The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 253

by Mj Fields

  Bo kicked him in the back and Brody fell down half the stairway hitting his head and gashing his eye. He pulled himself up and continued to walk, ���Then I���m going to leave you lying in your own pool of blood drowning as I piss in your face!���

  ���You���ll be dead long before that,��� Bo kicked him, and he fell down the rest of the wooden staircase.

  Brody tried to stand and he couldn���t. He slumped down on the ground, and Bo stepped towards him and kicked him hard in the ribs. Brody groaned and lay on the wooden floor.

  ���Bo what the hell are you doing?��� Bobby went to Brody���s side and grabbed him.

  ���Listen here boys,��� Bo started.

  ���No, damn it Bo, what the hell is this? Brody needs a doctor and you need to get a fucking grip!��� Bobby helped Brody sit up, ���You have two men tied up in the damn dining room, and you want to tell me what the hell this is all about?���

  ���I told you Bobby, he is looking for someone to put the blame on for that whore Elizabeth, your sister, and the child he believes is his. He will tear apart all we have worked for years to build here. The lives of three traitors against England, for the safety of all, there is no choice Bobby, our lives work,��� Bo yelled.

  Bobby looked at Bo confused, ���How is he a traitor Bo? He has been through hell. He���s trying to keep his child safe.���

  ���He is full of shit Bobby,��� Brody gurgled, and blood came out of his mouth. ���He has been selling children, he runs some sicko fucking human trafficking������

  ���Shut the fuck up,��� Bo screamed.

  ���What���s going on Bo?��� Bobby stood up and looked at him.

  ���Your brother���s full of shit,��� Bo snapped.

  ���No, we have plenty of proof, I want to know where all those kids are, how you move them without being caught. How the hell you let Maddox live in such������ Brody started.

  ���Maddox was fine, for fifteen years I made sure of it, I treated him,��� Bo screamed, and Bobby interrupted.

  ���You knew about him? You allowed this, are you involved?��� Bobby yelled at him, and Bo looked at him.

  Bobby lunged towards him and Bo fired his gun shooting him in the stomach. Brody stood up and dove at him tackling Bo to the ground. A shot was fired.

  Collin freed himself from his restraints and was running towards the commotion when he heard the shot. He ran into the room and slipped on the floor in a pool of blood. He stood and ran towards Brody who was lying on top of Bo.

  Collin pulled his gun and pointed it at Bo, he kicked the pistol across the floor and rolled Brody off of him. Brody opened his eyes and looked at Collin, ���My brother.���

  ���Okay,��� Collin looked at Bobby and grabbed a blanket and held it against his stomach to stop the bleeding.

  ���Is that fucker Bo dead?��� Brody asked fighting to stay awake.

  Collin shook his head no and looked Bo over, he was shot in the shoulder and unconscious.

  ���No, he���s alive,��� Collin stood. ���Brody don���t move I���m going to let Zack loose and call an ambulance.���

  Collin moved quickly out of the room, and Brody watched Bo move for the gun. Brody used all his remaining strength to get to it first.

  Bo laid back and laughed at him, ���I can make this all your fault Brody������

  Brody looked at him, pulled the trigger shooting him in the heart, ���I don���t think so.���

  Collin ran in the room and looked at Brody who leaned against the wall and put the gun down and smirked, ���I felt threatened.���

  Collin looked at him, ���Alright.���

  ���Is he dead?��� Brody asked and closed his eyes.

  ���Yeah I would say so,��� Collin closed his eyes.

  ���Is my brother alive?��� Collin shook his head yes. ���I want to talk to Em.���

  ���Okay,��� Collin sat next to him and Brody looked up.

  ���Thanks man,��� Brody smiled and then his eyes rolled back as he lost consciousness.

  * * *

  Brody slowly opened his eyes and saw a bright light, ���Oh please not yet,��� he whispered.

  ���Hey,��� he heard her voice.

  ���Oh God not yet,��� he mumbled, ���I don���t want to go yet.���

  ���Okay,��� he felt her rub his hand.

  ���Okay just tell me, am I dead?��� he groaned.

  ���No,��� Emma kissed his cheek lightly.

  ���And those lips on my face better me my wife���s,��� Brody smiled.

  ���Yes they better be,��� Emma giggled.

  Brody opened his eyes, ���Hello Love.���

  ���Hello Music Man,��� Emma rested her head on his hand.

  ���How long have I been out?��� Brody asked.

  ���About ten hours,��� Emma answered looking up at him.

  ���Is Bobby alight?��� He asked.

  ���He���s stable,��� Emma smiled.

  ���I shot Bo,��� Brody looked at Emma.

  Emma smiled softly and stroked his cheek with her hand gently.

  ���May not have ������ Brody stopped when Emma kissed him.

  ���I brought cards from the kids.��� Emma let go of his hand.

  Brody looked at the card and laughed, ���I love you.���

  ���I love you more,��� Emma stood next to the bed looking at him.

  ���Am I a mess?��� Brody asked.

  ���You are absolutely beautiful,��� Emma said, and her lip quivered.

  ���That bad huh Em,��� Brody squeezed her hand, ���Lay with me?���

  ���I would love to,��� Emma quickly wiped the tears from her eyes.

  ���Do you think you could turn off the light Emma? I swear I thought I was dead, going towards a bright light that can seriously fuck with someone.��� Brody smiled, and Emma did as he asked.

  Emma sent a message and sat next to Brody on the bed and took off her shoes, and Brody moved over a bit and winced.

  ���Are you okay?��� Emma sat up.

  ���I am, don���t move Em, stay here,��� Brody grabbed her hand stopping her.

  Emma laid down and remained stiff.

  ���Emma it���s like sitting next to a rock. Come on love,��� Brody coaxed her.

  ���I don���t want to hurt you,��� Emma smiled sadly at him.

  ���What are my injuries?��� Brody looked at her and smiled.

  ���Well you have a very bad concussion, you have about ten stitches above your eye, a cracked rib and some bruised ribs,��� Emma looked at him. ���You���ll heal, and you are alive.���

  ���That fucker nailed me a few times pretty damn good,��� Brody smiled and closed his eyes.

  ���I know. You should rest,��� Emma pushed his hair back and kissed his forehead.

  ���How did you get here so fast Em,��� Brody closed his eyes and kissed her hand.

  ���Oh I know a guy��� with a plane,��� Emma smiled.

  ���Did he get out on time, before������ Brody smirked.

  ���Yes and he is already home, and with our children,��� Emma smiled.

  ���Good, and you���re here with me,��� Brody searched her eyes.

  Emma smiled, ���Of course I am.���

  ���I love you Emma,��� he squeezed her hand.
br />   ���Always?��� Emma kissed his forehead.

  ���And forever,��� Brody smiled.

  ���Nothing less, now rest please Brody,��� Emma kissed his eyebrow lightly.

  ���Em it hurts here to,��� Brody pointed to the back of his head and she kissed it, ���And here,��� he pointed to his ribs, and she kissed him cautiously.

  ���Better?��� Emma asked.

  ���Much, but right here,��� Brody lifted the blue hospital gown, ���Very sore.���

  Emma smiled and looked at him, he raised his eyebrows, and she laughed.

  There was a knock and Brody pulled his gown down and smiled at Emma and looked at the door, ���Hey Clive, what���s up?���

  Brody winked at Emma, and she laughed and kissed him sweetly.

  ���How are you?��� Clive asked.

  ���Good, how are you?��� Brody asked with concern in his voice.

  ���I���m fine, pissed that they got in. The place was secure Brody. I talked to Bobby, so I���m less pissed off at myself. Apparently there are tunnels under your home here as well, they came through the wine cellar,��� Clive explained.

  ���How the hell did that go unnoticed?��� Brody gasped.

  ���No idea,��� Clive scowled, ���But that���s not the only tunnel. Bobby���s work for years has been building tunnels and setting up underground bunkers. It���s secret government work. The maps you had, that you didn���t trust me with,��� Clive glared at him. ���There are tunnel connections under all but three of the parcels. Bo must have hidden all this from his family, greedy fuck.���

  Brody looked at Emma, and each had a shocked expression. Emma closed her eyes and shook her head, ���Do you think������

  ���Yeah I think, Clive the place in the Netherlands, is there a tunnel?��� Brody sat up and cringed.

  ���Yes, it has a connecting tunnel, the plans are to connect it to this one here,��� Clive pointed to the map.

  ���Clive has anyone searched the tunnels,��� Emma asked quietly.

  ���No, for ������ Clive looked up at them, ���No fucking way!���

  ���Get someone on it, I want to talk to Collin. When the FUCK can I get out of here!��� Brody snapped.

  ���Please Brody, just try to calm down, please,��� Emma pleaded.

  Zachery Taylor walked in the door, ���Brody how are you feeling?���

  Brody looked at Zachery, ���What are you doing here?���

  ���Zack used to work for the ISA, he left when they merged with the CRB,��� Clive started to explain.

  ���What? You ���seriously what the fuck������ Brody was angry.

  ���My little sister went missing about five years ago. I went to work for the ISA after being in the Royal Marines. We never made any gain, and I was fed up. When the talks of a merge began I left. I met James while trying to continue to figure out what to do next, he was drunk and enjoyed telling stories about your youth. Your band was looking for a singer to replace you and my gut told me to do it,��� Zachery explained. ���I thought���well I was sure it would lead me in the right direction. I was right, but not about you. A man who works for Collin caught me following you the night Maddox was found. I���ve been working with him ever since. I want the same thing as you do Hines.���

  Emma was shocked and staring at Zack, ���That���s why you warned me about his dreams?���

  ���What?��� Brody asked loudly.

  ���He text messaged me���a long time ago, after the benefit,��� Emma slowly looked away from Zack at Brody.

  ���Really Em, and you didn���t think you should have told me that?��� Brody snapped.

  ���Obviously I wasn���t concerned, but��� you���re mad?��� Emma asked baffled.

  ���I don���t know,��� Brody barked.

  ���Listen, I���m trying to find my sister, I have connections. I���m here for the same reason you are now,��� Zack said trying to redirect the conversation.

  ���Zack was there last night Brody, he was with Collin tied up when everything went down. I was outside and knew nothing until shots were fired. He���s also the reason you are not in custody,��� Clive explained.

  ���Hines, you were pretty damn stupid, the way you talked to Bo last night, you are lucky he didn���t shoot you right there,��� Zack laughed.

  ���I was pissed,��� Brody looked away.

  ���I gathered,��� Zack laughed. ���Look I need to move on this before word gets out if there���s anything you can tell me I would appreciate it.���

  ���I think they���re moving people through the tunnels, I wouldn���t go it alone,��� Brody told him.

  Emma held his hands tighter, and he looked at her and closed his eyes and looked back at Zack.

  ���Clive, give him everything you���ve got. Zack, you should speak to my brother, he���s been working on these for years believing it was for the country, his love of our Queen,��� Brody smiled remembering how much Bobby loved her growing up. ���I want to know everything, don���t hold back on me. Find the investors for the resort in the Netherlands, when I���m released I���ll������

  Emma unknowingly squeezed his hand harder and closed her eyes looking away.

  Brody glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, ���When I���m able I���ll be going home. My children start school in two days.���

  Emma turned quickly towards him and let out the breath she was holding, and he smiled at her. ���That sound alright to you love?���

  Emma nodded her head and hugged him tightly. His face scrunched up, and he held in his desire to cry out in pain. Her holding him was worth it, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head.

  ���Emma,��� Zach said, and she let go and turned away from Brody and looked at him. ���You have a great man here.���

  ���I know, thank you,��� Emma smiled and wiped away tears.

  Zach smiled at her, ���Brody, when all of this is done I would like to speak to Maddox, just show him a picture of her if you feel like he can handle it, if not I understand.���

  ���Of course,��� Brody agreed.

  ���I���ll be in touch,��� Zack started to leave.

  ���Be careful, call Collin, I pray you find her,��� Emma stood up and hugged him.

  Brody looked down, and Zach laughed, ���Thanks Emma. Thank you Brody.���

  When Zach left Brody looked at Clive, ���Does he have back up?���

  ���Yes, and he has connections like you wouldn���t believe,��� Clive smiled.

  ���I want you to make sure Bobby���s alright and then make sure he had nothing to do with this���I know he didn���t���I just want to know we���re all safe again.��� Clive started leaving, ���Hey thank you Clive, and thank you brother.���

  ���Of course,��� Clive smiled and walked out.

  ���Emma would you please fetch a doctor, we need to get home,��� Brody smiled.


  Brody stepped out of his driveway and breathed in the late summer air, ���We���re home Em.���

  Emma smiled up at him, ���Yes we are.���

  ���When will the children be here?��� Brody asked.

  ���Anytime now,��� Emma took his hand and they walked towards the house.

  He stopped outside the door and scuffed his feet on the
doormat, ���Clean off your feet Love?���

  Emma smiled, ���Okay but there isn���t any mud.���

  ���Please,��� he pouted.

  Emma rubbed her feet against the mat and started to punch in the code, ���Are you sure they are clean?���

  Emma smiled and began to laugh, ���Pretty sure.���

  She scuffed them again and looked down, the welcome mat had been replaced, and she smiled as she read it. We Chased Happiness and Caught It. Loving each other more each day. Always and Forever. Brody, Emma, Maddox, London, and Lexington.

  ���You…��� Emma started to cry, ���You are my world, my more, my everything. I love you Brody so much.���

  Brody groaned and laughed, ���Em could you love me just a little less, my ribs love.���

  ���Oh sorry,��� Emma stepped back and scowled. ���Until they heal you better stop being so adorable.���

  Brody laughed, ���When they heal I���m going to make you regret calling me adorable Em. I���m not a child or a dog������

  ���Or a Birdie,��� Emma grinned.

  ���Speaking of Birdie, you promised me anything I want, remember?��� Brody gloated.

  ���I may be rethinking,��� Emma smiled as she walked in the door and he followed her.

  ���No way Em,��� Brody laughed, ���I think I get a week of anything I want, did you see my boo boo���s love?���

  ���I did, and Brody, you can have anything you want from now until the end of time,��� Emma blushed.

  ���Oh Em, that���s a good girl,��� Brody licked his lips quickly. ���Starting when Em?���

  Emma looked out the door, ���Probably at about nine o���clock tonight. Go have a seat, so they don���t pounce.���

  ���They���re here,��� Brody smiled.

  ���They are,��� Emma kissed him. ���Now go please sit and relax, I���m your nurse for the next few weeks.���

  ���Naughty nurse Emma, sounds delightful,��� Brody winked as he headed towards the family room.


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