Love Again

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Love Again Page 6

by Paula Mowery

  Avery’s eyes bulged. “Ew.”

  Jenna shrugged. “I know, right?”

  Ben caught her gaze. “I’m really sorry about supper. Not much of an impression.”

  “I don’t think any less of you.” Her cheeks reddened.

  “That’s good.” He clapped his hands together and scanned the little group. “I’ll order the pizza and go pick it up. You two will be in charge of entertaining Miss Jenna until I get back. Can I trust you?”

  Both children saluted him. “Yes, sir,” they called out. Each grasped one of Jenna’s hands, pulling her into the living room.

  When he returned from picking up the pizza, the threesome were engaged in a cutthroat game of Hungry Hippos. Jenna crouched at the coffee table, and her playing with his children seemed so natural. He pulled his gaze from the scene and set up the dining table then called them over.

  “So, what’s left for the festival?”

  Jenna wiped her mouth with her napkin. “Well, I think I have all of the volunteers covering the game stations except for a couple. Finally got all of the cakes for the cake-walk. I could use another judge for the pumpkin carving and costumes?” She gazed at him expectantly.

  “I could probably handle that. Count me in. Sounds like fun.”

  Her eyes danced and a smile spread. “Thanks.”

  “Daddy, what about our costumes?” Dakota’s face turned into a mixture of concern and question.

  Ben scratched his head. “Hmm, I hadn’t thought about that. Conflict of interest?” He studied Jenna’s face.

  She pursed her lips as if in deep thought. “Maybe your parents could help them?”

  He feigned a slap on his forehead. “Of course. They were going to come with us anyway. They can escort the kids, and I’ll play judge.”

  Avery clapped her hands. “Yay! Daddy’s a judge!”

  They all laughed.

  Jenna’s laugh and the sparkle in in her eyes touched him in a place deep inside he hadn’t felt in a little while. He wasn’t sure if he should embrace it or resist it.

  Jenna stood and carried plates and empty pizza boxes around the counter to the kitchen. The kids stuck to her like a magnet to metal. He chuckled to himself.

  He glanced at his watch. “Okay. It is now time for all good children to get ready for bed so we won’t be late for church tomorrow.”

  “Aww, Daaaddyyy.” The two whined in unison.

  “I’ll have to be going too. We all have to be ready for church tomorrow.” Jenna tweaked both noses.

  Ben’s chest tightened. “Can you stay until they get settled?”

  She looked him in the eyes and nodded.

  “I know. She can help,” Avery announced proudly.

  Ben shrugged. “Baths are done. We had to do that after playing outside today and before Miss Jenna arrived. We just have to bolt them to their beds.” He winked at Jenna.

  Avery crossed her little arms over her chest. “You don’t boat us in our beds.” She rolled her eyes.

  Ben tousled her hair. “Let’s show Miss Jenna how we do our prayers, then.”

  Avery nodded emphatically and snatched Jenna’s hand. The four marched up the steps and into Avery’s room first. Dakota detoured into his bedroom.

  Jenna knelt down next to Avery’s bed and his little girl wrapped her arms around her neck. “I love you.”

  Jenna patted her back. “I love you, too.” Her voice was filled with emotion.

  When Avery let go and stepped back, Jenna’s gaze met his. Her eyes glistened and she blinked a couple of times.

  After prayers and a thorough tucking in, they proceeded to Dakota’s room. He already lay in the bed with the covers pulled to his waist. “Miss Jenna, thanks for playing the game with me.” He cupped his hand near his mouth and lowered his voice. “And, thanks for not caring about having pizza instead of chicken.”

  Jenna nodded and put her thumb up. “You got it, dude.”

  As they started down the steps, Jenna’s hand brushed his, and he slid his hand around hers, holding it. He led her to the sofa and they sat down.


  “For what?” Her brow scrunched right between her eyes.

  “For being here with us.” He raised her hand to his lips and planted a quick peck. Now was his moment to be magnetically attracted to this woman. He leaned in and kissed her lips, lingering long enough to feel their softness and warmth. Heat radiated through his chest and up his neck. “Next time, I’ll take you out for dinner, just the big people.”

  “Oh, I don’t mind. I love being around Avery and Dakota.”

  “I know. But, I would really like some time with you and me.” He tucked a strand of her hair away from her face.

  Did she shudder at his touch? His heart raced double-time.

  “I guess I should go. I don’t want to have to drive at an accelerated rate of speed.” She grinned with a hint of mischief in her expression.

  He walked her to her car and couldn’t resist one more kiss. As his mouth contacted with hers, she pressed closer, laying her hand on his chest. She would surely detect the pounding of his pulse, but he didn’t care. He wrapped his arms around her waist and massaged his hand up her back. She emitted a low almost undetectable moan in response, leaning in even closer.

  With her body pressed against his, a surge of desire rushed up inside of him. All of the sudden, Alyssa’s face flashed in his mind. He inched back gently, looking her in the eyes.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Jenna caressed his cheek and then turned, opening her car door.

  Did she sense something? He didn’t want to hurt her. She was the only other woman he had ever sensed those desire-type feelings for. But would he always deal with Alyssa’s face coming to mind?

  “Be careful.”

  She nodded and backed out of the driveway. He waved as she drove away.

  Ben heaved a heavy sigh and rubbed his hand down his face.

  * * *

  Jenna entered her apartment and eased the door closed, leaning against it. This giddiness was a bit unbecoming for a grown woman. But Ben brought it out in her.

  “I guess I don’t need to ask if you had a good time.” Shawna chuckled and plunked onto the sofa. She patted the spot next to her. “Tell me about it?”

  Jenna joined her. “I did have a great time. Do you know he tried to make me supper but it burned?” She bit her bottom lip.

  “That’s priceless. What’s the brow creases mean?”

  “I don’t know, Shawna. I am attracted to him. And I even adore his kids.”


  “But I feel in competition with his wife.”

  “Why? Does he talk about her?”

  “No, not at all. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s like there’s just that something in between us. I think it’s her. Or his memory of her.”

  “Maybe you need to talk to him about it.” Shawna shrugged.

  “I suppose. Of course, I need to see how serious he is. I mean, he hasn’t actually told me he wants a relationship.” She sighed. “He did say he wanted some time for the two of us.”

  Shawna shoved her shoulder. “I don’t have to guess as to whether you want to be in a relationship with him or not. Those swooning eyes say it all.”

  Jenna winced. “I’m that transparent, aren’t I?”

  Her friend pursed her lips. “Pretty much. He must have left an impression on you tonight the way I found you when you came in.”

  Jenna giggled and patted Shawna’s leg. “He’s a good kisser.”

  Shawna’s eyes widened. “Really?”

  Jenna nodded. “Oh, yeah.”


  Jenna trudged through the apartment door an hour late after checking more details about the upcoming Fall Festival on Saturday.

  Shawna rushed up to her before she could hardly get in the door. “Jenna, I texted you. Didn’t you get it?”

  “Um.” She pulled out her phone. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t hear it. I was wo
rking on some last minute details for the festival.”

  Shawna laid a hand on Jenna’s shoulder. “Ben was involved in an accident.”

  Her heart sank. “What?” Her legs wobbled.

  “He’s okay. There was some sort of car chase, and he crashed into something. He’s at the hospital, but he’s fine.”

  Jenna’s hands trembled. “I should go. He may need help. Or the kids might need care.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay to drive? You’re not too shook up?” Shawna gazed into her eyes.

  Jenna breathed in a deep breath and let it out. “I’m fine. Especially if he is okay.”

  She rushed back to her car and drove to the nearby hospital. As she entered, Ben’s father stood from a seat in the lobby.

  “I’m so sorry I didn’t come earlier. I just found out. How is he? Are the kids okay? “

  Mr. Jacobsen smiled. “He’s okay. Probably a few scratches. My wife is with the kids. Come on over here and sit down.”

  She followed him and eased into a chair. Her pulse slowed.

  “Mr. Jacobsen.” A nurse clad in green scrubs called across the waiting room.

  Ben’s father stood and waved his hand. He reached back and offered his hand to Jenna. “Come on back with me.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, Ben will be glad to see you.”

  The nurse escorted them to a curtained cubicle. She stepped near Ben who was perched on the gurney. “He can go now. He’s going to be sore for a couple of days.” She looked at Ben. “Also, here are your bandages. Remember the instructions for those couple of larger abrasions and cuts.”

  Ben nodded. “Got it. Thanks.” He glanced up and his eyes riveted on Jenna. “You’re here.”

  She swallowed. “Yes. I had to check on you. Sorry I wasn’t here sooner. I was at work late and didn’t know until Shawna told me.” She paused, suddenly rushed with emotion and relief.

  Ben extended his arm. “Come here.”

  She stepped into his arm and leaned in. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

  He kissed her forehead. “Let’s blow this joint. I don’t care for hospitals.” He slid off the bed onto the floor and encircled Jenna’s waist with his arm.

  “If Jenna doesn’t mind taking you back to your house, I’ll stop off for some chicken.” Ben’s father faced Jenna. “Have you eaten?”

  She shook her head. “But don’t worry about me.”

  Mr. Jacobsen grinned. “I’m not worried because I’m going to feed you. I’ll meet you at the house.” He turned to go but whirled back around. “I think it’s a good idea for you to take Ben home, Jenna, for Avery and Dakota’s sake.”

  “You’re right, Dad. I’m sure they’re freaked out.” Ben looked her in the eyes. “You don’t mind, do you?”

  “No, of course not. Bless their hearts, they probably are really worried about you. I know I was.”

  Ben held on to her hand as they strolled to her car. He eased down into the passenger seat with a low moan. “That nurse wasn’t kidding. I’ve got bruises on my bruises.”

  She jogged to the driver’s side and hopped in. She glanced at him. “For the record, you scared me to death. Don’t do that again.” Her lip quivered.

  Ben’s hand cupped her cheek. “Sorry. But, I’m really okay.” He leaned closer and brushed a kiss on her lips.

  A tingling sensation zipped down her back.

  Ben rattled off the details of the car chase on the drive to his house. Jenna shuddered. She tried to forget the dangers of his line of work. This incident didn’t help.

  As soon as Ben opened the door, his two children rocketed to him and clung to his legs. Ben winced slightly but patted each back. “Hey, guys.”

  “Daddy, Nana said you were in a car accident.” Dakota’s voice trembled.

  “Yep, buddy. I got into a little chase with some bad guys. But I’m all fixed up.”

  “But you went to the hospital. Why?” Avery stared into his eyes.

  “They wanted to make sure everything was okay. And this nice nurse put some band aids on me.” Ben extended his arm. “See? And then Miss Jenna brought me home.”

  His mother crossed the room and hugged him. “I’m glad you’re all right and home now.”

  “That makes two of us. Thanks for staying with these two brats.” He ruffled each head.

  Avery planted a fist on her hip. “I am not a brat. I am a princess.”

  Ben’s father bustled in the front door, juggling bags. “Grub’s on. I’ve got chicken.”

  A hand slipped into Jenna’s. “Come on, Miss Jenna. Sit next to me.” Avery tugged her toward the kitchen.

  Ben met her gaze and winked.

  * * *

  Ben fidgeted on the couch and glanced at his watch. Still two hours before the kids were due home. Jenna had graciously volunteered to bring them after school. He’d only agreed because it increased his opportunities to see her.

  Next week, he would return to work. The captain had ordered him to take the rest of the week despite his arguing.

  His cell phone buzzed. The screen indicated Alyssa’s parents. He rolled his eyes. “Hello.”

  “Ben? This is Mr. Anderson. I got word about your little mishap.”

  How did they find out these things? “Yes, sir. But, everything is fine.”

  “We are still worried about our grandchildren’s well-being.”

  Ben gritted his teeth. “They weren’t involved. The accident occurred while I was on duty.”

  “But they are involved. What if you had been incapacitated?”

  “I wasn’t. And furthermore, my parents and Jenna are here to help me. The kids are well taken care of. Don’t you worry.”

  “Well, we do worry. We’re not sure we feel you are the best fit for the children with your work schedule and this Jenna woman.”

  “Whoa. Wait right there. I am their father, whether you like it or not. I’m fully aware that you have never cared for me, but your daughter did. We had two children together.”

  “I want to inform you that we are looking into our legal rights to take custody of Avery and Dakota.”

  “Excuse me. I have tried to be nice and make sure you still stay in their lives, but you are crossing a line.”

  The front door flew open and his children bounded in, followed by Jenna. He clamped his mouth shut.

  “You have been forewarned as to our intentions. We or our lawyer will be in touch.” The call ended.

  Ben blew out a breath and plastered on a smile, tossing his phone onto the coffee table. “Hey guys.” He stood just in time for a double hug. “How was school?”

  The duo exclaimed good in harmony.

  His gaze met Jenna’s. “And how about Miss Jenna’s day?”

  She shrugged. “Can’t complain.” She studied him a moment. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, I’ll tell you later.” He winked at her.

  “Miss Jenna says she will make supper if you’ll let her.” Dakota looked up with pleading eyes.

  “Is this a comment on my lack of cooking skills?”

  Jenna grinned. “No, of course not. I happen to have the ingredients for some spaghetti and French bread. But, if you had other plans...”

  “I wouldn’t turn it down even if I had any kind of plan.”

  “Well then, it’s settled. First, I have to get this brownie mix all stirred up so we’ll have some dessert.”

  “Brownies!” Avery exclaimed, wide eyed.

  “Yep. Want to help me?”

  Avery nodded.

  “Could I help too?” Dakota gazed at Jenna.

  “The more the merrier.”

  “Wait up. I need to go more than anybody. Maybe I’ll learn something.” Ben followed close on Jenna’s heels.

  Again, the evening flowed so naturally with Jenna there with them. They settled onto the sofa after getting Avery and Dakota tucked into bed.

  “Are you going to tell me what was going on when we came in? Your expression was anger and s
urprise.” Jenna pivoted to face him.

  He scrubbed a hand down his face. Just thinking of the phone call from the Andersons stirred up his stomach. He told Jenna all about the phone call.

  “No wonder you looked like that. You’ll pardon me for saying this, but I’m not very fond of them.”

  “Mr. Anderson made me so angry. He called me unfit to take care of my children. I’m doing okay, aren’t I?” He hadn’t meant to say that aloud.

  “You’re a wonderful father.” She gestured upstairs. “Those kids adore you. And they’re good kids. You’ve done a good job.”

  “I can’t take credit for all that. I was gone for much of their lives before now.” He swallowed.

  “But you’re here now, and you are continuing what your wife began.” She laid her hand atop his.

  Heat rushed up his arm. He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. His hand brushed up her arm and into her hair, stroking it. His pulse pounded harder.

  She pushed back, biting her bottom lip. “I better go.”

  He touched his forehead to hers. “Do you have to?”

  “The Fall Festival is tomorrow. Don’t feel like you have to come.”

  “Why? I am coming.”

  “I thought with all you’ve been through this week with the wreck and all…”

  Ben grabbed her hand and laced his fingers through hers. “I’m fine. I want to help you out like I promised. Besides, Avery and Dakota would never let me off the hook.” He squeezed her hand.

  Jenna stood and he followed suit. “Then I guess I’ll see you there.” She shook her head. “I hope I’ve thought of everything.”

  “You nervous about this thing?” He cupped her cheek.

  “It is my first big event since starting this job.”

  “Miss Jenna’s Fall Festival will be a hit. It’s how you roll.”

  “Thanks.” She planted a peck on his cheek and scurried to the door, waving as she closed it behind her.


  Jenna struggled through Sunday school and worship the day after the Fall Festival. After a quick lunch, she climbed back into her pajamas and under the covers, sleeping until time to leave for the evening worship. Her long afternoon nap revived her.

  Her energy dropped a notch when the deacon chairman pulled her aside. What would he need to say to her? Her stomach knotted.


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