The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 117

by Mj Fields

  ���Good morning, beautiful,��� he kissed the back of her neck.���

  Tess leaned back and smiled. ���Good morning, this is unexpected thank you.���

  She was wondering when he would drop the bomb about leaving today. She hoped he would change his mind. She knew either way she would be alright; she just had to have faith.

  ���Tessa, I have to go away for a couple days, and I really don���t want to leave you here alone. Not emotionally and not physically. I have some things to take care of. My assistant Tomas is going to be staying next door; if you need anything at all, you are to ask him.��� Wow, she thought. I am to ask him? ���I���ll be back on Saturday morning before you���re even out of bed.���

  ���Oh,��� Tessa said. ���Is everything alright?���

  ���Yes just a couple things to deal with and then I���ll be back. I don���t want to go. I have to.���

  ���Ok,��� and that was that she thought.

  She stood up and told him she really wanted to go for a run, and he offered to go with her.

  ���Nope, I need to take care of my head right now, I hope you understand.���

  He took the tray downstairs and watched as she put her shoes on and walked out the door.

  Collin wished he had met her first, he wished he knew her before she knew the pain. He had this burning desire to take care of her, and he had no idea why. He had never felt like this before about a woman. She left the house and he grabbed her phone off the counter and added his number to her contact list. Telling himself, he wanted to be sure she had his number if she needed anything.

  * * *

  Collin went home to shower and pack his bag. He emailed Tomas strict instructions to watch after his neighbor. He wanted to be sure she had it easy until her friends came into town.

  Tessa came back from her run and felt lighter, it is what it is. She loved all the kissing and the way he treated her. It took her mind off of what she left behind. If this was nothing more than a distraction, she felt blessed that she had that. He was the sweetest distraction she had ever encountered. As hot as Lucas and Ben combined and sweet like Toby. She wished she had met him first, but he was a guy and his little business trip was? She shoved back the jealous feelings knowing she had no right and decided to just enjoy the day.

  She sat down and responded to emails, and messaged her family and told them she was having a relaxing good time. That she couldn���t wait for her friends to come up and she���d see them soon. She checked out Facebook and sent a group message to Phoebe, Jessie, Becca, Cassidy, and Jade. Telling them if they wanted to come sooner, they would be greeted with open arms, cold wine and great food. It was Tuesday, and they would all be here by Thursday night. She wondered when Collin would be leaving and decided to busy herself with some landscape therapy tomorrow. She was deep in thought when he walked in the door.

  ���When do you have to leave and is there any way I can get you to change your mind?��� she flashed him a smile.

  ���That run did you well,��� he walked up to her, held her head in his hands and kissed her gently. ���I don���t want to go, trust me I want to stay like this,��� he wrapped his arms around her. ���My flight leaves at six tonight. I���ll be home at six on Saturday morning.���

  Tessa���s phone was blowing up with messages from the girls, and he smiled.

  ���Besides in two days, you���ll have your friends here and probably will have long forgotten me,��� he winked, secretly hoping that wasn���t true.

  ���Not likely,��� she said with a sad tone to her voice. ���My Aunt thought you were a lot of fun to watch.���

  ���We should talk about that huh?���

  ���My Aunt? Why, did the two of you hook up?��� Tessa laughed.

  ���No, she fed me,��� he laughed, ���No��� on a serious note I wonder if that���s why I feel so���well holding you is comfortable to me. It just feels��� I don���t know.���

  ���It feels comfortable, not awkward like it���s happened before. And it has,��� Tessa giggled.

  ���Very comfortable,��� he hugged her.

  ���I wonder if,��� she stopped.

  ���What is it Tessa?���

  ���Nothing, this is nice,��� she smiled up at him.

  He looked confused, and she put her head against his chest, and he stiffened a bit.

  ���My assistant Tomas will be staying at the house tonight and until I return, he has instructions to look after you in my absence.���

  ���Really, your assistant? Is he as hot as you? And what Mr. Abraham is he to do, fill in here,��� she grabbed him and kissed him.

  His eyes narrowed, and nose flared a bit, he looked a bit confused. ���Not if he values his job or life.���

  ���Jealous Mr. Abraham? I would love for you to remember that feeling while you���re away on business,��� she said with a teasing tone in her voice.

  ���Why would you want that, I don���t understand?��� he was clearly agitated and stepped back.

  She cocked her head to one side ���I was joking, you know ha, ha funny?���

  ���No, not funny at all,��� he said and with that he threw her over his shoulder and smacked her ass.

  Damn that felt good, she thought.

  They talked a lot throughout the day. She knew his favorite color was the same as hers, blue, of course. He knew her favorite place to think was behind her parent���s farm next to the falls in the woods. She knew he liked all kinds of music but loved instrumental pieces. He knew this kind of music drove her crazy and she had the need to make up words to any Kenny G song she had ever heard. They took a long walk on the beach and ate lunch on the patio. Many times throughout the day, she was reminded that this was probably the last time she would feel like this. She tried to push those feelings aside and enjoy the hot sun on her body as she was wrapped in the arms of this sweet, sweet distraction.

  He couldn���t believe how at home he felt with her. He���d never felt like this before. He���d never wanted to wake up next to someone and share his day or life with anyone. He���d been with dozens of women; all fell short of what he saw in her. They all wanted to please him and be pleased by him, but it was always on his terms. No spending the night and no attachment. But Tessa��� was different. To him, she was more beautiful than any woman he had ever been with. And the way she interacted with her family and even her dog made it so easy to fall for her, the fact that she wasn���t even trying made it even sweeter. Even though, she was hurting she seemed strong yet soft. Not wallowing through her past and letting it drag her under. Something he admired, something he fought to maintain within himself most of his life.

  They both were aware that it was nearing three o���clock, and still they sat wrapped in each other���s arms basking in the warmth of the sun. The doorbell chimed, and they stood up. He answered the door, and Tomas stood there.

  ���Tessa, come here a minute please,��� he yelled behind him.

  She threw a shirt over her bathing suit and walked to the door.

  ���Tomas this is Tessa, Tessa Tomas.���

  She smiled at him, ���Pleased to meet you.���

  He wore khaki pants and a maroon shirt. His eyes covered by dark glasses and his hair cut very short. His response was very professional, ���Likewise ma���am.���

  Tessa laughed, ���Its Tessa, Tomas; Ma���am makes me sound way too old.���

  He nodded his head and took Collin���s bag to the black SUV. Collin grabbed Tessa and sat her on the counter and hugged her tightly against his body.

; He smelled her hair and kissed her head. ���I���ll be back on Saturday, please don���t put yourself in any danger. I want to spend more time with you.���

  He kissed her head and held her tight again.

  ���Fly safe Collin. Please let me know when you���re there,��� was all she could bring herself to say.

  As he walked out the door, he patted Leia���s head and said, ���See you soon, girl.���

  She sat there for a moment and memories of her childhood flooded her. Her Mom would line them all up to kiss their Dad when he left on the truck. They all said the same thing as they kissed him goodbye, drive safe, we love you.

  Ok, Tessa get down and get busy, no time to sit and feel sorry for yourself. She jumped off the cold counter and grabbed a pen and paper from the drawer below where she sat. She made a list of things she would need to turn the patio and yard into the oasis it should be. She grabbed a bottle of white spray paint from the closet and walked outside. She carefully drew with the paint where she wanted things to go. When she was finished, she got dressed and threw her hair into a ponytail. Collin���s white hat set on the counter, she grabbed it and threw it on dragging her ponytail through the back.

  If anyone ever saw me in this thing they would die, or kick my butt, she laughed to herself.

  She grabbed her keys and put Leia on the back porch. She punched in home improvement into her GPS and headed out to collect the things she needed.

  * * *

  When Tessa returned, she saw Tomas sitting on the back steps of Collin���s house. She waved, and he waved back. She opened the back of the Jeep and began carrying in bags of top soil and mulch. Tomas appeared in her backyard bringing bags down as well.

  ���Thanks, Tomas,��� she said, ���you don���t have to do this.���

  ���Yes Ma���am I do,��� he responded.

  ���Well then if I am to allow it you better call me Tessa,��� she smiled.

  He nodded and went back up the yard to make another trip. When everything was unloaded, she looked around and smiled. Busy work she thought, exactly what I need. She went inside to grab some water, and when she returned, Tomas stood in the same spot.

  ���Is that all Ma���am or should I stay and help?���

  She handed him the water, ���No sir that���s all, this is all mine. I���m going to enjoy it.���

  He drank the water and excused himself and walked next door.

  She got busy digging out her beds and planting her lilac and butterfly bushes in the yard, being careful not to take up the entire area in which the kids and dogs roamed. She started on the patio, potting magnolias and daisies and mixing them with various flowering blue grasses. She headed to the back porch and carefully hung the window boxes and planted them with marigolds and different greenery.

  At 7:30 she heard her phone ring, she wiped her hands and looked at the caller ID, and it was Collin.

  ���Hello Collin��� she answered

  ���How did you know it was me?��� he asked with a smile in his voice.

  ���I am pretty sure you know the answer to that,��� she laughed ���how was your flight?���

  ���It was good.���

  ���Collin where are you?���

  ���New Jersey,��� he answered.

  ���Oh, I see, well I hope you���re alright. I mean well have a good time I guess.���

  ���I���ll be back shortly, I promise,��� he said quietly.

  They ended the conversation and Tessa was feeling very uneasy. New Jersey���uugghhh!. Was he seeing one of his no strings partners? Did she overwhelm him with all the talk, would he come home the same? She was almost in tears when she realized how deep her feelings for him were. She closed her eyes and remembered that it would all be ok. She needed to figure out what she needed before worrying about bringing someone else into this. Her sweet distraction was no doubt a gift from above, how long it was hers to enjoy only God knew.

  She went in and drew a bath, and soaked for a long time. Her eyes were getting heavy, and her muscles finally relaxed, she got out and threw on her robe and let Leia inside. They walked upstairs, and she grabbed a tee shirt and threw it on and went to bed. She could smell him on the pillow he had laid his head on for the past two nights. For a moment, she smiled and then realized he may very well be on the pillow of someone else���s bed right now. She shoved her thoughts away, said her prayers, and fell asleep.

  The next morning she woke and immediately became angry and put on her sports bra, socks, panties and shorts, and ran. Her body was still very sore from the previous days work. The burn felt good, and she ran until she couldn���t run anymore. She and Leia walked up to the house and waved to Tomas as she opened up the gate and walked into the oasis she created the day before. She grabbed a drink of water on the counter her phone flashed with missed messages and missed calls. Collin had left a voice mail.

  ���I just wanted to say good morning.���

  The next was a message from him: ���How was your run? Am I safe to assume you won���t be limping when I return in two days? I didn���t sleep well last night, my arms were empty. Yours better have been as well.���

  She texted him:

  - Run was great, my night sucked, busy day ahead, my girls will be in tonight

  Collin immediately responded:

  - Will you be staying in tonight? If not Tomas could take you wherever you need to go, in fact, I would feel much better if he did.

  She responded:

  - Well, I���m not sure, but I think we will be fine.

  She threw her phone and went outside. She wanted to plant some climbing rose bushes on the side and back of the house, and so she did. She dug and planted. She saw that there were a lot of extra plants and thought of Collin���s bare deck and decided she would spruce it up a bit. She filled four deck boxes and carried them each over. She told Tomas what she was going to do, and he helped. She filled a large empty ice bucket with soil, flowers, and plants. She set it beside the back door. She sat back and looked at her work. Needs more she thought.

  She ran next door and looked at the clock on her phone, okay 10am lots to do before they get here.

  She showered and dressed, brushed her teeth and hair. She called Leia in and grabbed her phone and keys and headed out the door. She drove down the main strip and looked at the boat launch where she had completely embarrassed herself. Nice Tessa, she thought.

  She pulled in and parked in front of the hardwood store. She grabbed the boards to make a sign and some paint. She saw some buckets that were galvanized like the one she had potted plants in at Collin���s, she grabbed three. She checked out and asked directions to the grocery store. She walked through the store and grabbed a few things she needed for the girls retreat over the next few days.

  As she drove down she saw a church that looked familiar. Memories of her summer here with Aunt Ann flooded her mind, not realizing it she pulled into the driveway and sat and looked at it. She remembered a week she spent attending VBS here. She read the sign and heard a tap on the window.

  ���Hello Miss, can I help you?���

  ���I am sorry I was just remembering a summer I spent here with my Aunt, and this is where I spent a lot of my time. Her name was Ann.���

  ���Ann Munn? Tessa��� is that you? It’s Pastor Lou; I was the Youth Pastor that summer, now this is my church. I also came to Ann���s the day she passed,��� he smiled and opened the door to her car.

  ���Of course, Hey Lou, it���s great to see you! This starts Sunday night? Could I help out for the week?��� she hugged him.

  ���Absolutely, how about you assist in the kitchen or music?��� he said with a smile ���I remember you
loving the music and how your Aunt loved to watch you sing. We have someone already doing the musical segments, but she may need someone to assist. God willing there will be a lot of children in attendance.���

  ���Great, what time should I be here?���

  ���Starts at six so how about 5:30?���

  ���Excellent, that���s great ��� I truly look forward to it. I���ll see you then,��� she hugged him and jumped in the car.

  She drove home with a renewed look at her getaway. She was happy and ready for the next few days relaxing and laughing with friends, and the week ahead working with kids.

  She finished up the buckets and carried them next door, two in the front, the rest in the back. Ann would be happy to see that she was still being kind to her Joe. She ran next door and grabbed a hammer out of the closet. She nailed the pieces of wood together and painted the front white. As it dried, she marinated the meat and made salads. She danced around the house with Leia to Casting Crowns and Pearl Jam, odd mix but hey���

  It was six, and the girls would be here in less than 2 hours, she decided to finish the sign. She carefully drew a cabin and wrote the words on the sign. She let it dry as she filled the beverage coolers with wine and beer. Once it was dry, she hammered it into the landscape and placed a few solar lights around it so that it would light up at night. She stood back and smiled.

  She decided to take a quick shower before they got there. She felt good and finished dressing just as the minivans pulled in. She could hear Leia tapping around on the floor doing her happy dance. She looked out the window them all and laughed out loud as ran down to greet them.

  * * *

  Phoebe parked and jumped out and hugged her!

  ���It���s been less than a week you���re all baby.���

  ���Well, look at you all skin, bones, and boobs!��� Phoebe laughed and rubbed her belly, ���the weight you���ve lost we found.���


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