The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 336

by Mj Fields

  ���Maddox, he isn���t going to������

  ���I���m sure Maddox will be alright with more help, Tessa. He knows how she feels about him,��� Collin closed his eyes, ���She looks at him the same way you looked at me.���

  ���Look, the same way I look at you still, Collin,��� Tessa closed her eyes.

  ���I know Tessa. God I love you,��� he held her closer.

  ���What were you thinking about when I came out?���

  ���Harper of course, the day before she went������

  ���To kindergarten?���


  ���I owe you an apology now, don���t I?��� Tessa smiled sadly up at him.

  ���When I bring her back you can make up for it,��� Collin forced a smile.

  ���Make up for it?��� Tessa tried to look confused.

  ���You didn���t touch me for four days,��� Collin raised his eyebrow at her; ���You slept in her room.���

  ���I missed her while she was at school.���

  Collin���s smile finally touched his eyes, ���Okay I won���t argue with that���not now anyway.���

  Tears gathered in his eyes and Tessa could not stop hers from rising.

  ���I���ll find her beautiful. You know I will,��� Collin kissed her cheek carefully.

  Tessa shook her head in agreement.

  ���I���m going to talk to Brody and Maddox. Then I���ll call Tomas and if I have nothing still I���m going to take off and find her and bring her back to you,��� Collin kissed her nose.

  ���To all of us.��� Tessa cried softly into her husband���s chest.

  They sat in the living room and Maddox walked in and sat across from Collin.

  ���I need to tell you something but you need to listen. I know in my heart that she had nothing to do with Harper���s disappearance,��� Maddox said looking Collin in the eye. ���Claire still has not returned. Zach made calls and found credit card purchases at a few stores near the London house. I talked to him twenty minutes ago. Three stores where the card was reportedly used do not show her using them. The transactions are date and time stamped and the video footage shows a man using the cards. The same man at each store. He knew what he was doing because he avoided looking into the cameras, leading us to believe this is not some random pick pocket who stole a card to use on Christmas Eve. It was not questioned by the store employees because Zach is also an authorized card user. He is looking at street camera footage now. Again I don���t believe she did it. Zach has not reported her missing because he believes it will mess with the investigation of Harper���s disappearance.���

  Maddox looked up at Collin, ���Same thing I said earlier. Whoever took Harper, took her as well. Maddox, I know you want her back as much as I do. You need to think really hard about whom it is that would do this to you.���

  ���I have thought this whole time about it. Anyone who hates my family is���well dead. I can come up with nothing. You do need to take into consideration my suspicions about������

  Clive cleared his throat as he entered the room, ���Blake is here to see you.���

  Maddox jumped up and his eyes turned to ice. Brody grabbed his shoulder, ���What the fuck is he doing here?���

  ���He came to help Maddox. He saw her every day for three months; he can help fill in the blanks. Nothing else has come to light. I need a fucking united front,��� Collin smashed his fist on the coffee table. ���I don���t give a fuck about hurt feelings! I want my little girl home on Christmas with her family where she belongs!���

  ���Collin,��� Tessa whispered and held his hand tightly.

  ���There���s something I have to tell you and I need you to believe I didn���t make the connection until your call,��� Blake looked at Collin. ���I���m going to help you bring her home. Maddox, I���m going to help you too. I know how much you love her and I know how much she loves you.���



  ���No��� you don���t look like my father, and you certainly don���t act like him,��� Harper tried to free her hands.

  He laughed a malicious laugh and stood up, ���We move tomorrow. I have something important to do to make sure this all ends up looking like a love triangle. Keep them quiet until you hear from me.���

  ���If what you���re saying is true, why? Why would you do this to me, if your family������

  ���Blood means nothing to me,��� he sneered at her and walked quickly towards her.

  Claire stood up in front of him, ���Will you keep me���for your pet?���

  He looked her up and down, ���We���ll see.���

  When he left the other man left too.

  Claire looked at their captor, ���She smells can���t we give her a bath?���

  ���No, there isn���t������

  ���I will wash her, you can stand watch.��� Claire looked up at him and smiled seductively.

  ���You���ll shower too. I���ll go grab supplies. There is an outside shower it���s going to be cold,��� his eyes darkened and he looked her up and down slowly, ���Get undressed���I���ll be back.���

  Claire smiled again at him, ���Give us five minutes, you should probably untie me so I can������

  ���She stays tied up!���

  ���How will I undress her?��� Claire held her hands up and bit her lip.

  He looked at her suspiciously and then bent to untie her arms. Claire stroked his head softly and he peered up at her and she whispered, ���I have wanted to touch your hair since I saw you.���

  He smiled and his eyes filled with desire, ���You have four minutes.���

  ���I���ll be waiting,��� she whispered again.

  As soon as the door closed behind her she walked quickly to Harper. ���Give me your hands.���

  ���No way, they���re going to kill me either way, I won���t let you������

  ���Do you think I want any of this? Give me your hands, Harper,��� she scowled, ���I will do whatever I can to get out of here, alive. You need to think the same way.���

  Harper held up her hands as tears fell down her cheeks, ���I���d rather die than allow them or������

  Claire grabbed her face, ���Stop crying, stop arguing, people like that eat little girls like you up. I cannot even remember a time when I������

  Harper looked into her sad eyes, ���You really had nothing to do with this?���

  ���No, of course not,��� Claire looked wounded as she untied her hands.

  She looked at the rope burns on Harper���s arms and closed her eyes, ���Self-preservation Harper. That���s what my shrink calls this. I have not been with a man since������

  ���Maddox,��� Harper said softly.

  ���Technically, I was not with Maddox,��� Claire stood up, ���He helped me by leaving.���

  Claire began taking her clothes off and Harper saw the scars on her back and let out a quiet cry as she covered her mouth. Claire turned back and saw her.

  ���It was a long time ago,��� she whispered.

  ���No one has the right to������

  ���I know that now. Harper, pull yourself together. When we shower do not fight me, but don���t act like you enjoy yourself either. I will do my best to not make you uncomfortabl
e. Very mother-child like alright? I don���t want this either, Harper. But I want to live and I want to bring you back to Maddox, he loves you.���

  Claire stood before her completely naked and Harper looked away, ���Harper you need to take your clothes off.���

  Claire turned her back and Harper undressed. She looked at her stomach and the bruises all over her, she held her stomach and Claire turned around.

  Claire held her hand over Harper’s, ���Is the baby moving?���

  Tears fell from Harper���s face, ���No, he isn���t.���

  ���He?��� Claire asked sadly.

  Harper shook her head yes and Claire wiped her eyes, ���They don���t know you���re pregnant. You need to keep it that way as long as you can.���

  The door opened and Claire closed her eyes tightly. Harper knew Claire was as scared as she was but instead of fighting she was buying time. Harper pulled off her pants and noticed the blood. Her tears fell faster and her body shook. Claire opened her eyes and looked down.

  ���It doesn���t mean������

  Harper let out a quiet sob and Claire grabbed her face and pulled her into her, she kissed her cheek and whispered, ���You need to stay strong, Harper. They will die for what they have done to you, and to Maddox. You have all the reason in the world to fight now. Follow my lead.���

  Claire pulled her face away from Harper���s and turned around, ���She���s never been with a woman, and she���s scared. She���s menstruating and embarrassed. I���ve told her she needs to do as she���s told, and she has agreed,��� Claire turned and looked at Harper whose tears fell down her face, ���Isn���t that so, pet?���

  Harper shook her head yes as tears continued to fall.

  ���What supplies do we have, Master?��� Claire walked slowly and seductively towards him.

  ���Master?��� he looked at her and laughed nervously.

  ���You���re in control here correct?��� Claire said as she began to reach for him, he shook his head yes, ���May I touch your hair, Master?���

  He shook his head yes and she did, ���Will you be showering with us, Master?���

  ���No,��� he said as he swallowed hard.

  ���I wish you would,��� she pulled his hair lightly drawing his head down to her, ���I would really like that.���

  He pulled away quickly and snapped, ���What are you trying to pull?���

  Claire dropped to her knees cried, ���I did not mean to offend you Master, please forgive me. It���s just my desire for you is so strong. I just want to please you.���

  Harper watched as the confusion left his face and heat fell upon it, ���Stand up.���

  Claire stood, ���Please forgive me I just���I had a Master before who liked to share me. He liked two of us at a time. I just was hopeful you wanted only me. I wanted to please you.���

  Harper looked down and briefly wondered if she was referring to Maddox, and then she was afraid Claire was involved.

  ���I���m cold,��� Harper���s voice shook.

  Claire took a towel and walked over and wrapped her in it.

  They walked outside shivering towards the back of the small wooden cabin. The water was running and cold, Claire saw her eyes narrow.

  ���Don���t, just wash off. I won���t even touch you, our backs will be to him, hold your hand under mine,��� Harper shook uncontrollably. ���You���re going to be fine, open your mouth and drink Harper. I���ll wash your hair.���

  Harper stood under the shower head that was drizzling water and held her mouth open. She drank as Claire cupped water and dumped it over her head. Her teeth began to chatter and she began to quietly sob.

  ���Shh, Harper, it���ll be alright. Think of a beach---Maddox talked about you teaching him to swim and he said he loved the water. He never went to the water so I can safely assume it was you he loved. He loves you, Harper.���

  The words Claire spoke to her comforted her. She was by no means warm but the thought of Maddox brought her peace.

  ���He must be so worried,��� Harper whispered.

  ���Okay now, turn and face me, do what I just did, wash my hair Harper. Of course he is worried,��� Claire turned away from her, ���Just like I did.���

  Harper looked at their captor and watched as desire poured from his eyes.

  ���Disgusting fuck,��� she whispered softly.

  Claire looked up at her, ���Most men are, now pretend to kiss my neck.���

  ���WHAT!��� Harper scowled.

  ���Either that or������

  Harper did as she instructed and Claire put on a magnificent performance, moaning.

  ���Enough! Get inside,��� he snapped.

  ���See Harper, didn���t even have to get dirty and I bet that fuck only lasts two minutes,��� Claire rolled her eyes.

  ���I won���t������

  ���You won���t have to, Harper,��� Claire gave her a slight smile, ���I���m used to this.���

  ���No, you don���t have to either,��� Harper said through clenched teeth.

  ���We shall see, maybe he���s already blown his wad,��� Claire���s lips pursed together and she smiled nervously.



  Maddox paced the floor, he hated that Blake was there and he hated that Harper wasn���t.

  ���My mother was married for two years when I was three to a man named Harrison Dunlop. He was older and������

  ���The fucking point, Drake!��� Maddox snapped.

  ���I have a stepbrother his name is Atticus. He looks a lot like you, Collin. He is about five years younger than you. Harrison is ill and he asked me to visit him. We chatted about what my life has been like, school, work, that kind of thing. I showed him some photos on my phone, he saw you. He asked about you. Where you were from, what you did. He didn���t say much more. After���when I was no longer speaking to Harper daily, my mother visited. We discussed it. She called to speak to Harrison, Atticus answered Harrison was sleeping. He asked her several questions and told her his father did not need to be disturbed while he was sick over her ridiculous assumptions. He told her as of right now she was part of Harrison���s will. Harrison cheated on my mother, she left him. Apparently he loved her and still felt guilty. Atticus told her to let it go or she would get nothing.���

  ���You think he has Harper?��� Collin asked as he sent a text message.

  ���I think that unless Maddox has some crazy stalker fan or his ex������

  ���Fuck you,��� Maddox grabbed him. ���You fucking brought this on, the one who kept her from me for months worrying her about what shit I would bring into her life!���

  Brody grabbed Maddox, and tried to pull him off of Blake.

  ���MADDOX!��� Collin snapped.

  Tessa ran down the stairs, ���This isn���t helping! Stop this now!���

  Collin grabbed her and held her as Maddox walked out the door.

  ���Zach, look into Atticus Dunlop. Son of Harrison Dunlop, Blake just showed up and he thinks that is Collin���s father and brother,��� Maddox���s voice was full of anger.

  ���Breathe Maddox, now isn���t the time to lose it.���

  ���What the fuck else can I do, Zach?! This is������

  ���I just received a message that the vehicle spotted in the street surveillance cameras was seen three hours from you in New Castle. Do
n���t leave without me. I will text Tomas. No cops, I���m going to be to you in an hour.���

  ���Thanks, Zach, I���ll see you then,��� Maddox walked into the house and looked at everyone, ���I have a lead.���

  Collin looked up at him, ���Let���s hear it.���

  ���Not with him in the room,��� Maddox glared at Blake.

  ���Maddox, I had no idea������ Blake began and Maddox cut him off.

  ���I���d like to talk to you all in the other room,��� Maddox looked at Collin.

  ���Do I threaten you that much, Maddox? I flew seven hours to give my help in finding a young woman who I have known for years and a family who means a lot to me.���

  Maddox walked past him and glared, ���You���re a fucking dick, Drake.���

  ���You���re a fucking Prince Max,��� Blake sneered from behind him.

  Brody grabbed Maddox and took him in the kitchen, ���No more, you���re struggling and I get it— but no more.���

  ���I need to find her, God damn it Dad, I���m going fucking crazy,��� Maddox clenched his fist, ���You see what they did to Emma and Tessa, I can only imagine —FUCK!���

  Maddox held his head in his hands and tried to take a few deep breaths to relax himself, it wasn���t helping.

  Collin and his sons walked into the kitchen, ���What do you know?���

  Maddox looked suspiciously at Matthew, ���She is my sister, Maddox. Just because I knew������

  ���Fine! Street surveillance footage showed someone pulling Claire into a black van. As I said before, I know she has nothing to do with this. The vehicle was spotted about three hours north of here. It���s not a hundred percent but at least it���s something. Zach will be here in an hour. He didn���t call the police… we should wait for him and then go bring her, them home.���

  Collin let out a heavy, deep breath, ���Alright. Let me talk to Tessa and Tomas������

  ���Zach is also contacting Tomas.���

  ���Thank you, Maddox,��� Collin disappeared from the room and his sons followed.


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