The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 159

by Mj Fields

  His lips lightly touched hers, and she kissed him lightly back. She let out a breath and he kissed her again. His light kisses made her head spin, and they became longer and firmer. Oh this is nice, this is really nice, she thought. She felt him start to slow and pull away. Emma���s eyes were still closed as she caught her breath.

  ���Was that alright?��� He asked softly in her ear as he held her closely.

  ���Uh huh,��� Emma let out a breath.

  She looked up at him, and he was looking into her eyes. She closed her eyes and grabbed his face lightly and kissed him again. Brody moaned and kissed her. She kissed him harder and he returned her kiss. He gently kissed her top lip and then her bottom and she gasped as he kissed down her neck. He returned to her lips and gently pulled at Emma���s bottom lip with his teeth. She opened her mouth and his tongue gently entered hers. Emma closed her lips around it and lightly pulled her mouth down his tongue. His breath quickened and he grabbed her face and kissed her harder. He moved down her neck and she couldn���t restrain the moan that escaped her mouth. Brody lifted her and pulled her legs around his tall lean muscular body. She held tightly around his neck as he walked towards the living room and he pulled back and looked at her.

  ���Emma,��� he started, and she pulled his hair gently towards her.

  She kissed him as he pushed her against the wall. Emma let out a breath and kissed his neck and bit lightly down. He moaned and walked to the chaise lounge and laid her down. He was on top of her, and she wrapped herself around him and pulled his face to hers and kissed him again and again.

  ���Oh Shit,��� Lila said as she walked in the apartment and saw them on the chaise.

  He stood up and clenched his jaw and turned away from Lila. Emma saw the bulge and bit her cheek trying not to smile. He gave her a frustrated yet sexy smile and walked down the hall and into the bathroom.

  ���Oh Emma, I���m so sorry,��� Lila said in shock.

  ���Excuse me please,��� Emma said turning a hundred different shades of red and went into the bedroom.

  She shut the door and buried her head in her pillow.

  * * *

  ���Sorry about that, Lila,��� Brody said trying not to smile when he returned to the living room.

  ���I don���t think you are,��� Lila laughed.

  ���Where did she go?��� Brody whispered.

  Lila laughed, ���The bedroom, I think you should go see how she is.���

  ���Did she look upset to you?��� Brody asked with deep concern in his voice.

  ���I���m not sure, you should go find out,��� Lila said turning away so he couldn���t see her smile.

  Brody knocked on the door and didn���t wait for her to answer as he entered the room, ���Emma, are you alright?���

  ���Um, yes,��� she said trying to hide the smile from her voice.

  She felt the bed move as he sat next to her. ���Why are you hiding your face then Emma?���

  ���Well Brody,��� Emma said using her best English accent and laughed, ���I���m embarrassed.���

  ���Why���s that?��� Brody lay down next to her.

  He is lying in a bed next to me, he���s so hot, and he is lying down next to me. She thought burying her face even further in the pillow as she giggled.

  ���Emma, are you and I twelve?��� Brody laughed.

  ���No, but I just kissed you, and I liked it,��� Emma looked at him in shock.

  He gasped mimicking her expression and they both laughed.

  ���You also bit me,��� he said teasingly and pulled her into his arms, ���and I liked it,���

  He whispered gruffly against her neck.

  ���Lila���s here,��� she said as he continued to kiss her neck and moved back to her lips.

  ���Mmm,��� he moaned.

  They kissed passionately, and Emma pulled back quickly, ���What time is it?���

  ���I don���t care,��� Brody kissed her again.

  Emma pulled back and smiled, ���London���s going to be here at seven,��� she said pulling away and leaned over and grabbed her phone. One hour and I get to see my little girl.���

  ���I would like to meet her,��� Brody smiled. Emma���s face fell, ���That���s not alright with you is it?���

  Emma took a deep breath, ���Yes, you���re Lila���s friend.���

  ���And London���s extremely beautiful mother���s future lover?��� Brody laughed knowing it would make her uncomfortable. ���Oh I���m sorry, do you think she is a tad young to hear that?��� Emma���s face was crimson, and her jaw dropped. ���Emma I was joking. I would never tell her of my intentions, I haven���t even told her mother yet.���

  He smiled and kissed her.

  Emma sat staring at the bed as he stood up, ���Brody I������ She started.

  ���Don���t worry. I���ll behave,��� he smiled.

  ���But,��� Emma began and looked at him smiling, ���You���re being silly.���

  ���Do you prefer the tormented chap you���ve gotten to known over the week?��� Brody laughed.

  ���Well no, but which one are you? I���m confused,��� Emma said looking down.

  Brody sat next to her, ���Tormented was when I knew I was wildly attracted to you when I ran into you at the park, then amused at the club, then angry the next day, then poignant that I could have hurt you by being so self- centered, then truly intrigued by how you care for your child and said you felt about my music, and yesterday with your ex I was angry and felt protective, and then particularly turned on by your confession of what you might want to do to some Rock Star,��� he laughed. ���Then last night Emma ��� you are lovely. I haven���t felt this way about anyone and I mean anyone, in years ��� if ever. And now I want to kiss you again.���

  ���Okay,��� she closed her eyes.

  He kissed her, and she kissed him back. He pulled her closer and they held each other tightly as they caught their breath.

  ���I want to know how you are feeling right now Emma,��� Brody said gazing in her eyes.

  Her phone chimed.

  * * *

  - Mommy we are about thirty minutes away!!!...<3 London

  - I CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU!!!!...<3 Mommy

  ���To be continued, Emma? By the way, you need to do something with your hair, you have sex hair,��� he laughed and kissed her then walked out the door.

  Emma showered and threw on some Khaki cargo pants and a button down shirt. She toweled off her hair and walked into the kitchen. Lila, Brody, and Brody���s friends all looked at Emma.

  ���Hey Emma,��� Joe smiled knowingly at her.

  ���Hello.��� Emma said and looked panicked at Lila, ���London and Mom should be here soon. I think I���m going to get a room tonight.���

  ���Why would you do that?��� Brody pushed her hair behind her ear and looked deeply into her eyes.

  ���Well������ She pulled back and looked around, ���I know you are all having a great time, and I don���t want to interrupt that,��� Emma smiled.

  ���First of all no, you���re staying. My friends leave in an hour for the airport. Lila said you have plans tonight. Secondly Emma, I promised I won���t behave badly,��� Brody smiled, and his friends laughed.

  Emma was shocked and walked away. Brody followed her and grabbed her arm. ���You told them!��� She snapped.

  ���Lila knows and well,��� Brody sai
d looking embarrassed, ���They knew how I felt before any of this happened, from the moment they saw how I looked at you Emma. Come now, don���t be angry at me,��� Brody said and hugged her.

  ���Brody, my little girl is going to be walking through that door any minute. She���s been through hell. I haven���t seen her in three days, and that���s a first. I can���t put her through any more. I���m sorry Brody,��� Emma said and pulled away.

  ���Emma please listen to me. They won���t say anything, I wouldn���t do that to you and they���re my closest most trusted friends. Please understand that. I���ll leave Emma, if I���m making this difficult,��� Brody looked down.

  Emma took a deep breath visibly relaxing, ���Is that angry or tormented Rock Star?��� Emma smiled. He looked up at her confused. ���I���m sorry. I just can���t hurt her, and I don���t want you to hurt either, just…don���t leave,��� Emma heard the doorbell.

  She smiled and grabbed his face and kissed him. She pulled away and saw Lila and the guys standing there.

  Of course, she thought. Brody followed her eyes.

  ���Not a word,��� he warned them.


  ���Mommy!��� London yelled and jumped on Emma and they both fell to the ground, ���Oh sorry.���

  ���You missed me a lot, huh? I���ve missed you more,��� Emma kissed her face like a crazy woman.

  London laughed and squealed, ���We missed each other more!���

  Emma grabbed her and picked her up and twirled her around, ���Are you ready to have fun?��� London smiled and nodded her head. ���Sorry mom, please come in.��� Emma hugged her mother.

  London was staring at Brody and smiling. Brody was doing the same. Emma laughed, ���London this is Brody Hines, Brody this is London Fields.���

  ���Pleased to meet you, Brody Hines,��� London reached out her hand.

  ���The pleasure is mine, London Fields,��� Brody kissed her hand.

  London laughed.

  ���You talk funny,��� London smiled, ���You don���t sing that way.���

  He laughed, ���I have an accent because I lived in England for a very long time.���

  ���Near London?���

  ���Yes, and did I hear you say you heard my music?��� Brody said, squatting down looking in her eyes.

  ���Well my Dad Googled it, and I listened. It was alright, a little sad, but good. Friends at school said they saw pictures of you and my Mom, and now they have your albums on their MP3 players. Do you play a guitar?��� London asked.

  ���Yes ��� and piano,��� Brody said smiled as he listened to this little girl talking as if she were an adult.

  ���I���m going to learn piano,��� London motioned to her grandmother. ���By the way Brody, this is my grandmother Caroline, Grandma this is Lila���s friend Brody,��� London said with a sheepish grin.

  Emma looked at her curiously. And Brody laughed.

  ���Nice to meet you, Caroline,��� Brody shook her hand.

  ���Pleasure to meet you. Lila, your friend is a doll. Emma, would you be offended if I left now? I have missed your father,��� Caroline winked.

  Emma looked shocked.

  ���Um, alright Mom, thank you,��� she hugged her.

  Her parents have been married for thirty six years and were still deeply in love. Emma never realized it could be any different.

  ���Mom I���m going to take my things down to your room, then use the bathroom, alright?��� London said as she walked towards the hall.

  ���What the hell just happened?��� Emma said finally able to speak.

  Lila laughed, ���I���m not sure.���

  Brody shook his head, ���London���s a doll. Very smart and well spoken,��� he smiled as he passed by, ���And your mother, well she is a treat,��� he whispered in her ear.

  ���Holy shit,��� Emma said loudly.

  ���Mom, that���s a bad word,��� London said as she returned.

  ���I���m sorry honey, but it���s a grown up word������ Emma started.

  ���I know if adults decide to use vulgar language, they can. It���s a sign that their vocabulary is lacking,��� London laughed as she walked in the bathroom.

  Emma laughed, ���Eating those words right now.��� Brody walked back in smirking, ���Are you enjoying yourself?���

  * * *

  ���I am…A great deal,��� Brody flashed a big perfect smile and his eyes twinkled.

  Emma looked at him and took a quick breath, he looked at her as if he was confused and then smiled with his whole face. Oh Emma, you are going to be so much fun, Brody thought. He winked at her.

  * * *

  ���So mom what are we doing tonight?��� London bound down the hallway.

  ���What would you like to do?��� Emma grabbed her hand and sat on the couch.

  London sat down, ���Dinner and a show?���

  ���What would you like to see?��� Emma asked.

  ���Wicked ��� Dad was supposed to take me and well, that didn���t work out,��� London said and looked upset briefly, ���But the show must go on right?���

  ���Absolutely,��� Emma hugged her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and swallowed. ���We���ll see what we can do, but no promises. It���s Friday night I don���t knows if we can even get tickets,��� Emma got up and grabbed her laptop and walked back out. London wasn���t there.

  Emma walked in the kitchen, and London was sitting on a stool next to Brody talking to his friends.

  ���You disappeared on me,��� she kissed London���s head.

  London smiled, ���I was just meeting Joe, Max, and Quinn. They���re flying back to England today. Nice to meet all of you,��� London jumped down, ���Mom I���m going to shower, to get ready to go out,��� Emma sucked in her lips not to smile. ���If Brody���s friends are leaving he should go with us, wouldn���t want him to be lonely without them. Lila said she would go,��� London disappeared down the hall.

  ���She���s grown up so much Emma,��� Lila laughed.

  ���Yeah, when did that happen?��� Emma wondered out loud. ���Last weekend,��� she said quietly lost in thought.

  ���Emma, she seems fine,��� Lila said.

  Emma looked up and forced a smile on her face, ���I suppose.���

  ���So Brody are you going out tonight?��� Quinn asked.

  ���Oh he couldn���t, he would be seen,��� Emma shook her head. ���That must suck.���

  ���Potty mouth,��� London said from behind her, ���Is there Halloween in England?���

  ���Yes, it is not as immensely celebrated as it is here, why do you ask?��� Brody asked with amusement in his voice.

  ���Well we could dress you up, no one would even notice,��� London said raising her eyebrow.

  ���Oh yeah? What would I be?��� Brody smiled.

  ���Maybe Glenda?��� London laughed loudly.

  ���I���m sure that would go unnoticed, a six foot tall man in women���s clothing in New York City? Not as odd as one would think, London,��� Joe laughed teasingly.

  ���Drag queens?��� London asked.

  ���London, did grandma teach you that?��� Emma asked shocked.

  ���Mom do you remember recess?��� London raised her eyebr
ow and putting her hand on her hip. ���So Brody, if you would like to join us I will come up with something, think about it,��� London said as she walked to the bathroom.

  ���Who is that and what has she done with my daughter?��� Emma looked down. ���You don���t have to go,��� Emma said to Brody.

  ���I think I want to,��� Brody smiled, ���Unless you would prefer that I don���t come along.���

  ���No, that���s not what I was saying, I just don���t want you to feel like you have to,��� Emma said sincerely.

  ���Emma dear, if he didn���t want to go he would not go,��� Max smiled. ���I think he likes your daughter,��� he laughed.

  Emma smiled, ���Alright then, I���m going to go see about tickets.���

  Emma was searching online when the guys were leaving. They came in to say goodbye.

  ���It was nice meeting all of you.��� Emma said and hugged each of them.

  ���I���m certain we���ll see each other again,��� Joe said and gave her a big kiss. Emma laughed.

  ���Alright London, it���s not looking good for tonight, unless we want nose bleed seats,��� Emma said showing her the computer.

  ���What about tomorrow night? Front row center?��� London smiled.

  ���Sure London, we can stay with Grandma and Grandpa tomorrow night,��� Emma grabbed London and pulled her on her lap and hugged her.

  ���No way, you���re staying here ��� we can hang out all weekend. I don���t have anything going on,��� Lila snuggled into them, ���Where are we going to dinner, London?���

  ���I don���t care, where do you think Brody?��� London smiled.

  ���What kind of food do you like? Mac and cheese and chicken nuggets?��� Brody asked.

  ���Processed food? No, we don���t do that, it���s full of chemicals. I like chicken, veggies, and pasta. How about you?���

  ���Chicken nuggets and Mac and cheese,��� he laughed. ���I���m not a good cook.���


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