The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 338

by Mj Fields

  ���Are you there?��� Tessa���s voice was soft and scared.

  ���Yes beautiful, I love you. You���ll hear from me soon,��� Collin���s voice was soft yet sturdy: exactly what she needed and he knew it.

  ���You be careful, Collin,��� Tessa���s voice broke.

  ���Of course,��� he said softly.

  ���I love you,��� she whispered.

  ���I know, and I love you, Tessa Abraham,��� Collin let out a deep breath. ���Talk to you soon.���

  Tomas handed him the phone and the computer pointing to the location, ���Maddox?���

  ���There are two locations. The vehicle that left the Liverpool property and the vehicle that was spotted on the London street surveillance cameras are about forty miles apart. Pick the one you���ll go to.��� Maddox���s tone was strong and confident.

  ���We���ll go east, you take west. We communicate Maddox������

  ���Collin,��� Maddox���s voice shook, ���I agree with the communication thing, I wasn���t the one who took off������

  ���You���ll understand one day, soon,��� Collin said in a low deep voice.

  ���I understand now.���

  ���This cannot be an issue,��� Collin began, ���We stand united.���

  ���Understood,��� Maddox agreed.

  ���We have four with us, and you have?���

  ���Four as well, your sons are as stubborn as the rest of you,��� Maddox said sarcastically.

  Collin sat quietly, ���You tell them to do as Zach tells them to, you do the same Maddox, you���re my son now too. Which means all three of your asses are grounded when we finish this thing.���

  Maddox smiled trying to lighten the grave mood, ���Your dad says you���re grounded.���

  ���Maddox, could you put me on speaker please?��� Collin heard the phone connect to the Bluetooth system in the car. ���Matthew and CJ, you go in just like it was an untapped and hostile situation. We have talked about this. You watch to see what���s going on, survey the area don���t just run in there half-cocked. She is not your sister today do you understand? Your emotions will get you killed. I need you all alive and well, just as much as I need Harper and my grandson, do you understand?���

  They both answered yes.

  ���Good. I assume you are all armed. Remember to know where each other are at all times. When we sweep our site we will come to yours. One of us will have your sister and Claire. Good luck and we will talk to you soon. I love you.���

  ���Is Dad right there?��� Maddox asked.

  ���Yes you���re on speaker.���

  ���Hey Maddox,��� Brody���s voice boomed through the speaker, ���I trust you understand what Collin just said.���

  ���Of course,��� Maddox answered, ���I want to add something though.���

  ���Go ahead, Maddox.���

  ���None of the fuckers walk out alive,��� Maddox growled, ���Anyone who had anything to do with this dies tonight. I have fucking had it with shit bags���

  Brody laughed and Collin shot him a dirty look, ���Sorry Collin, but I agree. Keep each other safe, that���s first, got it? Then I agree, fuck them up, Maddox.���

  ���I love you, Dad,��� Maddox smiled.

  ���I love you, as well. See you soon,��� Brody hung up.

  Maddox sat back and looked out the window, ���Zach, how much farther?���

  ���Less than ten minutes,��� Zach answered.

  They pulled just down the road from the driveway and all got out of the car. Zach handed them each two hand guns.

  Maddox looked at Matthew and CJ, ���Your sister will kick my ass if you get hurt.���

  Matthew smiled, ���Yeah, she would.���

  CJ chuckled as he shoved his second gun in his belt.

  ���Let���s do this. Follow me,��� Zach had night vision goggles slung around his neck. He pointed up in the sky, ���Smoke, someone is here.���

  Maddox felt far too calm, and it scared the hell out of him.

  They stayed hidden behind the trees as they surveyed the area and secured the perimeter. Zach motioned towards the other side of the house and pointed to himself and Matthew. Then pointed to CJ and Maddox and pointed to the cabin. ���Give us thirty seconds, and then we move in, sweeping from back to front. Wait for the three,��� he held up his fingers, ���Then we go in together.���

  ���Waste of time, she���s not fucking here,��� Maddox growled at Zach and ran towards the house.

  ���Fuck,��� Zach ran behind him and Harper���s brothers followed.

  Maddox kicked in the door and held his gun and flashlight together in his hands as he walked through the cabin quickly shining the light and pointing his gun in around the small room. He opened the stove and saw hot pink silk scraps inside the small smoldering embers.

  He reached in and pulled the slow burning material out and dropped in on the ground. He stomped on it as the others searched the rest of the back room.

  Maddox called his father���s phone and Brody answered quickly, ���Maddox.���

  ���Put me on speaker, Dad,��� Maddox growled.

  ���Go ahead.���

  ���She was here. I would guess by the fire in the stove they have been gone less than an hour,��� Maddox was interrupted.

  ���The fires almost dead Maddox they have been gone longer������

  Maddox pointed to the ground, ���Those are your sisters.���

  ���You can���t assume������

  ���Matthew not an argument, they are hers,��� Maddox snapped as he shone the light down. He cringed when he saw the blood. ���Dad, she���s bleeding,��� his voice shook, ���FUCK!���

  ���You can���t be sure that they���re������

  ���Matthew she was fucking here!���

  Collin snapped, ���Enough! Anything else?���

  Maddox walked around the room and shined his light. He saw something in the corner of the room and walked to it and picked it up, ���Her ring, MOTHERFUCKER!���

  Maddox grabbed it and the panties, and ran out of the cabin towards the car. He climbed behind the wheel.

  ���Maddox, I���ll drive������

  ���Get the fuck in Zach! I���m driving.���

  ���Maddox,��� he looked at his phone.

  ���I���m here,��� he said as he peeled out.

  ���You get to us alive Maddox, slow the fuck down,��� Brody snapped at him.

  ���Sure Dad, I���ll go the speed limit. How far are you from your destination?���

  ���Twenty minutes,��� Collin answered.

  ���Wait for us, there were five sets of footprints, Dad. Two areas I suspect���I think they dragged them out of the cabin. You need to wait. Have you called mom?��� CJ asked.

  ���Not yet CJ,��� Collin���s tone did not waiver, as normal he was calm and direct, ���I will now.���

  ���Call Emma, Dad— or you���ll be on the shit list,��� Maddox pressed the gas pedal harder.

  ���How long before you get to our destination, Zach?��� Collin asked.

  ���Pretty fucking hard to tell,��� Zach laughed nervously as Maddox took a corner at over a hundred miles per hour.

  ���Maddox, slow down damn it!���
Brody snapped.

  ���Alright Dad,��� Maddox clenched his jaw.

  ���How many miles Zach?��� Collin asked.

  ���Well it changes pretty quickly,��� Zach answered trying not to worry Collin.

  Matthew and CJ laughed.

  ���Don���t encourage him,��� Collin said calmly. ���Maddox, slow down or I���ll tell Harper I think you���re an asshole and advise her not to marry you.���

  CJ and Matthew laughed and Maddox slowed down a bit without even realizing it.

  ���That worked,��� Matthew laughed.

  ���Alright boys, I have some calls to make. I���ll call you when we get there and give you instructions,��� Collin chuckled. ���She is going to be fine, they are going to be fine. We just need to make sure you get to us in one piece.���

  ���Talk to you soon?��� Maddox asked.

  ���Get back to you in twenty, Son.���

  Maddox looked at Zach briefly, ���Get T and Surge to my parent���s place— extra bodies. I think Caroline, Henry, Maggie, and John should get the kids back to New York. Find out the nearest hospital to our destination and get Emma and Tessa there.��� Zach looked at him curiously, ���It���s never this fucking easy, Zach. I trust you��� now give me the same courtesy.���

  ���What���s up Dad?��� Maddox answered the car phone.

  ���We���ll be there in five minutes. How long before you get here?��� Brody asked.

  ���Fifteen tops,��� Maddox answered.

  ���You���ll see a black sedan parked about a mile out. Meet us there,��� Collin instructed.

  ���You sure you���ll be there, Dad?��� Matthew asked sarcastically. He didn���t answer, ���We���ll see you there Dad, be safe.���

  ���See you soon, Maddox,��� Brody said softly, ���Use your heads boys.���

  Maddox hung up and pressed the gas pedal even further.

  ���Collin, another call for you,��� Tomas handed him the phone.

  Collin looked at the phone, ���Were you able to retrieve the number?���

  Tomas shook his head no, ���But we���re all set up now to trace it.���

  ���This is, Collin Abraham.���

  ���Collin, my name is Harrison Dunlap,��� his voice was weak.

  Collin looked quickly at Tomas, ���What can I do for you, Harrison?���

  ���I���d like to meet you Collin,��� he took a deep breath; ���I don���t want to have this conversation over the phone.

  ���Well I���m a very busy man, Harrison and������

  ���I���m a very sick man, Collin. I don���t have time for games. I want to meet you.���

  ���Harrison, I am aware of who you are. I believe you are the man who screwed a whore and impregnated her.���

  He heard him take a deep breath, ���I believe Collin, that you are my son. I also believe that there is possibly trouble brewing,��� he took another breath, ���with my son, Atticus.���

  ���Tell me what you know about this ���trouble���, Harrison.���

  Brody watched Collin retain control and had no fucking clue how he could.

  ���I think you may have reason to be concerned.��� He took a breath, ���Atticus has always been— troubled,��� he coughed, ���He���s sometimes explosive when he feels threatened.���

  ���When is the last time you spoke to or saw him?���

  ���Two days ago. I have someone who watches him,��� he took a breath. ���I never knew he was aware of it. A trusted employee told me he offered them money to keep me away from my ex-wife and her son, Blake,��� he took a deep breath. ���He told them he would soon have more than enough money to continue their employment,��� Harrison coughed and took a deep breath, ���I���m dying, it could be a year it could be a day. I contacted Blake���s mother and she told me she had talked to him and that he threatened her.���

  ���I don���t have time for this, Harrison. As we speak I���m searching for my little girl Harper. There was a break in at a home we were visiting here in England. My wife and her cousin were assaulted. My daughter was taken. We are past the twenty four hour mark, so statistically there is very little chance she is alive. So no I do not have time to bond with you at this time. I don���t even know if I have it in me to do so. When you hear what I have to say, you and I may become mortal enemies. You must understand one thing about me, Harrison; I will fiercely protect my own. When I find whomever is responsible for this, they will pay for what they have done.���

  ���I have read about your past, Collin. But you need to remember something as well. Atticus is my son������

  ���If he is responsible for her abduction,��� Brody grabbed Collin���s shoulder and shook his head slowly no, Collin laughed angrily. ���My daughter, your FUCKING BLOOD Harrison��� is a smart, sweet, kind, giving, loving, and beautiful girl. She has two brothers who are no different. They take care of others, they work hard, and they have kind hearts, and have done NOTHING to deserve this!���

  ���I never said they did, Collin. From what I���ve learned recently, they must take after you, Son. I hope someday soon to meet all of you. I hope someday you can,��� Harrison stopped and coughed, then took several deep breaths, ���Forgive me.���

  ���Forgive you? Forgive you for what? I don���t even know you. You don���t know me, there is nothing to forgive.���

  ���Thank you Collin, for not blaming me for something that was out of my control. I would have come for you.���

  ���Harrison, we can���t fix what we don���t know.���

  ���You certainly are my son. I need to meet you.���

  ���Please understand that right now I need to ������

  ���I understand. I want to meet them as well. Please give me your word that very soon we can make that happen.���

  ���I don���t know if that will happen. You may not want that.���

  ���Goodnight, Son,��� Harrison coughed, ���Go get your daughter. If there is anything I can do, please let me know. I���ll do whatever is in my power.���

  Collin hung up and sat back running his hands through his hair.

  ���You need to get back your focus, Collin. Your shield lowered, my God, you do have emotions,��� Brody smiled and Collin looked at him curiously. ���The Collin I know is one bad motherfucker. The only time you get bent is when it comes to your wife or Harper.���

  ���I don���t think that���s true,��� Collin stated.

  ���I didn���t think you were human for some time,��� Brody laughed and so did Collin, ���Armor up, Collin, we have some people to fuck up.���

  Collin looked at him and shook his head yes, ���For Harper.���

  ���Absolutely for Harper, for Claire, for Tessa, and for my Em. Whoever blackened her eye is going to eat their own dick.���

  ���You have issues,��� Collin cracked a smile, ���Fucking Rock Stars.���

  ���Crazy ass motherfuckers,��� Brody gave a maddening look and then smiled.

  The car slowed down as it passed a driveway. Tomas looked with night vision goggles at the clearing.

  They drove down the road further and turned around and parked a mile back.

  Collin got out and Brody called Maddox, ���ETA?���

  ���What?��� Maddox asked.

bsp; ���When will you be here?���

  ���Ten minutes,��� Zach chimed in.

  ���Alright we drove by. Both vehicles are here. Park by the black car and follow us in on foot. See you soon.���

  ���See you soon.��� Maddox hung up and gunned it.

  ���You ready?��� Collin handed Brody a handgun.

  ���Hell yes. Let���s get her, and get the fuck out before any more of our kids get here.���

  Brody and Clive followed Tomas and Collin quietly into the woods. They quickly and silently ran in the direction of the house. They arrived at the clearing and Collin held his hand up stopping them. Two men were outside on the small porch.

  They were talking, but Collin couldn���t make out what they were saying. He motioned for Tomas to lead Clive to the back and circle the property. Collin and Brody snuck closer to the house. The lot had several trees and they easily got closer to the house. He held up two fingers and motioned to Brody. They snuck to a window and Collin peeked in.

  He saw two bodies slouched against each other both hooded and bound. He noticed two doors leading off the main room and motioned for Brody to follow him around back. They looked in windows but couldn���t see anything. Black drapes hung over them. Collin pushed one up and it lifted effortlessly. He pointed to himself and then the window. Then he pointed to Brody and whispered Tomas.

  Brody shook his head ���no���, disagreeing that he should enter alone. Collin effortlessly pulled himself up and slipped through the window. Brody quickly made his way to Tomas.

  Collin was in a small room with a cot and a door. He carefully crept across the room and listened at the door. He opened it slowly revealing that he was alone.

  He quickly made his way to them and bent down, ���Harper, its Daddy, be very quiet.���

  He pulled the hood off and she opened her swollen eyes, ���Daddy,��� she whispered, ���Claire.���

  ���I know, Princess,��� he untied her hands and did his best to mask the anger building up inside when he saw his little girl had been severely beaten. ���Don���t move.���

  He untied Claire���s hands quickly and pulled her hood off.

  She turned away and looked towards Harper, ���Daddy,��� Harper whispered and Claire shook her head up and down once and a tear fell down her swollen face.


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