and kept walking as the boys cat called after them.

  ���Damn Tommy, was that your girl?��� Lucas asked pretending to be shocked.

  ���You���re breaking my heart, pretty girl,��� Tommy called after her and dropped to his knees.

  Jade turned around and smiled before walking away.

  * * *

  They ran the perimeter at the state park that bordered the school���s property, including the one hundred plus stairs, two times.

  ���This is like basic training ladies!��� Coach V yelled at them. ���It will show us who is varsity field hockey material and who isn���t. If it���s not for you ��� don���t bother coming back tomorrow! Half of you will make it through the next two weeks and the others will walk away. It���s not for everyone. We���re looking for skill and heart. That���s a wrap, see you all tomorrow.��� He excused them and they walked back to the school. Tessa and Jade showered, dressed, and walked out to the back parking lot to see if Alex was there. He had already left to go home.

  Suddenly, they heard a car start up and race toward them.

  ���You crushed me, pretty girl.��� Tommy shouted from Lucas���s car as they pulled up next to them. Jade laughed as Tommy jumped out of the car shirtless. He held his heart and fell dramatically to his knees. He had a kind smile.

  Tessa���s phone vibrated and she grabbed it from her bag. A message had popped up:

  - You look hot Tessa���LL

  She rolled her eyes, ignored it, and put the phone in her bag.

  ���Is that how it���s gonna be, Tessa?��� Lucas leaned toward the window and flashed his perfect white half- smile.

  ���Oh, I���m sorry was that from you?��� Tessa asked sarcastically.

  ���You���re not used to this kind of attention, are you?��� He asked, trying to hide his amusement. ���You need to get used to it, Tessa. I���m going to be watching you.���

  ���Sounds kind of stalker���ish, LL.���

  ���No Tessa, just someone who admires your assets.��� Lucas looked her up and down.

  ���Wow, does that normally work for you?��� She turned away, annoyed and embarrassed. She crossed her arms over her chest. Stupid boobs! ���Jade, you ready?���

  Jade was kneeling down laughing at Tommy. ���Can we give you ladies a lift?���

  ���Sure. We were going to walk to Tessa���s house, but now I guess we don���t have to.���

  ���Thanks for accepting.��� She followed him to the car.

  ���Looks like you���re up here with me Tessa Ross.��� Lucas leaned over and pushed the door opened. She got in and buckled her seat belt, crossing her arms over herself.

  Tessa looked back at Jade and saw her laughing as Tommy pointed to the clouds through the side window resting his head on her shoulder. Tessa turned and looked out the window, secretly wishing she could crawl out of it.

  They drove down Main Street and Tessa saw Lucas���s eyes freeze on the sidewalk. When she followed his gaze, she saw a blonde looking at them in the car.

  ���Oh, shit. Don���t ask questions, just bend down and hide.��� Tessa did, waiting there till he told her it was okay to sit up. ���Sorry, Tessa. Crazy ex.���

  Tessa glared at Lucas: ���That won���t happen again.���

  ���That cloud looks like a monkey,��� Tommy said form the backseat. ���Do you like animals, Jade?���

  ���Yes, Tommy, I do. Why?���

  ���Just wondering. I want to know everything about you. You���re perfect on the outside. I just want to know you. Is that alright?���

  ���I guess so. Since you asked so nicely.���

  ���I told you, Jade. I always will.���

  Jade tapped on Lucas��� shoulder. ���Could you pull up this road and let us out? I don���t want my aunt and uncle to get upset about us riding with you guys.���

  Lucas pulled over, reached across the car, and pushed the release on Tessa���s seat belt. His hand lingered on her leg for a moment before she started to get out.

  ���I think you���re hot. You���d have to agree I���m not hard on the eyes either. Just think about it. I would love to spend time with you, Tessa Ross.��� He squeezed her hand and she jumped out.

  ���Thank you for the ride.��� Tessa closed the door and waited for Jade.

  ���Come to my game this weekend?��� Tommy asked Jade.
r />   ���My cousin plays. Of course I���ll be there!���

  ���Oh, that���s right. Well, when I make a touchdown and hold my hand like this,��� he grinned making his fingers into a J, ���you know I���ll be thinking of you, pretty girl.���

  She laughed as she walked toward Tessa. ���He���s SO cute and funny, and he really likes me!��� Jade was grinning ear to ear. She talked the whole way home about the J when he made a touchdown and how he called her pretty girl.

  They walked into the house and their eyes immediately went to the suitcases in the kitchen. Jade gave Tessa a questioning look. Tessa did what she always did, acted unaffected, minimizing the stress it may cause Jade to see her show emotion. She just shrugged her shoulders and let the numbness overtake her. She knew it was coming but didn���t think it would be this soon. She also knew that she needed to be calm and strong, for Jade, for Alex, for everyone. But could she?

  She was relieved when Jade called her dad for a ride.

  ���I���m here in the barn with John. Meet me at the truck.��� Tessa heard his voice break through the silence.

  Jade Hung up, ���Dad���s waiting outside. Call me later Tessa.��� Jade gave her a hug and walked out.

  * * *

  Tessa���s parents asked all the kids to sit down at the table. Her father stood in front of them, and placed a sad smile on his face. Her heart immediately hurt. Things had changed between her parents; the playfulness between them had ended some time ago. She had caught her mother crying in the bathroom more than once, and deep down, she had known that the thorough cleaning was not the normal organizing of the house that took place in the spring. Tessa���s heartbeat quickened. She wanted to run. She wanted to avoid what she knew was coming.


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