The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 57

by Mj Fields

  The baseball game was amazing. Their seats were behind the Yankees dugout. The Yankee���s won the game by four runs. Tessa and Alex bought hats and tee shirts for their siblings and parents, Tessa also snuck in a Onesie for Jade���s baby. Audrianna took lots of pictures throughout the day.

  * * *

  Tessa was tired and very crampy when they got home. Jade looked exhausted.

  ���You okay Jade?���

  ���Just tired, but I had so much fun today,��� Jade smiled. ���I think I should let Phoebe and Alex sleep in the girl���s room tonight, I can crash in with Ryan.���

  Tessa and Lucas helped his dad and step mom carry in all the bags. Audrianna made the girls take baths after being in the city all day, germs everywhere she had said. Tessa and Lucas finished reading the book from the car to them, and they fell asleep as soon as they knew everything was going to be okay with the orphaned girls.

  She followed Lucas into his room, and he smiled, ���You���re going to stay with me all night?���

  ���Is that okay even though we can���t��� well, you know.���

  ���Baby there are other things we could do,��� he said reaching his hands down the back of her pants.

  She scowled at him, ���Oh hell no.���

  He laughed, ���Someday you���ll be begging for it.���

  ���Let���s get one thing, well two things straight, not there ever! And not during this week, got it?���

  He smiled completely focused on her mouth. She laughed.

  ���I am going to take a shower, you know germs everywhere,��� he laughed.

  ���Can I join you?��� she smiled.


  She put on the bottoms of her swimsuit and climbed in with him. He smiled.

  She went down to her knees and grinned up at him.

  ���You are so awesome,��� his deep lust filled voice cracked when she took him into her mouth.

  They got dried off, and she put on her nightgown. He held her and kissed her.

  ���I love you Tessa,��� he whispered as she fell asleep.

  * * *

  In the morning, Jade was up with a pen and paper writing in the kitchen.

  ���Good morning,��� Tessa said as she walked by.

  ���Good morning, how was last night?��� Jade grinned.

  Landon walked in and laughed. ���She has her period, so it was probably uneventful.���

  Tessa instinctively smacked him in the stomach as he walked by, her jaw dropped when she realized she had hit him.

  ���Oh God, I���m sorry,��� she turned bright red.

  Landon laughed loudly, ���No��� I completely deserved that.���

  He walked up and put his arm around her.

  ���It���s the hormones right?��� he whispered.

  She laughed. ���You think it���s funny now. You���re in for a rude awakening when you have three in the house all at the same time and you have to deal with it.���

  ���I am not looking forward to that. But that tree fort can be modified��� Landon smiled. ���Tessa Ross, I like you.���

  Lucas walked in the room and saw his Dad smiling at Tessa with his arm around her shoulder.

  ���Wow, what���s going on here?���

  ���Well, I was just telling Tessa she���d better hurry up and cook me breakfast,��� Landon smiled.

  ���And I was just going to teach your Dad how to make breakfast,��� Tessa shot back.

  ���What do you mean? I made it yesterday.���

  ���Yeah��� okay,��� she giggled.

  Audrianna came downstairs and laughed when she saw Landon and Lucas making breakfast, Tessa was sitting on a stool near them telling them what to do as she and Jade laughed.

  ���Wow, you���re actually cooking breakfast today?��� Audrianna smiled.

  ���What do you mean?��� Landon said.

  ���Did you think I didn���t know?���

  ���Busted,��� Jade said, and they all laughed.

  The girls bound through the doorway with their dolls and hugged Lucas. He smiled and sat down and let them tell him all about the tea party and photo shoot.

  ���Tessa, would you read this and tell me what you think?��� Jade handed her the letter she had written that she intended on reading at the sentencing that was on Friday for the drunk driver that had hit them and killed Tommy.

  Tessa sat and read the four- page letter and tears rolled down her face. Lucas looked over at her and asked Jade what was up. She told him, and he hugged her.

  ���You okay?��� Lucas asked Jade

  ���I will be. He can���t walk for this Lucas, he just can���t,��� Jade started to cry.

  Tessa finished the letter and looked at Jade, who was hugging Lucas.

  ���It���s perfect Jade,��� she said quietly.

  Ryan, Phoebe, and Alex walked in. They all had their bags packed.

  ���Is everything alright?��� Ryan asked looking at Jade.

  She shook her head no and stood up and walked towards him, and he hugged her. She wrapped her arms around him and cried.

  ���Jade you and this little one are going to get through all this I promise,��� Ryan told her.

  The way he looked at her did not go unnoticed. Lucas looked at Tessa and him back at her, she smiled softly, and he hugged her.

  ���Good morning Baby,��� he kissed her head.

  ���Good morning,��� she looked up at him.

  * * *

  When they got to the state line, Lucas pulled over and asked Tessa to drive. He wanted to read the letter Jade would be reading tomorrow at the sentencing.

  Tessa checked to see if he was alright frequently.

  She held his hand.

  ���Both hands on the wheel, Baby,��� he kissed it before she let go.

  He finished and folded it up and put it in the envelope. He sat back and stared out the window. He could not believe this had happened. What a year, so much had gone on, his senior year was nothing like he expected. If not for Tessa and the fact that he had gotten to know his sisters and even his father better, he knew things would not be good. He would more than likely be sharing a room with his mother.

  * * *

  They pulled in and dropped Ryan and Phoebe off. Then they drove to the farm. Tessa pulled in, and Lucas jumped out to help them carry their things in. When everything was in the house, Tessa looked at him and hugged him. He hugged her and kissed her head.

  They stood there for a long time.

  ���Tessa I���m going to take off for a while, okay?���

  ���Oh okay, do you want me to come?���

  ���No, I���m just going to do some stuff around my place.���

  ���Well, I can help.���

  ���No Tessa, I will call you later okay?��� he walked out the door.

  Her phone chimed, and it was him

  - home safe and sound��� Love you, Lucas

  - okay, sorry if I was pushy Lucas��� Love Me

  - Tessa I just needed a few minutes, you know, big day tomorrow��� Love you, Lucas

  - Just wish you���d let me help, see you later��� Love Me

  Tessa walked out of the bathroom, and Jade sat on the couch.

  ���Want to watch a movie?��� she asked.

  ���I would love to,��� she flopped back on the couch.

  * * *

  The next day Lucas pulled in as Tessa was making breakfast. Her heart beat fast when he walked in. He was wearing
a suit and he looked gorgeous, she didn���t know if she was mad at him or not, he didn���t text or call the rest of the night.

  Lucas walked in and grabbed her and kissed her, he stopped for a moment.

  ���God Tessa it���s good to see you, I missed you,��� he kissed her harder and ran his hand down her back slowly. He pulled away and looked at her darkened eyes. ���I think you missed me too,��� he smiled and kissed her again.

  ���Where were you, I was worried about you?��� she asked after she composed herself.

  ���I was home Tessa.���

  ���Were you alone?���

  ���Of course, I was,��� Lucas scowled and stepped back.

  She turned around and made him a plate and sat it in front of him.

  ���I���m going to shower,��� Tessa walked out of the kitchen.

  When she returned, Jade was reading the letter again. She rubbed her back and did the dishes.

  Ryan walked in, and Tessa looked at the clock, ���I think it���s time to go.���

  Jade stood and hugged Lucas, ���That was beautiful.���

  ���Tessa you don���t have to go,��� Lucas said dismissively.

  ���Oh, I���m sorry I just assumed,��� Tessa felt a sharp pain in her chest.

  ���I think she should,��� Jade looked at Lucas

  ���I don���t have to.��� Tessa tried acting as if it wasn���t a good deal.

  Lucas grabbed her hand, ���Let���s go.���

  ���Lucas can I read the letter?��� she asked and rubbed his back.

  He stiffened, ���How about you drive?���

  * * *

  The drive there was very quiet. She needed to keep it together. Today wasn���t about them, but she knew things between them were changing and she didn���t know why. They pulled in, and she went to park.

  ���There���s a spot closer Tessa, Jade shouldn���t have to walk all that way,��� Lucas snapped.

  Tessa pulled up in front of the courthouse and smiled, ���You guys can get out here I will park and meet you in there.���

  She walked in, and they were sitting with Tommy���s family. She sat in the back. She listened to Jade���s letter and breathed slowly so that she wouldn���t cry.

  Lucas was next.

  ���Hello, I am Lucas Links, Tommy, and I have been best friends since we were eight years old. I want you all to know about who Tommy was, or is. Tommy has always been the only person in this world who no matter what would be there for me without judgment. He loved life, and he was an amazing man. He was kind and caring. He would always help anyone he thought needed it, even if they didn���t ask��� he would offer. He went to church every week and even dragged me along from time to time. Tommy was an athlete and a good student, he had a beautiful life and a beautiful future planned. Tommy never drank and drove; in fact he was the one who took care of those who might.���

  Lucas took a deep breath and his eyes darted to the bus driver, ���This man put every person at risk on that bus and on the road that night and statistics can prove that it was more than likely not his first offense. Just the first time he got caught. What this man did to Tommy, his family, his friends, his girlfriend Jade, and his future family is irreversible. I beg you to understand the loss we all are dealing with. Jade wakes every night crying for him. I have a very hard time myself sleeping. I blame myself for his death; I was the one who wanted to go that night. Had we left earlier, or a few minutes later we would not be here right now. Had the car been just a little bit further ahead, it would have been me, and he still would have been here. The hell we go through every day, the hell we go through every night, we will go through for the rest of our lives without Tommy. He needs to pay and receive the strictest punishment allowed by law, and then let God do the rest. Thank you for your time.���

  Tessa looked at him as he walked back towards them, his eyes were red. He briefly glanced at her and sat back down. The bus driver received the maximum sentence. Tessa stood by the door and watched as Tommy���s family, Jade, and Lucas, cried and hugged. They walked towards Tessa, ���I���ll go get the car,��� she said softly.

  Tessa pulled up, and they all got in. Jade sat in the front. The drive home was silent. Tessa looked in the mirror, and Lucas had on sunglasses, his head was resting on his hand as he stared out the window. Tessa pulled in the farm and they all got out. She watched Lucas hug Jade and Ryan. He got in the SUV and left. Tessa walked into the bathroom and melted.

  * * *

  Jade asked if she could give her a ride to Tommy���s. Mrs. Lane had called and wanted her to come over and stay the night. Tessa dropped her off and drove home.

  Phoebe was at the farmhouse with Alex. Tessa told them about the sentencing and that Jade was at Tommy���s for the night.

  ���Well, where is Lucas?��� Phoebe asked, and Tessa started to cry.

  She told her about the night before and about his letter. That he blames himself, and she was sure he blamed her. Phoebe hugged her, and Tessa decided to go for a run. She was gone about two hours and came home and checked her phone, he had texted her.

  - I���m hanging out at home tonight see you soon���Lucas

  She texted back

  - I���m sorry Lucas, please don���t shut me out��� LOVE Me

  - Not about you Tessa��� get over it��� Lucas

  She took a shower and cried and decided to go to his house.

  Tessa knocked on the door, and a guy she didn���t know answered it. Tessa walked in, and there was a bunch of people there. She searched for Lucas, and he was sitting on the couch with a couple girls and he was messed up. Tessa turned to walk away hoping he didn���t see her. She ran out and jumped in the Jeep, he followed her.

  ���Tessa what are you doing here?��� Lucas asked pissed off.

  ���I���m leaving, have a good time Lucas,��� she said and started to put it in reverse he took the keys out and threw them into the yard.

  ���Get out now,��� he hissed and opened the door grabbing her arm.

  She yanked away from him and went to look for her keys. Lucas saw them and grabbed them.

  ���Give me my keys, Lucas,��� she said shaking and feeling tears filling her eyes.

  ���What did you expect when you came here Tessa?��� he snapped.

  ���Not this,��� she grabbed for her keys fighting back the urge to cry.

  He stormed towards the pool and threw them in. ���Not very warm in there Tessa, probably should wait until they float up.���

  Tessa was so full of emotions; she was hurt, confused, and very, very angry.

  ���Nothing to say Tessa?���

  ���Yeah, keys don���t fucking float!���

  She kicked off her shoes and jumped in after them, it was cold. She got out, everyone from inside stood by the pool. Lucas stood by the stairs, and he extended his hand and she ignored it.

  ���Hey, everyone this is Tessa, my girlfriend,��� he laughed.

  He grabbed her arm, and she yanked it away. He grabbed her around her waist and carried her towards the door.

  ���Let me go Lucas before I flip out,��� she said in a low angry voice.

  ���Please excuse her she���s on the rag. Tessa gets a little bit cranky this time of the month,��� he said, and everyone laughed.

  She tried to hit him, and he grabbed her hand. He carried her up the stairs and walked into his room.

  ���You better get changed Baby, we have guests,��� Lucas smiled as he took her keys.

  ���I���m going home Lucas!���

��No way Tessa, my friends need to meet you,��� he shot daggers out of his eyes.

  ���Lucas, please give me my keys,��� she asked as a tear finally fell.

  ���No Tessa, you came here, now you can stay. I might need you later,��� he ran his fingers over her lips.

  She bit him hard. He pulled his hand back as if he were going to slap her.

  ���Lucas what are you doing?��� she cried.

  ���Don���t fucking bite me again, got it?��� he said and she ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

  He banged on the door, ���Open the door Tessa or I���ll break it DOWN.���

  She believed he would. She unlocked it and walked out. He grabbed her and dragged her in the closet and threw clothes at her.

  ���Get changed,��� he demanded.

  ���Leave the room,��� she shot back at him.

  ���Not like I haven���t already seen it all!���

  ���Get a good look because I can guarantee you won���t again! This is unacceptable Lucas, we are done!���

  ���Perfect, number fourteen has got to be down there somewhere,��� Lucas laughed.

  He took her keys and phone with him when he left.

  She wasn���t going to give him the satisfaction of another scene. She changed and lay down and cried herself to sleep. She woke when he walked in; she tried to pretend she was asleep.

  ���I know you���re awake. If you try to leave, I���ll come get you and shit maybe you can add that to the list of tragedy left in the wake of Tessa, the Terrible!���

  ���I want to go home, give me my keys.���

  ���Nope,��� he said. ���I already texted your brother, he���s going to cover for you.���


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