The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 204

by Mj Fields

  They both laughed, ���You look amazing.���

  ���And you have been working out, huh?��� Emma smiled.

  ���Yeah, gotta get back in the game Emma. Damn, London���s parents are fine,��� he laughed and put his arm around her shoulder.

  They walked up onto Tessa���s deck and Lucas was walking out of the house, ���Hey Troy how���s it going?���

  ���Good how have you been? It���s been ages,��� Troy hugged him.

  ���Yeah, ages,��� Lucas laughed, ���Emma right?���

  ���Yes hello Lucas, nice to see you.���

  ���You two back together?��� Lucas asked as he sat down in the hot tub.

  ���No, just friends. We have a daughter so we���ll always be friends, huh Emma?��� Troy smiled and held her hand as she stepped into the hot tub.

  ���Yes, thank you,��� she sat and looked at Tessa, ���Where���s Jade?���

  ���Oh she���s sick, so they won���t be able to make it,��� Tessa smiled, ���She said to give you a hug.���

  ���She won���t be here?��� Ashley gasped.

  ���Nope,��� Tessa smiled.

  ���Well we should leave then, I mean������ Ashley began.

  ���NO! God Ashley you���re welcome anytime,��� Tessa splashed her.

  ���Hey beautiful,��� Collin kissed Tessa���s head as he sat down.

  ���Hey,��� Tessa grinned at him and he pulled her to him.

  ���Do you two ever stop?��� They heard from behind them.

  ���Ben?��� Troy stood and shook his hand, ���Where���s my cousin?���

  ���Hey everyone,��� Kendall jumped in making a splash.

  ���Shit turn this up, this is a great tune, deep…��� Ben said reaching over and turning up the music and started singing along.

  ���Who is this?��� Ashley asked and smiled.

  ���It���s Brody Hines, Mom,��� Ava said walking out on the deck.

  ���What are you doing awake kiddo?��� Lucas smiled at his daughter.

  ���I don���t know���this song, his voice, he���s so hot,��� Ava laughed.

  ���Ava,��� Ashley scolded.

  ���What ��� you think so too. He���s the one I showed you online, the one who came back from the dead,��� Ava giggled.

  ���Oh him?��� Ashley giggled.

  ���Oh him?��� Lucas splashed Ashley and then Ava, ���You encouraging that Ash, come on.���

  Tessa laughed, ���Yeah, a sixteen year old girl should not be ogling a rock star.���

  ���I could ogle something attainable Daddy,��� Ava smirked.

  ���Not funny Ava,��� Lucas scowled.

  ���I���m just joking, I���ll be a saint like you were,��� Ava hugged him.

  Ben laughed out loud and Tessa scowled at him, ���What Tess?���

  ���How is my niece, Ben?��� Tessa laughed.

  ���Fine,��� he scowled.

  ���So tell me about the rock star whose making you act like a������ Lucas looked at Ava.

  ���He���s beautiful,��� Ava smiled.

  ���Hey none of you have met Emma yet,��� Tessa laughed.

  ���Oh sorry I should have introduced you, I mean Ashley and Ava don���t know Emma yet. Emma, Ava and Ashley Links, Ava and Ashley, my ex-wife Emma, Emma Hines,��� Troy said and tried to smile.

  ���Nice to meet you,��� Ava smiled, ���So bad Brody was gone for almost a year and his wife…��� Ava began.

  Troy cleared his throat and Emma looked down, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her head to his shoulder and kissed it, ���You okay Emma?���

  ���Get your hands off my wife!��� They all turned and looked.

  ���Oh my God!��� Ava gasped.

  Emma jumped up, ���Brody, what are you doing here?���

  ���I don���t know Em, what are you doing?��� he sneered.

  Rupert ran out the door, ���Ma���am Brody���s������

  ���One step ahead of you, which is very unnerving, Em, a minute please?��� Brody said extending his hand.

  ���Excuse me please,��� Emma stood.

  ���Emma, you don���t have to do this,��� Troy stood.

  ���Mind your business,��� Brody warned Troy.

  Collin stood and looked for Tomas who nodded to him.

  ���Brody, I���m Collin, nice to meet you,��� Collin extended his hand.

  Brody looked at him and arched his brow and shook his hand firmly.

  ���This is my wife Tessa, Troy���s cousin. The two of them have been hanging out all week with the kids, your daughter���s beautiful,��� Collin smiled, ���Troy just got here this morning and so did Lucas, Ashley, Ava, and Logan Links. Ben, Kendall and our niece just arrived. If you would like to join us feel free.���

  ���I would like a moment with my wife,��� Brody said trying to keep calm.

  ���I understand, I just flew in yesterday. We���ll be here when you���re done talking,��� Collin smiled.

  * * *

  ���Do you think you could put some fucking clothes on Em?!��� Brody snapped.

  Emma���s lip began to quiver and she looked up at him and tears started to form in her eyes.

  ���Why did you come?��� Emma whispered.

  Brody continued looking down at her and his face softened. He closed his eyes and let out a deep breath.

  ���You���re going back to him Em?��� He asked softly.

  Emma wiped away tears, ���No,��� was all she could manage to say.

  ���What was that then Em? I���m not stupid, so don���t try to bullshit me,��� he scowled.

  ���Your song came on, the girl,Ava, was going on about you, apparently he thought I was affected by it and he hugged me Brody…a friendly gesture,��� Emma wiped more tears and walked in and grabbed a tee shirt and shorts and pulled them over her bathing suit.

  Emma turned and watched as Brody looked down at Lexington, ���I saw photos of the two of you. He was holding my child. London emailed them to herself from your phone. You have to tell me the truth, Em. Don���t play games with me, I���m not as strong as you.���

  Brody kissed Lexington and walked to London and did the same. He took Emma���s hand gently and kissed it, ���I miss them Em, and I miss you.��� He released her hand and started walking out the door.

  ���Wait������ Emma panicked.

  She walked out the door and shut it behind her.

  ���Yes Em,��� Brody turned around and she saw tears in his eyes.

  Emma walked up to him and wiped his tears and he held her hands tightly to his face and let out a breath. Emma began to cry and he hugged her tightly.

  ���Don���t shut me out Emma,��� he kissed her lips softly and walked down the stairs.

  She ran down after him, ���Where are you going?���

  ���Back,��� Brody said clearing his throat.

  ���You came all this way? For what Brody? To see if you could still hurt me?��� Emma screamed.

  Brody turned around quickly and stormed towards her, ���No Emma, not to hurt you. To make sure you���re okay, to make sure they���re okay. This is not a fucking game!���

  ���You k
new I was!��� She snapped.

  ���No Em I didn���t, you won���t take my calls, and you���ve made sure I don���t know where you are. I did not know. I do now. You���re safe and getting along just fucking fine without me. I on the other hand have not been able to fucking think straight which truly isn���t a good thing right now. But you can���t just trust me when that���s all I have asked of you!��� Brody walked out the door and towards the car.

  ���That���s all you have asked of me?��� Emma screamed, ���That���s all? Fuck you, Brody!���

  He turned and looked confused and angry, ���Don���t push me Em. I���ve told you I do not play games. And this, Love, is not a GOD DAMN GAME!���

  ���Everything okay Emma?��� Tessa asked walking towards the parking lot.

  ���No it���s not,��� Emma sobbed into her hands.

  Tessa looked at Brody and shook her head.

  ���Tessa, come on,��� Collin said walking out the door towards them.

  Brody walked towards the car, ���I apologize.���

  ���Where are you going?��� Emma screamed and ran towards him.

  ���Em,��� Brody warned.

  She grabbed his shirt and shook him, ���What are you trying to prove!���

  He grabbed her and opened the car door and set her in and shut it behind her and walked to the other side.

  ���What the������ Tessa walked towards him and Collin grabbed her.

  ���I just need a few moments with her. Rupert, is Ann with the children?��� Brody asked.

  ���Yes sir,��� he answered.

  Brody opened the door and slid into the car.

  ���Clive unlock the door,��� Emma pounded on the window and Brody grabbed her.

  ���Stop Em,��� he held her tightly.

  ���Don���t, my God Brody I hate������ Emma screamed, ���Let me go!���

  ���I will but you can���t get out when you���re like this,��� Brody tried to calm her.

  ���You did this! Is this what you came here for! Is this what you wanted to see, how far you could push me?��� Emma sobbed.

  ���No, I didn���t know where you were, I didn���t plan this Em. I needed to know you were������ Brody started.

  ���And how does it feel? How does it feel to wonder Brody? I know how it feels!��� Emma sneered, ���The difference is I have to be strong for three people, three Brody! Like I have for a year now! You promised me before I caved into giving you her and then this? I can���t fucking believe I have to do this alone AGAIN! But this is worse Brody, I never would have had another, you liar!��� Emma sobbed.

  Brody sat back and looked down and let her cry, when she finished he handed her a tissue.

  ���You regret our child Em? I can���t understand how I could have thought you wanted this too. I will������ Brody sounded disgusted.

  ���FUCK YOU!��� She tried to open the door and he pulled her back.

  ���Oh no, let���s hash this out. I���ve loved your child from day one Emma and you are���unbelievable,��� he sighed.

  Emma slapped him hard across the face, ���Don���t you dare. Don���t you EVER ������

  ���What do you expect Emma! What would you expect I think when you say something like that? I will ask one thing from you and that���s all, take care of her. When I���m ready I will rid you of the burden. I will take care of OUR child!��� Brody caught her hand.

  ���Not a chance in hell! You sick bastard! LET ME OUT!��� Emma screamed.

  ���When I���m finished,��� he sat back and took a deep breath, ���I���m leaving for London in three days. I should only be gone for a week. I would like visitation with MY child for a day or two.���

  ���No,��� Emma said and crossed her arms in front of her.

  Brody gasped, ���Excuse me?���

  ���I said no,��� Emma glared at him.

  ���Emma care to explain?��� Brody said cautiously.

  ���Take me to court and open the fucking door,��� Emma sat forward, ���I���m waiting.���

  ���As am I, visitation Em,��� Brody looked at her anxiously.

  ���Why are you going?���

  ���That���s none of your ���you don���t need to know,��� Brody answered slowly.

  ���Okay, this is the way I see it������ Emma stopped.

  ���Do go on Emma,��� Brody raised his eyebrow.

  ���Well, if you want to see her take me to court. We���re separated and I have sole custody,��� Emma���s voice broke, ���And you probably won���t come back anyway, so why bother? Why put her through that? She hasn���t seen you in over a week anyway������

  ���Em, that wasn���t my call,��� Brody leaned forward, ���I will come back.���

  Brody wiped a tear away from her face and she closed her eyes.

  ���Then when you come back you can see her,��� Emma sat back and sighed, ���Please Brody open the door.���

  ���You look tired Em,��� he whispered.

  Emma huffed, ���A little.���

  ���Me too, please come home, I want to spend time with the girls, all of you before I leave,��� Brody let out a slow breath.

  ���Goodnight Brody, have a safe trip,��� Emma tried to open the door, ���Please.���

  Brody pulled her into his arms and she didn���t fight it. She couldn���t fight the way her body craved his ouch. She couldn���t fight the way she felt safe when his arms surrounded her. She was scared as hell that she may never feel this again. The man she loves embrace. He was leaving again and she was terrified she may never see him again, ���Stay…please Brody.���

  He pulled her head back and kissed her.

  ���Em, I love you,��� he whispered against her lips.

  ���Stay Brody,��� she plead.

  Brody kissed her tears away and opened the door and got out and extended his hand helping her out. Brody watched as Tessa and Collin walked back into their home.

  Brody followed Emma to the beach and they sat and held each other, no words spoken. Just their bodies entangled sitting on the beach. Emma began to fall asleep and he kissed her and stood up and pulled her up.

  ���Will you stay?���

  ���Is that what you want Emma?���

  ���More than anything. I love you.���

  ���Then I will,��� he took her hand and they walked into the house.

  * * *

  ���That���s him?��� Harper asked.

  ���Yeah that���s him, he is SO hot,��� Ava gushed.

  * * *

  Brody woke in the morning when London ran into the room and jumped on the bed, ���Good morning!���

  ���Good morning to you,��� he smiled and hugged her tightly.

  ���Brody���you���re���squishing���me,��� London exaggerated and he laughed, ���Mom and Dad have breakfast ready!���

  ���Sounds great, I���ll be down in a flash,��� he smiled.

  Brody stood up and looked at the portable crib and took a deep breath. He showered and brushed his teeth with Emma���s tooth brush and found a sweatshirt of his she had packed causing him to smile.

  ���There he is,��� he heard a whisper when he walked down the stairs.

  He looked at
Emma who rolled her eyes and nodded to the two teenage girls.

  ���Good morning,��� he smiled.

  London grabbed his hand and marched him to the table and plopped down on his lap, ���Brody, this is my cousin Harper and her friend Ava. Guys this is my step father Brody Hines, yes that one the rock star, but once you get to know him he���s pretty boring,��� London exaggerated pretty boring in a thick English accent that made everyone laugh.

  Emma walked over and sat a plate in front of him, he grabbed her hand, ���Good morning, Love.���

  He pulled her down and kissed her.

  ���Good morning,��� she smiled.

  ���Where���s Lexington?��� he asked softly.

  ���She���s out on the deck with CJ and Matthew my cousins, oh and Logan,��� London rolled her eyes.

  ���Oh I see, Logan,��� he mimicked her and rolled his eyes, ���A friend of yours.���

  ���NO! Yuck!��� she gasped, ���He���s a boy Brody!���

  Brody laughed and Troy walked in with Lexington, Brody looked up at him and tried not to let his temper get the best of him.

  ���Dadadada!��� Lexington screeched.

  ���I���ll take mine and you can have this monster,��� Troy smiled and handed her to Brody.

  Emma walked over and nudged Brody, ���Thank you Troy,��� Brody took Lexi.

  ���Come on London, we have castles to build and shells to find,��� Troy scooped her up and carried her outside as she laughed.

  Brody watched as they walked out and London stuck her tongue out at the boy who must be Logan. Logan winked at her and one of the older boys smacked him in the back of the head. Brody laughed.

  Emma looked at him strangely, ���What?���

  ���The older two boys are her cousins?��� He asked and took a bite of his breakfast.

  ���Yes why?��� Emma looked confused.

  ���I like them,��� he smiled and took a drink, ���I like you.���

  Brody pulled her down and kissed her hard on the mouth and stood up, ���Let���s take Lexi upstairs.���


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