The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 332

by Mj Fields

  ���Well it is very sweet,��� Harper whispered and looked up at him.

  ���Yeah, I suppose.���

  ���What does that mean?��� Harper turned to face him.

  ���Well,��� Maddox chuckled, ���Kind of…emasculating.���

  ���No Maddox. Your feelings are not. You are all man.��� Harper climbed on his lap and grabbed his hair with both hands and looked at him, ���No more secrets, no more hidden feelings, and no more being anything but what we have always been. Friends first Maddox, promise me that. I want to know first; not my daddy. I love that you asked him to go with you but if you don���t trust me enough to tell me, well it makes me nervous. Which makes me irritable, which makes me…?���

  ���Bite poor Thumper and become very nosey?���

  ���I cannot have it any other way. I want to be������

  ���My everything,��� Maddox whispered and looked down. ���You are, Harper, and my God I don���t want you to doubt that. I just���I need some sort of control, Harper. I know that seems������

  Harper lifted his chin and he closed his eyes, ���Please open those drop dead gorgeous, blue ���fuck me��� eyes, Maddox Hines.���

  Maddox smirked and opened his eyes and peered up at her through his dark lashes.

  ���Mmm mmm mmm,��� Harper smiled and kissed him.

  ���My life has only been mine for a few years, Harper,��� Maddox began, ���It���s hard to explain.���

  She covered his lips with her hands, ���We���ll figure it out together.���

  Maddox took her hand and kissed it and then held it to his heart.

  ���Mine,��� Harper whispered.

  ���All yours, always,��� Maddox kissed it again.

  Harper moved in for a kiss and he leaned back, ���I need to tell you a few things.���

  Harper���s eyes widened and she sat back.

  ���Where do you want to live when you���re finished here?���

  ���I really haven���t thought about it, but with you of course,��� Harper answered skeptically.

  ���Well yes, but������

  Harper scowled, ���You should know something about me Maddox Hines, when I feel like I���m about to be hurt, I get pissed.���

  Maddox smiled, ���I���m very well aware of that, Harper, so damn hot.���

  His thumb rubbed her lip and she attempted to bite it and he pulled it back quickly.

  ���Okay, just sit and listen, alright?���

  Harper shook her head yes.

  ���Before I came to you I had applied to a few schools. I���ve been accepted to a couple,��� Maddox watched her blink rapidly. ���You need to tell me which one you would prefer. Cornell is one of them.���

  She looked down at her ring and rubbed it slowly with her finger, ���It���s up to you. What about the band and the baby and������

  ���I���m going to quit the band.���

  Harper���s eyes snapped up and met his, ���You love it Maddox, I don���t even have to ask if you do. When you���re on stage you shine, you������

  ���Music makes me happy, Harper, but you make me shine. When I���m at my best on stage, you���re with me, in my words, in my heart, in each note I sing. It was never my dream to be a rock star. For as long as I have known you, you have been my dream. We���re going to have a child and your reservations about my lifestyle���I won���t have you doubt that I am anything but one hundred and ten percent yours. I applied for school when you and I weren���t together. I really want this, for us.���

  ���Okay,��� Harper smiled and looked again at her ring.

  Maddox smiled, ���We will be married, then have a child, and then I will return to school.���

  Harper looked up at him, ���You���re sure?���

  ���Positive, I would marry you right now if you would agree to it,��� Maddox lifted her chin.

  She smiled at him and felt her face flush as his eyes gleamed.

  ���You are so beautiful,��� Maddox whispered and kissed her.

  Harper stepped off the bed and started to lift her shirt.

  ���No,��� Maddox grinned and took her hand.

  He opened the door to the guest bedroom and she smiled as she walked in. He shut the door behind her and locked it.

  ���I don���t care about the bad things that happened in our past. Today and tomorrow, now and forever are what matters the most for you and I. So this room of disappointments changes from black to red hot now.���

  Maddox started walking towards her.

  Harper looked at him and her lips curled slightly, ���We are going to be so happy, Maddox.���

  He stopped and tilted his head and looked at her and smiled softly, ���Of course,��� Maddox licked his lips slowly as his eyes took her in, completely. ���I���m going to make you very fucking happy right now.���

  London knocked on the door and there was no answer. She tried to open the door and it was locked, ���Grrr.���

  She walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, ���Is Maddox down here?���

  Emma looked at her. ���No, he���s probably still sleeping. He was up late with your sister.���

  Brody looked up at her and smiled, ���She chose him over me, London. It broke my heart.���

  ���Well you���re not alone. Harper is locked in her room crying. I knocked and she stopped. So wherever Maddox is I think he piss������

  ���London!��� Emma gasped and looked at Tessa.

  ���He loves her so he should stop being a������

  ���London, enough,��� Brody tried not to laugh. ���The language.���

  ���What? My dad and brother drop the f bomb like it���s hot all the time,��� London crossed her arms in front of her. ���I am a product of my environment. Rock stars��� kids are supposed to be������

  Brody grabbed her and tickled her. She laughed loudly. ���Don���t blame me there, potty mouth. Your mouth started when you were seven. I remember shit popping out of your mouth six years ago.���

  Tessa smiled at Emma and they both excused themselves.

  ���She is a trip,��� Tessa laughed when they left the room.

  ���Yes, she certainly is. Let���s go check to see how Harper is doing.���

  They walked up the stairs and Tessa was about to open the door when they heard Maddox growl, ���Fuck Sweetness, so fucking������

  Emma���s face turned bright red and she covered her ears.

  Tessa laughed out loud and Emma covered her mouth.

  ���God Maddox, oh God, yes.��� Harper���s voice came through the door and Tessa covered her ears.

  ���Oh my God,��� Emma whispered.

  Tessa was about to knock on the door and Emma grabbed her hand, ���Let them finish, for God sake.���

  Tessa���s jaw dropped and she covered her mouth and grabbed Emma���s hand and they ran across the hall into the bathroom where they both started laughing.

  Emma looked at Tessa and tried to stop herself and started again.

  ���That was������

  ���Embarrassing?��� Emma tried to keep a straight face.

  ���I was going to say that, I really was, but then������

  ���Then what, Tessa?��� Emma gasped.

  ���I���m glad my
daughter is happy. That���s so wrong,��� Tessa covered her face and laughed.

  Emma and Tessa froze when they heard Harper giggle in the hallway.

  ���Get that little ass back here,��� Maddox growled.

  ���I���m going to shower,��� Harper whispered.

  ���I am ���coming with you,��� Maddox chuckled.

  ���You just did. I miss showering with you too, but not here,��� Harper smacked his hand away as she opened the bathroom door.

  Emma and Tessa froze covering their mouths.

  ���Now you���re hitting me. Wow, you bit Thumper last night and then������

  ���I said I was sorry, Maddox. What more can I do?��� Harper turned standing in the doorway.

  ���Well you could wash him, rub him, and kiss him better in the shower Sweetness,��� Harper laughed and Maddox pushed the door open and hit Tessa in the head.

  ���Damn it,��� Tessa held her head and Maddox quickly looked behind the door.

  ���Oh. My. God.��� Harper turned red as she looked at Emma and Tessa behind the door.

  ���Oh shit,��� Maddox whispered closing his eyes.

  They all stood looking at each other in shock and then Emma started laughing out loud.

  ���Mom,��� Maddox gasped.

  ���Sorry,��� Emma covered her mouth and Tessa began to laugh.

  There was a knock on the door and Caroline popped her head in.

  ���Oh God,��� Maddox covered his face.

  ���Maddox there is nothing to be ashamed of,��� Caroline smiled.

  ���Mom!��� Emma���s voice squeaked and she tried to gather her wits.

  ���Last night there was lots of crying and praying in this house last night. Both your���s and Tessa���s room, so you just back off of them,��� Caroline stopped and watched Tessa and Emma turn deep red. ���So Harper my dear and Maddox my boy��� don���t let these two prudes stop you from enjoying your���youth as thoroughly and as often as you wish.���

  Harper looked at Maddox shocked and he laughed.

  ���He comes by it naturally, Harper, and from the sound of your parents last night, you do as well. Sex is������

  ���MOM!��� Emma yelled.

  ���Oh fine. Maddox, London is looking for you. Apparently you made Harper cry this morning,��� Caroline smiled and walked out the door.

  Maddox laughed out loud, ���Enjoy your shower, Harper.���

  He kissed her head and walked out the door.

  Harper looked at her mom, ���Sorry I������

  ���You bit his������

  ���Oh for crying out loud Mom could we just forget all of that just happened?��� Harper held the door open and Emma and Tessa laughed as they walked out.

  She watched them walk down the stairs and groaned.

  ���Hey, get that ass in the shower,��� Maddox smiled as he walked back down the hall towards her.

  Harper quickly walked in the bathroom and started to shut the door and he stopped it.

  ���Quick shower saves water,��� Maddox pulled his shirt over his head and then went for hers.

  ���No, Maddox!���

  ���Grandmother Caroline said that we should take advantage of our youth, Harper. She is getting older and I wouldn���t want to disobey her,��� Maddox shut the door behind them and locked it.

  ���You���re so���oh God,��� Harper said as he took her breast in his mouth.

  Freshly showered Maddox and Harper walked down the stairs holding hands and laughing.

  ���There you are! Did you make her cry again?��� London put her hands on her hips.

  ���No, London,��� Harper smiled, ���I get a little emotional now that I���m������

  ���Carrying my niece?��� London clapped.

  Maddox looked up at Emma and smiled, ���It���s a girl?���

  London looked around at everyone and looked as if she was about to cry.

  Harper smiled and knelt down, ���Am I having a girl?���

  Tears started to roll down her face.

  ���I knew it!��� Maddox beamed and picked Harper up and twirled her around.

  ���Maddox,��� Harper whispered and nodded towards London.

  ���London, don���t you dare cry,��� Maddox grabbed her hand.

  ���I ruined it. The cupcakes, the announcement, the������

  ���London we wanted you to be the one to tell us and you did. Just in a little different way than you planned, but it���s all the same. Thank you,��� Harper hugged her and Maddox joined them.

  London closed her eyes and hugged them. She smiled, ���Will you still eat the cupcakes?���

  ���Of course, I���ll even pretend to be surprised when I see the pink frosting,��� Maddox smiled and kissed her cheek.

  London got the cupcakes out and handed them out to everyone. Harper looked at her sulking. She looked at Maddox who was carefully studying her face, his lip twisted up in the corner. She saw London peek up at him and she pushed her bottom lip out further and he chuckled.

  Harper elbowed him and whispered, ���She���s already upset, Maddox.���

  ���Take a bite of your cupcake,��� he sucked in his cheek so he would not smile.

  Harper took a bite and looked down, ���Oh my God!���

  ���And the Oscar goes to������

  London laughed out loud so did everyone else, ���It���s a BOY!!!���

  Harper looked at Maddox in shock, ���Did you know?���

  Maddox hugged her, ���I know London, little actress.���

  ���We are having a boy, Maddox,��� Harper felt tears spring to her eyes.

  ���We are,��� Maddox laughed and kissed her.

  ���I hope he looks like you,��� Harper laughed as he picked her up and spun her around.

  ���Of course he will,��� Maddox rolled his eyes and laughed out loud.

  ���Cocky,��� Harper giggled.

  ���Don���t say that word to me,��� Harper laughed as he kissed her neck.

  Collin walked down the stairs dressed in jeans and deep red sweater. He saw Tessa looking out the window.

  He walked up and wrapped his arms around her and smelled her hair, ���Do you know how beautiful you are?���

  Tessa held his arms tightly around her, ���No, could you tell me?���

  He laughed as he kissed her neck, ���More beautiful every day.���

  ���Have you been drinking?��� Tessa laughed.

  Collin laughed, ���No, Tessa.���

  Tessa turned and looked up at her husband, ���You make me that way.���

  He smiled and closed his eyes, ���You made me this way. When I look at Maddox I remember how hard it was to feel comfortable in my own skin, until the day I knocked on that door.���

  ���You told me I was parked in your parking spot,��� Tessa huffed.

  ���I had to say something,��� Collin had a shy smile on his face, ���Trust me, that may have been why I knocked on your door that day but when you opened it���I still feel that way sometimes.���

  Tessa looked concerned, ���I don���t understand.���

  ���I���m in awe of you, always have been,��� Collin smiled and kissed her, ���You changed my entire world that day. It still makes me crazy to think that if I had run, like I wanted to, I would never had kno
wn love. I would never have had children, or���my God, Tessa, I���m going to be a grandfather.���

  Tessa laughed, ���My life would have been pretty miserable without you. We had no choice anyways. We were supposed to be together. It was already in the cards.���

  ���Thank God,��� they both said and smiled.

  After a kiss Collin stepped back and took a deep breath, ���I better get the Hines boys moving.���

  ���Yes. Harper looks like a ball of stress,��� Tessa nodded to the family room.

  ���I���ll be back in a few hours, Sweetness,��� Maddox stood behind her rubbing her belly as he kissed her neck. ���Our first Christmas together. Do you have any idea how that feels to me, Harper?���

  She shook her head yes, ���I know exactly how it feels, I feel the same. Maddox, I know you have to do this, I just don���t like it.���

  Maddox smiled and turned her to face him, ���Me either but its necessary. I���m going to tell them I���m done.���

  ���Maddox, I told you that you shouldn���t������

  ���If I get the itch, I do it with Dad���s band okay?���

  Harper smiled, ���I get to watch you on stage?���

  ���You can watch me anywhere I am Harper, you���re going to be my wife, mine forever,��� he kissed her, ���and ever,��� he kissed her again, ���and ever.���

  Harper was smiling. He was happy he had made her smile and she knew it.

  ���You���re a beautiful soul, Maddox,��� Harper grabbed his hair with both hands and pulled him towards her.

  Maddox���s jaw flexed and he grabbed her hands. He pushed one against his face and held the other to his heart, ���You showed me I could be.���

  Harper smiled and kissed him.

  ���You two able to take a break for a bit?��� Brody chuckled behind them.

  ���Yes,��� Harper kissed him again.

  ���So we���re good? No crazy, pissed off, biting������

  Harper pushed Maddox and laughed, ���Keep it up and it may be that way.���

  Maddox laughed, ���I love you.���


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