The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 66

by Mj Fields

  ���If she says yes Ryan, then you have my permission,��� Jack laughed.

  He called Lucas and asked him to go shopping with him. They went to the jewelers, and Ryan bought a ring.

  ���You���re serious aren���t you?��� Lucas smiled.

  ���Of course, does it bother you?���

  ���No man, I���m actually pretty proud of you,��� Lucas admitted.

  ���Don���t tell Tessa, please��� I want it to be a surprise��� he blushed. ���I do however want you both there if she agrees.���

  Ryan said, ���You asking me to be your best man Ryan?���

  ���I guess I am.���

  ���No bachelor party?��� he asked and laughed.

  ���I don���t think that would go over well, for either of us,��� Ryan laughed.

  Ryan sent Jade a text

  - Lunch tomorrow, I���ll pick you up at eleven��� I love you Jade

  - Ryan, that sounds excellent, all of it��� Jade

  * * *

  He pulled in and picked her up, ���Happy Birthday, Jade��� he kissed her.

  She smiled, ���Thank you, Ryan.���

  They ate lunch, and he took her for a walk out on the dock. He turned and looked at her.

  ���Ok Jade, I���ve told you I love you. I really do, and I have for years, just didn���t allow myself to realize how much until lately. I want to take care of you and your child forever.��� He knelt down on one knee, ���Jade Ross, will you marry me?���

  She stood frozen and whispered, ���Are you being serious?���

  ���Oh shit,��� he grabbed the box out of his pocket.

  He opened it and smiled and took a deep breath.

  ���Yes, very serious.���

  ���You don’t have to Ryan,��� she started to cry.

  ���Jade nothing would make me happier, and I promise I will make you happy forever, just say yes,��� he asked nervously.

  ���Well, I say that sounds beautiful,��� she smiled. ���Just like you Ryan Brooks. But you better ask him too��� she blushed pointing at her belly.

  He lifted her shirt and kissed her belly.

  ���What do you say TJ? Can I marry your Momma?���

  He held his hand on her belly and nothing.

  ���Little man I promise to be the best Daddy in the whole world,��� he said, he kicked. ���Does that mean yes?��� he asked looking at Jade���s big beautiful eyes.

  ���We say yes,��� she said and held his head against her belly. ���We say yes,��� she whispered looking up into heaven.

  He stood up and kissed her.

  ���We���re doing this today Jade, okay?���

  ���Are you being serious?��� her eyes widened.

  ���Nothing but. Are you okay with that?���

  ���I love you,��� she said, ���I love you��� she laughed and hugged him. ���However my Dad may not be alright with it. Have I said I love you yet?��� she laughed.

  ���Don’t ever stop,��� he kissed her. ���Oh, by the way, your dad already said yes.���

  ���You asked my dad?���

  ���Of course, and I asked him if today was alright, and he said yes, but only if you accepted. Jade are you sure?��� he asked.

  ���About marrying you, my friend?��� she smiled and looked at the ring. ���Absolutely, but how are we going to do this today?��� she laughed.

  ���Well, it won���t be anything fancy, but we can do it. In a year I promise to give you the perfect wedding,��� he hugged her.

  ���I���m working at the fair this weekend,��� she said out loud. ���My cousin’s wedding is this weekend.���

  ���Well��� that will be one hell of a honeymoon��� he laughed. ���But I���m good with all that.���

  ���Are you sure?���

  ���About all of it,��� he said.

  ���Let���s do it,��� she laughed, ���All of it.���

  He grinned, ���Alright then, I can���t wait.���

  ���Then don’t,��� she said grabbing his waist.

  ���Oh no,��� he kissed her, ���That can wait just a little longer.���

  They made phone calls, and it was all set for tonight at five. She wanted to marry him on the dock where he proposed to her. Just family and a couple close friends.

  It was beautiful, small and intimate, Jade glowed. She wore a light yellow long sundress that they had found on the clearance rack at a department store. Tessa���s was a shorter version of hers. Ryan and Lucas wore khakis and yellow shirts. All were barefoot. The youth minister married them. They ate dinner at the restaurant and Lucas handed him a card. Inside was a note that a reservation had been made for them at a nearby Inn.

  Ryan carried her over the threshold and they looked around the room. There were rose petals scattered everywhere, tea light candles glowing, and a bottle of non- alcoholic Champagne was chilling.

  ���This is amazing,��� she said.

  ���You���re amazing,��� he kissed her.

  His hands ran down her and rested on the small of her back. She moaned.

  He took her to the bed.

  ���If you���re tired we can sleep, we don���t have to yet Jade,��� he said through steamy eyes.

  ���I want you Ryan Brooks.���

  ���I want you Jade Brooks��� he smiled and kissed her neck.

  She turned around and pulled her long black hair over her shoulder.

  ���Unzip me please,��� she asked softly.

  He did, and her dress fell to the ground. She was not wearing a bra and her panties were silky white. She turned around and unbuttoned his shirt and gently pushed it back over his shoulders until it fell on the floor. She bent down and unbuttoned his pants, and he wore no underwear.

  ���Wow,��� she said as she looked at his perfect length and took him in her mouth.

  ���Oh my God, Jade��� he tried to pull her up, she pushed him into a seated position and smiled up at him. ���Jade it has been a long time, please stop it���s not going to take that long.���

  She stopped and looked up at him, ���I want to, you are so perfect. Please?���

  ���I want to be inside you, Jade��� he moaned as she continued.

  He took her breasts in his hand, and she moaned loudly. She continued, and he tried to pull away.

  ���Jade I���m going to������ he hissed, and she smiled up at him, ���Oh God, Jade,��� he yelled and pushed deeper in her mouth, ���I���m sorry.���

  ���I���m not,��� she smiled. ���Do you know how perfect you are?���

  ���That was a first for me. I���ve never swallowed,��� she laughed.

  ���Really?��� he asked. ���Will you do it again?���

  ���Now?��� she asked, ���If you want me to.���

  ���I love you Mrs. Brooks,��� he smiled. ���I want that at least twice a week got it?��� he asked and laughed.

  ���Why Mr. Brooks you keep being so perfect and you may get it more,��� Jade said. ���Now kiss me��� he hesitated and smiled. ���It���s yours isn���t it?���

  ���It���s all mine now,��� he smiled.

  ���You better seal that deal with a kiss,��� she said, and he kissed her.

  They kissed for a long tim
e, she pulled away to breathe. ���How long between scenes do you need?���

  ���Ready when you are, Mrs. Brooks.���

  ���I have been ready since Prom,��� she laughed.

  He flipped her over on her back and started at the top of her head and worked his way down, he took a lot of time with her breasts, and she was amazed at how it made her feel. She felt more responsive than she had with Tommy; she figured it was the pregnancy. He moved to her belly and gave it light kisses. He kissed down one leg and sucked her toes. Oh my, she thought. He kissed her other foot, and each toe met his tongue. He moved up her leg and started nibbling at her inner thigh.

  ���Ryan, you can���t,��� she moaned.

  ���I can and I will.���

  ���No, you actually can���t, I think I read something about it because of the baby��� she gasped.

  ���We will call your doctor tomorrow then because I really want to,��� he said with urgency in his voice.

  ���Okay,��� she said.

  He felt between her legs, and she moaned loudly.

  ���Perfect,��� he said.

  His eyes were on fire, and she was breathing deep and heavy, he moved slowly into her.

  ���Ouch, ouch, ouch,��� she said, and he pulled out.

  ���Oh, Jade I���m sorry maybe we should wait,��� he said.

  ���Are you kidding me?��� she yelled and gasped.

  He laughed, ���If it hurts you, we can wait.���

  ���I don���t want to, just go slow Ryan,��� she said and he pushed slowly into her carefully watching her face, she was holding her breath, she cringed.

  He pulled out again.

  ���If you do that again I���m going to scream, just slow, don���t stop, please,��� Jade begged.

  He used his fingers and slowly moved in again, she smiled at him.

  ���Half way there Jade,��� he said through clenched jaws.

  She pulled back slightly and he started to as well.

  ���Don���t you dare,��� she said.

  He smiled.

  ���Okay,��� he stimulated her breasts and moved further in.

  ���Oh God,��� she yelled and pushed towards him.

  He moved slowly in and out as she yelled his name.

  ���You are beautiful, Jade Brooks.���

  ���And you are amazing Ryan Brooks��� she yelled. She set the pace from there, and she reached orgasm over and over again and finally he joined her.

  ���Oh my God,��� she said when she finally could catch her breath. ���Please let me know when you���re ready again.���

  ���Whenever you are��� he smiled.

  ���Good,��� she pulled him onto her.

  ���What a gift from above��� she laughed when they finished together for the third time.

  ���We are going to take a break and eat.���

  She went to the bathroom and showered. He ordered room service. When she came out, he kissed her.

  ���I love you,��� he walked in the bathroom and showered.

  He came out in boxers and answered the door and tipped the wait staff. She lay in bed, and he uncovered her.

  ���I want you naked all night,��� he said. ���You���re so beautiful.���

  He fed her strawberries, and she fed herself him. She fell asleep after she had eaten veggies and pasta. He watched her sleep and thanked God for her. He cleaned up and lay next to her; she lay with her leg across him.


  Tessa left Lucas���s at midnight, they had discussed ideas he had for Ryan. Tessa smiled and loved him even more tonight than ever. He was kind and giving and absolutely amazing. His mother was moving in with the therapist when he went to school. They had planned to get married. He acted much more relaxed. She wore his choice that night and when they were done and showered she snuggled with him until he fell asleep. He had to work in the morning and gave Ryan a paid day off. He did expect him to stop over sometime to go over some plans.

  Her phoned chimed, and it was him

  - Plans for the weekend?... LL

  - So business like Mr. Links, kind of hot��� LT

  - Yes you are��� LL

  - work Thursday 7- 3 booster club tent at the big fair from 6- 10���ish between those hours, I plan to be on you if your schedule allows. Friday work from 7- 3 than wedding details, again whenever I can see you I will be showing you how much I miss you, Saturday WEDDING���lots of those this week��� noon until five. I would LOVE for you to work with me at the tent from six to ten that night…maybe sneak away for a little loving��� Sunday all yours���. LT

  - I���ll see what I can do about tonight, not looking good though, the rest of the time I���m all yours, I love you��� LL

  - come see me, please��� LT

  - Ryan just walked in. He looks exhausted, hmm wonder how things went, lol. Talk to you soon��� LL

  ���Hey, Ryan how are you?��� Lucas asked smiling.

  ���Great,��� he smiled.

  ���I wonder if all the Ross girls are the same, I swear Tessa could outlast me from day one,��� he laughed.

  ���Yeah, I���m pretty sure it���s genetic,��� he smiled and laughed.

  ���Are you happy man?��� Lucas asked.


  ���Cool, I wanted to know what you���re doing about school?��� he asked.

  ���Well, I haven���t talked to Jade about it yet, but I was thinking of the first semester taking a few night classes. I saw four that I would have to attend one night a week for three hours, like 7- 10. That would keep me full time. And then I have a couple applications to put in for jobs. My problem is going to be from like eight to ten thirty Jade will be at school, and I plan to take care of the baby, I don���t want that crazy bitch to have the opportunity. But I���ll figure it out, we���ll be fine.���

  ���Okay, so I talked to my father today and he has another job in Ithaca, it starts in two weeks. This one will be done by the middle of next week. Would you consider staying on with us?��� he asked.

  ���Lucas I love this job, I just don���t know how it���ll work,��� Ryan said.

  ���Can you give me a few hours to work on it? You���re good Ryan, smart, fast, focused, and you actually want to learn, none of those other guys give any sort of input or come up with ideas. They are truly just here to collect a paycheck. We were thinking you���ll be a foreman, its better pay, we will see where it goes from there. Forty dollars an hour to start Ryan. Oh and my mom is moving out of the house in two weeks, the same time I do. So to sweeten the pot it���s yours and Jade���s, just pay utilities and maintain it. I���m going to ask that I be able to keep my room for when I���m on break or come home. I promise to not be a bother, I���ll throw a gag on Tessa when she���s over, she gets a bit loud,��� he laughed.

  ���No, shit! Jade is too,��� he said and laughed.

  ���Really?��� Lucas said.

  ���Yeah why?���

  ���Oh, never mind.���

  ���No, why?���

  ���Tommy told me everything, and she never finished when she went down, and she was never loud,��� he laughed.

  ���Well, marriage must agree with her or pregnancy does, she did both last night,��� Ryan laughed.

  ���Nice,��� Lucas said.

  ���Real nice,��� he laughed. ���Alright, I should talk this over with my wife. Why are you doing this?���r />
  ���I told you, you���re good. And your family now Ryan. Tommy was like a brother to me, and in some way you���ve become that too.���

  ���Thank you, Lucas.���

  Ryan went back to Jade���s and told her what had happened. The stuff he planned and the offer Lucas had made. Before she had a chance to respond his phone chimed, it was Lucas

  - My father wants to know if you would be willing to bring the baby with you when Jade is at school. He says babies sleep a lot and with proper planning you could use that time to do paperwork. Let me know as soon as you can. Oh and a company truck and health insurance, he wants you man! How is Mrs. Brooks taking all this?... Lucas

  Ryan showed Jade the text.

  ���Is that what you want?���

  ���If it���s alright with you.���

  ���Well, it���s a pretty sweet deal.���

  ���Yeah, it is,��� he smiled.

  ���Are you ready for all that?��� Jade asked.

  ���I have a wife and a baby on the way, I mean a step child, I���m more than ready. And Jade I can���t wait to be able to take care of you the way you should be taken care of.��� Ryan kissed her.

  ���Well then,��� she said biting her lip, ���You text him back and say yes, I���m going to make my mouth happy.���

  - She said yes and well she is a bit busy right now to say anything else, married life rocks. Thank you again, Lucas��� Ryan

  - Sit back and enjoy man���. LL

  Tessa called Lucas. ���I love you, you���re like a superhero.���

  ���Thanks. I���m busy can I call you back?��� he said and then whispered. ���I���ll show you super hero later, Love you.���

  ���Lucas you have never been a quiet whisperer,��� Landon laughed, Lucas laughed too, ���You���re happy.���

  ���Yes I am, she���s absolutely amazing, Dad.���

  ���Good, school is important Lucas,��� he said.

  ���Well, you will be pleased to know she feels that way too. My first semester I have to live on campus, after that we plan to get a place together. I want to work summers to earn enough to get a decent place,��� Lucas smiled.


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