The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 25

by Mj Fields

  ���Tessa, are you two done up there?��� John yelled up.

  ���For now,��� she said. Lucas closed his eyes and shook his head from side to side.

  Slow down, Tessa she heard her heart say.

  ���What���s going on in that pretty head of yours now?��� Lucas asked.

  Without thinking she said, ���I���m dirty when I am around you.��� He looked wounded. ���I���m sorry, Lucas. I didn���t mean to hurt you. I just feel like I���m ready to burst, like I can���t get enough, like I could eat you up over and over again. I���m scared that when we do it, it���ll be great; I mean really great,��� she smiled. ���But then what? The chase is over; we���ve already had sex. I am scared of that Lucas.���

  He hugged her. ���What happens after Tessa is love. You told me that, and I know it will be true with you. I love you. I want you forever, and I don���t want to share you with anyone. I want to make you smile for the rest of our lives. So love is what happens, just a deeper version of what we have now.��� He kissed her.

  Her head was spinning. Lucas Links, a boy with a past, with the dirty dozen, that grew up without guidance was the sweetest boy she had ever met.

  ���You know, Tessa, I���m scared too,��� he admitted. ���I have been with lots of girls, and even thought I thought I was in love once, it was nothing like what I have with you. I have never felt this way, ever, about anyone, not even my parents. You want what���s best for me. You���ve even hidden your hurt to allow me to shine. And I am scared shitless that you���re going to hurt me, too. But I won���t let that happen to us. I won���t ever give you reason to doubt how I feel.���

  She looked at him and knew what he said was true. At that moment, she trusted him with her heart.

  ���I���m sorry, Lucas. I will never doubt that again.��� She hugged him harder. ���We���d better get downstairs.��� She pushed herself up on her toes and kissed his lips.

  * * *

  The hunting crew was starting to pull in for the normal Sunday target practice. Already she thought. She had about two hours to get dinner before they would be in. She pulled the covered casserole dish from the cupboard and preheated the oven, Lucas was standing there, she smiled at him, ���Can I help?��� he asked.

  ���Nope go shoot, I will be out when dinner is in the oven,��� Tessa smiled.

  ���That���s my girl,��� Lucas said, ���Cooking me dinner, that is so hot,��� he said and smiled, he kissed her on the cheek and went out.

  Tessa got a large roast out of the freezer, and ran it under warm water thawing it to loosen the wrapping; she grabbed potatoes and peeled them. She sliced onions and celery and carrots. She got out some seasonings and threw them on top along with garlic. Everything was in the dish and she put it in the oven. Twenty minute prep ninety minutes to perfection she thought. She washed her hands and cleaned up. She switched the laundry and looked out the window as Kendall and Jake played with Chewy. The lawn was getting pretty bad and there wouldn���t be many more days that mowing would be possible. It was one of her favorite things to do.

  Tessa threw on one of Lucas���s sweatshirts and went out to the shop and checked the gas in the big green machine. She added some to it. She asked the kids to take Chewy inside. She loved the sweet smell of the grass when it was freshly cut; this was the one chore she had never complained about. It took a little over an hour to finish the yard around the house. She parked the mower and went inside, it smelled great. She hadn���t remembered a time in the last two months that she had not either been stressed about her parents or Lucas. Tessa and her mother were finally getting along and Lucas was here. She didn���t have to feel guilty. She laughed thinking that this morning she woke up in his arms, they went to church together, packed his bags, and put his stuff away together. Now dinner was in the oven, he was hanging out with her family and she was mowing the lawn. Life could not get any better.

  Tessa turned around and Lucas was standing there leaning on the counter smiling at her.

  ���What are you thinking?���

  ���Guess,��� if he didn���t know she wouldn���t tell him.

  ���Is it about me,��� he said walking up to her. Always she thought.

  ���You are very full of yourself aren���t you,��� she laughed.

  ���Just hopeful I guess. You didn���t answer my question,��� he hugged her.

  ���Yes it was about you,��� she let slip out.

  ���Good, can I help with anything?��� he asked as she was reaching up in the cupboard to grab plates.

  ���Nope I want to take care of you tonight,��� she smiled.

  Lucas pulled himself up on the counter and watched her set the table. She pulled out the roast and checked the temperature, it was done. She walked into the bathroom and grabbed a hair tie and threw her hair up and walked back into the kitchen, he still sat there smiling at her. She smirked. She walked next to him and opened the under the counter CD player and popped in the Pearl Jam CD Jade had given her. She hit number twelve and turned it up. She loved this song. She sang along to Black. She pulled the roast out and pulled it apart with a fork. She took a piece over for Lucas to taste, he opened his mouth and she put it in. Lucas quickly closed his mouth around her finger and gently sucked it. Tessa smiled and bent her finger hooking his teeth and brought his face to hers and lightly kissed his cheek. How does that happen she wondered as she felt her body tingle when he sucked her finger.

  She walked away and he grabbed her waist and turned her around and pulled her into him, ���Dance with me?���

  She wrapped her arm around his neck and his hands rested on her hips. He can dance she thought, of course he could he���s amazing at everything. The song ended and she stepped away just in time as her dad and her brothers and sister came in.

  ���Tessa you mowed that lawn and made dinner?��� John asked. ���Feeling guilty?���

  ���Ha ha, Dad,��� Tessa said giving him apologetic eyes.

  * * *

  Tessa sat on the counter after they ate and took pictures of Lucas and Alex doing dishes. She doubted anyone at school would believe it if she told them. She pointed it out when they missed a spot and laughed when Alex got annoyed. Kendall and Jake were busy sneaking clean dishes from the cupboards and setting them up to be washed again. It took Alex and Lucas about fifteen extra dishes to realize what was going on. Tessa laughed and Alex grabbed the sprayer and soaked Tessa, Kendall, and Jake. Tessa sat on the counter laughing as they cleaned up the mess. The younger two showered and headed up to bed. Tessa ironed her clothes for the next day. Alex brought some down and she ironed his and the kids. She turned off the iron and turned around; Lucas was sitting there with his cloths. She tried to grab them.

  ���No, Tessa. I���ve done it myself for years. I got it.���

  Tessa took them. ���I want to.��� She thought of all the years that her mother had taken care of her and knew Lucas probably didn���t get the same growing up. She wanted to take care of him, and she decided for the next three months she would.

  After her shower, Tessa put on Lucas���s black boxer briefs under her nightgown. Then she put on a black knee- length robe, knowing her Dad would prefer it that way.

  Lucas was outside talking to his father when she came out to get a drink. She looked out the window and at him and from the looks of things he didn���t need to stress about the accident like he thought he would.

  He came in and looked at her, and smiled, ���All is well.���

  ���Good.��� Tessa hugged him. She grabbed her physics book off the counter. ���Do you have homework?���

p; ���No, but I should probably do some studying. I need to try to beat your brother out as valedictorian,��� Lucas smiled.

  Tessa sat cross- legged on the couch with her book and a notepad.

  She looked over at him and he was staring at her butt. She looked down and saw he was looking at his underwear.

  ���Nice, huh?��� she asked. ���Surprisingly comfortable. I like them.��� She raised her eyebrows.

  ���I like you in them,��� Lucas said softly.

  He grabbed a pillow from the back of the couch, set it on his lap, and clenched his teeth.

  She laughed, and he shook his head.

  ���Killing. Me,��� he whispered.

  * * *

  John was falling asleep in the chair and Tessa was on the couch. Lucas watched her as she drifted off. He liked it here with her and her family. He wondered if it would get old. She whispered his name in her sleep and he realized that it wouldn���t. Not ever. He watched her sleep until he woke her up with a kiss.

  ���Hey baby, it���s time to go to bed,��� he whispered so her father didn���t hear him.

  ���Okay.��� Tessa stretched and got up.

  He walked her into her room and kissed her as they stood in front of her bed. He pressed his forehead to hers, looking in her eyes, and untied her robe. He slipped it off her shoulders, lifted her nightgown, and smiled at the boxer briefs. He kissed her again.

  ���Damn,��� he whispered before walking out the door.

  Lucas walked down the stairs and John was waking up.

  ���Mr. Ross I���m going to bed now, thank you for all this,��� Lucas said sincerely.

  ���Lucas ��� we all need help now and then, you���re a good kid, it���s not a problem,��� John said. ���Now get up there so I can set those alarms, or Maggie will have my hide.���


  Tessa opened the door, expecting the alarm to go off. It didn���t; John had already turned them off. She walked downstairs, grabbed the crockpot, and took the pork roast out of the fridge. Then she added it to the slow cooker with a bottle of barbecue sauce. Dinner was made, she smiled as she walked away.

  She was stepping out of the shower when she realized she had forgotten to grab a towel. She walked carefully across the floor and slipped just as Lucas walked in. He caught her.

  ���Forgot to lock the door, baby. Sorry, I���m not looking,��� he said.

  ���No, but I guess we don���t have to wait till Friday,��� she whispered looking down at his hand on her breast.

  ���Fuck,��� he hissed. ���Christ Tessa.���

  She grabbed the towel with her foot and dragged it to her to cover herself. He hadn���t moved his hand, and she turned her head toward him.

  She smiled. ���Good morning, Lucas.���

  He slowly opened one eye and started to pull his hand away. She put her hand over his, holding it there.

  He froze. ���Good morning, Tessa.���

  He leaned down and kissed her, and she moved her hand so she could feel his palm on her bare skin. She kissed him back as his fingers caressed her. She let out a small, quiet moan, and Lucas slowly caressed her breast as he kissed her softly.

  Tessa heard the kids walking around upstairs and pulled gently away. She stood and wrapped the towel around her.

  ���I���ll go out ��� you stay.��� She turned and kissed him as she walked out, trying to gather her wits.

  She made eggs, toast, and sausage for breakfast. She grabbed five glasses and filled them with orange juice and set them on the table. She pulled out the plates and filled them with food, everyone came out and ate. Lucas didn���t look at her; he stared down as he ate his food.

  Lucas cleaned off the table as Tessa got the kids lunch packed. Kendall and Jake thanked her and hugged her and ran out the door to catch the bus. Alex was in the shower.

  Tessa smiled at him and he smiled back. They said nothing.

  Alex, Lucas, and Tessa piled in the truck a bit early today. They pulled in the school parking lot and Alex and Lucas got out of the truck and Tessa left to go get Jade.

  * * *

  The girls were at their locker when Tommy and Lucas came up the stairs. ���Good morning pretty girl,��� Tommy said as he kissed Jade. He didn���t have to ask anymore, they were in love and it was so good to see Jade smile, besides her father she had lost everything, including her mother to drugs and depression.

  ���Hello again, Tessa,��� Lucas said as he grabbed her hand and bent down to kiss her.

  ���Hello again to you too,��� she smiled as they walked down the hall.

  ���Hey, I want to kind of keep it quiet that you���re living with us, is that ok?���

  ���Sure but why?��� Lucas asked.

  Sadi walked by, ���Whore,��� she mumbled.

  ���That���s why,��� she scowled following Sadi with her eyes.

  ���If that���s what you want okay, but maybe it would shut her up.���

  ���I seriously doubt that,��� Tessa giggled.

  He smiled, ���Sorry Tessa,��� he kissed her and she walked into class.

  * * *

  The next two days flew by. School, practice, home, they kissed when they could and they couldn���t keep their eyes off each other. They were in love. It seemed as nothing else mattered, except each other.

  Tessa went to her mother���s on Wednesday and had a good time. They went to dinner, just the two of them and talked about school, hockey, and Lucas. Tessa avoided any talk of Doctor Feel good, she didn���t want to know and Maggie knew it. Tessa���s team was going to sectionals on Saturday, Alex and Lucas had a game the same day. Maggie would go watch Tessa and John and the kids would go to Alex���s game. Friday was left wide open, she was very excited.

  Her phone chimed and it was Lucas

  - Hope everything is going alright baby, I miss you. Ok so I miss your cooking, lol. ���LYA Lucas

  - Ha Ha Ha silly boy is that how it is going to be after just three days, I am not sure this is going to work all your expectations are exhausting, going to bed, see you at school���LYA Tessa

  - Tessa you know I was joking right? I miss you���LYA Lucas.

  - Thus the Silly boy, miss U2���LYA Tessa

  - The band or me���LYA Lucas

  - Definitely the band. GOODNIGHT���LYA Tessa

  Thursday morning Tessa rode the bus to school, she hadn���t done that since Alex got his license but it would have been silly for them to pick her up, too much travel. She sat with one of the girls from her team a sophomore named Katrina, ���Are you dating Lucas Links still?��� she asked and smiled.

  ���Yes,��� Tessa smiled back.

  ���Everyone from our old school was in awe of him, he���s pretty good looking but the way he treated girls sucked,��� Katrina said, ���He���s different with you, I think he really likes you.���

  The bus pulled to a stop and Lucas stood with a sign that had her name on it like he was a chauffeur waiting at the airport for her, ���I think so too,��� Tessa laughed.

  She got off the bus and Lucas was smiling at her, ���Good morning, Tessa Ross,��� he said grinning.

  ���Good morning.���

  ���May I take your bag ma���am?��� Lucas asked seriously.

  Tessa laughed, ���Of course you can���, and she tossed it to him and walked away with her nose in the air. He grabbed her and turned her around, she was laughing.

  ���I missed you,��� Lucas kissed her.

  She kissed him back and slowly pulled away, ���Yummy.�

  ���S���mores?��� Lucas asked.

  ���Absolutely,��� she said and kissed him again.

  Coach V walked by and cleared his throat loudly; they laughed and walked in to school hand in hand.

  * * *

  Lucas was standing against a black Lexis SUV when she finished practice.

  ���What���s going on?��� she asked as she walked up to him.

  ���Dad decided to trade my car in for this one. Nice, huh?���

  ���Yeah, I���d say so,��� she said, nodding disapprovingly.

  ���You don���t like it?��� Lucas asked.

  ���No, it���s awesome, but if I got high and wrecked a car, my butt would be walking,��� Tessa laughed.

  ���Yes, stellar parenting. Rewarding me for bad behavior. No wonder I���m a screw up,��� Lucas laughed.

  Tessa hugged him tightly. ���Don���t talk about yourself like that,��� she said. ���Let���s take it for a spin.���

  It had four – wheel drive, moon roof, and three row seating, the first two with captain���s chairs. It was brand new and loaded. There was a bow on the steering wheel and a note that said, ���Thank you, son.���

  ���Do you think he���s thanking me for getting all smoked up and driving?��� Lucas laughed.

  ���No, I think he may finally be seeing the real you,��� she said. ���You deserve this.��� Her eyes burned with unshed tears. She forced a smile. ���Hey, do the seats recline all the way?���

  ���I like the way you think, baby. Let���s get out of here and find out.��� Lucas started the SUV and peeled out.

  Tessa played with the radio and stopped when she heard the old song When I See You Smile. She started singing as she played with the seats. She found out that they in fact did recline all the way. He smiled and raised his eyebrow at her.


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