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blaine Page 10


  He had been standing thinking about Dalton taking the risk he was by flashing them all in to the Pack house. He would not have any back up and could possibly be going into a trap. Blaine felt the overwhelming need to mark him. While they had both marked Kira and that alone created their bond, he wanted Dalton to know that he was just as much a part of their mating as Kira or he was.

  For the way he reacted last night about the only one not having the sight, Blaine thought maybe his mate felt he was not as important to him as Kira was. That was just not true.

  Although the man drove him to distraction daily and he knew that in the future that was not really going to change, he had still fallen in love with him.

  He knew his feeling for Kira would grow into love also, he could feel it, but Dalton and he had connected first. They needed to complete the claim for Blaine"s wolf to settle down. He did not like it one bit that his mate would be going somewhere without his protection.

  When they got to the room, Blaine shut the door and locked it with determination. “We have an hour, let"s not waste it.” He growled and prowled toward his male mate while Kira smirked and sat down on the chair and watched.

  “Make it a good floor show boys, this will be my first, and I hope not my last.” Kira sang quietly while Dalton laughed nervously and turned to Blaine.

  “Uh, I guess eating and preparing to travel is out of the question?” He said with a slight waver in his voice.

  “That is way off the menu for the day. We are finishing what we started in the library and then we will go through the rules of what you are allowed to do and not do when you travel in the next few days.” Blaine growled and pulled his mate to him and kissed him roughly.

  “Wait a damn minute. You are going to dictate what? I have been doing this for more years than you have been alive and I know how to handle myself.” Dalton pulled back and protested.

  “We will get to that, first things first. I am gonna fuck your tight little ass until you scream for mercy and when I am done, you will know who is in charge. We will have rules in our house and I will be the one who administers punishment should you fail to listen. I would love to see your ass bright red and sticking up in the air, begging me to take you.” Blaine whispered as he kissed down his mate"s neck while he slowly undressed him.

  “Now, no more talking. Undress me mate.” Blaine ordered and Dalton looked at the man in surprise.

  He had never seen this side of him. Yeah, he was obsessive about some things but dominate, that was something else entirely. Oh, it was like a dream come true. He loved it. Blaine would be the master and commander in the bedroom as well as the household. Dalton was sure that he would listen to suggestions, but he was going to be in command. It was the way the man was built. He and Kira both had to accept it.

  Dalton nodded and began by pulling his t-shirt over his large chest and arms. Gods the man was stacked. His muscles rippled under his hand. Blaine shivered as Dalton kissed his way down his neck before latching on to first one nipple and then the other. He dropped his head back and groaned. Holy shit, this man had a mouth of gold. He knew what he was doing that was for sure, teasing and nipping until his nipples were beaded into small erect points. Then Blaine moved.

  Kneeling in front of Dalton, he began to unbutton the man"s pants. Kira was straining from her seat to get a view and finally huffed, stood and sat in the bed where she could get a front row view. She had always wanted to see her mates together, it was arousing to know they were going to love each other the way they loved her. Some people may not understand it, but she felt that if you were in a ménage relationship, that it would be only right that everyone was intimate.

  She smiled when Blaine lowered Dalton"s pants and discovered the man had gone commando. Blaine looked up at him with an eyebrow raised.

  “What? We were in a hurry.” Dalton said.

  “As long as you understand that this.” Blaine said and grabbed the man"s cock.

  “Belongs to us.”

  “Duh,” Dalton whispered and then took a deep breath while Blaine stroked him up and down; causing his dick to get even harder if that was possible. It was hard for him to stand still and let him explore his body without doing the same. But he knew that Blaine was in control right now and that is what he needed to remember.

  Blaine slowly lowered his head while staring right at Kira, latching onto her eyes and took Dalton"s shaft into his mouth with one swallow.

  “Fuck man. That is amazing.” Dalton moaned and Kira almost stood up and clapped.

  Blaine was not going to tease and tempt Dalton into being aroused; instead, he was commanding and demanding the man get ready for a ride.

  Dalton reached out and grasped his hand in Blaine"s hair to steady himself. The man was like a master of blow jobs. He licked, sucked, and bit at just the right places to get the response he wanted. Dalton was close to shooting his load right down his mate"s throat when he pulled back, looked up at him, and smiled.

  “On the bed on your hands and knees.” Blaine commanded and Dalton flung off his jeans and jumped into place. The man could have told him to jump off a building and he would have done it in order to get him to take him the way Dalton wanted.

  Blaine stood and finished undressing and then stepped to the side of the bed and opened the drawer that he had put the lube into this morning. He hadn"t wanted the maid service to find anything that would embarrass his mates. Making a show of uncapping the bottle Blaine smiled at Kira whose cheeks had turned a lovely shade of pink. Unless he missed his guess, his little bear was getting hot and bothered by the show. He would take care of her after Dalton left. Soon they would all be home and safe, and then he would not feel the need to make sure that his mates knew how he was beginning to feel about them.

  Blaine lifted the bottle and squeezed a fair amount onto two of his fingers. He was gonna make sure his mate knew who was in control. Stepping up to the bed, He used his clean hand to caress his mate"s ass. It was perfect, round and firm. Dalton"s body was gorgeous. He couldn"t wait until he had time to explore every inch.

  Running his hand down Dalton"s spine, Blaine brought his other hand to his mate"s backside and slowly pushed two fingers into his ass, stretching and twisting until he breached the outer ring. He knew his mate enjoyed it from the way he groaned and bucked a little before crying his name out.

  “Do you like that?” Blaine whispered.

  “Fuck yeah!” Dalton shouted when Blaine curled his fingers and brushed against his rough prostate.

  “Tell me what you want.” Blaine ordered as he continued to stretch him out.

  “Fuck me, hard and fast.” Dalton yelled and leaned forward so his ass was presented to his mate.

  “You got it.” Blaine growled and poured more lube in his hand and the coated his own cock so it would go in easily.

  Blaine reached for his mate"s hips and then once again made sure that he had Kira"s full attention, then lined himself up and plowed into his mate.

  “Shit, you are so tight.” Blaine yelled. “Feels amazing, like a glove made just for me.”

  “Oh yeah.” Dalton panted and then turned and looked at his mate. “You are the first one I have allowed to top me.”

  Blain growled and then felt his eyes turn, his wolf howled in appreciation and he started fucking his mate like he had asked for, hard and fast. In and out, he stroked until his mate began to shake from the sensations. Blaine angled so he hit his sweet spot repeatedly.

  “Baby girl, help me out. Take care of his cock while I finish him off.” Blaine ordered and Kira scrambled to obey. She lay sideways, grasped his cock, and stroked him a few times before licking the tip. Blaine had such control. All she had to do was open her mouth and allow the motion Blaine set to guide him into her mouth.

  “Shit.” Dalton yelled when he started to be overcome with so many feelings.

  Blaine smiled and leaned down and licked his mate"s neck and then sunk his teeth in the spot he had chosen earlier. Dalton cried out as
both of their orgasms overtook them and they fell over the edge crying out.

  Kira pulled back and lay on the bed wanting to come, but unable to do so yet, she panted and began pushing her hand down her pants when Blaine slapped her hand away and growled. “Not yet, later you can come.”

  Kira groaned and complied. “Fine, but I want a big orgasm then.” Blaine laughed and slapped her leg gently to get her up. He pulled up Dalton who had fallen onto the bed, ready to go to sleep after having one of the most powerful orgasms of his life. Gods, had he known the bond that formed with mating, he would have been on the hunt a long time ago for his mates.

  “Get up, lazy ass. We have things to discuss.” Blaine said, Dalton groaned and rolled over sitting up and in one fluid motion he was standing in front of his mates and pulling them into an embrace. First, he kissed Blaine deeply; exploring his mouth, and then he pulled back and did the same to Kira. He had never felt this content in his life.

  “Okay, ready.” Dalton said smugly when he saw that both of his mates were panting from his kiss.

  They dressed in silence and then went out onto the patio again and sat down. Blaine looked very serious when he started the conversation.

  “Dalton, you know that by flashing into a situation that is unknown, that there could be issues. I want to make sure you are aware of what is going on here. First, the Denver Pack was moved to Milliken so we could have more control of our surroundings.

  Because of the attacks that were happening, Quin and Jaden did not feel safe. When Kira and I had our vision, it looks like a shadow is coming to surround the town. I don"t know what that means or who is controlling it, but it seems like it could be the Rogues.

  They may have decided to pair up with a few powerful witches.” Blaine said grimly.

  “Witches? Kira said. “I thought that was just a myth. That they were the Sidhe. At least that what my parents thought.”

  Dalton laughed and took her hand in his and said, “For a powerful Seer you sure are innocent.”

  Kira frowned and pulled her hand away. “Listen, I tried my best to prepare for you. I am sorry if my education is lacking.”

  Dalton looked stricken that he hurt her feeling and quickly said. “No, it"s a good thing baby.”

  Kira just sniffed and looked at Blaine and frowned deeper, “Is that how you feel too?”

  “Hey, don"t bring me into this. I am going over the rules with Dalton.” Blaine said and held up his hands.

  “Thanks, mate.” Dalton ground out.

  “You made your bed.” Blaine said sarcastically. “Anyway, like I was saying, we don"t know what you are flashing into. So, you need to flash into the safest place there is. The nursery.”

  Kira gasped and Dalton looked at him like he had two heads. “Really? You want me to flash into a room full of babies, because that is the safest place? That is very caring of you. What if our child would have been in there?” Dalton yelled.

  “Listen, you have not seen them at work. Trust me when I say that they have more than enough powers to protect themselves. Besides, if I know Cloe and Cami, they have set up a fort in there so they can make sure the kids are okay.” Blaine explained.

  “Fine, in the nursery.” Dalton said. “But when all this is over, we are really going to have a conversation about our priorities.”

  Blaine rolled his eyes and then said. “Also, whoever they choose to go with you for the first trip needs to make sure the town is inside the gates of the Pack compound. No one can get past that.”

  Dalton nodded and signaled with his hand to hurry up. “Under no circumstances are you to leave the room that you flash into. In and out. I will be waiting, and you don"t want me to have to punish you if you disobey.” Blaine ground out.

  “Duh, oh master of the universe, may I go and get prepared now?” Dalton said smartly.

  “I am keeping track of your infractions; don"t think you will get away with sassing me.” Blaine said.

  “Yeah, me too. I may have Blaine take me to get a paddle for you.” Kira said.

  Dalton stood and laughed, then kissed his mates and went into the room. He needed quiet to do what he needed.

  Chapter 10

  Cami and the rest of the mates were making plans for the town. Cloe and Casey were in town getting everyone into the compound. The black shadow had begun to move closer to the town and after calling her father, Jo announced the Rogues had to be working with witches. He was going to try to find out anything he could.

  The problem with that was the Old Council mainly worked from Europe and they did not have the contacts that Quin and Jaden had developed. Many of the people who knew that Quin and the rest of the Chosen were regrouping had pledged their alliance with them. So basically, the Old Council had very little power other than being a figure head.

  Reggie and Ruby were on the phone with some of the closer Packs, Dens, and Prides, seeking help if needed. So far, they had a lot of support. The only problem was they were too far away and outside the town.

  Jo and Cami were making the nursery the new headquarters so they would not have to leave the children. They had moved everything to the largest room that they had, one side was the baby"s things, and the others were couches and tables filled with computers and phones. It really looked like a war room without all the uniforms.

  The rest of the Council that Dalton had not flashed with him: Tey, Sid, and Teagan, were all working with the Enforcers that were left to secure the town. No one was happy that Dalton had flashed with all the rest of the Council and some of the higher ranked Enforcers. In fact, Cami kept mumbling something about kicking his ass.

  The good thing was that Cami was truly letting her Alpha blood shine through without her mates. Everyone respected her before because of her mates, now they respected her because of her strength. She was truly a leader.

  “Okay boys and girls, we have about thirty minutes before we are going on complete lockdown. I hope that our mates are smart enough to realize something is wrong since we can"t communicate. Does anyone know if the people farther from town have been able to get in here?” Cami called out to some of the people milling around.

  A large woman stepped forward and said, “I am Blaine"s mom, we were the furthest out and have just arrived. Whatever you need, you let my boys know, they can stand guard.” Cami smiled and said. “Bears. I just love bears, do you mind if I ask you some questions?”

  Jo shook her head and yelled. “No time for that Cami, focus.”

  “Shit, you are right; someday we will have coffee together.” Cami said and patted the woman on the shoulder. “About your sons though, I think we may take you up on that.”

  “Shawn and Sevi are right over there.” The woman pointed to the two large men leaning against the wall looking around couriously. “They run the mercantile with their father.” Cami looked at the two gorgeous men and smiled. “Twin bears?”

  “Oh yes, their brother is down in town with the others helping his father. My oldest didn"t want to leave me unprotected until they were sure I was inside. Now they can do whatever you need. By the way, my name is Judy.” The woman said.

  “Well it is certainly nice to meet you, Judy. I am going to go and talk to Cloe and then we will put those big handsome men to work.” Cami said.

  As the Alpha walked away, she could have sworn she said something about „eye candy"

  and „just looking". Not really knowing what she was saying, the large woman lumbered over to where the small babies were laying. She figured that this was going to be her job.

  She had taken care of so many children, a few more would be a snap.

  Jo had a phone to her ear and Cami could here Jo"s father"s voice coming across loud and clear. They were talking witches. Damn it, why did she miss all the good conversations? Crossing her arms, she tapped her foot waiting for Jo to get off the phone. Her best friend rolled her eyes and turned around. Cami reached up and slapped her on the back of the head, earning a mule kick in return. The small Alpha
laughed and leaned against the table waiting.

  “Bitch, that was important.” Jo growled when she turned around.

  “Lighten up, Francis. We have to keep the villagers from freaking out.” Cami drawled.

  “Grow up.” Jo laughed and then motioned for Cami to follow her so they could speak quietly, without anyone overhearing.

  “What?” Cami asked.

  “My father said that he spoke to several of the old Pack members in Europe. They believe the witches migrated here just like the rest of us; although they are more secretive than the Sidhe, there have been rumors about covens just up and leaving. He said that apparently there is one in Louisiana. I think we are going to have to send someone there to try to make contact. We need to be able to fight them and the only way we can do that is to get some on our side.” Jo said quietly.

  “Well shit, I don"t think I should make a decision like that without Quin and Jaden.” Cami said and bit her lip. “But if we don"t get someone out of here quick, they will be trapped. One of the Enforcers said that they saw a small break to the west in the shadow. I think that would be our best bet. They tried to drive through a thick area and it was like a wall stopped them. Whatever we are dealing with, it is powerful.” Jo nodded and looked around. “I also think we should pick someone who is strong enough to get through but is not a member of the Enforcers. We can"t afford to lose one right now. Most of these shifters and humans know how to defend themselves but they need guidance, which is what the Enforcers are doing. And if push comes to shove, the Enforcers will be the ones leading the battle.”

  Cami looked around the room and her gaze settled on the twin bears again. They were large and strong. She thought they were going to be their best bet. Now she had to convince them of that.


  Dalton, Blaine and Kira stepped into the Alphas room and took in the scene. All the men were pacing and looked like if someone made a loud noise, they would attack. This was going to be tense until they got the first person back.


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