The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 147

by Mj Fields

  She laughed, ���Yes, very.���

  ���What can I do?���

  ���Get dressed; get the bags that are in the closet. I���ll be done in a minute,��� she stepped in the shower, ���Any guesses yet?���

  ���Two babies��� Tessa how can you be so unbelievably calm right now?���

  ���I have you, and we���re all going to be fine,��� she said. ���Now please go get dressed. We are going to have a long night.

  * * *

  She lay in the hospital bed, and the doctor came in. ���How are you two feeling?���

  ���Great,��� she said holding Collin���s hand.

  ���Your contractions are right on top of each other. How long have you been having them?��� he asked.

  ���Since about noon��� she answered, ���My water broke an hour ago and this hurts like hell. Could you check me?���

  ���Since noon Tessa?��� Collin stewed, ���Why didn���t you tell me?���

  ���It���s your birthday��� she smiled. ���I wanted you to have a nice time. Until now, they���ve been perfectly fine.���

  ���You are nine centimeters dilated, Tessa. You���re going to have these babies very soon,��� Dr. Brown patted her shoulder

  ���Collin could you grab my phone, and text my parents?��� he looked lost, ���You���re a doctor you can handle this.���

  Tessa closed her eyes and winced.

  ���I wish I could take your place,��� he said quietly.

  ���Well, that isn���t going to happen��� she smiled.

  ���Do you want your mom in here?���

  ���No, just you and I,��� she grabbed his hand and squeezed through a contraction. ���Sorry.���

  ���Don���t be,��� he sent the message.

  ���Tessa do you want something for pain?��� Dr. Brown asked.

  ���No, thank you,��� she closed her eyes and breathed.

  ���Tessa, if you���re hurting, please take something. I don���t want to see you in pain.���

  ���Dr. Brown could you get my husband something? I think this is going to be a little rough on him,��� she laughed.

  He smiled at her.

  ���By the way, I���m guessing boys,��� she smiled.

  ���Are you concerned about them being early?���

  ���They have been in my belly for long enough, they will be perfect,��� Tessa smiled.

  At eleven, fifty pm their first child was born, a beautiful boy with brown curly hair and big blue eyes, he weighed seven pounds and two ounces, he was twenty inches long and perfect. She labored for another hour before their second son was born, he was six pounds ten ounces and twenty- one inches long and just as perfect, his hair was a little lighter and his eyes were blue. They both cried after the birth of each. They had not discussed names, and at the time they didn���t care. They had a lot of visitors, her entire family and Tomas all were in the waiting room when the boys were born. Tessa made Collin wait for an hour after they were born before she allowed anyone in. They both latched on perfectly.

  ���You need to rest, beautiful��� he kissed her.

  ���I don���t want them to take them to the nursery. I want to go home with my three favorite boys and just lay in our bed for weeks, holding all of you,��� she looked down at them.

  ���They can stay in here Tessa, but you���re going to rest. Maybe we could name them?���

  ���Do you have any ideas?���

  ���I know I think their middle names one or both should be Ross,��� he suggested.

  ���Matthew and Mark?��� She said and laughed, ���The first two books of the New Testament?���

  ���Great names but Lucas follows that right?��� he asked.

  ���Actually yes and my God son���s name is Luke, not Lucas,��� she looked hurt.

  ���Tessa I���m sorry. Matthew and Mark would be fine.���

  ���No, I want one of them to be named after you. Collin John?���

  ���What about Collin Ross?��� he asked.

  ���No, Ross can be the other���s middle name, that way both are named after family��� she smiled at him.

  ���I really like Matthew,��� he looked at the second baby, ���Matthew Ross?���

  She smiled, ���I like it, Collin John and Matthew Ross, are we sure?���

  ���I like them both, I think they���re perfect.���

  ���Matthew means gift from God and Collin you were a gift from God, and these two are as well.���

  ���Yeah, that works.���

  They slept most of the first night, Collin insisted she take something for the pain, she didn���t argue.

  The next morning they received flowers, yellow Roses and white daisies from Lucas and Ashley.

  - Congratulations on the birth of your sons. LYA Lucas and Ashley.

  White roses and blue carnations from Ben.

  Two boys to occupy the two girls, joking Collin.

  I���m very happy for you both,

  Love Ya,


  Collin read her the cards and she laughed.

  ���Okay, I understand Ben���s, but what does LYA mean?���

  ���Love you anyway,��� she said without thinking.



  She picked up Matthew, ���Your Daddy needs to stop asking silly questions if he doesn���t want the answer. Tell him Matthew. Say ���Daddy, Mommy, loves you forever, so stop pouting because mommy wants to bite that bottom lip, and one thing will lead to another and well, you don���t want mommy frustrated do you,��� no of course not.���

  Collin smiled, ���CJ tell mommy it���s fine and remind her she still has a beautiful mouth that seems to be in working order.���

  She scowled at him, and he smirked, they both started laughing.

  The Abraham family of four went home two days later. There were flowers and food everywhere. He smiled. As she held the door open, and he carried the boys in the house.

  ���I am so glad to be home,��� Tessa hugged Collin.

  The next two weeks were crazy, the boys ate every two hours, slept and pooped. She cleaned; she refused to have help other than family when they dropped in. She was exhausted, and he was, too. When she woke, he woke. When one was feeding, Collin burped the other, he was much better at it than she was. They never fought once about it, they were a team and very good at it.

  ���Collin,��� she laughed, ���sweetheart��� you need a haircut.���

  ���What this shaggy look isn���t working for you?��� he laughed.

  ���It works,��� she said and raised her eyebrow and looked at him.

  ���Tessa��� we have a few weeks, don���t look at me like that.���

  ���Don���t tell me what to do.���

  She laid CJ down and took Matthew and put him down.

  ���Your turn,��� she said, and that was all it took he was clearly aroused and she clearly wanted to take care of that for him.

  ���That���s not fair to you,��� Collin let out a deep breath.

  She smiled and went down. He didn���t take nearly as long as he had five weeks ago and when he finished, his face turned red. She laughed, and he shook his head and looked away.

  ���Thanks, wife.���

  ���Anytime husband, just ask.���

  She came out of the bathroom, ���Tessa we need help here, just for a few weeks. A nanny, a housekeeper, someone to do the shopping, something. We can���t keep expecting your family to do all they have been.���

  ���No nanny,��� she laid down in his arms.

  ���Okay, I agree but a housekeeper. I miss you. I know it sounds insane but if your mom wasn���t here taking care of laundry and shopping, she might be able to relax and enjoy them. And if you weren���t obsessively bleaching our home,��� he laughed, ���We might be able to eat a meal together, or go get our hair cut.���

  She smiled, ���Fine but only a few hours a day and not on weekends.���

  ���Thank you.���

  ���But they don���t take care of the boys.���

  ���Okay, I agree, our responsibility.���

  ���Our gifts,��� she smiled.���Can we go running together?���


  ���Okay and maybe I can start dancing again,��� she clapped.

  ���We are doing this so we can rest right?���

  ���Yep, and maybe dance,��� she curled up to him and they both fell asleep.

  His old housekeeper was there the next morning.

  He hugged her, and she laughed. ���Happy to see me Mr. Abraham?���


  He had never shown affection to anyone before Tessa.

  She walked down the stairs and smiled, ���Wow, that was fast.���

  ���Sorry, Tessa but I���ve been very tired,��� he hugged her, ���Good morning are the boys awake?���

  ���Not yet.���

  She talked to Joan a bit, and Collin showed her the apartment above the garage.

  ���Is your Mom coming over today?��� he asked.

  ���Yes, for a few hours. I should call her and tell her not to bother,��� Tessa grabbed her phone.

  ���Please, we haven���t left the house in weeks, go with me to get a haircut and let me take you to dinner,��� he said with pleading eyes.

  She agreed and knew this must be hard for him; he had spent all his life going nonstop and not having to answer to anyone.

  * * *

  Two weeks later the fair was in town and Collin talked Tessa into taking the kids to the parade, she didn���t want people touching them, and he knew she was a bit overprotective.

  ���They may actually like being out of the confines of our home,��� he poked fun at her, ���Besides we have yet to use that double stroller.���


  Tessa felt fat and nasty, even though she had lost all but ten pounds already her body was not tight and it drove her crazy.

  She wore Capri���s and a linen long shirt.

  ���You look beautiful,��� he kissed her as she stood in the mirror looking at herself.

  ���I feel just the opposite.���

  ���Maybe you���ll feel better when you���re out of the house.���

  * * *

  They walked down the sidewalk with Kendall and Jose. She avoided looking at anyone, but it didn���t work. The first person she ran into was Sadi.

  ���Tessa Ross look at you,��� Sadi hugged her.

  ���Your daughter is beautiful,��� Tessa smiled.

  ���Two boys? Lucas must be proud.���

  Tessa laughed, ���They aren���t Lucas���: that didn���t work out.���

  ���Oh, I���m sorry��� he really loved you.���

  ���Sadi, this is my husband Collin, Collin this is Sadi Black.��� Tessa introduced them.

  ���Nice to meet you.���

  ���Likewise,��� he smiled politely.

  Sadi smiled and looked at Tessa, ���So what is Lucas doing?���

  ���He���s living in New Jersey and is with Ashley. He was at our house for New Years that���s the last I have talked to him. But I���m sure he is doing great, and how are you doing?���

  ���Great, happy, still in love,��� she smiled.

  When they walked away, Collin whispered in her ear, ���Pretend pregnancy, Lucas���s ex that tried to assault you every chance she got?���

  ���Yep, sure is,��� Tessa laughed.

  ���Why do you talk to her?���

  ���Why not? It was high school, she was hurt. I���m way past that and I forgave her,��� Tessa smiled.

  Collin smiled and shook his head.

  They saw Jade and Ryan and the kids.

  ���Hello��� what���s going on?��� Ryan asked, ���You got her out of the house?���

  ���I did, she just doesn���t want anyone touching the boys��� he laughed, Jade picked up Matthew. ���Except for Jade.���

  He wrapped his arms around Tessa, ���You going to be alright?���

  She leaned back and kissed him, ���Yes.���

  ���Look at you four,��� Tessa heard Lucas call from behind.

  His sisters ran up to her and hugged her; she hugged them back and showed them the boys.

  ���Jade has Matthew Ross, he was born right after,��� she said picking up Collin, ���CJ, and Collin John.���

  ���Tessa they are beautiful,��� Lucas said.

  ���They���re pretty perfect,��� she said, ���Thank you.���

  ���May I hold him?��� Lucas asked.

  Collin laughed, ���If you can pry him out of her hands.���

  She scowled at him, and he smiled and whispered, ���Go ahead.���

  Lucas held him, ���You look like your Dad CJ, are they always this quiet?���

  ���They���re very good babies,��� Tessa said.

  Jade handed Tessa Matthew.

  ���This is Matthew Ross, can you say hi to Lucas?��� she was bouncing him and facing him towards Luke.

  ���Matthew Ross, you look exactly like your Mommy,��� Lucas said, ���Do you want to switch?���

  Collin took CJ, and Lucas held Matthew. Ashley, Landon, and Audrianna walked up.

  ���They���re precious;��� Audrianna hugged her, ���May I?���

  Collin gently handed CJ to her. Ashley was looking at Matthew and smiling.

  ���Do you two sleep?��� Lucas asked Collin.

  ���We do now, for what Tessa��� three of four hours at night?��� he smiled.

  ���Yes thank God, it was two,��� Tessa laughed.

  ���You don���t have help?��� Landon asked

  ���She finally agreed after two weeks of no sleep to allow me to hire a housekeeper so at least we could get a few minutes alone. But no nanny, they���re ours,��� Collin kissed her head.

  ���Have you told them the news, Lucas?��� Landon asked.

  ���Not yet Dad��� I just ran into them,��� Lucas smiled, ���Ash and I are getting married.���

  Tessa smiled, ���I���m so happy for you, both of you,��� she hugged Ashley and kissed Lucas on the cheek.���When?���

  ���Two months, invitations went out today, you guys are invited, but I understand if you have your hands full.��� Lucas looked at Tessa she smiled, ���Wow, you are really happy for me aren���t you?���

  ���Yes, of course.���

  ���Well, thank you, I don���t think I deserve that after the way I reacted to your pending nuptials,��� Lucas laughed nervou

  ���We both accepted������ Collin started.

  Lucas laughed, ���My apology, you little men are going to have manners coming out your eyeballs. Thank you, both.���

  ���So tomorrow night Adam���s band is playing again Tessa. Do you think maybe you and Collin would like to meet us at the big fair for a couple hours?��� Jade asked

  ���No, we don���t have a sitter,��� Tessa said and looked at Collin as if to say cover me.

  ���I���ll come up. I���d love to hang out with the boys,��� Kendall offered.

  ���So it���s all set then,��� Jade said.

  CJ started to get agitated, and Jade handed him immediately to Tessa.

  ���What���s wrong my love?��� she asked and he turned towards her breast and started nuzzling into her, ���We have to go.���

  ���Alright, nice to see you all,��� Collin took Matthew and set him in the stroller and took CJ from Tessa, ���Not going to work over here little guy.���

  Jade looked at Lucas and scowled at him.

  Lucas laughed, ���What?���

  Lucky baby he thought.

  ���Nothing. Ryan, we should get going too,��� Jade turned away and tried not to laugh.

  * * *

  The next night Tessa and Collin walked in his arm draped around her shoulder.

  ���Are you going to make it three hours?��� he smiled.

  ���Two, we said two hours,��� she looked at him and saw him trying not to laugh. ���Collin, please, I don���t like this.���

  ���Okay beautiful, I won���t tease you. But will you try to have a good time?���

  ���Yes I will, but I need some incentive,��� she smiled.

  ���I will let you go down.��� he said rolling his eyes as if he didn���t want her to.

  ���Oh, you will, will you?��� She laughed, ���I was thinking maybe you would dance with me.���

  ���Fine,��� he said in an exasperated tone and laughed.

  Jade saw them and waved them over.

  Jade handed Collin drinks. Collin looked at Tessa and handed her the wine slushy.


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