Shift - 02

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by M. R. Merrick


  BOOK 2


  M.R. Merrick

  The Protector - Book 2 - Shift

  By M.R.Merrick

  © 2012 M.R. Merrick

  Kindle Edition

  ISBN: 978-0-9877262-2-3

  All Rights Reserved

  Copyright © 2012 – M.R. Merrick

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means, without the express written permission of the author. For further information please contact the author at [email protected]

  Cover design by M.R. Merrick

  Cover artwork by Julija Lichman © 2012

  This is a work of fiction. The characters, locations, and events herein are used fictitiously as an article of the author’s imagination. Any names or references to locations, events or persons, either living or deceased, are purely coincidental.

  Kindle Edition, License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  For Peyton,

  I owe this entire journey to you. You reminded me what it was like to be a child: having an imagination without limits, always looking under the bed, and to never stop reaching for the stars.


  There were more than a few people that took part in making this book happen. My wife Cherry, you were there to support me through the entire process. You always have been. When it came down to deadlines, you were there to pick up the slack, whether it meant putting the kids to bed, cooking dinner, mailing out books, or giving me space and time to work. You’ve been my anchor from the beginning, and without you, I could never have achieved any of this. For that, I am more thankful than words can say. Angeline Kace, Sarah Spann, TL Jeffcoat, and Heather Hildenbrand, you helped me turn this story into something more. Having such talented writers working beside me was an honor. Your critiques and input made Shift what it is today - a story I’m proud to share with the world. To my editor Kara Malinczak; you are amazing. Your talent and knowledge brought this story to the next level. Your ability to meet my sometimes crazy deadlines took away loads of my stress, and working with you was a pleasure. Amanda Shofner at Language Management, you put a polish on this manuscript I could have never managed on my own. With your help, I’m able to release this story with a new confidence. To Julija Lichman, thank you for all your hard work and dedication. Because of you, The Protector Series now has two incredible covers. You took my idea and made it into something that jumps off the page in ways I never imagined. You’ve given my story a face, and without you, this book would never be truly complete. A special thank you to Marni Mann. I am forever in your debt. You worked beside me to smooth out all the issues, you wrote the back cover copy with me, and you helped take Chase, Rayna, and the entire story exactly where it needed to go. Whenever I struggled, you were there to push me in all the right ways, and you rekindled my passion to tell this story. Without your talent as a writer and support as a friend, I’m not sure where Shift would be today. For all of that, I am grateful.

  Thank you to everyone who contributed to this story and has supported me on this incredible journey. I’ve learned so much from each of you and in different ways, you each made this story better than it ever could’ve been. It thrills me to know I have so many wonderful people in my life, who love and support me as both a writer, and a person. I could never have done this without each and every one of you.

  Table Of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32


  Chapter 1

  My eyes tore open to the sound of screaming. The drywall rattled and Rayna’s voice raged through the wall. My pulse jumped as panic set in and I leapt from my bed moving straight for the door.

  I ran through the archway, pants tangling on my legs as I tried to pull them up. Marcus, Willy, and Tiki were halfway down the hall, their faces owned by fear.

  Marcus reached the door before me, turned the silver handle, and pushed through. The door creaked and the smell of blood, sweat, and something else seeped from the darkness. Marcus flicked on the light and I saw what I already feared.

  Rayna was on her hands and knees. Sweat ran down her face in streams, and her eyes moved to us. A deep growl that belonged to something far more ferocious snarled from her lips.

  Marcus and I moved to either side of her, leaving Willy and Tiki to guard the door. This was her beast’s third attempt at a shift this week. I wasn’t chasing a half-naked Rayna down the street. Not again.

  The hardwood floor was cold and stuck to my bare feet, and bright green cat eyes followed as I sidestepped around her. Another growl rumbled deep in her throat. A warning.

  Rayna bent at the elbows and lowered herself to the ground. Her back end lifted in the air and her body moved with unnatural grace, her eyes consuming my every move. The muscles in her arms flexed as she prepared to pounce. She leaned forward, but her body bucked and twisted at an awkward angle. She collapsed to the ground and Rayna’s voice cried out, but even that didn't override the sound of bones crunching.

  Alien muscles moved beneath her skin as her body distorted from one angle to another. Something was pushing from the inside. A monster trying to claw its way out. Clear fluid burst as her skin split, and the hint of something primal spilled out over her arms. Her green feline gaze flashed back to me, but it wasn’t the beast looking through; it was Rayna. Her eyes pleaded with me to make it stop, but we both knew I couldn’t.

  “Calm yourself, Rayna. You need to take control of the shift,” Marcus said. His massive midnight torso was bare, revealing a smooth and muscled chest that disappeared into baggy, gray sweats. The light reflected off his shaven head, and a small patch of neatly trimmed hair grew under his lower lip. His dark brown eyes were calm but I could see the worry behind them.

  Rayna whimpered and her eyes rolled back in her head, revealing nothing but thick bloodshot veins. More blood and fluid burst from her stomach, flying through the air and raining over us. Black fur pushed through the slits in her arms and stomach, and stood on edge. Veins pushed against her skin, changing from blue to black. Her vibrant, pale flesh glistened with sweat as thick, black veins creased around her eyes and spread across her face.

  Rayna gasped as her fingers snapped and shifted. Her nails bled as claws tried to break through her human shell. Bones ground against one another until she screamed, and long, black talons burst through her fingertips. The beast reclaimed her eyes. I knew Rayna well enough to know when it was her looking at me. Right now, it wasn’t.

  Her skin stretched and rippled. The demon inside was pushing her body into ano
ther impossible position and Rayna screamed. She started panting heavily and her teeth shattered as fangs tore through her gums.

  “Fight it, Rayna. You can do this,” Marcus said.

  Her limbs snapped and twisted, the sound alone making me wince with anticipated pain. Tears fell from Rayna's eyes as she fought the beast. She stared up at me as she tried to reclaim her body, but the monster inside was too strong.

  I wanted to speak. I wanted to encourage her, but I couldn’t find the words. I stepped forward and reached towards her, but with unparalleled speed, black claws tore across my arm and blood spurted from the wound. I screamed through gritted teeth and pulled my arm back, grasping it with my free hand and trying to stop the gush of blood.

  Rayna stretched her back and rolled onto all fours. Her eyes flickered and the beast stared at me, pulling back its lips to reveal long fangs that took over both the top and bottom jaw. She paced from side to side and Rayna’s bra strap hung on for dear life. Black pajama pants split down the sides as new muscles bulged from her legs. Dark fur and fierce claws owned her still human shaped feet, and tapped along the floor as she moved. Rayna arched her back and black fur exploded from her spine. Blood and fluid soared across the room, and made a splat as it hit Tiki, Willy, and the walls around them.

  Rayna’s near human hands crept onto the bed. Long, black claws ripped into the blankets as she pulled herself up. With each pull forward, feathers and cotton spilled into the air, talons tearing into the bedding with ease.

  I tried to step back, but I hit the wall, unable to move as the beast closed in.

  “Be calm, Chase. The beast can smell your fear. It will only make it more aggressive,” Marcus said.

  “Really? Thanks for the update,” I said sarcastically. Blood rolled off my wrist in thick streams and a burning sensation covered my arm. I closed my eyes, reached inside, and pulled the magic up from that place in my soul.

  The elemental power rose to the surface in a gentle wash. I imagined a cool rain falling over me, drops of water that would wash away the pain rushing through my arm. I pictured the bleeding coming to a stop and new skin pulling itself over the wounds.

  I used that same power to help push away my fear. The water battled the storm of emotions roaring through me and brought with it the calm. Fear faded beneath the imagery of cold drops against my skin, and my muscles relaxed. My breathing steadied and my eyelids lifted, only to gaze into the green cat eyes before me. Rayna was on the edge of the bed and only an arm’s length away.

  The skin of my arm pulled itself shut and the final drop of blood hit the floor. My water element closed the wounds, but I didn't have enough control to pull it back and it spilled out into the room.

  “Chase…” Marcus started, but it was too late.

  My element emanated off of me, pushing against the monster like an invisible hand. The magic rolled over Rayna's skin and moved through the beast's fur, reaching down into her soul.

  Rayna regained her composure as the magic coaxed the monster back, allowing her to regain control of her body. The beast in her eyes faded and I had a moment’s hope, but in a jerk of awkward movements, her body shuddered and she was gone.

  Bones crunched and Rayna's arms snapped, reversing which way they bent. She tumbled off the bed and clawed at the floor near my feet. Muscles flexed and strained, scarring the hardwood. Splinters slid underneath her nails, causing her fingers to bleed.

  “Please...” Rayna gasped. She slurred her words as fangs jutted from red gums raw with pain. She winced in agony and her eyes pleaded, letting a single tear trickle down her cheek.

  “How do we stop it, Marcus?”

  Marcus shook his head. “We can’t. She has to fight it.”

  “We have to do something. It’s killing her.”

  “This is the only way I know...”

  I looked at Tiki and worry owned his face. White, triangular pupils expanded over solid, orange eyes, and he flinched at the sound of Rayna's bones grinding together. His frame filled the doorway, muscles flexing beneath the caramel flesh of his shirtless body. Messy, black hair hung in his eyes and he continually brushed it away.

  Willy's face was pale for an instant, quickly changing to match the bright red paint on Rayna’s walls. His chameleon skin flickered back and forth between colors as panic filled his eyes. Blood and clear fluid dripped from his face, but he didn't seem to notice. He was frozen in fear, watching his friend’s body break and change before him. This was the first shift Willy had been here for. I didn’t think he was quite ready for it.

  Frustration won me over and I dropped to the floor, hoping the claws didn’t strike me again. I laid my hands over Rayna's body and called my magic back.

  “Chase, don’t. You could do more damage than good,” Marcus said.

  I shot dark blue eyes to Marcus. “You know as well as I do, nothing I can do is worse than this, so back off!” I didn’t expect for it to come across so harsh, but I didn’t have time to worry about his feelings. I wasn’t about to lose someone else.

  The invisible hand inside me wrapped around the cool rush of my element and tugged it back to the surface. I pulled the wash of water from my soul and let it fill my body. The magic shuddered and the liquid moved under my skin as power prickled through me, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

  “Chase, don’t,” Marcus said.

  “I’m trying!" I yelled, quickly reeling my anger back and letting the element calm me. "It’s a lot more than any of us have done for her so far.”

  Water was a healing and calming element, but it could be as deadly as any other. Marcus was right to be worried; my control was weak at best, but I couldn't watch this. Not again.

  Magic ran up my body, into my shoulders, and down my arms in a wave of power. My fingertips tingled as it left me and flowed into Rayna’s body.

  I focused on calming Rayna. I didn’t want to hurt her, and I wasn’t sure healing the wounds would help. I focused my energy and hoped if I put enough power into sedating the beast, Rayna could regain control.

  The moment my magic filled her, Rayna's earth element pushed back against me, trying to intertwine with mine. It was Rayna’s way of reaching out to me.

  Our elements met and wrapped themselves in each other, coursing from her body to mine in a circuit of power. Our bodies were one in that moment, our elements just an extension of ourselves. My magic moved through her, dancing beneath her skin as it fed off her power.

  I imagined a small creek moving over stones, wearing the rough edges down until they were smooth. That gentle flow of water would push the beast back and carry Rayna to shore.

  The beast retreated as the magic splashed through. Feeling the monster’s resistance, I forced it back, letting the energy thrust it into a corner until it surrendered. I waited until I was sure it was gone before I turned my focus to her injuries.

  I pictured Rayna’s bones reforming, the claws and fangs receding, and the cool trickle of water filling her senses to mask the pain.

  Rayna gasped as the cold element rushed into her body. She tensed at first, unnatural muscles flexing beneath her flesh, before she collapsed in a wave of exhaustion. She hit the floor and I pushed harder. I had kept the beast back for the moment, but now I needed to make sure it stayed away, at least for tonight.

  Her breathing slowed and Rayna’s eyes glossed over. Her bones cracked and shifted back into place, and soft cries whispered through her lips. Long talons slid back beneath her pale skin, and the fangs withdrew into her gums. The tears that filled her eyes leaked down the sides of her face. They merged with the blood that covered her skin and caused a pink liquid to disappear into her hair. The red highlights in her black hair stuck to her face, and the moonlight that shone through the windows reflected off her body, revealing a layer of sweat.

  It took all I had to pull the magic back. It receded slowly and I tucked it away inside of me. Rayna stared up from the torn hardwood floor. Her tearing eyes showed the pain she
’d been in. I brought my hand to her forehead and ran it down her cheek, trying to reassure her she was safe. She released a breath and her eyes fluttered closed.

  Her skin was cool to the touch, which was good. When her body tried to shift, her temperature spiked to incredible heights. Heights the human body shouldn't have been able to withstand, but Rayna wasn't human. She was a demon and a hunter. A witch, yet…something more. The temperature drop meant she’d beat the change this time, but I was more concerned about next time.

  I pulled my hand away and her eyes didn’t open. Her chest rose and fell with deep breaths, her body giving into its demand for rest. I slipped one arm under her neck and the other under her legs, scooping her into my arms. Her body fell limp as I lifted her from the damaged floor, blood and sweat still dripping from her skin.

  I moved past the others. Marcus looked sad. Rayna was practically his daughter and watching her go through this was painful for all of us, but I think it struck another chord with him.

  I walked to the only spare bedroom we had left. Willy and Tiki were always here now and we were quickly running out of rooms. I laid Rayna in the bed as gently as I could and pulled the covers up over her. Her clothes were in tattered shreds and she was covered in blood and goo, but she finally looked at peace.

  Nobody had gotten much sleep the last three nights, but it had been the hardest on Rayna. None of us knew much about shifters, except how to kill them. After watching what she was going though, I think we’d all gathered a new respect and a desire to learn more.

  I closed the door and saw the last glimpse of Tiki before he slipped into his room. For reasons I didn’t understand, Tiki had sworn an oath to me. He guided me through Drakar, and without him, I would never have been able to save Rayna. I might not have understood his loyalty, but I was grateful for it.


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