The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 8

by Mj Fields

  ���Tessa, let���s go to the bathroom,��� Jade said. ���Now.��� They stood, and Tessa stumbled. After she gained her footing, they walked to the bathroom.

  ���Oh Tessa, I���m sorry,��� Jade hugged her.

  ���Fuck that,��� Tessa said loudly and the watched Jade send a text. ���What are you doing?���

  ���Sending Tommy a message to have Lucas unlock the car and get the food to go. Lets get out of here.���

  Tessa and Jade were standing by the car when Lucas walked out. ���Hey ladies,��� he said as he pushed the button unlocking the door.

  Tessa started to laugh, then jumped up and wrapped her legs around him. She grabbed his head and kissed him wildly. After a moment he pulled away.

  ���Easy tiger,��� he laughed. ���Jade, what the hell is going on?���

  ���Well, obviously my cousin is drunk, and just so you know, this is a first for her,��� Jade said as she pulled Tessa down from him.

  Music started playing in the background through outdoor speakers and Tessa started dancing by herself in the empty parking space beside Lucas���s car.

  ���Lucas come dance with me, and I���ll tell you all about it,��� Tessa said laughing. ���Jade, here���s my purse. Get my money out and pay for my first bottle of wine. And grab me another.���

  Lucas handed Jade his credit card. ���I got dinner. Skip the bottle, and go and help Tommy out of this jam. If there���s any problem, because of the wine text me. Oh, and leave a good tip. That might help.���

  Lucas walked to Tessa as Jade headed into the restaurant. ���Hey baby��� what���s going on?���

  ���I���m dancing, and I want you,��� she pulled him in by the waist, ���to dance, or something, with me.���

  ���How about we talk over here for a minute first?��� he said, leading her to a bench in the garden area beside the restaurant���s entrance.

  ���I don���t want to talk,��� she said as she sat on his lap and wrapped her legs around him. ���I want to dance or kiss your incredibly sexy face.��� She began kissing him, and this time, he kissed her back. She pulled away slowly taking his bottom lip with her.

  ���Tessa, I love this, but you���re drunk,��� Lucas said, his voice deeper than usual.

  ���Yes, I am, but I know what I want, and I���m sitting on it. Do you know what you want Lucas?��� She grabbed his hand and placed it on her ass. ���This, right?���

  He nodded. ���But not when you���re loaded and your cousin and Tommy will be out here any minute.���

  ���Then how about these?��� She put his hands on her chest.

  ���Tessa,��� Lucas said pulling his hands away, ���stop please. You���re killing me.���

  ���Ya know, I think I will be really good in bed,��� she said holding his hand to her chest. ���Or right here on the bench,��� she laughed. She looked at him and tilted her head. ���Why so serious, Lucas? This is supposed to be fun, right? And just think you got to second base on our first date.���

  He stood up with her wrapped around him and carried her to the car. He opened the door and sat her in the seat. Tessa was laughing, Lucas was not.

  Tommy and Jade came out and got in the backseat. Lucas pulled out of the driveway and headed north.

  ���I have to pee, can you pull over?��� Tessa said, trying to open the door.

  ���In a minute. We���ll pull into the park up here, alright?��� Lucas asked, holding her back with his right arm.

  ���Sure, I would love to pee in the park,��� Tessa laughed. ���Pee in the park!���

  They pulled into the parking area and she jumped out and threw her coat in the car. ���I hear music. After I pee, I am going to dance with you, Lucas ��� dirty dance.��� She laughed and ran toward the restroom. Jade ran after her.

  ���She okay?��� Tommy asked Lucas.

  ���Apparently not but I have no idea what brought this on, but drunk Tessa could get me in a whole lot of trouble,��� Lucas said laughing.

  ���Her mom was there having dinner with some man, in the corner on the deck. They were holding hands. Jade made sure she saw us leave. Pretty damn uncomfortable situation. She must be hurting pretty bad. Be careful. We have to keep her out till she sobers up a bit,��� Tommy said, shaking his head as he nodded toward the bathroom towards the girls.

  Lucas reached in the glove box and grabbed a couple ibuprofen, popped the trunk, and grabbed a few waters. ���Why don���t you grab the food ��� we need to get something into her or she���ll be in a lot more trouble.���

  Lucas and Tommy were walking toward the restroom when Jade and Tessa came out. ���I squatted and peed because public toilets carry germs and diseases. By the way Lucas do you have any STD���s?��� Tessa asked. He shook his head no. ���Good to know. So I wiped and washed my hands, and now I���m ready to find that music and dance. We need to find where it���s coming from, let���s go.��� She started skipping toward the sound.

  Lucas ran up to her. ���Hey I want you to do me a favor Tessa okay?��� She grinned at him and raised her eyebrows and bit her lip as she shook her head yes slowly. By then Jade and Tommy had caught up to them. ���I want you to take these two pills and drink this.��� He said handing her the water and pills.

  ���Lucas if it���s a date rape drug I can assure you that you don���t need it, I want to remember the first time you���re…��� Jade covered her mouth and when Tessa stopped talking she uncovered it. ���I am a bit tipsy so maybe we should video tape it that would be nice, huh?��� Tessa said giving him a seductive grin.

  He didn���t respond, so she started to skip toward the music again. He grabbed her arm. ���Tessa, please take these. Your head���s already gonna hurt like hell tomorrow.���

  ���Anything you want, Lucas. And I mean anything.��� She smiled and swallowed the pills, drinking the whole bottle of water. ���Satisfied?���

  ���Not yet.��� His voice was huskier than before. ���Will you sit and eat with me, Tessa? A picnic?���

  ���Sure, I will.��� She sat on the ground and patted the spot next to her.

  ���Looks like Lucas is who Tessa wants to take care of her right now, Jade. Can you and I walk over there and eat?��� Tommy asked.

  ���Sure, just not too far though,��� Jade said.

  Lucas sat down, opened the food container, and pulled out the plastic forks.

  ���I want to feed you. I wanna sit on your lap as I feed you, okay?��� Tessa asked.

  Lucas closed his eyes momentarily. ���That would be nice.���

  She pulled her skirt up and straddled him. She took a fork and twirled it around in the pasta. She picked it up, and it fell off. She tried again and failed. She picked it up with her fingers and shoved them in his mouth. She slowly pulled them out and watched him chew. He shifted, and she felt him beneath her. Her eyes widened and she smirked, slowly moved her hips in a circle. He groaned and closed his eyes.

  ���That feels very good, Lucas.��� She moved against him even harder and whimpered.

  He grabbed her hips, stopping her movement as he swallowed the pasta. ���Tessa, this is not������

  Tessa took another handful of pasta and shoved it in his mouth. She was pulling her hand out when he lightly bit down. She felt her nipples harden. Lost in her arousal, she touched them and laughed. She pulled her shirt up to look at them.

  Caressing her bra, she giggled. ���Bite these please.�

  ���Fuck Tessa, I want you so bad right now, but you���re drunk. Please cover yourself before I explode.���

  She grabbed his face and said in a sultry voice. ���Bite now please.���

  ���Tessa, I���m going to tell you one more time to pull your shirt down, or I���m going to get Jade over here, understand?���

  Tessa grinned. He started to talk, and she shoved more pasta in his mouth. She pulled her fingers out and licked them. Lucas began to choke. She heard Jade coming over and quickly pulled her shirt down.

  She handed Lucas the bottle of water and said, ���Put this in your mouth and suck it down.���

  ���Everything okay?��� Jade asked.

  ���No, not really,��� Tessa responded. ���He won���t touch my breasts, and Jade, they are great breasts. Look!��� She pulled up her shirt.

  ���Tessa ��� enough!��� Jade snapped.

  ���You need to lighten up. Have a drink, that���ll help,��� Tessa smiled.

  ���Tessa, get up and come with me,��� Jade demanded.

  ���Are we going to find the music?��� Tessa asked.

  ���Yes, we are,��� Jade said.

  ���Good, because I want to dance,��� Tessa said excitedly.

  She stood up and held Jade���s hand, running toward the music in the distance.

  Lucas and Tommy picked up the food containers, threw them in the nearby trash and then followed the girls. There was a sign that said LIVE BAND and an arrow pointing to the right. They followed it.

  ���Thank God, because a dead band would suck,��� Tessa said.

  Jade laughed.

  They found the band singing 80���s cover music and Tessa ran to the dance floor and started dancing with about ten other people. Tessa motioned for them to come over and Jade, Tommy, and Lucas looked at each other and shook their heads, then all burst out laughing. Tessa smiled at them, pretending to cast a fishing line at Jade. Jade danced out to her.

  ���Lucas, look at them. They���re beautiful,��� Tommy said as he watched them dance around together.

  ���Yeah they are man, but the blonde is begging for it tonight and killing me,��� Lucas said. ���She asked me to bite her nipples.���

  ���No way!��� Tommy said, shocked. ���And you didn���t?���

  ���No, she���s drunk,��� Lucas said.

  ���Since when has that stopped you?��� Tommy asked.

  ���I���m sober, I have some control tonight. She is nothing like the girls at the parties I hook up with. They���re there for a reason. I want to do right by her, ya know?���

  ���Yeah, I get it man,��� he said looking at Jade.

  ���Dude, did you really not know what Pretty Woman was?��� Lucas asked.

  ���Apparently not,��� Tommy laughed. His face turned serious as he looked off into the distance. ���Oh damn, we���ve got company.���

  Lucas turned and saw Sadi and her friends walking toward them. ���Shit.���

  Tommy���s ex, Kate was with her. Kate was short and had reddish curly hair and green eyes.

  When they came closer Kate walked up and gave Tommy a big hug and Sadi stood staring at Lucas.

  ���How are you, Tommy?��� Kate asked.

  ���Good and you?��� Tommy asked.

  ���I���m great. I miss you. Are you ok?��� she asked watching him look past her at the dance floor.

  ���I���m fine. How is the new school?��� Tommy asked

  ���Good. How���s yours?��� He didn���t answer. ���You okay Tommy? You seem distracted.���

  ���He���s on a date,��� Sadi said.

  ���Oh, I see,��� Kate looked at him. ���Which one is she?���

  ���The one in the red dress and black hair dancing with the blonde farm girl,��� Sadi said. ���I guess he still likes the color red.���

  The other girls laughed. Kate didn���t.

  ���Lucas, the farm girl cleans up okay, but you have got to miss this.��� She pointed to herself.

  ���No, Sadi I don���t.��� Lucas looked toward Tessa.

  ���You okay, Kate? Are you dating anyone?��� Tommy asked.

  ���I���ve been on a few dates,��� she said.

  Tommy smiled. ���Good. I hope he���s good to you, Kate.���

  ���Remember Gavin? He���s in college now,��� Kate said.

  ���He was on our football team right?��� he asked. She nodded. ���He seemed like a nice guy.���

  ���He is,��� Kate smiled.

  ���Good I���m glad.���

  ���Let���s dance girls,��� Sadi said and started running toward the floor.

  Lucas looked at Tommy, ���We���d better go.���

  Sadi and the girls decided to dance next to Tessa and Jade, the two girls immediately noticed them.

  Tessa started laughing and Jade scanned the crowd and saw the boys walking toward them. ���Hey Sadi! How are you?��� Tessa said laughing as she waved at her.

  Lucas came up behind her and spun her around. ���Ready to go baby?���

  ���No way I want to dance, look!��� Tessa laughed, ���My friend Sadi is here.���

  ���Tessa and you���re drunk, we should go,��� Lucas said seriously.

  ���Buzz kill. Please dance with me Lucas,��� she said and jumped in his arms.

  He caught her and smiled, ���One dance and then we leave, ok?���

  The band played Tesla���s Love Song. He pulled her toward him and smiled. She grinned at him and Tommy and Jade joined them. Tessa and Jade started singing, occasionally leaning their heads together. The guys laughed and joined in at the chorus oblivious to the stares they received from Sadi and crew.

  The next song was Eternal Flame by The Bangles.

  ���Baby do you know this song?��� he whispered in her ear. She nodded. ���Sing to me please.���

  She did, holding his face and gazing into his eyes. The song ended and he leaned in and gently kissed her lips.

  ���Get a room,��� Sadi yelled.

  He looked at Tessa. ���Don���t let her ruin this moment.���

  ���I won���t.��� Tessa wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

  * * *

  As Jade and Tommy danced, he told her his ex was there. ���With Sadi? Which one is she?��� Jade asked.

  ���The red head. Kate is her name.���

  ���I want to meet her.���

  ���Why?��� Tommy asked.

  ���I don���t know, but she���s smiling at me now.���

  Tommy turned around and saw her. ���Okay, I guess. It���s just weird.���

  They walked over to her. ���Uh Kate, this is Jade. Jade, Kate.���

  ���Nice to meet you, Kate. You���re beautiful,��� Jade said.

  ���Well, nice to meet you, Jade. You are as well. So you���re Tommy���s girlfriend?���

  ���I am.���

  ���I���m his ex. I hope that this isn���t uncomfortable for you.���

  Jade smiled. ���Oddly, it���s not.���

  ���Well, I wish you both happiness. Be good to him, he���s a great guy.��� Kate hugged Jade.

  ���I will, thank you.��� Jade was shocked by the hug.

  * *

  ���Check that out,��� Lucas whispered to Tessa. ���Jade didn���t even punch her in the eye.���

  Tessa scowled. ���Probably because she didn���t attack her.���

  ���I know, baby. I���m just joking.���

  Tessa hiccupped. ���I don���t feel well.���

  ���Let���s get out of here. Hey Tommy, we���re going to head back to the car.���

  ���Oh Tessa, he likes it in the front seat, me on his lap.��� Sadi yelled.

  ���That won���t be happening. I���m not on birth control yet, Sadi. Don���t want to take any chances,��� Tessa shouted.

  Lucas���s jaw dropped. ���Tessa, don���t be a bitch.���

  Tessa slapped his face, she was shocked, he was angry. Jade ran toward her as she stormed away.

  Sadi smiled. ���Feisty little one, isn���t she?���

  Lucas glared at her and walked away.

  He got to the car and hit unlock. Jade and Tommy climbed in the back. Tessa sat in the front and didn���t look at him. He started the car. The clock flashed ten o���clock. They drove down the road, and Tessa grabbed her phone. She had several missed texts from her Mom and Dad and Alex.

  Her stomach turned. ���I think I���m going to throw up.���

  Lucas turned down a dirt road and pulled over. Tessa jumped out and began vomiting. Tessa felt her hair being pulled away from her face as she continued. Jade.

  When Tessa was finished, Lucas yelled to Jade. ���Here���s some water, a toothbrush, and tooth paste.��� He handed them to her through the window. ���Did she get any on her?���

  Tessa looked down at her shirt and looked at Jade sadly.

  ���A little,��� Jade told Lucas as she rubbed Tessa���s back.

  Lucas jumped out and walked to the back of the car, grabbing a sweatshirt and mesh shorts from his gym bag. He watched as Tessa brushed her teeth and Jade put her hair up. She raised her arms and Jade got her shirt off and pulled her skirt down. She stood there in her bra and underpants. Lucas tried to look away, but he couldn���t. Jade put the clean clothes on her and hugged her. Jade grabbed Tessa���s clothes and asked if Lucas had a bag. He handed her one from the glove box. Jade shoved her clothes in it and he popped the trunk. Tessa���s phone chimed and he looked at it; the last message was from Alex.


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