The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 127

by Mj Fields

  She closed her eyes and shook her head yes and her phone rang. She let out a disappointing groan and he let her down and closed his eyes as a smile crept across his face. She took a deep breath as she grabbed her phone from her bag.

  ���Hello. Hey Jade,��� she said as she looked back at him.

  He was bending down pushing on his knees, his eyes closed tightly.

  ���Nope, I am not busy what’s up,��� he opened his eyes and she stuck out her bottom lip pouting and he shook his head from sided to side. Tessa���s jaw dropped, ���What? When? It���s too early Jade, how many centimeters��� Alright tell her to try to relax, and cross her damn legs, it���ll take me seven hours to get there, but I will be there���I think if she���s only three centimeters I will be there on time��� No, they will let her go 24 hours after her water has broken before they take the baby��� Jade you���re going to have to suck it up, pull on your big girl panties and get in there��� girl you���ve had two kids you can handle it��� the longer I am on the phone, the longer it���s going to take for me to get ready and get out of here��� I will. See you soon.���

  She hung up and turned around; he was on the phone and packing her bag. He hung up and turned towards her. ���I can���t believe you’re leaving me now,��� he said in a sad voice, she looked like she was about to cry, he hugged her. ���I���m just teasing you it seems appropriate given the current situation.��� He smiled and looked down, ���I know you need to be there. I���ve called and booked you on a flight, the earliest direct flight leaves in two hours; it is only an hour flight. A car will be at the airport to pick you up and take you wherever you need to go. The closest I could get you would have been Ithaca, but it would have gotten you there two hours after the flight into Syracuse and it had a connecting flight I hope that���s alright.���

  ���I can���t Collin, I need to get my dog.���

  ���The vet says he thinks she will be ready to travel soon but not today, she needs to be weaned off the drugs. We���ll figure it out, you just worry about getting there for Phoebe,��� he used his very authoritative sexy voice. ���I���ve ordered a light meal it should be here soon.���

  ���You���re absolutely amazing Collin Abraham,��� she threw her arms around him and hugged him.

  ���I need to take a shower, it���s going to be a long night,��� she smiled at him.

  He groaned against her head and stepped back, ���GO!���

  She got into the shower and began washing her body. As she washed her woman area she remembered the grooming she had done this morning and realized how extremely sensitive she was there, probably a good thing she was called away tonight. She was sure it would have been a bit tender had anything went on, she smirked. Well, maybe that would have been a good thing. She grabbed a small towel and wrapped her hair in it. She wrapped up in the thick robe and walked out into the living room area.

  Collin was waiting for her, he handed her a bag of clothes he had run down and bought at the hotels boutique. ���These should be more comfortable for traveling,��� he smirked and asked ���Did you have fun at the spa?���

  Her face turned red, and she softly said ���Yes thank you.���

  Collin smiled, ���I���m glad.���

  She opened the bag and saw a pair of black linen pants a white tee and a black jacket. In a smaller bag, there was a cotton white bra, a cotton nude bra, and a cotton pink bra and four pairs of thigh high cotton briefs. She looked at him, and he had a smug look on his face, she laughed.

  ���They���re okay right?���

  ���Yes Collin they are fine, thank you again.���

  ���Just making sure.���

  There was a knock at the door, and it was room service, he took the cart and tipped the bellboy as she went in and changed in the bedroom. When she came out of the room, he looked at her and shook his head, ���How is it you can even make that outfit look sexy?���

  She turned red.

  ���I know I have to go, but I really feel like, well���I don���t want to leave you, and I don���t want you to look at someone else the way you look at me. I don���t want to go to bed tonight without you in my arms. I���m afraid when I leave you���ll find someone ��� you know the without strings kind of girl, and release all that pent up frustration.��� she said looking down. ��� But I don���t want to be without you.���

  ���Tessa I���m not going anywhere. I told you I love you, and I mean it. I cannot however lie to you, and say that I won���t find another girl to help relieve my stress with������

  Her eyes widened, and her face burned red, ���Oh I see. Collin! I���m so angry with you I want to leave, I want to leave now. Just like him, how did I let myself feel like this, so fucking stupid!��� She stood and started going towards the door, he grabbed her arm.

  He pulled her on his lap ���I love you Tessa, the girl I plan to spend time with is Leia. I���m hoping she will be one hundred percent so that she and I can go running together.���

  ���Do you like to make me crazy Collin because I���m not okay with that?��� she snapped and tried to stand.

  He kissed her neck and let her go, ���No, I wasn���t trying to make you crazy Tessa you didn���t let me finish. Let���s get one thing straight here; I am not your ex. I am a man who knew immediately that you would change his world. I love you. The vet is weaning her off the meds as we speak. I���m going to take you to the airport and go straight there to be with her. She���s doing great, no trace of toxins in her system. I will hang out with her until you���re done at home.

  ���You make me crazy Collin.���

  His face became serious for a moment and his eyebrows creased, and he took a deep breath and stood up. ���I am not your ex Tessa, but you do need to know who I am. I have packed this carry on with some things, I want you to take the iPad, and I���ll email you a file I want you to read. It���s all about me, the things you don���t know, and the things I need you to know. You can read it on your flight. Some of it is information from me others are from outside sources. I would prefer you not share it with anyone else, it���s very personal information. I want you to really read it, ask whatever questions you need to ask. After that, if you want to run I wouldn���t blame you, and I won���t stop you.���

  She looked at Collin, ���Ok, but if this is going to cause you pain or upset you, I don���t need to read it Collin.���

  ���I need you to,��� his voice was barely a whisper.

  Alright if that���s what you want,��� she hugged him.

  ���It���s time to leave; you���ve got a flight to catch and a baby to help deliver Miss Ross��� he kissed her head. He grabbed her bag and flung it over his shoulder, took her hand, and they left their room.

  * * *

  The car was waiting for them and the valet handed him the keys, he opened the door for Tessa, and she got in. He put the bag in the back and sat in the driver���s seat. She put the console up and scooted next to him and took his hand. He reached over and buckled her seat belt. She melted into his shoulder. She wished he could come with her but was relieved that Leia would have him there when she woke up. She kissed his neck, and he smiled down at her as they pulled into the parking garage.

  He got out and grabbed her bag, and she met him at the back of the car.

  ���I wanted to open the door for you Tessa.���

  She kissed his pouty lips, ���Next time.���

  They checked her in and her flight was on time, she went through security with her
bag. He stood watching her, arms crossed in front of him, she saw him reach in his pocket, and he pulled out his phone and called her. She smiled and answered.

  ���Hello beautiful,��� he said, ���I forgot to tell you to fly safe.���

  ���I will, you drive safe Collin.���

  ���I love you Tessa call me when you land.���

  Her flight was called, and she turned to walk away, she glanced over her shoulder and he still stood watching her. She looked back sadly at him, he was looking down.

  She sat in first class. She pulled out the computer and checked her email. The only email address was an account he had created, [email protected]. She clicked it, the password was saved, she would have to ask him for it when she talked to him again. She opened the email subject titled confidential. She saved it to a file and deleted the email. After it had downloaded, she turned off the Wi- Fi as her plane began to taxi down the runway.


  This is organized in order from early years until now. Please take notes of any questions you may have and I will reply as promptly as I can.

  All my Love,


  She read what looked like a scanned school record, lots of documentation about fights starting in grade 2 through 5. He had been suspended for breaking a peer���s nose in grade 5. Grades 6 through 7 had no documented incidents. Grades 8- 11 he had done amazing all grades were 97 and up and it looked like he doubled up in grade 10. Grade 12 was all AP classes.

  Ok, she thought he was a scrappy little guy until he was like 12, after that he did great, except the blank in grades 6- 7. He had attended school at Cape Code since he was in second grade, wow and no one could see what he was dealing with at home?

  The next scan document was from the police. She read what was a four- page report, through the tears falling down her face.

  Collin was arrested at twelve years old for murdering his mother���s boyfriend. In a statement received from his mother, she indicated that it was because her son was jealous of her boyfriend. Collin had come home after being out with friends and her boyfriend told him it was time for bed and he grabbed a knife and stabbed him four times in the chest. The man was taken to the hospital and died two days later in Provincetown Medical Center. He was taken into custody that night and sent to a juvenile detention center near Boston.

  Another statement taken from Pastor Lou stated that Collin had attended a youth service that same night and that he had stayed after and had dinner with his siblings and Lou���s family. That he left at nine PM and that Pastor Lou had walked them to their home.

  Neighbors stated that they had heard arguing at about the same time the kids returned home and that the mother walked out on the porch drinking and smoking. While they heard, the boy telling the man to keep his hands off his sister and heard glass breaking and kids screaming.

  Collin refused to make a statement and went to trial and was convicted of manslaughter. He spent a year in the youth facility and was released on good behavior.

  Collins note.


  We can talk about this, but I can assure you it was self- defense. I chose not to testify after making a deal with my mother. If she ensured me that she would not let anyone harm my brother and sister, I would not tell the authorities that she was allowing men to harm us for her own personal gain. Pastor Lou and his wife watched out for them and for me. Lou brought my siblings to visit me once a month and they assured me that she was keeping up on her end of the agreement. I ask that you call Pastor Lou he will confirm what I have told you.

  I also want you to know I understand if you have reservations, I would if I were you. This is some pretty dark stuff.


  Of course, she believed him, how could she not? What he had gone through as a child was horrific, Catherine was a monster.

  The next document was another police report Collin was arrested again at 17 for aggravated assault. Again it was another boyfriend of his mother’s. This was after the death of his sister. He was pulled off of this man by the Police. The man was taken to the hospital and Collin to jail. The man recovered after being in ICU for over a month.


  After this incident, I was told that although my prior arrest was sealed, I was going to jail. Again our friend Pastor Lou intervened and begged the court for mercy. I was given the choice to either join the military or go to jail. I chose the military.

  This is a lot to process, and I have put it all behind me until now. I need you to know. I am sorry if this changes how you feel about me Tessa, but I promised you full disclosure, and I am a man of my word.

  All my Love,


  His military record was spotless. He received his medical degree while enlisted, and he became a highly decorated officer. He did two tours in Iraq and received an honorable discharge.

  She took several deep breaths as she continued to try to process what he had been through. He had no childhood, the person who was supposed to teach him right from wrong and show him love was a monster. Looking at him now, what a miracle it is that he is even alive, sane and sober, let alone what he has accomplished in life. She loved him now more than ever before. He was a gift from God.

  The stewardess announced that they were approaching their destination and to please fasten their seat belts and place their seats in an upright position. She took a deep breath and looked out the window and saw the city lights, she couldn���t wait to call him.

  The plane landed safely, and Tessa grabbed her bag, she walked out of the terminal and saw a black car waiting for her, she got in and immediately phoned Collin.

  ���Tessa,��� he answered ���how was your flight?���

  ���It was very emotional,��� she answered quietly.

  There was silence for a few moments as she tried to hold back her tears.

  ���Are you still there?��� he asked.

  ���Yes of course I am,��� she said clearing her voice, ���Nothing has changed Collin, nothing at all, I think I love you even more now than an hour ago.���

  ���Thank God,��� he said, ���Thank you Tessa, there is more I need to tell you, but that���s the absolute worst I promise. Can we hold the questions for when we are face to face or do you need to ask me something now?���

  ���I can wait till I see you, nothing has changed do you understand?���

  ���Yes I do now,��� he let out a breath.

  They didn���t speak for a few moments.

  ���So on a different note, guess who is here at my place with me acting as crazy as ever?���

  ���Leia?��� she yelled ���Is she ok Collin you can tell me the truth, please.���

  ���She’s great; we are actually getting ready for bed.���

  ���Lucky girl,��� Tessa said.���I miss you already.���

  ���The feeling is mutual Tessa, but if you need anything just say the word.���

  ���I Need You��� she breathed, and he knew she meant it.

  ���I need you, too.���

  They were quiet for a moment.

  ���How far are you from the hospital?���

  ���About ten minutes, it���s actually in Syracuse, thank God you didn���t fly me to Ithaca, and by the way was first class really necessary?���

  ���For you Tessa yes it is,��� he thought for a moment. ���Hey, why don���t you give me a call when you get there, I have a few things to do before, bed.���

  ���Alright I will, I love you Collin.���

  ���I love you,��� and he hung up.

  He looked at Leia, who sat in the passenger seat and whined he laughed and pet her, ���I���m not lying so stop looking at me like that.�


  When Tessa walked into labor and delivery, she heard Phoebe scream ���I want it out!

  She walked past the waiting room and saw it was full, ���Hey everyone how, is she doing?

  Becca, Joshua, and Ryan all laughed and jumped up to hug her. Lucas sat in a chair his arms crossed staring at her

  ���When did you get in we weren���t expecting you for four more hours,��� Becca hugged her excitedly.

  ���I flew into Hancock, came straight here. I couldn���t miss this,���

  ���No, damn it I don���t want drugs,��� they heard Phoebe yell.

  ���Hey, did you all hear that,��� she laughed.

  Just then Jessie walked into the waiting room and walked right past Tessa, she didn���t even see her, and walked to Lucas and sat on his lap.

  ���I���m sorry I���m late, I have had an awful day.���

  Tessa smiled as she looked at Lucas.

  ���It���ll be okay baby, you���re tried,��� Lucas looked uncomfortably at Tessa.

  ���Well,��� Tessa clapped her hands together, and Jessie jumped, ���Looks like my girl needs me in there, see you all soon.���

  She stopped at the nurses��� station and talked to her old co- workers.

  ���Hey ladies, can anyone get me a pair of scrubs? I���m here to help make your night a little bit easier.���

  They were excited to see her, and she was swooped into the break room and given some scrubs.

  ���How are you doing?��� they all asked, she knew from their tone that they knew about Jessie and Lucas, ���I���m fine, I truly am.���

  Her phone rang and it was Collin, it dropped out of her bag, and they all looked down and saw his picture light up the screen, she smiled and answered.

  ���Hey, I���m here��� nope I���m going to get changed and go in and surprise her now���I will, thanks so much Collin, I love you too, Talk to you soon.���


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