The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 150

by Mj Fields

  ���I���ll sing with you,��� Tessa ran up to them, and they all danced and made up silly words to songs.

  Tessa was into Van Morrison again, and she punched play on her iPod. Brown Eyed Girl became brown eyed squirrel and Moondance, moon walk. Ben did his best Michael Jackson impersonation as he sang. She made Collin dance to Crazy Love, and he smiled at her.

  ���You’re getting drunk, aren���t you?���

  ���If I have to deal with this��� you bet your ass I am,��� he kissed her.

  ���Slow down I don���t want you to fall asleep on me.���

  ���You like that song? It reminds me of you,��� Collin kissed her again.

  ���You taste very yummy, you need to stop,��� she said in a very seductive voice.

  ���You don���t mean that,��� he kissed her again.

  ���No, but I think Kendall is going to need us here,��� she watched her stumble through doe camp.

  He pressed his forehead to hers ���Alright, but we���re not through with this.���

  They walked back, and Kendall was sitting on the floor laughing, all the older guys had either left or went upstairs to the loft. Alex, Phoebe, Jade, Ryan, Luke, Ashley, and Ben walked back, and they all sat and talked.

  ���Wow,��� Kendall said, ���I���m not good at this drinking business.���

  ���It���s genetic,��� Alex chuckled and looked at Tessa.

  Tessa laughed.

  ���So your sister says she wants to go hunting in the morning, I offered to teach her,��� Ben grinned at Tessa.

  ���She isn���t a very good shot,��� Tessa laughed.

  ���I can teach her,��� Ben smirked

  ���Yes you can,��� Kendall giggled.

  ���You can���t be serious?��� Lucas snapped.

  ���Why?��� Ben asked.

  ���You fucked around with her sister!���

  ���No, actually��� we never fucked Lucas,��� Ben laughed.

  ���Lucas really you���re going to criticize him about sisters?��� Tessa laughed.

  ���Tessa you sucked his���,��� Lucas said.

  She looked at Collin, who raised his hands in the air, ���I wasn���t around then, but this I never heard.���

  ���Well, there isn���t much to tell,��� Ben laughed and so did Tessa.

  ���Only because you got pulled over by the cop you passed when she was going������ Lucas started and all three of them laughed.

  ���Yeah, that was funny shit huh, Tess.���

  ���No, actually it wasn���t, you basically told the cop what I was doing, and you bumped fists.���

  ���You did what?��� Kendall asked looking at Tessa.

  ���Go back to sleep or la la land,��� Tessa said, ���Nothing you need to know.���

  ���You were such a hoe,��� Kendall said and they laughed.

  ���No, she wasn���t,��� Ben said, ���She was just dealing with an asshole. She was a good girl and high I think.���

  ���Pissed, if I remember correctly,��� Lucas laughed.

  ���Shut up Lucas,��� Tessa giggled and looked at Collin. ���Are you okay?���

  ���Tessa the more they talk, the more I realize how lucky you are,��� Collin said and everyone laughed except Lucas and Ben.

  Tessa kissed him, ���I love you.���

  ���I know,��� Collin smiled at her.

  ���Who needs a drink?��� Ben stood up laughing to himself.

  Ben didn���t wait for a response, he came back and handed out drinks and watched with a smile on his face. ���You two are both idiots,��� Ben said pointing to Lucas and Collin.

  ���Ben,��� Tessa snapped.

  ���I���m way overstepping here but your wife Links can���t even stand the sight of alcohol right now. I don���t know what the girls looked like before, but they���re pretty damn big. Bigger than the pictures on your facebook page. Tessa you haven���t drank and those two boys should have drained them down a bit over the past almost five months,��� Ben laughed. ���Are you two pregnant?���

  ���No!��� Ashley and Tessa both said at the same time.

  ���Okay,��� Ben sat back smugly.

  ���What are you the fucking pregnancy police?��� Lucas snapped at him.

  ���Nope, I just know boobs, they are my favorite things in the world,��� Ben laughed, ���The booze was just obvious.���

  Tessa looked at Collin and he at her, both their eyes widened.

  Tessa looked over to Lucas and Ashley, who were deep in thought. Ashley looked at her, they both smiled.

  ���Tessa can you take me downtown I don���t know my way yet, I need to grab a few things.���

  ���Sure, nobody else around here can drive,��� Tessa said. ���You need anything Collin?���

  ���Yes,��� he smiled. ���But I can wait.���

  * * *

  Tessa and Ashley returned from the drugstore and drove to the house. Ashley used the bathroom and Tessa checked on the boys. Tessa went to the bathroom and they both sat and looked at each other and laughed.

  ���Ready?��� Tessa asked and stood up.

  ���I think so.���

  They both walked into the bathroom. Tessa laughed and hugged Ashley, ���I think we should go back to camp.���

  They walked in and Ben smiled, ���So was I right?���

  ���About what?��� Collin and Lucas both asked.

  Tessa smiled at Collin, ���Can we talk for a minute?���

  Ben laughed.

  ���Luke, come with me?��� Ashley laughed.

  They walked outside and grabbed a bag out of Tessa���s SUV.

  ���Which one was yours?��� Ashley asked nervously.

  ���I don���t know but I don���t think it really matters much.���

  Collin caught on and smiled at Tessa.

  Lucas looked confused, Ashley handed him the stick and smiled. He kissed her and hugged her tightly. Tessa saw his face he looked worried.

  ���It will be different this time,��� she said quietly.

  ���But she���s going to be a real pain in the ass,��� Collin laughed.

  ���Ashley, thank you,��� he kissed her. ���Are we good?���

  ���Yes we are, so are they,��� he looked over at Tessa and Collin, who were hugging.

  ���No way?���

  ���Yes way,��� Tessa said and hugged him.

  Collin hugged Ashley, ���Congratulations.���

  ���You���re going to have a girl Links,��� Collin laughed.

  ���That shit���s not funny, Abraham.���

  ���Yeah, it is, I have two boys, it���s really funny.���

  ���And our boys are going to treat whoever they end up with just like their Daddy treats me,��� Tessa elbowed Collin.

  ���Sorry beautiful, I just thought it was funny.���

  Lucas and Collin were laughing and joking with one another and Tessa smiled. She looked at Ashley who appeared frightened.

  ���Your wedding was quite eventful,��� Tessa hugged her.

  ���I guess so.���

  ���What���s wrong?���

  ���Just nervous about how he is going to act,��� Ashley whispered.

e you kidding me? He���ll be the best he���s ever been��� I can almost guarantee it, take full advantage,��� Tessa laughed.

  They walked in and everyone was laughing.

  ���So Jade and Phoebe have something to share,��� Ben said.

  ���Three months,��� Phoebe said.

  ���Two months,��� Jade said looking exhausted.

  Ben looked at Tessa, ���You happy?���

  ���Exhausted, but yes very happy,��� Tessa smiled.

  ���How are you? When are you getting married?��� she asked.

  ���We broke things off.���

  ���I���m sorry, what happened?���

  ���I don���t share,��� Ben winked.

  ���Oh, she cheated?���

  ���No, she wanted to share me,��� he laughed. ���She became very close with her college roommate.���

  ���A girl?���

  ���And you said no?��� Lucas laughed.

  Ashley looked at him and scowled. ���Sorry Ash��� I���m just busting on him.���

  Collin laughed and shook his head. Tessa raised her eyebrows.

  ���Really Tessa? As if I would be able to handle any more than you,��� Collin laughed.

  Tessa looked away.

  ���Wrong thing to say, Abraham,��� Lucas chuckled.

  ���She knows better,��� Collin grabbed her and pulled her on his lap.

  ���You’re done breastfeeding. I want those back for a few months, I miss them,��� Collin smiled, everyone heard him.

  ���You should try breast milk, it���s good stuff,��� Ryan laughed.

  ���I have twins��� I can���t take away from them.���

  ���You haven���t even tried it?��� Ben gasped.

  Collin laughed, ���We have an entire freezer full of the stuff, liquid gold. Tastes amazing like��� ���

  ���Alright chatty, you���re going to be aggravated that you were so talkative tonight,��� Tessa laughed at him.

  ���You should talk,��� Alex said laughing ���I had never heard anything as loud as you when I opened that door this afternoon.���

  Tessa scowled at him and Collin laughed and nuzzled into her neck.

  ���Phoebe��� I���m sorry if my brother doesn���t make you scream,��� Tessa said snidely.

  ���Oh, he does,��� Phoebe laughed.

  ���Phoebe,��� Alex warned.

  ���Oh Alex, leave her alone,��� Phoebe warned, ���Or you can sleep on the couch tonight.���

  They all laughed.

  ���Okay, I think we need to get Kendall back to our place,��� Tessa looked at her sleeping on the floor.

  ���I can get her,��� Ben grinned at Tessa.

  ���I shoot well, remember that tomorrow when you take her hunting, better than you,��� Tessa said glaring at him.

  Collin picked up Kendall.

  ���Hey, where is Ben?��� Kendall laughed as she wrapped her arms around Collin���s neck.

  ���I will see you in the morning Miss Ross,��� Ben smiled.

  ���Maybe��� maybe not,��� Kendall laughed.


  Collin and Tessa spent the holidays with family and the boys��� first Christmas morning was just the four of them. She was tired from the pregnancy, but not as sick as she was before. She was playing piano again, and the boys loved to set and hit the keys with her. Collin loved to hear her play. He asked her once why she didn���t need to sing along to it like she did instrumental pieces.

  ���Because I���m still making music just with my hands and not my voice, sounds a little narcissistic don���t it?���

  He traveled alone for a week a month and spent three at home. In the spring, she was tired all the time, and it worried him.

  ���I have two little men who keep me overly busy and one very big man who exhausts me,��� she smiled.

  They went to their OBGYN appointment and everything looked well, the ultrasound was the same day, and they decided to find out.

  ���What���s your guess?���

  ���Girl, I feel different,��� she answered.

  ���I think so, too.���

  They were both right. They were having a sweet little girl, and Tessa was very excited.

  ���Now for nursery preparation,��� she hugged him.

  ���Whatever you want, is yours,��� he said and hugged her. ���But if you speak to Ashley, I want him to think we are having a boy.���

  ���We have two, isn���t that enough worry?���

  Collin laughed and shook his head no.

  * * *

  ���You���re leaving me again,��� she looked down.

  ���Hey��� just for a week. Tessa we can figure something else out if it���s too much.���

  ���No, you love your work,��� she hugged him.

  ���But I love all this more.��� Collin appeared torn.

  ���Our plan is going to change. The traveling with the boys, that���s going to have to be pushed ahead.���

  ���We���ll see. But say the word Tessa, and I���ll figure it out.���

  Tessa laughed, ���Well��� let���s see we could work at a hospital and be away from them for forty plus hours a week, or do what you love. My Mom saw my Dad less, and they ended up splitting up. We���re fine, just estrogen overload I think.���

  They took the boys to the park and played. They bathed them and watched them crawl around the house. They fed them and put them to bed. Maggie came over, and they went out to dinner and mini golfing. When they came home, the boys were both awake and crying. Both had low- grade fevers, and she knew they were teething again. Maggie had given them Tylenol, and Collin and Tessa rocked them to sleep.

  They went to bed exhausted.

  Tessa woke up to him kissing her, and she looked at the clock, it was two in the morning, ���Collin��� it���s very early.���

  ���I know,��� he said and started to caress her body.

  She laughed, ���Sneak attack?���

  ���Mmm hmm��� he rolled her to her side and lifted her knee over him.

  She smiled and kissed him.

  The next morning she made breakfast and dressed the boys as he finished up getting things ready for his trip. She called him out for breakfast. ���Good morning little men, good morning beautiful,��� Collin kissed them.

  She smiled ���Good morning.���

  ���You look very happy this morning,��� Collin wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.

  ���I woke up very happy ��� twice,��� she giggled.

  ���Did you get enough sleep?��� he kissed her neck.

  ���No, I���ll sleep tonight,��� she looked behind her. ���Oh Collin, look.���

  Matthew had pulled himself up and was cruising ���Video Camera.���

  ���Got it.���

  ���Come on Matthew,��� she said kneeling down he took three steps and fell on his butt, they clapped and so did he. ���Did you get it?���

  ���Yes I did. CJ my man your younger brother is showing you up,��� Collin pulled him up, and he held his fingers ���Come on buddy.���

  Collin laughed, ���Not going to happen, huh?���

  ���Tell Dada when you are ready,��� Tessa laughed.

CJ chanted.

  ���At their own pace,��� Tessa laughed as she videotaped them.

  ���CJ will be telling Matthew what to do in no time,��� Collin smiled.

  At ten months, Matthew was walking, and CJ was starting to talk. And the little one was quickly approaching.

  ���I don���t want to miss a day,��� Collin said sadly.

  She hugged him, ���Whatever you need, we���ll figure out.���

  The boys went down for their morning nap and so did Tessa and Collin. His flight left at eight that night, and she was taking him. Maggie and John were coming to watch the boys they left at five.

  Tessa and Collin told them that the baby was a girl; her Mom was very excited that Sydney would have someone to do girl things with and John shook his laughed.

  ���Third child and a girl Tessa��� he laughed, ���Have fun with that, you and Aunt Josie, keep that in mind.���

  ���Thanks a lot Dad,��� she laughed.

  * * *

  ���You know it gets harder to leave you guys every time, it���s supposed to get easier,��� he said frustratedly.

  ���I���m sorry Collin,��� Tessa hugged him.

  ���It���s not your fault Tessa, my choice.���

  ���Well, another year and we can all go together, dependent on the places you go. Collin do you get to choose?���

  ���The whole team chooses, but I could try to sway it Tessa that is a great idea,��� Collin smiled.

  ���Well, it was a question, but I will take credit,��� Tessa smirked.

  ���So maybe��� forget it ��� I have a week to try to figure it out,��� Collin kissed her hand.

  They stopped and had dinner, and Tessa felt better, not that she doubted his desire to be with them but because he looked happier. She didn���t like to see him sad. She kissed him goodbye and watched as his plane took off. She walked to the SUV exhausted.

  ���Is it easier to say goodbye now?��� Maggie asked.

  ���No, and it���s getting harder for him, which makes it worse,��� she said. ���How were my babies tonight?���

  ���Perfect,��� Maggie said.


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