Conflicted Innocence

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Conflicted Innocence Page 10

by Netta Newbound

  “Yes. You do. I’ll tell Erica you didn’t work out.”

  “You can’t do that to me!” I was horrified. He was giving me my marching orders for being friends with Lydia!

  “Oh, yes. I can. You’ll be paid for the hours you’ve worked—don’t worry.”

  “You can stick your pay and your poxy job up your bony fucking arse.”

  “Really!” Erica said, suddenly appearing in the doorway.

  “I’m sorry, Erica. But I’m sure you know by now that you’re married to a small-minded bigot. I’m off.”


  Nobody was home by the time they arrived at James’ house. James said Geri had gone to work, but they couldn’t find Lydia.

  Too exhausted to think straight, Lee took the cup James handed him and went upstairs for a lie down.

  The day, although traumatic, had worked in his favour. He couldn’t believe his luck, really. Lucas had, in a roundabout way, solved his problem. Of course he felt bad another person had lost their life, but the rest of the details he’d told the police were true. If he hadn’t killed Lucas, Lucas would have definitely killed him.

  And why he should feel bad anyway was beyond him. There he was, working his arse off and preparing for his wife’s return, and those two deadbeats had set out to screw him over. Well, they misjudged that one, didn’t they? So what if they ended up dead? They made the decision to break the law, and so they had to be prepared to take the consequences. End of.

  He wondered where on earth Lydia could be. He hoped he could encourage her to stay here, for now at least. Surely she could see they were best off with the support of James and Geri.

  He drained the last of his tea and placed the cup on the bedside table. Then he snuggled down into the pillow, closing his eyes.


  I stormed home with steam coming from my ears, and almost burst into tears when I saw James’ car. I opened the front door, and James appeared at the top of the stairs.

  “What’re you doing home?” he asked, rubbing his eyes.

  “He sacked me.” Tears poured down my face.

  James ran down the stairs. “Sacked? You’ve only been there five minutes! What did you do?” He folded me into his arms, before leading me through to the kitchen.

  “I told him that Lee and Lydia stayed here last night,” I sobbed.

  “You told who?”

  “Craig. Erica’s husband. He seemed lovely, and we were having a laugh, until I slipped up that they stayed here last night, and then he kicked me out. Just like that.”

  “Aw, come here.” He kissed the top of my head.

  A racket from the staircase made me realise we weren’t alone.

  Lee strode into the kitchen.

  “Sorry, Geri. I wasn’t eavesdropping. Well, not intentionally anyway, but I heard what you just said about Craig. I meant to warn you about him, but thought he’s probably only like that with me. Seems not.”

  “If I’d known, I probably wouldn’t have taken the stupid job. I don’t want to work for a pair of narrow-minded idiots like them.”

  “It’s not Erica,” Lee said. “She’s lovely. She even went to visit Lydia in prison. She didn’t tell her adorable hubby, of course.”

  “Then why does she put up with him? I’d be long gone, if I was her. Anyway, how are you? You look terrible.”

  “I’m okay.”

  “She’s right. You don’t look it,” James said.

  “Sore all over, if I’m honest. I didn’t realise how many muscles you use when fighting for your life. Where’s Lydia by the way?”

  “Didn’t you tell him?” I asked James. “Didn’t he tell you?” I asked Lee, before James had the chance to answer.

  “Tell me what?”

  I scowled at James. “What? I only just checked my phone. He was in bed.”

  “Tell me what?” Lee asked again.

  “Lydia is okay. She’s in your house. It was tough at first, of course. But she’s okay and said to tell you to come home.”


  I nodded, dabbing tears from my eyes again.

  Lee’s phone rang. “Hi, detective,” he said, and walked through to the lounge.

  James crept after him, listening outside the lounge door.

  “James!” I hissed.

  He put his finger to his lips and, with his other hand, gestured for me to keep it down. A few minutes later he trotted back to my side, pretending he hadn’t moved a muscle.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, and kissed his cheek.

  “Uh-huh.” He nodded.

  “You seem...preoccupied.”

  “It’s nothing, really. We’ll talk later.”

  “So there is something?”

  He laughed. “Have you ever considered a career as a cross examiner?”

  Lee came back. “They’ve moved the bodies and should be finished with the cottage by tomorrow.”

  “Do they know any more about what the victims were actually doing there?”

  “No. The detective thinks they were probably up to no good, seeing what they could steal from me to sell. Considering the injuries on the girl, they’re pretty sure she fell. Lucas was probably too scared to report it and didn’t expect me back until the weekend.”

  “I see,” James said, a puzzled expression on his face.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Oh nothing, really. I was just wondering why they would make a bed out of cardboard if they had a perfectly good flat across the road. It doesn’t make sense.”

  “Nothing about this mess makes any sense,” Lee snapped. “I’m going home. I’ll talk to you later.”

  Shocked at the venom in Lee’s voice, James and I exchanged a glance before watching him grab his things and leave.

  “That was odd,” I said, once the front door banged shut.

  “Not for the first time today. Tell me, was the question I just asked a valid one?”

  “Of course it was. I didn’t realise they lived over the road, but, like you said, it doesn’t make sense.”

  “Thought not. So what’s Lee’s problem?”

  “You said there’s something else. What is it?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe I’m being too finicky, which often happens with the line of work I do.”

  “What is it?”

  “He told the detective in charge of the case that he’d left the cottage around 9am on Tuesday.”

  “Strange. He didn’t get back here until late. He told us he’d been painting all day.”


  “So what do you think happened?”

  “I’ve not even got that far, yet.” He laughed. “Probably nothing.”

  “Can I make a suggestion?”

  “Fire away.”

  “Maybe he did leave at 9am.”


  “Let me finish. Maybe he left at 9am because he had somewhere else to be?”

  “Somewhere else? But where?”

  I shrugged. “Think about it. He’s been alone for six years. That’s a long time for a red-blooded man. What if he had a girlfriend?”

  “Nah! Who, Lee? Nah, I don’t buy it.”

  “Just a thought.” I shrugged.

  “Nah.” He shook his head again, scratching his chin. “Although...”


  “Oh, nothing. It’s nothing.”

  “What isn’t?”

  “The other day, when Lydia came home and Lee stormed back outside?”


  “Well, he was smoking.”

  “And doesn’t he usually?”

  “No. He said he does occasionally when he’s stressed, but that’s not the point. He lit the cigarette with a lighter. A woman’s lighter. It was pink with the letter ‘S’ on it.”

  “Did you ask him about it?”

  “I did, but he said he found it.”

  “He probably did. A pink lighter doesn’t prove he’s having an affair.”

  “You’re the
one with the affair theory. I’m just telling you something that might support it.”

  “Well, although I would feel bad for Lydia if he does have another woman, my theory’s more believable than yours.”

  “I don’t even have a theory!”

  “You do. You said he lied to the cops because he was at the cottage and killed them before he left.”

  “Bullshit!” He squeezed my knee playfully, causing me to squeal and squirm.

  “That’s clearly not the case. I’m in no doubt he had to fight off that guy last night, hence the bruising and cuts. I just hate discrepancies. I rely on accurate information being recorded in order for me to do my job effectively.”

  “You’re anal. I’ve already told you that.”

  “I’m what?”

  “Anal.” I grinned, moving away from him fast.

  “Come here and say that. I’ll put you over my knee and spank you.”

  “Oooh! You’ll have to catch me first.” I ran from the room with James close on my heels, the upset of losing my job forgotten for the time being.

  Chapter 19

  Lee found his wife curled up on the sofa, a terrible daytime soap playing on the TV, and his heart melted. She’d always been the love of his life, although over the last few years he’d questioned his feelings, possibly because of the hardness she adopted from prison.

  But watching her now, sleeping like a vulnerable baby, all his old feelings came flooding back. He loved her. Of course, he loved her. Why else would he have stood by her through everything?

  She stirred and opened her eyes, gasping in surprise. “I didn’t hear you come in. Oh, my God! Look at the state of you.”

  “I’m alright. Just a few bruises, that’s all.”

  “Sit down. Tell me all about it.”

  He relayed the whole, edited, version to her, and she gasped and groaned in all the right places. He couldn’t believe how good he had become at lying. He’d managed to convince himself his time with Susie never happened, and he even believed his own lie about Lucas. As he went over the whole thing now, for the third time, it felt real.

  The situation couldn’t have panned out better. Lucas had taken the fall for Susie’s death. Then, add to that, the strangle marks on Lee’s throat, and voila! Proof Lee had no choice but to defend himself—full stop.

  He kissed Lydia on the mouth with a passion that surprised even him. Then he went on to make love to her there and then. She was clearly nervous, and refused to undress completely, but he took his time, not forcing her to do anything she didn’t want.

  Afterwards, he made cheese on toast and they lay in each other’s arms on the sofa until bedtime.

  The next morning, he woke to the sound of Lydia chatting away to somebody. He leapt from the bed, quickly dressed and ran downstairs, worried it could be the police, but she was on the phone.

  “Hey, sleepyhead,” she said, turning the handset in to her chest.

  “Who’s that?” he whispered, trying to control his raging heartbeat.

  “Candice. She’s coming to stay for a while, if that’s okay?”

  He shrugged, relieved it wasn’t anything to do with the cottage. He needed to calm down, or he would give himself away at this rate. Jimmy had already been sticking his fucking big nose in, and he didn’t want to give him more reason to look any closer.

  His business was beginning to cause him a problem. He’d cancelled most of his appointments for the week, once he found out Lydia was coming home, and left messages on the answerphone and email. The agency he usually worked with would sort out any complaints or enquiries, and it had worked for a while. But some of his tenants were pig-headed and insisted on dealing with him in person. He’d muddled on alone for much too long. Now James planned to base himself there too, they needed a receptionist. Someone who could take any calls or enquiries in-house, call the appropriate tradesman, chase up any rent owing, that type of thing. He had a sudden thought.

  He left Lydia catching up with her sister and headed next door.

  Geri answered the door.

  “Oh, hi, Lee. Come on in. James isn’t here. He went into the office to do a couple of hours.”

  “I wanted to speak to you, actually.”

  “Okay.” Her forehead crinkled. She led him through to the kitchen. “Fancy a cuppa?”

  “No, thanks. I’m thinking about taking Lydia out for a drive and getting a spot of breakfast. She must be tired of being cooped up indoors after everything.”

  “Good idea. What can I do for you?”

  “Well, I was thinking. Seeing as you lost your job because of us, I wondered if you’d like to work for me? And James of course.”

  “You want James to work for you too?”

  “I’m not explaining myself very well, am I? No, I want you to come and work in the office for me and James—answering the phones, a bit of paperwork and general office work.”

  “Really? I’d love to.”

  He smiled. “Great. What hours would suit you?”

  “I can get Grace in the nursery as much as needed—between office hours of course.”

  “Well, it would be good if you could do say, nine to four, Monday to Friday. Would that work for you?”

  She flung herself into his arms, causing him to wince as she kissed his bruised cheek.

  “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’ then, shall I?” He laughed.

  “A massive ‘yes’. Thanks so much. I owe you one.”

  “No, it’s me that owes you. I don’t know what you said to Lydia yesterday, but it worked a treat. She’s still got a long way to go, but I’m sure she’ll soon be back to her normal self.”

  “I’m pleased to hear that. She’s been through so much.”

  “You’re a diamond. James has hit the jackpot with you.”

  “I think I did pretty well for myself, too,” she said, as she followed him to the door.

  Lydia, now off the phone, knelt cleaning the kitchen floor.

  “What are you doing down there?”

  “What does it look like, idiot?” She laughed.

  “Do you fancy a trip out? The fresh air will do you good, and we could grab a spot of breakfast.” He glanced at his watch. “Or should I say brunch?”

  “Oh, I don’t know if I’m up to seeing anyone yet, Lee. What if...?”

  “Nobody will recognise you. I promise. We’ll drive to Derby or even Skegness if you want to make a day of it.”

  “I’ve not been to Skegness in years.”

  “Skegness it is, then. Get wrapped up, though. It’ll be cold on the coast.

  They headed off, stopping an hour into the two-hour journey to grab some food from the Little Chef.

  He’d forgotten how much fun Lydia could be. With the same warped sense of humour, they could find something amusing in anything. Today’s focus was the waitress’s skirt.

  The waitress was a big girl and her skirt, at least two sizes too small, kept riding up her legs. At one point, as she passed them, she dropped a fork and bent to pick it up, giving Lee an eyeful of her skimpy black undies.

  He choked on his glass of water, spraying Lydia in the process. Then the giggles began.

  Skegness hadn’t changed a bit in years. Although surprisingly busy, the summer season was still a few weeks away. They paid for a full day pass into the Pleasure Beach, but after half an hour and several bumpy rides, they opted instead to spend the rest of the afternoon feeding two-pence pieces into the slot machines.

  Afterwards, they strolled hand in hand along the pier, stopping to eat fish and chips out of newspaper. Then they topped it off with a couple of humungous ice creams.

  Apart from the obvious shadow that loomed in the back of his mind waiting to pounce at any idle moment, Lee couldn’t have asked for a better day. He smiled as Lydia dozed contentedly in the car on their way home.

  They pulled up outside the house, and Lee was startled to see DI Cassidy and another younger detective knocking on his door. His first instinct was to keep
driving, put his foot down and speed away, but the detective turned to face him at that moment and instead, Lee killed the engine. He shook Lydia awake and stepped from the car.

  “Ah, Mister Barnes. I was about to send out a search party.” The detective strode to the pavement, shaking Lee’s hand.

  “Why? What’s happened?”

  “This is the third time we’ve been here today. I thought you’d done a runner.” He laughed.

  “Why would I do that?” Lee spat. “And why didn’t you just call?”

  “I tried but your phone is going straight to voicemail.”

  Lee remembered turning his phone off that morning, after dealing with the last of his irate tenants.

  Lydia seemed agitated by the appearance of the strangers on her doorstep.

  “Detective, this is my wife, Lydia.”

  “Nice to meet you, Mrs Barnes. Do you mind if we come in? We have a few more questions we’d like to ask your husband.”

  Lee felt as sick as he had after stepping off the Waltzers earlier today. But he took a deep breath and led them all through to the lounge.

  Lydia offered to make tea and, clearly relieved at having an excuse to escape, took herself off to the kitchen.

  Once seated, the younger detective took a pad from his pocket.

  DI Cassidy also produced something from his pocket, but Lee couldn’t see what it was. “Do you know a Susan Finlay?” he asked.

  Lee shook his head. “No, sorry. Should I?”

  “Here, take a look at this.” He handed over a photograph and it took all of Lee’s self-control not to run from the room like a raving lunatic. A young Susie dressed in her school uniform stared back at him.

  “Is it the girl from the cellar?”

  The detective nodded. “Have you ever seen her before?”

  “Never. Why? Should I have?”

  “She’s reportedly been seen hanging around the shops for a few weeks, begging for money. Apparently Lucas would send her out to prey on older men and swindle them out of money. She was a fifteen-year old runaway.”

  “That’s awful. But no, I don’t really go out once I’m there. I grab something from the takeaway for dinner.”

  “We know. A few of your neighbours miss very little.”

  Lee’s stomach did a triple somersault. What the hell was he getting at?


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