The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 184

by Mj Fields

  Emma pulled his pants over his hips as he stroked her back and ran his hand lightly down the back of her underwear. She took him in her hand, and he snarled. She felt the heat of his body against hers rise ten degrees, she pushed her panties to the side and guided him into her. She circled her hips slowly filling herself with him inch by glorious inch. Brody sat up and pushed into her further, and she felt the pressure in her belly button as she continued to circle her hips, she started to slow down feeling the pressure everywhere including in her bladder. Brody began circling her and hitting her g spot with each move.

  Emma began to pull away and he kissed her hard on the mouth and pushed into her hitting perfectly on that spot with each thrust. Emma couldn���t think or stop, but she felt her body explode, and she began to feel like���

  ���Em, damn,��� Brody held her against him and bucked wildly until her name vibrated across her neck.

  ���Brody I������ Emma���s face was crimson, and he pulled her against him.

  ���Wow, Em,��� he said breathlessly.

  ���I���m so sorry ��� I don���t know why that happened,��� Emma said softly.

  ���I can���t wait until it happens again Em���damn,��� Brody said sitting back, his eyes on fire.

  Emma���s eyes were closed, and he was confused.

  ���Em look at me,��� Brody chuckled.

  ���Nope,��� she said squinting her eyes tightly together.

  ���Why,��� he laughed.

  ���Brody I think I just p������ Emma began.

  Brody was laughing out loud now, and Emma opened her eyes and scowled at him.

  ���It���s called female ejaculation Em, you didn���t give me a golden shower,��� he smiled and kissed her cheek.

  ���That���s happened to you before?��� Emma asked.

  ���No Love, I have the wrong parts for that,��� he laughed.

  Emma pushed him away.

  ���I���ve heard of it, never experienced it, but it was hot as hell, Em. How are you feeling?��� Brody cupped her chin and looked at her.

  ���Fine,��� she whispered.

  Brody kissed her, and she let out a breath.

  ���Fine, that���s it Em?��� Brody prodded.

  ���No, it was great but, that can���t happen again,��� Emma said standing up.

  ���Like hell it won���t!��� Brody stood and grabbed her.

  Emma scowled and turned away from him.

  ���You need to get over this,��� Brody grabbed her by the waist.

  ���No, I need to clean up,��� Emma snapped.

  Brody brought her back harshly against his chest, ���I love you, next time it���ll be in my mouth!���

  Brody nipped her neck and covered it with kisses.

  Emma looked at him and shook her head slowly back and forth.

  ���Fucking hot, Em,��� Brody kissed her head.

  ���Yeah, real hot, we should probably go through mattresses every other day,��� Emma turned back and walked towards the bathroom as Brody laughed.

  * * *

  Christmas morning was beautiful. London woke early, Brody heard her outside the door and got up and tiptoed to the door.

  ���What are you doing young lady?��� Brody smiled.

  London jumped and covered her mouth, and he chuckled.

  ���I just wanted to peek and see what Santa brought, Mom said I had to wait until seven, it���s almost seven right?��� London said sweetly.

  ���Well actually its five Miss London, but I���m also extremely excited. Maybe we could sneak down together but then right back up here okay?��� Brody grinned.

  London and Brody snuck down the stairs slowly and tip toed into the large living room.

  The tree was lit in white lights, silver tinsel, and deep red ornaments. The room was glowing and beautiful. London giggled and walked quickly to the stockings hanging on the fireplace mantel.

  ���Can I look?��� She whispered.

  Brody smiled, ���As long as you don���t move anything, your mom may be upset if she were to miss seeing your beautiful face taking this all in.���

  ���Hey London, would you help me hang these?��� Brody asked pulling out a box of deep red bows.

  ���They���re very pretty, I would love to,��� London smiled.

  Brody and London finished hanging the bows and Brody snickered.

  Brody looked up and saw Troy walking into the room.

  ���You���re in so much trouble kiddo,��� Troy beamed.

  ���Don���t tell on me Daddy,��� London giggled.

  ���I don���t know, you even have Brody here sucked in,��� Troy grabbed her and hugged her, ���Merry Christmas, London.���

  ���Merry Christmas, Daddy,��� London hugged him back.

  ���I���ll go wake your Mom,��� Brody said as he slipped out of the room.

  All the gifts were opened, and everyone was sitting down at the dining room table when the doorbell rang. Brody walked to the door and opened it.

  ���Rebecca,��� Brody smiled and hugged her.

  ���I brought someone,��� Rebecca whispered into his ear.

  ���Hello Son,��� Robert Hines smiled at his son.

  ���Father,��� Brody extended his hand and shook his father���s hand.

  ���I heard you were home and that I have a daughter- in- law,��� he said as he looked down.

  ���Come in please,��� Brody opened the door wider allowing them in.

  Emma walked into the foyer and smiled, ���Rebecca, Merry Christmas.���

  ���Em, this is my father Robert,��� Brody forced a smile.

  ���A pleasure to meet you, finally,��� Emma smiled and hugged him.

  ���The pleasure is mine,��� Robert responded softly.

  ���Well come in, meet everyone, dinner is almost ready to be served,��� Emma smiled as Brody kissed her head.

  ���I���ll help you,��� Brody said softly.

  ���You should introduce your family to everyone, I can handle this.���

  Brody introduced Robert to Henry, Caroline, London, and Troy. They all shook hands, and Henry went into the kitchen and carved the Prime Rib.

  ���Robert looks a lot like Brody doesn���t he?��� Henry smiled politely to his daughter.

  ���Sure does,��� Emma agreed.

  ���Do things seem off between them?��� Henry asked inquisitively.

  ���I don���t know, I���ve never met him Dad, so I���ll have to reserve judgment,��� Emma smiled and kissed him swiftly on the cheek, ���Let���s go its dinner time.���

  ���Alright Princess,��� Henry smiled, ���I still have one last gift you know.���

  ���Of course, could we do it after dinner?��� Emma asked.

  ���Sure Emma,��� Henry followed Emma into the dining room.

  Everyone appeared to be having a great time. The food was great and conversation flowing. Troy and London played with her new toys as Rebecca and Robert watched and laughed. Brody was helping Caroline clean up from dinner.

  ���Emma, got a minute?��� Henry asked, grabbing a leather bound book and then her hand.

  ���Of course,��� Emma smiled sadly.

  Each year since Emma could remember Henry and her would take time to remember Elizabeth. The book was full of photos from Elizabeth���s birth through the holiday and every special moment in between.
Emma���s favorite photos had always been of the two of them playing on the floor in front of the family Christmas tree. Henry had an artist do composite sketches of what Elizabeth would look like each year. Through the years, they looked less eerie and more like photos.

  ���She���s beautiful Daddy,��� Emma said as they turned the pages.

  ���She is, Princess,��� Henry agreed.

  Caroline and Brody walked into the room and stood behind them looking over their shoulders as they turned the pages. Starting at the beginning, over and over again. Henry held Caroline���s hand and kissed it.

  ���Look at her, she was beautiful then,��� Henry said softly.

  ���I���m sure she���s just as beautiful now, sitting up in heaven with the angels,��� Caroline wiped a tear.

  Brody looked at Emma and smiled, he knew this must be her sister that had been taken years ago. Caroline and Henry excused themselves and Brody sat next to Emma and smiled.

  ���She���s beautiful, Emma,��� he kissed her head.

  ���Yeah,��� Emma said and wiped a tear away, ���Okay, let���s go back.���

  ���Em, if you need a few minutes that would be understandable,��� Brody rubbed her hand.

  ���This happens every year,��� she smiled, ���I���m fine with it. I wish I could fix it, change the past, but I can���t. But we have family in there, and we should get back.���

  Brody continued looking at the album after Emma left the room

  * * *

  ���Do you three think you can come to Uncle Bo���s New Year���s party?��� Rebecca asked as she walked into the study.

  ���I think it best if we didn���t,��� Brody smiled looking up from the leather bound album.

  ���What���s this?��� Rebecca asked looking over his shoulder.

  ���A photo book. Emma���s sister Elizabeth was taken from a shopping mall years ago. Henry has sketches done each year so they can see what she would look like today,��� Brody answered.

  ���Wow, isn���t that morbid?��� Rebecca whispered.

  ���Well I guess if it���s the way they choose to grieve ��� it should be supported,��� Brody answered sitting back in his chair running his hands through his hair.

  ���May I?��� Rebecca asked.

  ���Sure,��� Brody smiled.

  ���Why won���t you come to the party?��� Rebecca asked as she looked through the book.

  ���It���s not a place London should be,��� Brody laughed.

  ���Her father and grandparents are here, you could skip out for a bit,��� Rebecca prodded.

  Brody turned to the doorway and smiled at Emma.

  He walked up and kissed her cheek.

  ���If you want to we can,��� Emma whispered into his ear.

  ���We can discuss, yes?��� he whispered back.

  ���Of course.���

  * * *

  ���You���re sure about this?��� Brody asked as he drove. ���We could always skip it and I could show you a few places.���

  ���I���m fine if you are,��� Emma rubbed his hand.

  ���I told you about his parties Em,��� Brody warned again.

  ���Yes I���m aware. Brody I���ve kept you all to myself for months now. I don���t want to keep you from the people you love,��� Emma giggled.

  ���I���m with the people I love, you and London, you aren���t keeping me from anything Emma,��� Brody said as he pulled up the long winding driveway.

  He got out of the car and handed the key to the valet and opened Emma���s door. Emma watched him and knew he was uncomfortable.

  ���Brody,��� she said and stopped dead in her tracks tugging lightly at his hand holding him back, ���We don���t have to do this, you seem������

  ���Brody!��� A tall older handsome man in a tux stood at the top of the stairs leading to the mansion before them.

  ���Too late now, love,��� Brody said looking nervously at her.

  ���Bo this is Emma, my wife,��� Brody introduced them.

  Bo grabbed Emma and hugged her tightly and kissed her on the mouth. Emma pulled back and looked at Brody.

  ���Bo������ Brody���s voice carried warning.

  Bo laughed, ���I couldn���t help myself ��� she���s exquisite, come.���

  Emma held tightly to Brody���s hand as Bo led them into the party by her other hand.

  The party was in full swing, there were at least a hundred people in the ballroom. Emma noticed that most of the men were her age or older and women were all beautiful and young. Brody held her tightly against him.

  ���Dance,��� Brody said with his arms around her waist walking through the crowd to the dance floor.

  Emma looked up at him, and he knew she was uneasy.

  ���We���ll be leaving very soon,��� Brody said holding her tightly against his chest as they danced.

  ���I���m fine, Brody,��� Emma smiled.

  ���That���s a fake smile Em. I knew this was a bad idea damn it,��� Brody scolded himself.

  ���Brody stop. I���ve always been a bit socially awkward, I���m fine, okay?��� She said and kissed him gently.

  ���I love you Em,��� Brody rubbed her back.

  After a few songs Emma felt a tap on her shoulder, ���May I cut in?���

  ���My wife and I are dancing, Bo,��� Brody said with his brow raised.

  ���It���s okay Brody,��� Emma smiled.

  It took a few seconds for Brody to release her and then when he did he glared at Bo.

  ���You���re beautiful Emma,��� Bo said smiling at her.

  ���Thank you,��� Emma blushed.

  ���How did you meet my nephew?���

  ���Through a friend,��� Emma answered.

  ���So you like rock stars, huh?��� Bo chuckled.

  ���I wasn���t aware he was at the time,��� Emma said scanning the room for Brody.

  Emma saw Brody arguing with Rebecca and grew concerned.

  ���He thinks I���m going to try to get you upstairs,��� Bo laughed, ���But you don���t seem like the type.���

  ���No, I���m not…whatever that means,��� Emma still watched Brody, ���I should go.���

  Rebecca grabbed Brody���s hand and dragged him to the dance floor.

  ���He���s fine,��� Bo said with a laugh, ���Always been quick tempered.���

  ���I haven���t seen that side of him, protective yes, but never without reason,��� Emma said sticking up for her husband.

  Bo waved to a waitress nearby. ���A drink for you.���

  Emma needed a drink, something to take the edge off; she wanted Brody to have a good time and thought he may not be because she was nervous. She wanted desperately for him to never feel like she was trying to keep him from his family. She knew how she would feel if she couldn���t be around her family and he went out of his way to make everything so perfect for her, always.

  ���Well look at you,��� Bo laughed and motioned for the waitress again, ���Have another.���

  ���Thank you,��� Emma smiled and tossed it back.

  Brody saw her and stormed over towards her.

  ���Emma are you alright?��� Brody said cupping her face and searching her eyes.

  ���I am,��� Emma smiled
and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and kissed him.

  ���Slow down love,��� Brody pulled her against his chest. ���What the hell did you give her to drink?��� Brody snapped at Bo.

  ���I don���t know just something the waitress brought,��� Bo patted his shoulder and laughed as he walked away.

  ���Hey Music Man,��� Emma slurred, ���Is that Ariel?���

  Brody looked up and saw Ariel walking down the grand staircase.

  ���What in bloody hell is she doing here?��� He snapped.

  ���I don���t know,��� Emma laughed.

  ���Em, are you alright?��� Brody asked lifting her face to his.

  ���No, I���m������ Emma���s eyes closed and he felt her body become weightless.

  * * *

  ���What the hell did you give her?��� Emma heard Brody yelling at someone.

  ���I gave her a drink, two drinks actually,��� Bo snarled back.

  ���What the fuck was in it Bo?��� Brody yelled again.

  ���The wait staff brought it������ Bo snapped.

  ���Well I suggest you go find out what the fuck it was Bo, before I do it myself,��� Brody threatened.

  A door shut, and Emma heard another voice.

  ���Is she alright Brody?���

  ���She fucking better be!��� Brody growled.

  ���Hey Brody did your wife have too much to drink?���

  ���Rebecca, what the fuck is she doing here?��� Brody said through his teeth,

  ���Ariel comes every year, Brody,��� Rebecca explained.

  ���He knows,��� Ariel laughed.

  ���Rebecca, get her the fuck out of here!��� Brody���s voice was harsh and direct.

  Emma heard a door shut, and then felt him lift her onto his lap.


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