The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 81

by Mj Fields

  ���Fine then,��� she crossed her arms. ���Shall we sit and cry?���

  ���If that���s what you want to do,��� Lucas hugged her.

  ���I want to escape,��� she said quietly.

  ���We should go get some really stupid movies and a whole bunch of junk food.���

  ���You’re being such a girl,��� she smiled.

  ���Am I?��� he picked her up and spun her.

  ���Ouch,��� she laughed.

  ���Oh, sorry baby,��� he said gently putting her down.

  ���It���s no big deal,��� she laughed.

  ���You ready for your medication?���

  ���No, I can handle this,��� she said. ���Can we go buy some board games?���

  ���You mean like monopoly?���

  ���I was thinking scrabble.���

  ���Tessa ��� I will kick your ass,��� he laughed.

  ���We shall see,��� she smirked

  ���Okay, I can go,��� he said and kissed her, ���You stay here and relax.���

  ���No, I want to be with you,��� she closed her eyes.

  ���Alright then,��� he smiled.

  * * *

  They sat at the coffee table and Tessa giggled, ���I really am sorry about all this.���

  ���All of what, Baby?���

  ���All this ass kicking you���re going to get,��� Tessa smiled, looking at her scrabble pieces.

  ���Oh Baby, you know I love you right?���

  ���You better,��� Tessa smirked at him.

  ���You go first,��� he pointed to the board.

  Tessa laid down her first word.

  ���Baby what kind of word is that?��� Lucas laughed.

  ���Urination is a word Lucas,��� Tessa raised her eyebrows and he laughed.

  After an hour, Lucas was behind. Tessa was killing him, her words Buggery was one he objected to until she showed him in the dictionary what it meant and his dirty little mind shown through his deep dark green eyes.

  ���Not going to happen,��� Tessa smacked him in his shoulder.

  ���Baby, I thought you were a good girl,��� Lucas laughed as he looked at the board.

  Smegma, copulate anus, asshole, fellate, fellated, fellatio all Tessa���s words.

  ���I am a good girl Lucas. I just kicked your ass too,��� Tessa laughed.

  ���Nah, I got one more,��� he grinned.

  ���C. U. N������ Lucas laughed loudly when she cleared the board.

  ���That���s a nasty, nasty word Lucas,��� Tessa laughed.

  ���I like this game,��� he chuckled.

  ���Dirty Scrabble champ,��� Tessa raised her hands in the air victoriously as he clapped and whistled.

  ���Baby, we can���t play that again for awhile.���

  They spent the next four days together, talking and still playing scrabble and other games when he got too worked up.

  * * *

  Lucas was going to work with Ryan for the next two weeks before classes began. She had signed up for classes and was going to take a C N A class so that she could work. Lucas was not happy about her decision to work but understood there was no fighting with her about it. They planned to go to Mexico in the summer and had decided to go visit Troy on spring break. They went to the doctors together, and everything looked fine. She decided the birth control shot was her best option and Lucas thought that was not a good idea. He wanted to try again, but she convinced him that they should wait until he was done with school. He agreed but only if they could get married in the winter before his last semester of school and that she go off of birth control then.

  He agreed��� for now.


  On Valentine’s Day, she woke him. It had been six weeks, and she wanted him almost as much as he wanted her. The beauty of the shot was that she wouldn���t get her period only once every three months. His eyes opened when he felt her under the covers.

  ���Good morning Tessa, get up here,��� he pulled her up towards him.

  ���I���m not done with you,��� she laughed.

  He kissed her and they slowly began exploring each other. She was scared, and he was very gentle. It didn���t hurt like she was afraid it would. It felt great.

  He had classes until two and wanted to go out to dinner that night. When he got home, she met him at the door in a deep red outfit and had made a picnic.

  ���I thought we were going out,��� he handed her flowers, yellow roses, and white daisies.

  ���I thought we should stay in.���

  ���Are you sure you���re up to this?���

  She laughed, ���Yes, I am.���

  ���Good,��� he lifted her up.

  When they were finished, Tessa went to the bathroom. Lucas ran downstairs to get a drink, and her phone rang on the counter He answered it.

  ���Hello Lucas, it���s Ben.���

  ���Okay ��� what���s up,��� Lucas asked.

  ���Well, Tessa messaged me earlier to tell me that what happened. I wanted to know that she was alright and to tell you both that I was sorry.���

  Tessa came downstairs in one of his t- shirts.

  ���Thanks, here she is,��� he handed the phone to her.

  ���Who is it?��� she asked.

  ���Your friend,��� he said coldly and walked in the other room.

  ���Hello?��� she said not knowing who it was.

  ���Hey, Tess I just got your message, are you alright?��� Ben asked.

  ���Ya, I���m fine,��� her voice cracked. She hadn���t talked to him in a few months. ���I just wanted you to know.���

  ���Okay, is there anything I can do for you?��� he asked sincerely.

  ���No,��� she said quietly.

  ���Alright then, Happy Valentine���s Day.���

  ���You too Ben, thanks for calling.���

  ���Are you sure Tess?���

  ���Yes, I am,��� she said and tears poured down her face.

  ���Don���t cry.���


  Ben gave her a few minute to calm herself down.

  ���How���s married life?���

  ���Well���we aren���t married yet,��� she smiled.

  ���Good to hear,��� he said with a smile in his voice.

  ���But it���s been good, he has been amazing.���

  ���Not so good to hear,��� he laughed. ���But I���m glad you���re happy, I really am.���

  ���Are you Ben?���

  ���Always Tess, girl you know that,��� he said being silly.

  ���Okay, I���m glad so��� I���ll talk to you soon?���

  ���Whenever you need me.���

  She hung up and walked into the living room. Lucas was sitting on the couch and was clearly annoyed.

  ���Hey Lucas,��� she sat next to him. ���Are you mad at me?���

  ���I just don���t know why you had to call him.���

  ���I just wanted him to know. Lucas he was the only other person who knew,��� she said softly.

  ���Why today?���

  ���I don���t know, I guess the thought never crossed my mind until now. And I didn���t call him, I sent him a message,���
she said defending herself.

  ���Interesting,��� he stood up. ���I���m tired, we both have early classes tomorrow, and I���m going to bed.���

  She cleaned up the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of ice cream and sat in front of the TV. She ate until she was full, comforted, not feeling guilty and then, she fell asleep on the couch.

  ���Tessa,��� he said touching her head.

  She opened her eyes and looked confused.

  ���It���s three in the morning, are you coming to bed?���

  ���Yes,��� she stood up.

  She took her bowl to the kitchen and went upstairs.

  ���Lucas I love you, please don���t be mad at me.���

  ���Goodnight Tessa,��� he snuggled into her.

  He was in the shower when she woke, she brushed her teeth.

  ���May I come in?���

  ���Good morning,��� he smiled, ���yes, please do.���

  They got out and dried off.

  ���Are you mad at me Lucas?���

  ���No, I just don���t get it,��� he admitted.

  ���There���s nothing to get after you left yesterday I was happy. I got on my facebook account and checked my messages. He had sent one and I thought he should know. He was the only person that knew. I just thought he should know. I���m sorry��� she looked down.

  ���I hate Facebook Tessa, who else sends you messages?���

  She grabbed the laptop and went to sign in.

  ���Okay, you can put in my password, I have nothing to hide from you,��� she said and sat next to him.

  ���Alright what is it?���

  ���It’s your name,��� her face turned red, and he smiled. ���And LYA.���

  ���Love you anyway,��� he smiled.

  ���I love you.���


  ���Nothing less.���

  ���Okay, I trust you Tessa. I need to get to school so do you,��� he kissed her.

  ���I���ll be up there in our bed when you get home,��� she said and touched his stomach.

  He closed his eyes and breathed deeply, ���Sounds good, baby.���

  * * *

  The next few weeks had been busy. She was taking sixteen credits: three classes at school and one online. Tessa was working three days a week and one night every other weekend. Lucas was irritated by this but didn���t argue. He spent his evenings alone with the guys at their place. Tessa always made dinner and munchies for them��� the guys often played cards and drank.

  When she got home on those nights, she was usually tired and his friends normally stayed. He was always a bit rougher those nights, and normally she didn���t mind at all.

  She walked into a house full of people the week before Spring break. She had gotten out an hour early, not feeling well. Lucas was nowhere to be found. No one noticed she had walked in. The music was loud, and she was shocked to see some of Jenny���s friends there. She ran upstairs to their room and he was in the bathroom throwing up and Jenny was sitting on the edge of the garden tub laughing at him.

  ���What���s going on?��� she asked.

  ���Hey baby,��� he said laughing. ���I think I drank too much.���

  He and Jenny both laughed.

  ���You need to leave,��� Tessa said to Jenny.

  ���I don���t think that���s up to you,��� Jenny laughed.

  ���She has drunk a lot too baby, I don���t think she should drive,��� he stood up, stumbled, and brushed his teeth.

  She looked at him and walked out. He followed her.

  ���You pissed?���

  ���That���s an understatement, Genius!��� she walked into the closet and grabbed some clothes.

  ���Tessa it���s been months��� I got over you messaging Benny boy I think you can deal with this,��� he tried to hug her.

  ���No, it���s not the same thing,��� she walked passed him.

  ���Get the fuck out of my bedroom ��� bitch!��� she yelled at Jenny.

  ���Tessa, come on������ Lucas said.

  ���It���s alright Link���s I can go. Oh, by the way, Tessa you look nice in those scrubs, kind of hide���s the fact that you���ve grown in the past couple months,��� she cackled as she walked out the door.

  Jose walked in the room, ���Did I miss the party?���

  Lucas was laughing, and Tessa���s eyes filled with tears. Jose hugged her,

  ���What are you doing man?��� he asked Lucas.

  ���Having a good time, but I guess it���s not allowed,��� he sneered and pointed at Tessa.

  ���No, what���s not allowed is her being in my house, and my bedroom,��� she yelled at him.

  ���Whose house, Tessa?��� Lucas asked and walked out.

  ���Hey girl, I���ll get her out of here,��� he said. ���You get yourself together, that bitch will feed on this.���

  ���Thanks, Jose,��� she said and walked into the bathroom.

  She got on the scales and was shocked to see she had gained twenty- two pounds. She looked in the mirror and cried. She took a deep breath and showered. How could she not have noticed? How do you go from one hundred and twenty pounds to one hundred and forty- two without even noticing? She grabbed her robe and got dressed. She needed to get out of there. She threw some stuff in a bag and Jose walked in helping Lucas to bed.

  Lucas laughed and smiled a sloppy drunk; I���m trying to be sexy smile, ���Coming to bed baby? I got something for you.���

  ���Not a chance,��� she muttered, and he passed out.

  ���Tessa all the girls are gone, I got them home,��� Jose said. ���Where are you going girl, you can���t leave like this.���

  ���I can���t stay here, I���m going home. Thank you, Jose,��� she hugged him.

  ���Tessa just stay for a while and calm down girl.���

  ���I���ll call when I get there, Jose. I just can���t stay here. After all, it���s not my house,��� she said and walked out the door.

  * * *

  She walked in the farm house, and Chewy jumped on her. She pet him and lay on the couch. Everything came crashing down. Toby had been gone a year, her baby, Tommy��� Ben���. Lucas. She couldn���t stand it. She fell asleep as she softly cried.

  She woke up and went upstairs and she got into bed and fell back to sleep with Chewy on her feet.

  Her mother came upstairs. ���Tessa honey, is everything alright?���

  ���Yes, I just missed you guys. Can we talk in a little bit? I���m so tired.���

  Her phone chimed:

  - Tessa I just woke up, you���re not here. I feel like shit I hope everything is alright, answer your phone!.. LL

  - I���m home you know my home, maybe you should call your friend Jenny and have her come over��� T

  - Call me damn it!... LL

  - No��� Tessa

  - alright I���m coming there��� LL

  His phone rang.

  ���No, don���t come here, I don���t want to see you!��� she yelled at him.

  ���Tessa what happened last night?��� He asked and was either a great actor or truly didn���t remember.

  ���How often does she come to YOUR house?��� she asked.

  ���Jenny? Baby she doesn���t, well until last night. I didn���t know Miles called her, s
orry alright?���

  ���And I���m supposed to believe you?��� she yelled.

  ���Yeah, it���s the fucking truth,��� he yelled back. ���You need to tell me what happened, because I have no idea!���

  ���I came home you were in your bathroom on the floor throwing up in the toilet and she was in there laughing and having a great time with your happy ass, Lucas. I told her get out, you said she could stay. As she left, she nicely pointed out how fucking fat I���ve gotten and by the way thanks for pointing that out to me asshole! Jose came and cleared out the trash, and I left. Did you catch that Lucas or do I need to slow it down, oh and when I told her to get out of our house you reminded me it was YOURS. So I���m home right now��� I���m home!���

  ���Tessa this is your home, too. Come home so we can talk, please,��� Lucas pleaded.

  ���No! God Lucas, I believed you when you promised you would never hurt me again, what did I do to deserve this?! WHAT DID I DO! Fuck it���goodbye,��� she said and hung up.

  Her phone chimed

  - I���m coming to you���. LL

  - You better not Lucas! I won���t be here��� T

  - Where are you going baby?... LL

  - that is no longer any of your concern��� T

  She walked downstairs, and her Mom was sitting at the table.

  ���Tessa I know you have a lot going on right now, but we need to talk about this,��� she said and pushed the envelope towards her.

  It was insurance paperwork that showed her emergency room visit New Years day. Tessa cried.

  ���Mom I���m sorry,��� Maggie hugged her. ���I was going to tell you but not for a couple more weeks and then that happened, and I just didn���t want to go through it again.���

  ���Alright honey, but don���t keep stuff this important from me again,��� Maggie hugged her; ���I���m so sorry honey.���

  Maggie���s phone chimed it was Lucas


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