The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 290

by Mj Fields

  London saw Harper and jumped down off of Brody���s back and started running full speed towards her. Maddox ran after her and stood in front of Harper laughing with Lexington still in his arms. ���Hey get out of my way,��� London laughed loudly as he held her under one arm.

  ���No way kiddo, are you not ditching me already.���

  ���I see you every day, let me at her,��� London kicked her feet and swung her arms laughing.

  ���Alright but remember she is in a very delicate condition,��� Maddox let her feet touch the ground, and he looked at Harper who looked at him and scowled, ���Harper got hit by a car yesterday, so no tackling her, alright?���

  ���Fine, I won���t.��� London escaped and hugged her lightly, ���I missed you!���

  Harper smiled, ���I missed you too.���

  They hugged and laughed, and London looked up, ���Who is this?���

  ���Oh how rude of me! This is my friend, Blake. Blake, this is my favorite cousin, besides Lexi of course,��� she winked at London, ���London.���

  Blake smiled and squatted down, ���Very nice to meet you London.���

  She looked at him for a few seconds, ���It is isn���t it?��� She grabbed Harper���s hand and dragged her behind her towards their family, ���See you later, Drake.���

  ���London, it���s Blake,��� Harper laughed.

  ���Potato Potahto, tomato tomahto, let���s call the whole thing off,��� London sang and continued walking.

  Harper looked out of the corner of her eye and saw Maddox biting back a smile, ���She is truly wonderful isn���t she?���

  ���Yes Maddox, she is,��� Harper nodded her head and continued walking.

  Tessa laughed and hugged Harper, ���Look at you.��� She held Harper���s arm up high, ���You���re not banged up too bad.���

  Maddox chuckled as he walked by, ���Hello Collin.���

  ���Maddox,��� Collin shook his hand and walked to the back of the car and grabbed some bags from the trunk.

  ���Hey Daddy, do I get a hello?���

  ���Hello Harper,��� he set the bags down and hugged her, ���Brody says Emma has dinner coming?���

  ���Yes, I am starving are you?���

  ���I suppose. Let’s take this party inside. Hey Blake,��� Collin hugged him, ���How are you?���

  Maddox looked at Harper and cocked his eyebrow. She looked confused and shrugged her shoulders.

  ���Hey Mom can you help me wash my hair before dinner? Kind of hard to use this arm still,��� Harper held up the sling.

  ���Of course, let���s all head up,��� Tessa smiled at London who had not left Harper���s side.

  ���I would love to show you the ducks, London and Lexington. Dad there is a small store just inside do you mind buying some bread? The rest of you come with me, and we can see if we can get the Momma duck and her three baby���s attention.���

  ���Sounds like fun,��� Tessa hugged London, Lexington, and then Maddox, ���What a good big brother. Alright let’s go wash that hair.���

  Maddox rang the doorbell and Tessa answered it, ���Dinner is here, and it looks great.���

  ���Come on in, we are almost ready.��� Tessa wore a black dress her hair and makeup were perfect. ���You look beautiful, I see where Harper gets it,��� Maddox hugged Tessa and looked over at Collin and Blake sitting on the couch. Both dressed in pants and jackets, ���The resemblance on Collin and Blake should not go unnoticed either.��� Tessa giggled and stepped back, ���Oh wow, I am sorry I did not mean������

  ���It���s okay Maddox, I agree. I won���t mention it,��� Tessa whispered and turned around, ���Dinner is ready.���

  Harper walked out of her room with sweatpants and a baggy hoody. Her hair was in a ponytail on top of her head, and she wore glasses.

  ���Well Harper— you look, comfortable,��� Collin tried to smile.

  ���She looks wonderful,��� Maddox smiled broadly.

  ���Do you need a minute to change?��� Collin asked.

  ���Why bother, dinner is ready. She is just going to stuff herself full of turkey, sweet potatoes, and all the fixings,��� Maddox looked at her adoringly.

  ���I actually am a little sore. I won���t be good company. I was thinking I should just take my medicine and������

  ���Oh nonsense,��� Maddox walked quickly across the room and grabbed her hand, ���Let���s go, London would be upset if you didn���t show.���

  He did not give her time to argue, he walked quickly to the door holding her hand firmly, ���Hey Doc why not grab her meds?���

  ���I need shoes Maddox,��� Harper stopped.

  Maddox laughed, ���No you don���t.���

  Maddox pulled out the chair next to London for Harper, ���I can’t believe your right next door London.��� Harper looked up at Maddox, and he laughed.

  ���I know, and we don���t have to leave until Monday,��� London clapped. ���We should do something fun. Is there anything fun to do around here?���

  Blake sat on the other side of Harper, ���Lots of things aren���t there, Harper?���

  ���Sure,��� Harper smiled at him.

  ���What do you like to do, Drake?���

  ���Blake,��� he corrected her and smiled.

  Maddox laughed as he sat across from London. Lexington climbed on his lap.

  ���Lexi come sit with Momma,��� Emma smiled.

  ���She missed him,��� London laughed.

  ���She sees him every day,��� Emma pouted and held her arms out to Lexi. Lexi shook her head no and hugged Maddox.

  ���Your sisters adore you,��� Tessa smiled at Maddox.

  ���No more than I adore them,��� Maddox kissed Lexi���s hand.

  ���How do you see them every day when you live in London?��� Collin asked.

  ���I moved home,��� Maddox took a spoon full of sweet potatoes and held them out for Lexington.

  ���She doesn���t like those,��� London laughed, ���She will spit them at you.���

  ���You wouldn���t do that to me now would you Lexington? Open your mouth,��� he smiled and made a choo choo sound. Lexington laughed and ate them, ���Delicious huh?���

  ���Lisciou,��� Lexington laughed and hugged Maddox.

  ���I am her father and she won’t eat them for me. Lexington, Princess, your breaking Daddy���s heart,��� Brody pouted, and she laughed.

  ���She doesn���t talk a lot does she?��� Collin asked.

  ���She has London to do that for her,��� Maddox smiled and put another spoonful of sweet potatoes in her mouth.

  ���Ha ha,��� London scowled at Maddox, ���Hey Lexi.��� London stuck out her tongue and then smiled and nodded her head.

  Lexington stuck out her tongue and spit the entire content of sweet potatoes all over Maddox. Blake gasped.

  Harper held her napkin over her mouth and tried not to laugh.

  ���Oh Lexington, you are in so much trouble,��� Maddox tried to keep a straight face and failed miserably. She hugged him tightly around his neck, and he smeared his sweet potato-dirtied face all over hers.

  Tessa laughed and so did Emma and Brody. Collin looked as though he wanted to, but looked down instead.

  ���I need bath, Maddox,��
��� Lexington laughed.

  ���Yeah, how about we eat first? And if you don���t spit anymore food at me, I���ll give you the very first piece of coconut cream pie,��� Maddox wiped her face and then his, ���Deal?���


  After dinner everyone sat around the table and made small talk. Collin and Blake discussed his position at the WHO as Brody and Henry listened attentively. London showed Harper how to play Candy Crush on her IPad. Caroline, Tessa, and Emma cleaned up as Lexington stood on a stool beside Maddox doing dishes.

  ���Is this a holiday thing, Maddox?��� Tessa nudged him with her hip as she brought more dishes to the sink.

  Emma laughed, ���Maddox has been doing dishes forever. Even London will help when he is home.���

  ���It���s relaxing,��� Maddox smiled shyly as he held a handful of suds in his hand and put it on Lexi���s chin. He snapped a picture on his phone and showed her, ���Lexiclaus.���

  Lexington put some soap on her hands and put it on his nose, ���Maddox Rudolph.���

  ���Put it together?��� Maddox gave her an Eskimo kiss ���And we have Madolph.���

  Lexington laughed and put more suds on his ears, ���Mad elf.���

  ���You’re so excited for Christmas, huh Lexi?��� she nodded her head yes enthusiastically, ���What would you like for Christmas?���

  ���Coco cream pie,��� Lexington grinned.

  ���Oh, you did not forget did you?��� Maddox laughed and picked her up and took a towel and wiped off her suds beard.

  ���We just ate, piggy,��� London skipped into the room.

  Lexington yawned and raised her hands in the air and wrapped them around his neck and whispered, ���Pleeeease.���

  Maddox laughed and whispered in her ear.

  ���Down, please,��� she smiled.

  ���Very good,��� Maddox set her down and she ran to the bathroom.

  ���Where did Maddox go?��� London asked looking around.

  Harper held her finger over her mouth, ���Shhh,��� and pointed down the hall. ���He is giving her pie isn���t he?��� London whispered.

  Harper smiled and shrugged her shoulders, ���Let���s go see.���

  Harper and London tiptoed down the hall and quietly opened the door to the bedroom. Maddox looked up surprised as he was feeding Lexington a bite of pie. ���Busted,��� London laughed.

  Maddox looked up at Harper, smiled, and looked away quickly.

  ���It���s a holiday, London, we should keep this secret,��� Harper smiled as she watched Maddox. ���Only if he gets me a piece,��� London scowled, and Maddox laughed.

  ���You stay here and I will. Wish me luck?��� Maddox stood up and handed London Lexington���s pie.

  ���Good luck,��� London smiled as he snuck out of the room.

  London laughed and looked at Harper, ���He is very fun.���


  ���Well, before we moved to Liverpool and now since he moved back in with us,��� London smiled.

  ���When did he move back in?���

  ���Um, remember the night I talked to you on the phone and he answered?���


  ���He got in an accident that night, and he has been there ever since. Sometimes he leaves for a day for work, but that���s it.���

  Maddox opened the door and had two bowls in his hands, ���I was almost busted by the evil doers out there.���

  ���Drake?��� London laughed and Maddox started to.

  He looked at Harper, ���No I don���t think he is evil, London, just under an enchanted spell.��� He handed London and Harper a bowl, and saw Lexington starting to doze off, ���Lexi love, you need a bath before you pass out.���

  ���You give me one?���

  ���Of course,��� he picked her up and looked at London, ���You better hurry up and finish that before you get busted.���

  Maddox was reading Lexington a story when London pulled Harper in the room.

  ���I have to go to bed,��� she rolled her eyes.

  ���But tomorrow you can stay with me okay?��� Harper smiled.

  ���I want to tonight,��� London pouted.

  ���I am really tired tonight London��� I am sorry.���

  ���London get your PJ���s on and climb up here. I���ll read to you.���

  ���I am not tired,��� London scowled.

  ���I disagree, you are getting grumpy and how long did you play that game?���

  ���A while.���

  ���And how long ago?���

  ���I don���t know.���

  ���You need at least an hour away from that thing before bed or you get like this remember?���

  ���You read too much.���

  Maddox laughed, ���Wow that���s awful isn���t it?���

  London disappeared and Harper stood looking at Maddox. He looked up, ���Did you want to read to her?���

  ���You are very good with them.���

  ���I love them.���

  ���That���s not it though.���

  Maddox looked up at her and shook his head no, ���I am a good person, Harper. I have fu…��� he looked at Lexi who was now asleep, ���messed up. I will be a good father.���

  Harper looked away and took a deep breath, ���This was not planned.���

  ���It doesn���t mean we should be upset about it or hide it or fight about it, Harper. When I forget about the fight you promised to put up, I think about a part of me, and a part of you all wrapped up in a beautiful little bundle. It will be loved, and safe, and protected fiercely. It is not a burden, Harper; it���s a gift to be treasured.���

  London walked in and looked at Harper and then at Maddox, ���You made her cry already. Gosh you���re a bonehead.���

  Harper laughed, ���He did not make me cry.���

  ���Oh so what happened did you poke yourself in the eye?���

  ���London get your butt up here,��� Maddox smiled, stood up, and pulled the covers down. London hopped in bed.

  Maddox walked over and hugged Harper, ���Listen, we will figure this out. I am going to read until the evil one falls asleep. Caroline and Henry are here they can watch the girls while we all discuss this together. Now go say goodnight to Drake.���

  Harper stepped back, ���Blake.���

  ���Whatever,��� Maddox rolled his eyes and smiled.

  Maddox, Emma, and Brody walked into Harper���s apartment.

  Harper paced nervously back and forth in the kitchen.

  Maddox walked in and looked at her, ���Relax, Harper.���

  ���That���s easy for you to say.���

  ���Not really, I see this going down one of two ways,��� Maddox walked towards her, ���the latter ends with my balls in a vise.���

  Harper looked up and smiled, ���He won���t do that.���

  ���See you can smile. Be brave you are not in this alone,��� Harper closed her eyes and he pulled her towards him and hugged her, ���I got you, Harper.���

  They walked out into the living room and sat next to each other, ���We need to tell you all something.���

  No one said a word Harper looked nervous and Maddox laughed at her and she rolled her eyes. ���Harper and I are going
to have a baby,��� Maddox smiled and held her hand.

  ���Way to ease into it, Maddox,��� Harper whispered.

  ���She is due in twenty weeks,��� Maddox pulled the sonogram picture out of his pocket and handed it to Tessa. Still no one spoke, ���And it���s triplets.���

  Everyone looked up and gasped, ���Just joking.���

  ���This is not something to joke about,��� Collin clenched his fists and his face turned red.

  ���How long have you known?��� Tessa asked and looked back at the picture.

  ���A few months,��� Harper whispered.

  ���And you two both thought it was not something to share with us?��� Tessa looked at her with hurt pouring from her eyes.

  Maddox waited for Harper to speak and when she didn���t he did, ���She was waiting until she was ready.���

  Tessa looked around, ���No one else has questions here?���

  ���What should we ask Tessa? Our daughter is pregnant by a young man who has publically treated her like a groupie and who is in the news with different women and living with a woman who is never going be stable enough to be around our grandchild. He is a drug addict and a������

  ���Brody don���t,��� Emma held his hand tightly and whispered.

  ���Do not talk about my son like that,��� Brody visible shook.

  ���It���s the damn truth, Hines!���

  ���Collin, enough,��� Tessa scowled at him.

  ���No it���s not enough! We will handle this,��� Collin snapped.

  ���My son has busted his ass to get healthy for a girl he is head up his ass in love with,��� Brody stood up.

  Maddox stood, ���Don���t, just don���t.���

  ���No damn it! He can sit there and judge you when his daughter didn���t tell you she was pregnant and had known for������

  ���How long have you known about this Brody?��� Tessa looked angry and he did not respond, ���Emma?���


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