The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 343

by Mj Fields

  He began pulling her underpants down and she stopped him, ���Harper just stop alright. Stop fighting with me, stop fighting with yourself.���

  He grabbed the clothes and threw them and the pants and underpants in the garbage.

  ���It���s a lot of blood, Maddox,��� Harper���s voice squeaked.

  ���I know,��� he pulled her up and grabbed the plastic wrap and covered her wound.

  She looked down and whispered, ���I���m disgusting.���

  ���You���re beautiful,��� Maddox took her hand and walked her into the large walk in shower.

  He placed her beneath the shower and gently rubbed his hands through her hair and scrubbed her scalp as she began to cry again. He turned her around and kissed her nose, ���Lean back and rinse.���

  She looked at him, ���You���re getting soaked.���

  He shrugged, ���Doesn���t matter.���

  Harper took a step forward and looked down. She was ashamed of her body, ashamed of what had happened, and ashamed of the way she was treating the man she loved. He lifted her chin, ���Rinse, Sweetness.���

  Harper looked at him and lifted his wet shirt over his head and he pulled it off.

  He unbuttoned his pants and pushed them down.

  He looked at Harper and she was looking down at his erection, ���Maddox we ������

  ���I know that, he obviously doesn���t,��� Maddox smiled shyly.

  Harper pulled him towards her and grabbed his hair tightly and kissed him hard on the mouth, ���Apparently you don���t either, but������

  ���Kiss me,��� she pleaded, ���Like before. Kiss me please.���

  Maddox let out a low groan as he kissed her lips and her nipples tightened as they pressed into his rock hard abs. He pulled away and grabbed the sponge and squirted soap on it. He scrubbed her body cautiously avoiding her incision site. After she was rinsed he knelt down and kissed her stomach over and over as she rubbed his head.

  The water was running cold when he stepped out and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her. He took another and toweled his hair and then slung it around his waist. Harper���s eyes looked amusingly at him when she saw his erection had still not lessened. He looked down and smiled and shook his head.

  He grabbed the sweatshirt and smiled when he saw that it was the one he had left years ago. She lifted her arms and he put it over her head and bent down and kissed her nipple before pulling it down.

  ���Sorry, Sweetness,��� he smirked.

  She smiled and grabbed her underpants and pulled them on. She stepped into her pants and pulled them up. She tried to button them and Maddox glanced over when he heard her huff.

  ���Take them off. I should have grabbed something different. You need to wear something loose while you heal.���

  ���Like what a moo-moo?��� Harper groaned.

  Maddox pulled a pair of sweats out of his bag, ���These.���

  She stepped into them and when they fell, he laughed.

  Harper looked up at him and smiled apologetically, ���Not funny.���

  ���Even my pants are protesting you being dressed.���

  ���Well if they had eyes, they wouldn���t,��� Harper pulled the drawstring and tied it. She rolled the waist of the pants so that they would stay up.

  Maddox grabbed a brush off the counter and started brushing her hair, ���You���re perfect, Harper.���

  She looked in the mirror at Maddox standing behind her brushing her hair. His wet brown hair looked black and his blue eyes shimmered. As he looked down his incredibly long dark lashes fanned across his perfect checks. He stood a good five inches taller than her five foot eight frame. His shoulders were strong and he had the most beautiful chest and abs. Out of everything physically beautiful about him her favorite part of his body was his arms. Long strong arms that seemed to hold her together and pull her back to him no matter what she did, how she acted, or how hard she pushed him away for the past few months.

  ���Maddox, I���m������

  He spun her around, ���Beautiful, you are beautiful. You are going through hell right now, Harper. You���ve lost so much in the past few days that you cannot even begin to make sense of it. You wonder what you did to deserve it, and you feel guilty about things that were beyond your control. You���re lashing out at me which is just fine Sweetness, I have thick skin, and I can take it.���

  Harper shook her head no.

  ���Alright then what am I missing here? Please let me know.���

  She looked down and whispered, ���You���re going to leave me. You���re going to get sick of me and there is nothing holding you to me now. You���re going to be pissed when you think about what I just said, and you���re going to hate me.���

  Maddox leaned back against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest and looked at her contemplating what to say that wouldn���t upset her further.

  ���You lost something, too,��� Harper looked up at him nervously.

  ���There isn���t anything I can do about it.���

  ���We should get downstairs,��� Harper looked at him.

  ���This conversation needs to continue, Harper. I am not going anywhere unless you truly believe that���s what you want,��� Maddox brushed through his hair quickly; ���even then I can���t promise I will leave.���

  ���Why? You deserve so much more than������

  ���If you believe that Harper, truly believe that, then you know you are my more, you are everything to me.���

  Maddox opened the door and they walked out into the hall.

  Ava was coming towards them and grinned and turned away, ���I���m seriously trying not to look.���

  Harper laughed and looked at Maddox, ���You forgot your clothes.���

  ���I���ll change in your room,��� he bent down and planted a kiss on her cheek and walked away.

  Ava looked up, ���Band boy must be rocking the gym.���

  Harper smiled, ���He���s always looked like that.���

  ���No, I think he may possibly be hotter than his father. Man���.father-son action is beating my brain right now.���

  Harper giggled when she saw Emma walking up behind Ava.

  Ava looked behind her and quickly back at Harper and put her finger over her lips, ���Hush.���

  ���Is Maddox up here?���

  ���Right here, Mom,��� Maddox walked out dressed in a long sleeve thermal shirt and loose jeans, ���Everything alright?���

  ���Lexington was looking for you,��� she smiled and gave him a hug, ���Take your time.���

  Emma walked away.

  ���Killer genetics, you two would have beautiful babies,��� Ava winked at Harper.

  Maddox stepped beside her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, ���We will, won���t we, Sweetness?���

  Harper blinked rapidly and started to cry.

  Maddox turned her towards him and held her, ���Alright.���

  ���I don���t want to act like it didn���t happen, Maddox.���

  ���I don���t either, Sweetness.���

  ���You don���t?��� Harper was surprised, she had thought he wanted to forget it, a secret.

  ���Nope, not ever,��� Maddox pulled her head back to his chest.

  ���Should I go?��� Ava asked.

  She shook her head no, ���Is Liam here yet?���

  ���I saw him
downstairs; do you want me to go get him?���

  ���She would love that, Ava. Thank you,��� Maddox smiled politely. When Ava was out of ear shot Maddox looked at Harper, ���Did I do or say something that made you believe I wanted to hide that our child died, Harper?���

  ���Yes���no���I don���t know, Maddox. I���m so fucked up right now.���

  ���I wanted it to be your choice, Harper. You���re the one whose body has been through hell. Without trying to upset you, please keep in mind that aside from the losses, the brutality you endured, and the trauma it does to our emotions, you���re dealing with huge hormonal changes as well. I ������

  ���How do you������

  ���Your doctor and nurses Harper, when you slept, I spoke with them. The books I read about what to expect after you had our child also talked about post-partum depression and baby blues. After what you have gone through I would say you���re actually doing extraordinarily well. Again, you amaze me Harper.���

  ���Maddox I���m not doing extraordinary. I���m falling apart; I honestly have thought it would���ve been easier if I had just������

  Maddox lightly closed his fingers over her lips and she rolled her eyes, his lip curled up slightly, ���If that ever happens, you take me with you. Although the past few days have been awful, Harper Ann Abraham— the past month has been the best in my life. You see, I know that feeling Harper, the one you just talked about. I���ve felt that for a very long time. But now if given the choice to erase those almost sixteen years and miss out on where it has lead me��� I would do it all again knowing that right here,��� Maddox took her hand and held it to his chest, ���inside of me is you. Harper if you just feel half as much as I feel for you we are worth it.���

  ���I don���t want to give you just half Maddox; you deserve more than just half. I don���t know if I will ever be able to do more than what I���m doing right now. I don���t know anything anymore.���

  ���Do you love me, Harper?���

  Harper shook her head yes slowly.

  ���That���s all I need.���

  ���You deserve more!���

  ���Right now you are giving me all you can, Harper and I know that. I also know how much more you have to give. I���ll help you get there.���

  ���When you hate me at the end I���m going to say I told you so.���

  ���That���s fine because when we are one hundred and ten, I probably won���t even know what the hell you���re talking about,��� Maddox smiled sweetly.

  Harper looked at him, ���I don���t want to hurt you anymore than I have.���

  ���Good to know,��� Maddox���s smile deepened and touched his eyes.

  He watched her smile fade and she shook her head slowly back and forth and squeezed her hand gently, ���Don���t go back, Harper. Stay with me.���

  She started tapping her foot and took a deep breath. She opened her mouth to say something and snapped her mouth shut.

  ���Sweetness, talk to me,��� Maddox wrapped his long fingers behind her head and rubbed his thumb lightly across her swollen cheek.

  ���Is this what you did for her?���

  ���For���Claire?��� Maddox looked confused.

  She shook her head yes.

  ���No Harper,��� he said softly, ���Not at all.���

  ���Well what������

  ���Harper and Maddox, Tessa asked that you come down when you���re ready,��� Ava���s voice was soft and a bit shaky, not like normal.

  ���Thank you Ava we will be down soon,��� Maddox���s hand never left her face, he continued the soothing strokes.

  ���You and I are strong; our love is so strong, Harper. When I was a fifteen year old boy fighting like hell to keep you away; building walls and your stubborn little ass did not take no for an answer. When I fell you caught me. I am here for you to fall into, Harper. When your head is spinning and you���re holding back, look to me to fall into.���

  Maddox leaned in and gently kissed her lips and she closed her eyes. He moved his head slowly to the side and ran his nose slowly up her neck breathing her in, he reached her ear and wrapped his lips softly around her ear lobe sucking softly as he whispered in her ear, ���I love you, Harper.���

  He leaned back and looked into her moist eyes. He took her hand and they walked down the hall towards the stairs.

  When they entered the family room all eyes were on them, Harper looked down and Maddox lifted her chin and smiled, ���I���m not going anywhere.���

  They walked over to one of the couches that had been left empty and sat. Her entire family was there cousins, aunts, and uncles. Maddox lifted his arm and Harper sat with her head on his shoulder looking around at everyone who sat in the uncomfortable silence.

  ���Mom, where are the girls?��� Maddox asked breaking the hush.

  ���The grandparents took the girls to the pond,��� Emma smiled a gentle smile.

  ���Isn���t it a bit cold for swimming?��� Maddox said in his charming British accent.

  Everyone politely laughed.

  ���Tough crowd huh, Harper?��� Maddox smiled down at her.

  CJ looked around, ���Well, we made the news.���

  Harper looked up at him and then at Maddox.

  ���What exactly was reported?��� Maddox asked CJ.

  ���The kidnapping, Dad���s death, the three others that died,��� CJ sat back and let out an exasperated breath, ���We have a Grandfather who is apparently wealthy and on deaths door.���

  ���And of course Brody and Maddox,��� Zach intervened.

  Brody looked at Maddox and shrugged.

  ���Is it true?��� Jade, Tessa���s first cousin asked.

  ���Yes,��� Tessa said standing by the fireplace looking at family photos.

  ���Where did you think Dad was, Jade?��� Matthew joked.

  ���Africa, South America, I don���t really know. Tessa,��� Jade stood and walked over to her and hugged her, ���I am so sorry.���

  ���Me too,��� she patted Jade���s back and took a deep breath, ���January third we will have a service. Apparently Tomas has everything under control. Collin had already documented what his wishes were. He was cremated and Brody pulled strings to get him home with us.���

  Harper���s Aunt Phoebe walked over to her and hugged her, ���You don���t have to talk about this; I know this is horrible for you.���

  Tessa smiled and turned away from the picture and looked at everyone, ���With everything I am I loved him. He and I had this conversation over and over again. Since you boys were little. I know what he expects of me and I will not let him down. We will get through this as a family, and we will stay strong for one another and for your father,��� she looked at her three children. ���We cannot let this break us.���

  ���Of course not, Mom,��� Matthew stood and walked over, hugged her and CJ followed suit.

  Harper started to stand and winced. Maddox placed his hand against her stomach and helped her up.

  ���Mom,��� Harper hugged her.

  Eventually everyone walked up and joined the hug. Maddox, Zach, Claire, and Brody stood and watched.

  When everyone had cried enough and hugged enough, for the time being they all sat. Silence filled the room once more.

  Tessa sat next to Harper and held her hand, ���We also have good news to share. Maddox asked Collin���s permission to
marry Harper, and Collin said yes.���

  Ava squealed and clapped. Tessa smiled at her, ���I am so glad you���re here Ava, some happy noise.���

  ���I���ll accept that as a compliment,��� She flashed a dimpled grin.

  ���It was truly intended as one. We need our friends now, just as much as we need family. We need people to make us laugh because we���re going on day two of sorrow. I am sure Collin left instruction on how long we are allowed to grieve I just haven���t gotten there yet.���

  Everyone laughed.

  ���Maddox, will you?��� Harper asked quietly.

  ���Of course,��� Maddox kissed her head, ���We had thought of keeping this to ourselves but when we further discussed it we agreed we���d like to share a joy we were able to celebrate for a few months. Harper and I were expecting a child in a few months. When she was taken, she was beaten and the baby didn���t survive the trauma. Harper is here and that is all that������

  ���You were pregnant?��� Ava gasped.

  Harper smiled and shook her head yes.

  ���And you didn���t tell me?��� Ava gasped.

  ���Sorry Ava, but to be fair I didn���t even tell Maddox,��� Harper���s voice was quiet.

  ���He didn���t know?��� Ava gasped.

  Harper hung her head in shame.

  ���I really wasn���t involved at the time,��� Maddox pulled her closer to him, comforting her, telling her he forgave her, ���She was doing what she needed to.���

  Ava looked at Harper and back at Maddox.

  ���Sorry Harper,��� Liam walked and sat next to her taking her hand.

  ���Someone beat you up, killed your baby, and shot your father?!��� Ava covered her face and started to cry. She wiped her face and looked up, ���I hope those fuckers are dead, because if they���re not I���m going to kill them.���

  Harper giggled and everyone looked at her sadly making her uncomfortable, ���I love you, Ava, but you���re not a fighter.���


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