The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 120

by Mj Fields

  ���Please don���t sit like that. Reminds me of every time I have disappointed you, it���s your frustrated position,��� Tessa said with an apprehensive smile.

  He let go of her hands and rubbed his legs, he stood and paced, ���Ok I���m going to tell you something that may upset you, I���m upset by it. And I���m pissed off that��� ���

  Tessa interrupted him ���Please just tell me, whatever it is I know I have done to myself. I know you don���t do this sort of thing, and I won���t be upset.���

  Collin rolled his eyes, ���It���s nothing to do with me and you Tessa alright just listen. Last night when I left here I opened my bedroom window; it’s 10 feet from your back porch, Jessie was arguing with someone. She said the name Lucas several time���s, so I walked to the window. I only heard one part of the conversation, so I wasn���t sure what was going on. When things got mushy, I walked out my back door, and she saw me. She got off the phone pretty quickly. I called her over she came without hesitation. I asked her to tell me what was going on. She started crying and said she and your ex were together and had been since you two split, she said she didn���t mean for it to happen. She was looking for sympathy that she would not be receiving from me. I asked her why she bothered coming and she said she didn���t know and cried more. I told her I think it best if she left in the morning. So this morning, I heard them all in the kitchen, by the way, I came back here last night to make sure you were ok and ended up falling asleep in your bed. Anyway, I went down and asked her if she planned to tell them, and she did. Your sisters decided that it would be best if she left, partly because they wanted to kill her and partly because Jade actually tried to go after her. Are you with me?��� he asked she shook her head, and he continued.

  ���So your sister got on Facebook and checked out his page? I don���t know much about it, but his thing said he was in a relationship with her, and there were graduation pictures, of your graduation I���m assuming, and he was kissing her neck? Tessa again��� this is way out of my league. This whole relationship thing ��� but I need you to tell me what I can do to make this better for you, because what I really wanted to do is let Jade loose on her.���

  She sat there silently for a few minutes, and he stood and waited for her response. She finally took a deep breath and smiled at him.

  ���Do you know I was supposed to marry him today?��� he looked sadly at her and he shook his head yes ���Wow, I���m so glad I called it off.���

  She sat and looked dazed.

  He asked her if she needed a few minutes alone and she didn���t, he asked her if it was alright to hug her and she shook her head yes. After a few minutes, she put her arms around his waist and asked him if it was okay that they went back to her place, and he took her hand and they walked over together.

  They all stood in the kitchen and she felt like she was walking into a funeral. She giggled and covered her mouth, looked down and shook her head. She started to laugh ��� she looked up, and the look of terror was on all of their faces which made her laugh more until she was laughing so hard her stomach hurt. Jade was the first to join in, then her sisters until they were all laughing so hard they could not breathe. She looked at Collin, and he looked completely bewildered. Tears started coming down Tessa���s cheeks, and he put his arms around her and held her tightly which made her laugh some more. Kendall tried to explain that this was sort of normal and he didn���t get it, but he shook his head and rubbed the back of her hair.

  ���Oh, that hurt my stomach,��� she said as she finally got it together. ���I���m shocked and haven���t a clue what to say except, did any of you other bitches screw my ex?���

  They all started laughing again.

  Tessa looked at Collin and smiled, ���I���m not sad, I���m disgusted that she came here and wonder why. I just don���t get it, but honestly I don���t care, and that really freaks me out.���

  They all looked at Tessa.

  Jade was angry, ���I told you a year ago I didn���t trust her. Dirty ass used up bitch. I wonder what that car ride home must be like, thank God for Becca or she would be screwed.���

  They all laughed.

  ���Let���s not waste this beautiful day. Don���t we have a boat to catch?��� Tessa giggled.

  They went and grabbed their beach bags, and Collin loaded the cooler. Kendall threw him the keys.

  ���You���re driving a minivan today,��� they all laughed as he grabbed the cooler as and walked out the door still conflicted about the scene he had just witnessed.

  As they drove her phone rang, and it was her sister.

  ���Tessa, how are you?��� Molly asked.

  ���Honestly, I���m fine, are you ok?���

  ���Except that I���m stuck in the car for the next six hours with her, I just hope you���re ok.���

  ���It���s just funny, sad kind of, for them, not me. I want him to be happy, good Lord I want her to be happy, I just wish it wasn���t so ��� dirty you know? I want to know why she came here.���

  ���I can ask her,��� Molly snapped which was totally out of character for her.

  ���No, don���t. But please let her know I forgive her. He wasn���t my husband, he was a live in, not the way it���s supposed to be, probably why it didn���t work out. I love you Molly thanks for taking her home, Jade may have done unspeakable things to her��� she laughed. ���Drive safe and kiss my niece for me.���

  Collin heard her and was happy that she was really alright. He grabbed her hand and held it stroking it with his thumb lightly all the way to the pier. They walked to the boat with their arms around each other as the others followed.

  ���You seem very strong Tessa, but I need to know that you���re ok.���

  ���She will be fine; one of her BFF���s is a shrink. If that doesn���t work, there���s always this��� Jade giggled as she held up a bottle of wine. ���And if they fail there is always this,��� Jade took Tessa���s hand and placed it on his backside and smiled as she fell back with the others.

  ���She is a treat,��� Collin says, ���How long have you known her?���

  ���Forever, she���s my cousin. We���ve been through a lot together,��� Tessa answered getting lost in thought.

  They walked on the boat, and the Captain greeted them. They all made their way to the back and Jade handed out drinks. Tessa looked up at Collin and asked if he would like one, he shook his head no and flared his nose as he ran his fingers through his hair.

  She drank a couple glasses of wine and chatted with the girls, he stayed up front with the Captain.

  ���What���s with him?��� Sarah asked.

  ���Emotional overload,��� Jade replied ���Not all men are like our guys.���

  ���That���s because they weren���t raised with us,��� Kendall laughed.

  Tessa looked at him and smiled, she thought of the night on the patio when he revealed his family life and opened his heart to her. Unlike most people, including her, he didn���t wallow in his misgiving; he made a decision to not become a victim of the cycle people tend to fall into. He studied his ass off and made a good life for himself. He was kind of amazing.

  Tessa stood up and walked to the front of the boat where Collin stood next to the Captain, she wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled into his back. He turned towards her and the Captain walked away giving them some privacy.

  ���How are you doing? You girls having fun?��� he smiled.

  ���We are- ��� thank you so much for doing this for us.���

  ���For you Tessa, I���m doing it for you,��� he leaned down and kissed her head.

  He hugged her and looked to the back of the boat where her friend and sisters sat watching them all with puppy dog eyes. When they realized he was looking, they smiled, and the sisters all giggled. Jade smirked and made a very inappropriate gesture with her hand and mouth. He smiled and shook his head.

  Tessa looked up at him and took his face in her hands and kissed him deeply. Lost in the moment, distracted by how his kiss could melt her. He pulled away and smiled at her she looked at him and realized where they were.

  Her grin gave her away.

  ���Hey, how much have you had to drink today?��� he asked with sincere concern in his voice.

  ���Three, on the fourth why?���

  ���You are a little more free, and let���s just say I have tried for several days to keep this the way you wanted based on a conversation we had a few days ago. I���m not sure how long I can keep that up,��� he forced a smile.

  ���Are you trying to protect my virtue Collin, or trying to win a bet?��� she asked with a laugh.

  ���What do you think?��� he smirked.

  She turned around, and he put his arms around her waist as they stood looking out across the ocean. She leaned back into him, and he pulled her hair to the side and kissed her neck gently.

  He leaned down and whispered in her ear, ���With your heart and not your head.���

  She turned and smiled at him, and he gazed into her eyes and thought, what has she done to me? It felt right, and for once in his life he was going to enjoy the moment and not think of tomorrow.

  The girls cranked the music and started to dance. Tessa laughed when she heard the eighties tune blasting, Walk like an Egyptian.

  Collin smiled, ���Go have fun, enjoy them. I���m going to get lunch ready.���

  He kissed her chastely and walked down the stairs and went into the kitchen and grabbed the sandwiches and fruit that her sister had put together. Phoebe came down and used the bathroom, when she was finished she grabbed the paper plates and napkins.

  ���Thank you for everything.���

  ���It’s been my pleasure,��� he said.

  ���Hey��� I know Tessa is an adult, but she is like a sister to me. I want her to be okay Collin,��� she said with seriousness in her voice.

  ���Me too Phoebe, me too,��� he looked directly into her eyes.

  ���Besides ��� if you hurt her I will not be able to control what Alex may do to you,��� Phoebe laughed.

  ���I won���t I promise you ��� the ball is completely in her court,��� Collin said, and she knew he meant it.

  They brought the food upstairs, and the girls sat on the floor on a blanket enjoying the food and warmth of the sun against their skin. The music was blasting and the conversations flowing.

  Collin watched as they smiled, chatted and laughed. He saw how much they cared for each other. He had avoided this all his life because he wouldn���t allow himself to be distracted from his goal. One in which he had attained faster than he had ever expected possible. He could see now that he had missed out on the bonds these people shared, the closeness he now desired.

  The girls cleaned up and started to dance as they laughed, the song changed, and Rick Springfield came across the radio. He watched their faces harden and eyes widen as they watched Tessa. He wasn���t sure what was going on until the music started.

  Kendall started to sing using her empty beer bottle as a microphone.

  ���Jessie is a pig, yes she���s always been a little unkind. Lately something���s changed and hard to define, why that little skanky pig wants��� to eat the poo I���ve left behind,��� they all laughed and Tessa took the fake mic next.

  ���Yeah, she was squeezing him with those thighs, and she���s lovin��� him with that snotty I just know it, and he���s holding his bowl every stinkin��� night, yeah. I���m glad that I���m not Lucas��� girl, I���m glad that I���m not Lucas��� girl, now can I get a hell yeah right now��� she sang and shook her bottom laughing.

  Kendall played the air drums and Jade and Cassidy did the air guitar. They danced and sang and laughed. When the song ended they all looked at Tessa and knew, she was ok. Jade decided it was time to plug in the disc man Collin sensed it was because she wanted to be able to control the music.

  Tessa stopped dancing and looked over her shoulder and saw him watching her, he must think I am crazy, I must look ridiculous to him, but because she was a little tipsy she didn���t mind. She raised her glass to him, and he raised his bottle of water, shook it side to side with a smirk on his face.

  The captain anchored the boat and the girls looked around. It was breathtaking out there. They anchored a few hundred yards from the touristy Provincetown boats, and they couldn���t believe what they were seeing. It was an exhilarating experience beyond their wildest expectations. They saw whales, several whales, diving, swimming, surfacing, they watched as these gentle giants allowed birds to land on their heads. They watched the dolphins jump in the air and swim as they played with each other. These creatures are so massive, yet so graceful.

  Collin watched her eyes dance as she bent over the boat to touch the dolphins that swam beside them. She seemed so happy, almost childlike right now, and he swore each day she looked more and more beautiful. When he thought of leaving her, he felt a burning sensation in his chest. Three weeks from now he would be leaving for a month, something he had done time and again, and right now he could not bear the thought of it. He decided again to live in the moment, just like the creatures in the ocean swimming before him did.

  It started getting dark, and the girls went down to change into some warmer clothes. Protect them from the night air that chilled them after being in the sun all day. The captain and Collin pulled the anchor up, and they started back. Collin brought up the steamer and made king crab legs and some clams for the girls to enjoy. He sat for the first time today, and she sat on her knees in front of him with a plate of food and smiled. The girls went below deck to use the bathroom and clean up the dishes.

  She smiled at him as she dipped some crab meat into the butter and placed it in his mouth. Her fingers caressed his lips with every bite he received. She leaned into him and licked the butter off his bottom lip. He closed his eyes, his nostrils flared as he enjoyed this sensual exchange. He grabbed his water and drank it down rinsing his mouth as she now straddled him. He set the water down and grabbed her face and kissed her hard and deep. She felt his erection beneath her and took a quick breath and her hips moved into him. He stopped kissing her and went to grab her hips, and she took his arms and raised his arms above his head and held them back as she kissed him deeply and grinded into his erection. He tried to move his arms, and she held tighter. She began to kiss his ear, and she heard him moan and he started to stand. She grabbed his neck so she wouldn���t fall, and he took her by the waist and set her down next to him. His eyes were heat filled and wild. He smirked at her.

  ���Tessa, you���re slaughtering me,��� he reached down his shorts and adjusted himself and then bent his knees slightly and put his hands on them taking slow deep breaths.

  His jaw was clenched, and he looked like he was going to attack her when they heard the girls coming up the stairs. He quickly reached down and adjusted himself again not taking his eyes off of her as he heard them approaching from behind. He scowled at her and turned to avoid them and was thankful it was dark so they couldn���t see the bulge in his pants.

  The girls all sat together snuggled into each other, Jade was pouring their drinks when Collin returned he took Tessa���s glass and dumped it overboard. He handed her a bottle of water.

�Drink this,��� he turned and quickly walked away.

  ���What was that all about Tessa?��� Jade teased, ���Is he playing daddy?���

  Tessa looked at her and smirked.

  ���Oh, I see��� when the girls were away, my little drunken Tessa wanted to play,��� she laughed.

  * * *

  They got back home, and everyone was beat and pretty tipsy except Tessa and Collin. The girls disappeared into their rooms to get ready for bed and to pack up for their trip home in the morning.

  When they were alone, he looked at her his eyes very intensely. She tried to avoid his eyes because she was very embarrassed about earlier, turning away from him he grabbed her and pulled him against him.���What���s wrong?���

  ���Nothing,��� she smiled softly.

  He carried her out to the patio by her waist; she wasn���t facing him so she couldn���t see him hold on as he stomped outside.

  He walked over to the table and set her down, he pushed her forward, so she was bent over the table, and pressed against her, ���I want you like this.���

  Collin picked her up and carried her and tossed her gently on the lounge and grabbed her ankles and lifted them above his shoulders as he knelt inches from her body, ���I want you like this.���

  His voice was deep and filled with passion. He dropped her legs so that she lay flat, ���I want you like this��� he groaned and kissed her deeply.

  He stood and picked her up and sat down and pulled her, so she sat on his lap.

  ���I want you like this,��� he turned her, so she was straddling him.

  ���I want you like this��� his voice was gruff.

  He picked her up and sat her on the table and stood between her legs and pushed her, so she lay back, ���and like this.���

  He said and pulled her up, so she was sitting again. He knelt on his knees and kissed her stomach and continued lower and lower until he reached her waistband and ran his tongue just behind the button, and stopped.


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