The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 141

by Mj Fields

  They heard her throw up, and Ben ran in and pulled her hair back and rubbed her back.

  ���Already Tess?��� Ben laughed.

  Collin cleared his throat, ���I got this.���

  ���Of course, when are you two expecting?��� Ben asked.

  ���She may just have a stomach bug,��� Collin said rubbing her back.

  ���Yeah, right she is throwing up, and the girls, well��� they���re huge,��� he laughed.

  Collin turned and looked at him.

  ���Sorry, man they ran right into me,��� Ben laughed.

  ���Good God, Ben,��� Tessa sat up, ���Collin I���m sorry.���

  Ben laughed, ���For what Tess, he���s a lucky guy. I���ll go out and give you a few minutes, but we need to get up there. Pull up your big girl pants Tess, it���s time to have some fun.���

  ���Collin if you hate me I understand,��� she stood up. She brushed her teeth and washed her face. She turned and looked at him, ���Are you mad?���

  ���No, but this is a bit overwhelming,��� he hugged her.

  ���We should go back to the Cape.���

  ���Oh, we will, but I think your friend Ben is going to bounce off the walls if you don���t take him up there. And, by the way, I am pretty sure they put for better or for worse in the vows, for the Lucas���s and Ben���s in your life,��� he hugged her. ���I love you beautiful.���

  ���I love you, thank you.���

  The three of them walked in, and Lucas shook his head and looked at Ryan. Ryan laughed and saw Collin looking less than enthusiastic about the situation.

  ���Collin, are you having fun yet?��� Jade laughed.

  ���Yes,��� he wrapped his arm around Tessa���s shoulder.

  ���Hey, Ben welcome back,��� Lucas said sarcastically.

  ���Wow ��� you missed me?��� Ben asked.

  Collin chuckled, and Tessa looked up at him, ���See all the fun you missed as an adolescent over indulged teenager.���

  ���Our���s will not act like this,��� he kissed her.

  Alex and Ben were cleaning their guns, and Collin walked over and checked them out. ���You should take them apart and do that.���

  ���You like guns?��� Ben asked.���Do you hunt?���

  ���No, but he offered to make an exception to go out with me,��� Lucas laughed and looked at Tessa and cocked his eyebrow.

  Collin smirked, and Tessa looked at him and rolled her eyes.

  ���Well, if you two go out, I want to go too. Just so you know Links, I���m on his side.���

  ���This is going to be a FUN weekend,��� Lucas gave an exaggerated smile.

  ���Not much different than field hockey games in high school,��� Jade laughed.

  ���Who wants to play cards? ��� Tessa changed the subject and looked at Collin and smiled.

  ���I do,��� Ben and Lucas said at the same time.

  ���Anyone else?��� Tessa asked pleading with her eyes. ���Alright, wonderful! Collin do you know how to play pitch?���

  ���No,��� he said.

  ���Perfect you���re my partner,��� she said, ���and you two can play together.���

  She laughed and hugged Collin, ���I am going to explain the game, you��� come here.���

  She explained the game and told him to just bid two if no one else had because she was pretty sure they would try to outdo him, ���as if that were possible.���

  As they played Jade made sure Collin had a drink, Tessa refused, and Ben snickered. Lucas looked at him and scowled, Ben laughed and Tessa looked at Collin, who stared at her and drank. Tessa was right, and they won.

  ���Best two out of three?��� Lucas asked.

  ���No, thank you,��� Tessa said, ���Collin are you ready to go?���

  ���You can���t go yet,��� Jade laughed, ���How often do I get out with my husband? Drink with me Tessa.���

  ���No, I can���t,��� she said, and Jade gave her an odd look, ���Do you see my husband? You���re getting him drunk.���

  ���You���ll thank me for it tomorrow,��� Jade laughed.

  She looked at him, and he motioned for her to come over.

  ���Are you tired Tessa?��� he pushed his forehead to hers and rubbed her face.

  ���A little but at least I���m not sick.���

  ���Sit with me?��� he didn���t wait for an answer he pulled her on his lap.

  ���Sure,��� she laughed. ���Is this too much for you?���

  ���No, not something I think I could do every weekend,��� he looked at her and kissed her, ���Tessa don���t get up.���

  She wiggled her butt against his eyes closed briefly. ���Why you did.���

  ���Please just sit still and be quiet.���

  She fell asleep on his lap, and he lifted her legs up and sat back with her curled up on him.

  Collin sat and looked at her sleeping and smiled, all the girls noticed and were watching them. He nuzzled his nose into her hair and kissed her head. He closed his eyes and stayed that way for at least an hour. Lucas went into the house, and Ben chatted with Ryan.

  When she woke up, she smiled at him.

  ���I fell asleep on you?���


  ���Would you like a drink or something to eat?��� she asked.

  ���I would love water, but I can get it. You sit here,��� he got up, and she sat down.

  He came back and squatted in front of her.

  ���You’re going to eat something,��� he handed her water.

  She drank, and he fed her tomatoes and carrots.

  He rubbed the carrot on her lips and laughed, ���I can���t wait until you can keep something down.���

  ���Me either,��� she closed her eyes and hugged him. ���I love you.���

  ���I love you,��� he sat next to her. ���When do you think Jade is going to let us out of here? Maybe I can talk to Ryan now, and we can get out of here for a few days.���

  ���I don���t think that is going to happen anytime this weekend,��� Tessa saw Ryan shotgunning a beer.

  ���I never understood that,��� he shook his head. Tessa laughed. ���You���ve done that haven���t you,��� she shook her head yes.

  ���Is my wife a lush?��� he asked.

  ���Only when she is pissed off at you,��� Lucas said and smiled as he walked by.

  ���Tessa are you ready?��� Collin sneered.

  ���Yes,��� she smiled, ���Keys, please.���

  ���Should we ask Ben if he needs a ride back?��� Collin asked.


  Ben declined he was having too much fun messing with Luke. But said he would call if he had to leave because he kicked Lucas���s ass like last time he was at the house and he said it loudly.

  ���Collin��� I feel awful that those two know and my family doesn���t.���

  ���Well good ��� I thought it was odd that you were alright with that myself,��� he smiled and kissed her.

  ���Why didn���t you say something?���

  ���Tessa, you have been sick for a week, I wasn���t going to upset you,��� he admitted.

  ���They���re all here now,��� she smiled.
���Will you?���

  ���Yeah, but first I need to tell you after tonight and seeing how much this tradition means to you, I want to build a camp because this is incredibly uncomfortable. We can pick a spot alright?���

  She kissed him again, ���Of course.���

  She turned off the radio and smiled at him.

  ���Excuse me,��� he cleared his voice. ���Tessa and I have an announcement to make; it will only take a minute.���

  Everyone was quiet.

  ���We wanted to let you all in on a little secret, that was kind of brought to light a week ago. It was our intention to wait awhile. However, two young men actually figured it out without being told. One actually knew before we did, thank you, Lucas. It seems that my wife���s breast are as fascinating to them as they are to me. By the way, they are mine now.���

  Everyone laughed and Tessa looked up at him, he wasn���t joking.

  ���We feel it���s a bit early but want those closest to Tessa, and now me to know that we���re expecting a baby in about eight months.���

  He looked at her and smiled as everyone clapped.

  ���You do know we aren���t getting out of here anytime soon now right?��� He said as everyone came to congratulate them.

  ���I knew something was up��� Jade hugged her and poked Collin in the chest. ���I���m pissed you didn���t tell me first.���


  They met with Ryan and went over the blueprints.

  ���Why the rooms in the basement, if you don���t mind me asking? You could save a lot of money and finish it later if you left them out.���

  ���Thanks, but we will need them. It���ll be less of a mess if you do just do it all now. I would prefer not to deal with that in the months to come,��� Collin said. ���How long do you think this will take?���

  ���I know it could be done when you want it to be. But it will cost a lot more in labor for overtime and extra laborers,��� Ryan told him.

  ���On this project, time sets precedence over money. Any future projects it will be different,��� Collin told him.

  Tessa knew Collin would not ever be able to truly let his past lie. How could he? The hell he lived would forever be a scar buried deep inside of him. But it molded the man he was today, her love, her life. Whatever it took to make him feel safe and in control, whatever he needed she would support him one hundred percent.

  They left for the Cape the next day, Leia���s first flight.

  They walked into his house, and he carried her over the threshold. She laughed.

  ���Are you still feeling alright?���

  She knew he was excited to be alone in a place where the walls didn���t talk.

  ���Actually, I���m a little tired but very very hungry,��� she looked down.

  ���You don’t have to do that Tessa,��� he said quietly.

  ���That wasn���t very convincing,��� she pushed him down and smiled at him.

  She knelt down.

  ���You want to take off your shirt, please?���

  She did and took his off too.

  ���How about that bra?��� he smiled.

  She did and shook her head.

  ���Beautiful,��� he said and grabbed her gently.

  She knelt back down.

  ���You might better take those off too,��� he said breathing deeply.

  ���Collin you might want to sit back, shut up, and enjoy.���

  ���God Tessa��� he growled as she slowly took him into her mouth.

  She started slow and gradually moved faster until he finally released.

  ���Do you know how much I love you?���

  ���Probably more now, huh?��� she laughed.

  * * *

  She spent her days trying to get funding for the health program that his company ran. He hadn���t traveled since Ecuador but knew after the holidays they would be going back to South America and Tessa was excited about it. He was concerned but only because she was still very tired. He���d talked about staying in a resort and traveling with her every few days. It made her angry that he was trying to coddle her, and she had even threatened to go back to work.

  He was writing another research paper and every night when she fell asleep he would go back and work on the security details for a few hours. She didn���t ask a lot about that part of his work, and he certainly didn���t volunteer any information. She would do better to see it and understand. He knew that it was going to freak her out especially since on opening day of deer season she watched Bambi and cried.

  They spent their evenings loving each other, every evening they ate dinner and made love. The nights that he wanted to make love before dinner were her favorite she knew he would be a little less gentle and reserved. She knew it bothered him that she was pregnant, and he was worried he may hurt the baby she tried to reassure him that it would not.

  Tessa���s pregnancy was a dream; he was as excited as she was. He read to her belly, and he played classical music while they slept. At first it drove her absolutely crazy; she even bought ear plugs and hid them with her hair. He woke up one night, a sneak attack as she called them, and as his hands rubbed her body, he kissed her ear and felt them. He quickly turned on the light thinking something was wrong, and he saw them and laughed. She had hidden it for weeks. The next few nights she made up words that were very inappropriate to try to make him turn it off, but it had quite the opposite effect.

  They were so happy, no nights that she laid awake hurt, no ever feeling that he wanted anyone but her, and she didn���t wonder when this would end. She knew they would be together forever. Sometimes she thought about Lucas, just brief moments when she wondered if she had just given up on her dreams and followed him around would they have been this happy. She knew she wouldn���t, but he might be and she would forever carry that burden. She knew he was alright. And beyond a shadow of a doubt: Tessa was in love with her husband. She didn���t want to be touched or loved by anyone else ever in her life, he was the sun and the moon and every heavenly piece in between. He was the person she wanted to share every secret dream and desire with. They had fun and laughed together every day. The sex was mind blowing, but she finally realized that it wasn���t all about sex. Good sex comes from a good connection. When you are full ��� truly filled with the knowledge of your partner, trust, and respect, you really could not ever go wrong. Tessa even considered breaking her rules after the baby was born. She would deny him nothing ever, and she knew he felt the same.

  The house was finished a week before they had expected. Collin didn���t tell Tessa, he wanted to get the furniture moved in before she saw it. He had watched her for weeks go through magazines and websites finding what she liked. He had ordered the things she had revisited and seemed especially fond of. The living room furniture was large and perfect for family movie nights; he had other ideas for them before that happened. She didn���t want individual pieces she preferred that they all be able to snuggle together as they relaxed, knowing it would not be very often. She���d picked out a bedroom set, a plain low setting platform bed, he had other ideas for that as well, and since she had only said it once, he would be picking it out.

  * * *

  They pulled into town, and she was excited to see her family and to see what was left to do. No one was at the farmhouse, and they dropped Leia off.

  ���Where do you want to go first, Tessa?��� he asked holding her hand.

  ���Our bedroom floor,��� she said and raised her eyebrow at him.

  ���Okay, our bedroom floor it is, should we maybe stop and get some blankets?��� he asked.

�No, but could you drive faster?��� She asked and reached down and rubbed his leg.

  ���Yeah,��� he growled and moved her hand up further.

  He stopped at the top of the driveway.

  ���Do you trust me?��� he asked pulling a blindfold out of his pocket.

  ���Not only do I trust you, but I really like how you think,��� she giggled.

  He punched in the code and picked her up.

  ���You ready?��� he asked.

  ���Collin open the door,��� she laughed.

  He removed the blindfold, and she was in shock.

  ���What? How? Oh, how beautiful��� she kissed him.

  He set her down, and they held hands as they walked into their house. She had seen the rooms before but not painted, and the kitchen was so bare before and there were the curtains she loved. She felt tears running down her face, and she could feel him watching her. She opened the cupboards that were full, and she smiled. He opened the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of sparkling cider and took two wine glasses from the rack that hung under the cabinets. He poured two glasses and took them in one hand and her hand in the other and walked into the family room. She smiled and wiped tears as she saw the furniture and all the things she had dreamed they would someday have, right down to the throw pillows she had wanted to lay on the large sectional. The dining room and living room were no different; everything she had looked at for the past two months was here, in their home. He noticed everything, paid attention to what she loved, the simple things she had mentioned. She had never felt so loved in her life. He was amazing.

  He led her up the stairs, and she took a deep breath and wiped more tears.

  ���Now here���s where I hope I don���t ever disappoint you,��� he smiled.

  He opened the double doors to the master suite.

  ���I know it���s not what you picked out Tessa, but I thought it would be perfect for us,��� he kissed her.

  She walked around the massive bed; it had four posts that nearly reached the top of the cathedral ceilings. There was a television and a chase lounge and two nightstands with lamps.

  He set the glasses down on the nightstand and took her into the closet; it was almost as big as the bedroom she had shared with her sisters. It held wall to wall shelves and drawers and racks to hang clothes on and put shoes in. Not only that, but he had new clothes hanging and in the drawers.


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