The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 327

by Mj Fields

  While Harper slept on his lap Maddox rubbed her little belly. He thought about ways to make her more secure with their relationship, their love. He couldn���t bear to see her upset, he had done that to her plenty over the past few years. He���d finally accepted what his heart had told him since he was fifteen years old. He loved her more than words or a song could express, and he would stop at nothing to make her believe him.

  Maddox knew she felt the same way about him, when she wasn���t worried about what everyone around her thought or felt. When she was not worrying about the outside world. He secretly wished he could spend every second of the day with just her and soon just her and their child.

  He closed his eyes thinking about how truly selfish that was. This need deep inside to keep her just to himself��� his. It reminded him of the first fifteen years of his life, and the weeks��� probably months if he added up the time by days, that he had spent locked in the closet and alone. Hungry, tired, scared, and in pain. He would never do such a thing to anyone and no one who cared to take their next breath would ever do that to someone he loved.

  Maddox looked down at his sleeping Harper, curled up on his lap with her hands locked behind his neck and he took a deep breath. He closed his eyes trying to bring himself back to the apartment, a place he had lived for only a few short weeks but had never felt more alive. He finally slept for more than a few hours at night, his sedative, Harper, in his arms. She was his sea, his calm, his breath, his everything.

  Every night he watched her eyes flutter as she tried to stay awake, mentally exhausted from work and physically exhausted from the hours they spent every night pleasing each other. He loved when he woke before her and could watch her sleep. But when he slept longer and was either treated with wake up kisses, or the ability to watch through the open door as she got ready for her day, those moments when he could see Harper the way she thought others should see her, melted his heart. It made him smile from the inside out knowing that he was indeed still the person she chose, like she had many years ago, to know the real her. Yet it made him sad that she seemed insecure in who she was to everyone else around her. Even he no longer felt that way about himself.

  They watched endless hours of ridiculous movies that made her laugh out loud and he could not help but do the same in response. He read to her, because she thought, Damn, it���s hot to hear him read nineteenth century English literature.

  It was when they were together, just the two of them, that both he and Harper felt relaxed and happy. They took comfort in each other. He remembered the first week she lived in his place officially after they had made love, she asked what time it was and he told her. It only took him the first weeks to realize if it were before seven at night she dressed in clothing and if it was after she would beam and throw on a tank top and cotton pajama pants and either a sweater or one of his sweatshirts, which he loved.

  On the weekends, they didn���t spend time at clubs or at the movies, they stayed at home. Snuggled up, wrapped in each other under blankets. She decided that she needed to get back into working out sot they would go to the gym in the building and she would walk as he ran on the treadmill. When he stopped and lifted weights she would walk at a leisurely pace and watch him. It was when he would break a sweat her eyes would get that dopey, dewy appearance and she would lick and bite her lips a lot. The gym trips never lasted long, because he would start to get hard and they would have to leave. They barely made it off of the elevator before they were tearing each other���s clothes off and they were in the shower washing and touching each other until he couldn���t handle the whimpers coming from her. They decided they could get more of a workout in the shower than at the gym.

  If it were warm out, they���d go walk on the trail around the lake, and end up either in the trees or standing in front of the water silently holding each other.

  He watched as they neared the gate to the Hines estate and kissed her head gently, ���We are here, Sweetness.���

  Her eyes blinked and she yawned into his chest and looked up, ���Sorry.���

  He smiled adoringly, ���For what?���

  ���Falling asleep on you. It must have been uncomfortable,��� she started to move.

  ���There���s nothing more comfortable than this,��� he kissed her forehead as the car came to a stop in front of the house, ���But now be prepared for London, she���s going to be all over you.���

  Harper laughed and then hugged him tightly, ���It sounds great.���

  Maddox took her hand as she stepped out of the car and looked around, ���No welcome committee��� London is slipping.���

  Harper took a step towards the door and Maddox grabbed her hand and stuck her ring finger in his mouth and sucked gently. Her eyes rolled slightly and she held her breath as she watched him. He slowly pulled her finger out and kissed it smiling, revealing the ring.

  Harper laughed, ���Oops.���

  Maddox grabbed her face and rubbed the ring across her lower lip and then stepped back and took it out of his mouth, ���Soon Sweetness, very, very soon.���

  The front door flew open, ���Are you guys going to play kissy face all day or are you coming in?��� London dove towards Harper.

  Maddox grabbed London and hugged her tightly twirling her around, ���Me first.���

  London laughed loudly as he tickled her and tried to escape yelling, ���Let me at her.���

  Harper laughed and grabbed her face and kissed her.

  ���We have a big���well a few big surprises for you inside, Harper,��� London grabbed her hand and pulled her inside.

  ���Merry Christmas!��� Harper looked around the room at her parents, brothers, grandparents, and Maddox���s entire family as well.

  She smiled and looked at Maddox, ���Your eyes are sparkling, Harper.���

  ���Did you know?���

  ���Yeah,��� he kissed her head and Tessa hugged her and Maddox smiled, ���Harper, I need some time with your Dad before we make the announcement alright?���

  Tessa hugged Maddox, ���Good to see you.���

  ���You as well.���

  Maddox hugged Brody and Emma, ���Where is Lexi?���

  ���She���s napping,��� Emma looked sadly at Brody.

  ���She has a fever,��� Brody smiled gently at Emma, ���She���s going to be just fine, Love.���

  When Maddox got done with Caroline and Henry he looked at Harper. He saw her brother���s looking at him and then glanced at Collin who had his arm protectively around Harper���s shoulder.

  He took a deep breath and forced a smile on his face.

  ���Hello CJ, Matthew, and Collin,��� he looked them each in the eye as he spoke.

  His voice didn���t waver nor did his demeanor, he was strong and confident as he stuck out his hand to shake theirs. He stepped back and looked at Harper briefly and she was holding back a smirk.

  His eyes widened and she smirked, she bit her lip and winked causing him to chuckle.

  He looked away from her very slowly and drew his attention to Collin, ���I was wondering if I could have a moment alone with you?���

  Collin gave a quick nod and followed Maddox into the kitchen.

  ���Would you like to have a seat?��� Maddox pointed to the table and Collin sat, ���Would you like a drink?���

  ���No I���m all set,��� Collin crossed his arms and sat back in the chair.

  ���Alright then,��� Maddox blew out a slow breath. He sat down, scowled at the ground and then looked up. ���I love your daughter and I���m absolutely positive that I have loved her since the first time I saw her. I will never hurt her again; I c
ouldn���t — I wouldn���t survive being without her.��� Maddox closed his eyes and took a deep breath and looked up at him, ���I would like your permission���blessing to marry Harper.���

  Collin���s expression was unchanged, he stared into Maddox���s eyes for a full minute before he spoke. ���Will you ask her if I say no?���

  ���Yes, I just felt like this was������

  ���Maddox, she is one of the four people in this word that mean more to me than my next breath,��� Collin glared into his eyes and Maddox chuckled.

  ���I feel the same. I can assure you that������

  Matthew walked into the room and Maddox stopped talking, ���Please don���t tell me you are going to tell him yes!���

  ���Matthew that���s������

  ���He���s just doing this because she���s pregnant,��� he whispered.

  Maddox���s head snapped towards him, ���How do you know that?���

  Collin looked down and Matthew scowled at Maddox and did not reply.

  Maddox stood up, ���I���m going to ask you this one more time. How did you������

  He stopped when he saw Matthew looking at Collin as if to ask for help.

  ���You knew������ Maddox whispered harshly.

  ���Let���s take this outside,��� Collin stood and walked out the back door into the cold winter���s air on the large brick patio.

  Maddox looked at him waiting impatiently for an answer.

  ���Blake told you didn���t he?!���

  Collin looked at him and started to answer and Maddox interrupted him.

  ���How long have you known?���

  ���That���s none of your damn business,��� Matthew snapped at Maddox.

  ���I beg to differ, MY child is MY business,��� Maddox sneered. ���You knew your sister was pregnant and didn���t go to her, or try to help her figure out������

  ���Blake was there. I knew HE could take care of it,��� Matthew glared at him.

  ���BLAKE is not the baby���s father. BLAKE is not Harper���s family! Do you have any idea how hurt she���d be if������

  ���Fuck you! How hurt she would be! I know exactly what MY SISTER has gone through with your shit!���

  Collin held up his hand and they both stopped, ���Enough!���

  ���Did you know!?��� Maddox asked him.

  Collin did not answer.

  ���Un-fucking believable!��� Maddox threw his hands in the air, ���She went through months of������

  ���Crying over you! Because you have a problem keeping your dick in your pants!���

  ���Now you listen here, if you weren���t her brother you would be picking your bloodied ass up off the fucking bricks, Matthew!���

  ���And you would have your hands full too, tough guy. I watched my sister fall apart before graduation because of you������

  ���I was fucking drugged and brought back here, young and fucking������ Maddox stopped and looked at Collin, ���Does your wife know you knew?���

  ���No she doesn���t,��� Collin looked at him, ���Harper had been killing herself inside and rebelling, I knew she would be safe and have Blake to watch over her.���

  ���You���re kidding right, that fuck bought your daughter a vibrator in case she ������

  ���He what?!��� Collin snapped.

  Maddox���s hands fisted and he looked back and forth between Matthew and Collin and opened his mouth to say something and quickly closed it knowing he was going to say something he might regret.

  ���Don���t sit there and judge us, Hines. While you were out fucking everything that moved������

  ���Let me tell you something, my dick has been inside of one person! One! Care to fucking guess who that is?��� Maddox asked antagonistically and then growled loudly and walked away.

  Maddox stood looking into the woods trying his best to figure out how to hide this from her. He immediately felt guilty at the thought and then he got angry. So, so angry.

  Maddox looked over and Collin was standing next to him, ���I was going to tell Tessa and then������

  ���How long did you know?���

  ���Maddox, I only knew for two weeks. I���m not trying to give an excuse here, but I knew Tessa would go to her and insist she tell you.���

  ���You don���t think it was my fu������

  ���Harper didn���t want you to know. She was doing fine and you were a fucking mess Maddox. I knew at some point you would need to know and I knew she was safe and had a friend.���

  Maddox stood and glared into the woods, avoiding eye contact.

  ���I���d really like to refocus this conversation, Maddox. Do you want to marry my daughter because she���s pregnant?���

  Maddox���s head whipped around and he faced Collin, ���I want to marry Harper because I love her, because I always have, and because I know she feels the same. I want to marry Harper because we���ve wasted too much time based on my insecurities and desire for her to have more than I thought I could give her. I want to marry your daughter, Collin, because no matter how much I���ve tried to stop feeling this way, I need her even more than I need air in my lungs. I need to make sure she���s safe, I need to make sure she���s happy, and I need to make sure she knows that I���ll love her now, as much as I did the first time I saw her and will love her, until long after I am not of this earth.���

  Collin looked at him, ���When?���

  ���Funny you should ask,��� Maddox shook his head.


  Past The Storm

  Harper watched out the kitchen window at Maddox and Collin. She saw Matthew pacing back and forth and knew he was angry. Of course he would be��� he was her brother. Oh just wait until CJ hears the news, she thought as she looked back at Maddox.

  She watched Maddox as he stood confidently, and her father doing the same. They didn���t look angry anymore, but the conversation certainly looked deep. Finally Maddox stuck out his hand offering it to Collin and Collin took it. They shook hands and Harper couldn���t stop smiling. She saw Collin put his arm over Maddox���s shoulder and smile at him. Her heart melted. She would have married Maddox Hines without agreement from her father, but it made it even more real. It made her suddenly feel like it was not just her and Maddox who believed in their love, but her father as well.

  Harper was overcome with emotion and she tried taking deep breaths to hold back the approaching tears. She needed to be alone, just for a moment. She looked towards the doorway that led to the family room where everyone was and then towards the back patio door and saw them approaching quickly. She didn���t want her Dad to see her crying, he would worry he made the wrong decision, and if Maddox saw her, he���d worry that she didn���t want her Dad to say yes. They were coming and she had no time to hide. She purposely dropped the glass on the floor and it smashed as Maddox, Collin, and Matthew all walked in the door.

  She let the tears flow and stood looking down. Maddox quickly grabbed a broom and dust pan, ���Hey, don���t cry. It���s no big deal, Harper.���

  Collin walked over and hugged her as Maddox dumped the glass into the basket, ���Harper, it���s just a glass.��� Collin held her tighter as the room filled with people.

  She looked up and closed her eyes.

  ���Did you get hurt, Harper?��� Maddox reached between her and Collin an
d wiped her face.

  ���No,��� she whispered and looked up at him.

  ���Okay, then.��� Maddox lifted her and walked her to the doorway and set her down.

  Harper held his elbows and looked up at him and whispered, ���I���m really tired.���

  ���Alright give me a minute and I will������

  ���Harper, we have a room ready for you upstairs. Let me show you,��� London grabbed her hand.

  Maddox smiled at Harper, ���She is tired though, right?���

  ���I know, I know, I know,��� London dragged Harper behind her.

  Maddox looked around the very quiet room and smiled, ���London has got it all under control.���

  Everyone laughed and he helped clean up the floor.

  Maddox walked up the stairs an hour later and saw Tessa walking quietly out of the room. The room he had woken up in the day after his very first concert and found Harper had left. He stood silently as he watched Tessa carefully shut the door behind her.

  ���Is she asleep?��� Maddox whispered.

  ���Yes. Has she been feeling alright?��� Tessa looked very concerned.

  ���I asked her that question every day for a week and she finally rolled her eyes, put her hands on her hips and said, ���Do you want me to be sick?��� I of course, don���t but her point was taken and I didn���t ask again,��� Maddox smiled and Tessa giggled.

  ���I told you she was full of it.���

  ���Full of life and love. You did an amazing job raising her Tessa, thank you,��� Maddox was following her down the hallway when Tessa stopped and turned around.

  Tessa looked at him and his eyes widened. She knew he was afraid he���d offended her and she knew this because it had taken forever to make Collin feel comfortable opening up to the people she loved when she wasn���t there to validate his worth. ���That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. My children are my life.���


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