The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 292

by Mj Fields

  ���No, if you are you can take the bed.���

  ���You know Maddox; we haven���t spent much time alone together since we moved to England after the prom incident.���

  ���It���s fine Dad. By the way, where are Emma and the girls?���

  ���Back upstate. Emma and I thought it was a good idea that I be here with you. You know male bonding,��� he laughed and shrugged off his jacket. ���It���s cold as hell outside.���

  ���That���s too bad, I was thinking about going out for a walk.���

  ���You still don���t sleep.��� He crossed his arms over his chest and looked at me with fatherly concern.

  My father Brody Hines is only fifteen years my senior. He never knew about me until about five years ago. What a mind fuck that was for him and I; he never knew he had a son and I couldn���t have even begun to dream that I had a father at all. And then mega rockstar Brody Hines storms into my life, damn.

  ���I sleep with Harper.��� He tried to hold back a grin and I laughed, ���N I actually sleep when I���m with her.���

  ���I knew what you were saying Maddox.���

  ���Yeah Dad I know you do. But the shit ass grin?���

  ���I was just remembering our very first conversation about sex������

  ���Very awkward.���

  He laughed, ���A bit, but������

  ���Still very awkward Dad.���

  He laughed harder and I laughed too.

  ���You still wanna walk?���


  ���I���ll go too.���

  There was no arguing about it. Dad put his coat back on and stood waiting for me.

  ���Everything alright?���

  ���Yes, I just have an idea. Not a whim, something I have thought about doing for a while now. I don���t want you to try to talk me out of it.���

  He nodded. ���Maddox, when you���ve made a decision I have come to the realization there isn���t much I can do to change your mind.���

  ���Good, I���m kind of hungry are you?���

  ���Always, let���s go to Soho. It���s been a long time since I���ve been there.���

  With Surge in tow we headed out into the brutal cold night.

  ���Sure you wanna walk Dad?���

  ���Yeah, whatever you want.��� He smiled as he pulled his collar up around his neck.

  ���Surge you cold?���

  Surge shook his head no and I laughed, ���Let���s grab a cab.���

  I must have checked my phone twenty times to see if she had called and I forced myself not to send a message.

  ���She���s doing exactly what you are Maddox. She���s trying to get through a rough night just the same as you. When Emma and I brought dinner to Tessa and Harper I mentioned coming here and she all but pushed me out of the hospital.���

  ���I sicced Ava on her.���

  Dad laughed, ���That���ll keep her busy.���

  ���And entertained.���

  We pulled up in front of a place called Brinkley Station.

  ���Best fifteen dollar burger and beer in the city.��� Dad reached through the window and paid the cab driver. ���Come back in an hour.���

  He hopped out and clapped his hands together and blew in them as he waited for me and Surge to get out.

  He looked at me and lowered his eyes, ���We can go somewhere else if you���d prefer.���

  ���No Dad. It���s late; bars are really the only option. Besides I really don���t have an issue with alcohol or drugs. I had an issue with myself and I changed that. I actually may like a glass of wine or a beer now and again.���

  ���Okay, I really think we should go somewhere else.���

  ���Where McDonald���s?��� I laughed and walked to the door and opened it. ���Come on Dad.���

  I sat at the bar and he looked incredibly uncomfortable when he sat next to me.

  The bar keeper asked what we wanted and he ordered three sodas.

  I sat back and smiled; he looked at me out of the corner of his eye and caught me.

  ���I just don���t think������

  ���I don���t need a drink. I just told you it isn���t a problem.���

  ���I just don���t want it to become one again Maddox.���

  ���I understand and respect that. However, if I choose to have one no one is going to stop me.���

  He looked at me like he did London when he was trying to figure out what to say and again I smiled. My phone vibrated and it was a message from Harper.

  - Thanks for sending Ava. She came at a perfect time���HA

  - I���m glad but it doesn���t mean I would not be there if you asked. I promise you are always my priority. Oh and thanks for sending my father���MH

  - I love you Maddox Hines���HA

  - I love you more Harper Abraham���MH

  I looked up and Dad was looking at me again.

  ���You really need to stop that. My God Dad I keep thinking there must be something wrong with me that I���m unaware of.���

  He smiled and shook his head back and forth. ���No Maddox. Even having watched you go through everything you have I am just amazed at you, that���s all.���

  ���I���m pretty amazing aren���t I?���

  He laughed, ���You take after your father.���

  ���I do. So remember that when you get freaked out about being at a bar with me. I used alcohol as a coping mechanism, I know this now.���

  ���So what will stop you from using again?���

  ���Harper. I used it to cope with losing her over and over again. I know I���m worthy of her now,��� he started to interrupt. ���And I know who I am as well.���

  ���Good. I hope you know how much I love you and your sisters and Emma and������

  ���The whole world, I get it.���

  He smiled proudly at me. That feeling, the feeling that you have made someone proud, is something I enjoyed so much.

  The cab pulled up and we got in, ���One hundred eight West twenty eighth street please,��� I told the cab driver.

  ���Where are we headed now son?���

  The cabbie laughed, ���Studio twenty eight?���

  ���Yes, please.���

  When we pulled up Dad looked at me, ���You sure about this?���

  ���Of course I am.��� I looked at the cab driver, ���We should be done in two hours, if you���re on could you swing back by?���

  I saw Dad hand him a hundred.

  ���Yes sir! I will see you then.���

  I hadn���t slept for shit and woke from my twenty minute power nap annoyed. Dad was up and on the phone. As soon as he saw me he stopped pacing and then said his I love you���s to I���m assuming Emma, and the girls.

  ���You can���t shower yet,��� he pointed to me.

  ���I know. I���ll just wash up and change.���

  Standing inside the studio doors at Rockefeller center with my band mates Zach, T, Claire, and I was aggravated.

  I looked out over the crowd as I walked out of the studio and shuttered, it was cold as fuck outside. I didn���t want to be here, I needed to be somewhere else, I needed to be with Harper. She had messaged me ���Be brilliant��� and then ���Talk to you soon���.

  The crowd began chanting my name, Maddox, Maddox, Maddox; I looked up and took the microphone off the stand. I sang Stained, my go to song of course and thought of Harper.

  I saw some sort of commotion out of the corner of my eye and looked deeper into the crowd. A girl with dark hair had arms flying in the air, head bobbing and then I saw her draw back an arm. I motioned for security and they were immediately in route.

  There was something familiar about the girl and upon further inspection of the crowd I was pretty fucking sure her entourage looked even more familiar.

  I held up my hand stopping the band and bound off the stage towards the crowd. Dad grabbed at me and I pulled away.

  I jumped over the crowd control gates and dove into the crowd.

  I grabbed Harper, who was holding her eye and then the security guard who was holding Ava around the waist as she swung furiously at the crowd of completely under clothed, young women who stood glowering at her and giving her disgusted looks further egging her on. I saw Matthew and CJ with their arms protectively surrounding a blonde who I assumed was Tessa. Zach grabbed Tessa and pulled her through the gates towards the stage with CJ and Matthew close behind.

  I looked to my side and T walked in front of the security guard and said something to Ava and she laughed and hugged him. The security guard then set her on her feet and held the crowd back as they walked towards the stage.

  I held Harper���s head against my chest and stood frozen. I held her, smelled her, and kissed her head. I knew she needed this or she wouldn���t have come. Without her even telling me, I knew Harrison had passed. The crowd started pushing against us; yelling my name, grabbing my clothing, but I didn���t give a fuck. That���s what she did to me. No matter what was going on around me if she was in my arms nothing else mattered.

  ���Come on Maddox,��� I looked up at Dad.

  He was being bombarded as well. I picked Harper up and Dad stood in front of me as we pushed through the crowd.

  ���Fuck that T; those bitches need to learn their place. You fuck with the farm girl and you get the machinery fucking Barbie wanna be. Stupid bitches, who the fuck������

  ���Ava, I���m mic���ed!��� T laughed.

  ���Good! Do you hear that trashy whores?! You want some more of me������

  Dad grabbed her, ���Let���s get you inside killer.���

  We all walked back into the studio and were hurried into a larger room and the door was closed behind us.

  ���Sweetness, let me see you,��� I pulled away and looked down at Harper.

  Her eye was already turning black and blue and her face was tear stained. Tessa was beside her in a flash.

  ���They hurt you.���

  ���Not as bad as I got that bitch,��� Ava snapped and held up her hand, ���Trifling bitch gonna be wondering where her fucking extensions went!���

  Harper started laughing and so did Tessa and soon everyone else in the room was laughing too.

  Matt walked in and looked around in shock.

  He looked at Dad and closed his eyes, ���They all with you Hines?���

  ���Would you have assumed otherwise?���

  ���Does the farm girl have a name?���

  Tessa laughed and the rest of the room erupted in laughter again.

  ���Can I ask what the hell you want me to do?��� He asked my father.

  ���I can do the interview,��� I interjected.

  ���You sure?���

  ���You know the rules?��� I asked him.

  ���I���m not going to pretend to know anything when it comes to you all.���

  The interview was pushed back so that we could discuss how we should proceed. Dogs that did tricks took my place and Matt commented that they would be easier to interview than me or my father.




  I stood watching out the glass doors as Brody, Surge, Ava, and my family loaded into the sleek limo outside the studio. As one limo sped away, another took its place.

  ���This is ours,��� he whispered as he held me tightly against him.

  Maddox enclosed me in his arms as we were escorted out of the studio past the slew of fans screaming his name.

  It wasn���t easy keeping up with his long strides but I knew if I didn���t he would carry me as if I were nothing until I was safely in the car. I had always been raised to be confident and strong; I was raised to know how to take in my surroundings and keep myself safe from danger. My father taught me how to be a soldier from the time I was little. I never feared anything���until now.

  Maddox pushed me gently into the car and followed behind me. As soon as he sat he pulled me into his lap and began kissing my eye. Softly and gently his lips caressed the spot that was elbowed by a girl who said horrible hateful things about me. Then when Ava, little Ava, went off on her she pretended to be shoved and her elbow connected with my eye. The eye that was now receiving tender care from the man who loved me, the man she had said that I was not worthy of.

  I sat astride him; his hands running deftly up and down my spine as he cared for me like a protective lion would care for his cub. I sat taking excessive pleasure in the softness of his lips. When I felt his tongue slowly caress my eyelid I let out a small moan.

  And he kissed me tenderly a soft groan hit my cheek, ���Sweetness I���m trying to take care of you. Please ������

  I sat up and linked my fingers behind his neck as I ran my thumbs up into his soft silky hair, ���Please what?���

  ���Let me,��� he smiled and looked down at my lips.

  ���I won���t ever stop you.���

  ���Harper, tell me how you are.���

  I looked up and rolled my eyes, ���I���m alright, better now.���

  ���Your grandfather, I���m very sorry.���

  ���I let him go,��� I whispered and leaned forward to kiss him.

  He gave me a quick peck and sat back, his hands holding my hips, ���Your eye, what happened?���

  ���Please just kiss me,��� I didn���t want to talk about what that girl had said.

  ���If that���s what you need right this moment that���s what I���ll give you,��� he leaned forward and I leaned back.

  ���I want more,��� I wiggled my butt against him and he smiled.

  ���Sweetness, we���re two blocks from the hotel and our families are waiting.���

  ���It���s what I want.���

  I was sulking.

  ���Tell me why right this second you want that?���

  ���I want to be lost in you. Take me away for a while?���

  ���We should wait so I have the proper amount of time Harper. I���ve missed you just as much.���

  I leaned forward and hugged him tightly, ���But you want me still right?���

  ���More than my next breath. Why would you even ask me that?���

  I saw the concern in his eyes and heard it in his voice.

  ���I���m on your lap and nothing���s happening.���

  ���Harper, you just got a black eye and you lost your grandfather. It wouldn���t be appropriate. I���m trying to be a gentleman.���

  ���Well there have been plenty of other times when it wasn���t necessarily appropriate but I still knew you wanted me.���

  ���I���m trying to build myself into a better man for you Harper, trying to gain a little self-control.���

  ���You are a better man, the best for me������

  ���And n
ever anyone else.���

  He smiled at me and pulled me against him.

  ���I like that you lose control with me. I don���t want that to stop.���

  ���It never will. Talk to me Harper,��� he held my face still in his hands.

  ���I don���t know what to say. I don���t want to go back. I want us to be happy and not have this gloom and doom constantly hanging over our heads like a storm cloud waiting for the next bolt of lightning to crash down on us or our families. I just want to move forward. I want to not have nightmares when I���m sleeping alone about being taken. I want���I want to turn back time and bring my Dad back, our child back. But then I think that if I turned it back too much I would have missed the exact moment when you and I finally������

  Tears were soaking my face and I watched as his eyes moved quickly to each new one. He wiped them away and looked determined to catch each one, tear by tear and take it away from me.

  ���We can���t choose Sweetness, we didn���t choose this. Neither of us. All we can do is get past it at whatever pace we need. I���m here for you and you are here for me���fucking Tomas! I���m not leaving you again. I don���t care if he thinks he knows you better than I do, I don���t care if������

  ���Wait, what does he have to do with it?���

  He was lost in concentration and thought.

  ���Nothing, nothing, come here,��� he wiped the remaining tears from my face and kissed each tear stained spot away before hugging me so tight it nearly crushed me.

  ���It���s not nothing Maddox,��� I nuzzled into his neck and held his hair in my hands.

  ���I listened to him. Believed he knew you better and believed if I stayed and blew this whole thing off you���d be upset. When here,��� he took my hand and held it against his rapidly beating heart, ���I know you need me as badly.���

  ���More, I need you more.���

  The car came to a stop and the door flung open.

  ���Dismount girl, lets go.���

  I laughed when I heard her voice and looked up at Maddox who was rolling his eyes.

  ���Thanks for calling her.���


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