The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 145

by Mj Fields

Jade, Ashley, and Tessa burst out laughing and couldn���t stop.

  The rest of the night, they all had fun. Ashley was just like her sister and Lucas and she seemed very comfortable together. Collin watched Tessa and knew she was alright. John decided to announce that he would be buying the house and Alex and Phoebe would move into the farm after his graduation.

  * * *

  They laid in bed in each others arms.

  ���Was all that too much for you Tessa?��� Collin rubbed her back.

  ���It was perfect, why, do you want to go again?��� she kissed him.

  ���Well, sure but I was talking about the Lucas situation.��� He said looking in her eyes.

  ���No,��� she smiled. ���I think it���s wonderful, she seems amazing, and he truly looks happy. I���m very happy for him. Are you alright?���

  ���Let���s see your ex is moving and has someone else and your parents will be our neighbors, not him, yes I think it is a perfect start to the New Year,��� he smiled.

  ���I love you so much Collin, you���re more than I could ever dream possible.���

  ���Well, they really weren���t all that big of shoes to fill.��� Collin smiled.

  ���Silly man, you never even had to worry. It almost makes me crazy that you even thought that way.���

  ���This is still all new territory Tessa, your world is much different from what I���m used too,��� he laughed. ���But in two days, you���re going to see exactly what I mean. I just hope you can handle it.���

  ���I can���t wait,��� she moved on top of him and kissed him ���But for now������


  They walked onto the street, and he hailed a cab. Collin watched Tessa cautiously as she took in the scene. She was immediately surrounded by kids asking for food, and she reached into her purse and handed them all the money she had.

  ���Tessa lets go,��� he opened the door for her and slid in beside her.

  He gave the address to the driver, and they pulled into a gated resort just outside of town.

  ���Collin what are we doing here, they need us, did you see them? They���re hungry and just children,��� she started to tear up.

  ���Tessa, it was a long day, we are going to eat and shower and rest, tomorrow we head up the mountain. But you can���t give them things like you did. There are people watching children like them. The kids take their money, and some of them watch for people like you. This isn���t like where you were raised. This wasn���t a good idea.���

  ���Collin I���m sorry. I���ll do better,��� she said knowing he was deeply concerned.

  They checked into the hotel and went to their room.

  ���Is this alright?��� he asked as she looked around. He could tell she was upset.

  ���Yes it���s nice,��� she sat on the edge of the bed, ���Are you upset with me?���

  ���No Tessa worried that this is going to be too much. Worried that you won���t say no and that bringing you here puts a target on your back��� he laughed. ���What I love about you most, may cause you to be in harm���s way. I just didn���t consider that before we came.���

  ���Just tell me what to do. I can handle this I promise,��� she panicked.

  ���Let���s shower and go eat��� he smiled and stroked her cheek.

  They showered together, and they both felt more relaxed after.

  ���Thank You,��� he wrapped a towel around her and kissed her neck.

  ���No Mrs. Abraham, thank you.���


  * * *

  The next morning they left the comforts of the resort and headed up the dirt mountain trail. The ride was two hours, and he was worried that the heat and rough roads would be too much for her.

  ���Here Tessa, drink please,��� Collin opened another bottle of water and handed it to her.

  ���Collin thank you, but I���m fine,��� Tessa rubbed his hand.

  ���It���s hot Tessa, please.���

  ���Collin I see you���re concerned, and I truly love that. However, I���ve had three bottles of water, we���re on a very bumpy road and if I drink anymore, I may wet my shorts. So please,��� Tessa laughed.

  ���Do you need to use the������ he started.

  ���Restroom?��� she laughed, ���No but the more you talk about it, the more I think about it and��� I���m not thirsty. But Thank you, I���m going to try to sleep a bit okay?���

  ���You���re tired? This is too much, I should������ Collin stopped talking and kissed her hand, ���Sorry.���

  * * *

  As they approached, and she saw the village surrounded by a fence with razor wire on top.

  ���We’re here.���

  She looked around, and they pulled up to the heavily guarded gate. He jumped out and spoke with one of the guards who looked in the window.

  ���Welcome Ma���am.��� he said in a thick Latin accent.

  She smiled and looked at Collin. He winked at her and went inside the guard shack and came out with a bag.

  ���You ready?

  She shook her head yes and watched as they opened the large gate. ���Is all that necessary?��� She whispered.


  She held tightly to his hand as they drove past steel buildings and then through another gated area leading to a large village.

  There were kids playing and people working in the fields surrounding the village.

  The truck came to a stop, and he got out. He opened the door for her, and she took a deep breath and stepped out. They walked into the first aid building, and she looked around.

  ���How are you feeling?��� he asked.

  She looked at him, ���Overwhelmed, but ready to work.���

  ���Okay��� but I���d like to show you around. Are you up for it?���

  ���I just sat in the truck for two hours,��� she smiled and looked at him, ���Are you up for it?���

  They walked around, and he showed her where the food and supplies were stored. He introduced her to Mick, who was in charge of the supplies.

  ���Mick this is Tessa, my wife. She has full access, understood?���

  ���Yes sir.���

  He showed her the rest of the village and introduced her to all the key contact people.

  Three hours later she looked tired. ���You���re ready to rest?���

  ���No, we can continue, but I do need a bathroom��� she grabbed his hand.

  ���Tessa, we should keep it professional while we���re here,��� he dropped her hand.

  ���Okay,��� she really didn���t understand but did as he asked. ���What is in the gated area we drove through?���

  ���That���s where I spend most of my time. The village is under twenty-four hour surveillance. The medical facility will be gated by the end of the week, so you���ll feel safe there. Until then, I���ll have someone with you when I���m not.���

  ���So you won���t be with me?���

  ���The medical facility is operated six hours a day until it���s gated it will be four hours. I will be there with you most of the time,��� he answered.

  ���And what will we do the rest of the day?��� she asked.

  ���We���ll be in a gated area. I���ll be doing some training there. That���s also where our living quarters are. You���ll be abl
e to use the internet and whatever you want in our quarters,��� he smiled.

  ���Okay,��� she said, ���So am I going with you for training?���

  ���No Tessa, that area is restricted.���

  They walked through the gates and towards a brick building.

  ���We���re going to our living quarters if anyone needs me, let me know,��� he told the guard.

  They pulled in front of a brick building. He opened the door for her.

  ���It���s not like home, Tessa,��� he warned her.

  Collin punched in a code, and she heard a loud click. He pushed the door open and walked through the door into the hallway. They walked past several doors and came to the end of the hallway, and he punched in another code. They walked into a light room that had a desk and small kitchen.

  ���Home sweet home.��� he smiled.

  He pushed the door shut, and it buzzed when it locked.

  ���Our bedroom and bathroom are through that door, no one else has access, no one is allowed. I hope you feel safe.���

  She walked through the door into the bedroom. There was a bed, an armoire, and two nightstands. The bathroom had a bathtub, toilet, and sink.

  ���Our things are in the foyer, I���ll go get them,��� he smiled and walked out.

  He was gone for a couple minutes and returned with two large bags and a smaller one. He walked into the bedroom, and she was sitting on the bed.

  ���Tessa you haven���t said much of anything since we arrived.���

  ���I���m just trying to take it all in.���

  ���So what���s bothering you?��� he asked.


  ���I���m not convinced,��� Collin appeared bothered.

  She laughed, ���I���m very sorry, sir.���

  ���Does that bother you?���

  ���No, it���s kind of hot ��� sir��� she laughed again.

  He smiled, ���So we are okay?���

  ���Of course.��� He hugged her, ���I think we should keep this professional, sir.���

  He laughed, ���That���s what���s bothering you.���

  ���No, I get it,��� she said and looked down, ���Okay yes ��� it bothers me. I wasn���t trying to jump you out there, I was trying to hold your hand.���

  He sat on the bed and pulled her to him, ���They don���t see me like you do, and it is better that way.���

  ���Alright so I can���t hold my husband���s hand or kiss him or grab him here any time I want?���

  He smiled and went to kiss her. Tessa stood up.

  ���It���s going to be a very long two weeks,��� Tessa walked into the bathroom.

  He laughed, ���Get out here.���

  She walked out and went through the bags and found the toiletries. He walked towards her, and she walked past him into the bathroom and shut the door.

  They walked out of the building, ���Sir, will you let me know the codes so that I can go in when I���m given permission ��� sir.���

  ���Of course,��� he sounded a little hurt.

  ���Where are we going, sir?���

  ���Tessa stop.���

  ���No, sir, I am going to keep this very professional,��� she smiled looking down.

  ���You���re going to drive me crazy,��� he whispered.

  ���Two weeks, we can be professional can���t we sir? I mean you could order me to drop to my knees right here and take you in my…��� she started.

  ���Stop please,��� he whined.

  ���Yes sir, I���m so sorry. Maybe you should bend me over your knee and spank me for being so insubordinate.���

  ���You���re impossibly frustrating,��� Collin grabbed her hand.

  She smiled, ���You’re holding my hand.���

  ���Yes I am,��� he rolled his eyes.

  * * *

  The next week she followed most of his rules. He stayed with her, only occasionally leaving when he received a call. He even started kissing her on the cheek before he left. The woman who helped in the clinic smiled each time. Although Tessa couldn���t understand the woman, they seemed to be able to communicate better and better every day. Tessa was going to learn Spanish.

  They walked into their home away from home, and he lay down to rest with her. When she fell asleep, he would go to the training building. She would do grant work and try to figure out cheaper ways to get more for the people in the village.

  She walked outside the building and to the training area. The guard looked shocked when she walked up.

  ���I need to see Mr. Abraham,��� he looked confused, ���I would take me to him if I were you. He���d be upset if you didn���t do as I asked.���

  The guard opened the door, and they walked in. There were men training, lots of them. She looked around and saw all sorts of different obstacles, walls, bridges, beams high off the ground and fake buildings within the building she stood in. The guard hurried her past the physical training area and went through the door that lead to a large classroom. She didn���t see Collin yet, and she was starting to get nervous. They went to an elevator that took them to the floor beneath. It opened, and it was a much bigger version of the basement room in his Cape Code home.

  Collin saw her walk in, ���I���ll call you back in a little bit.��� He walked over towards Tessa, ���Is everything alright?���

  ���Yes sir, your wife insisted she see you,��� the guard saluted him.

  ���You���re dismissed,��� Collin looked angry.

  He took Tessa���s hand and led her into a large conference room. She was looking around.

  Are you okay?��� he asked.

  ���Yes I just had some ideas that I wanted to talk to you about.���

  ���And it could not have waited?���

  ���I guess,��� she said.

  ���You aren���t supposed to be in here, we���ve talked about this,��� his voice was very authoritative.

  ���You talked about it,��� she said sarcastically.

  He shook his head, ���Alright, let���s go back, and we can discuss it in our quarters.���

  ���What is this all about?��� she asked.

  ���Tessa, let���s go back,��� he took her hand.

  She sat down and looked at him, ���Why can���t we discuss it here?���

  He looked at her and she was annoyed, and he was pissed.

  ���Fine, but if you intend to keep things from me������ she started.

  ���What?��� he snapped.

  She stood up and walked to the door, and he followed.

  They walked through the training area, and he watched her take in everything. They walked into their quarters, and she walked past him and went into the bedroom and shut the door, he opened it and walked in.

  ���What did you need to talk to me about?���

  ���I just wanted to see you.���

  ���You couldn���t have called?��� he asked.

  ���No, I wanted to see you. If I wanted to talk I would have called, thus the see you comment,��� she whispered knowing she was pissing him off and trying in vain to stop.

  ���You wanted to see what was in that building,��� Collin narrowed his eyes.

  ���Of course. I want to know what you do when you���re not with me. I sit in here for what seems like ever alone while you���re in
there doing whatever it is your doing, I missed you. But now I���m tired, and I���m going to sleep,��� she lay down and covered her head.

  ���In that building we train young men to defend themselves. These countries are impoverished, and when they���re not educated or able they are quick to join those that have more. They join the groups that supply the drugs and arms that ruin lives. We teach them about our country which they hate. They���re raised to believe that we have something to do with their poverty. When they see the television and hear about the United States and their allies, they resent us, and we end up in situations like September eleventh. Here, they learn differently. And where you are, most of them have family and they see us taking care of their women and children. Many of them have none, outside these walls men are not kind, they are drugged and angry. They rape and kill women and children. If we can give them knowledge and power, they can defend themselves against the guerillas and drug lords. The room you saw me in helps us to see the areas most desperately in need, it helps us to ensure that we keep everyone here safe. The men we trust and have built relationships with over years end up taking over and keeping a large amount of people safe when we leave,��� he finished.

  ���I think you���re missing something, Collin. What about teaching the women how to defend themselves? They should have that opportunity as well. They raise these little people who may know nothing about us as well. Isn���t that part of what started September eleventh, Collin? Didn���t our country train those who plotted against us?��� she sat up and looked at him. ���The women are the ones raising the children. And why is it I can���t be in there with you?���

  ���You���re right, in a sense, Tessa we can work on a program when we get home if you want to. But our program is much different from those that trained the terrorists that attacked our country, Tessa. I���ve been there: in that area of the world, fighting in two tours. What you���re involved in outside of that building teaches more than weaponry! We are helping them become self- sufficient teaching them how to sustain what we start after we leave, to become independent from the cartels and guerrilla forces here. But without the other, they can���t protect themselves Tessa. It would be like feeding a baby a damn steak! And it���s not a place you need to be, I can take care of you. I know how you feel about hunting I���m pretty sure you don���t like weapons, and I was trying to keep all that out of your life��� his eyes pierced her.


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