Guerilla Warfare (2006) s-2

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Guerilla Warfare (2006) s-2 Page 18

by Jack Terral

"We are well, gracias, coronel," Borden said. "I can get our papers for you, if you wish. We are here legally with the official permission of the Bolivian government?'

  "I am certain of that," Busch said, smiling. "The reason I inquire as to your well-being is that a tragedy has occurred some seventy-five kilometers south of here. The entire population of a village similar to this one was massacred."

  "The Good Lord have mercy!" Borden cried. "Who committed the crime?"

  "Americans," Busch said. "Green Berets, to be exact. Have you ever heard of that organization?"

  "Yes, sir:' Borden said. "I am an American missionary. We have established a religious community here to live in peace and observe God's laws."

  "Most commendable, senor clerigo," Busch said. "Have you seen military men in this vicinity?"

  "No, sir," Borden said, remembering the warning given him by the SEALs. "You are the first."

  "I must warn you that if any appear, you should consider them hostile and dangerous. Take your people and flee!"

  "I shall heed your advice, senor el coronel."

  "I am going to have my men search your village," Busch announced. "We promise not to make a mess of things."

  "I am distressed to hear that:' Borden said. "I would rather you did not do this. We are not engaged in any underhanded activities."

  "I am sorry," Busch said. "It is a necessity we are forced to observe. After all, we do not really know you, do we?"

  "I understand," Borden said. "I assure you we are no more than peaceful farmers."

  By then a half-dozen more men had come out of the helicopter. They stood by the aircraft in a formation of two ranks. Busch yelled over to them, "Registran el pueblo. Pronto!"

  The detachment, broken down into two teams, rushed forward and began an efficient inspection of the huts. They spent forty minutes prowling the village under the joint command of Punzarron, Chaubere and Muller, while Busch stayed with Reverend Borden.

  When the task was finished, Punzarron reported to Busch with a food carton. "We found a but with boxes of food in it. Here is one for your inspection, mi coronel."

  Busch took the container, noting the different languages printed on it. He raised his eyes and gazed suspiciously at Borden. "Where did you get this?"

  "They are part of a delivery sent us through my mission," Borden explained. "It is the Christian Outreach Ministry." "And where is this organization based?"

  "In America," Borden replied. "Dallas, Texas, to be exact:'

  Busch was no longer smiling. "Many organizations from America are fronts for their Central Intelligence Agency."

  "I swear to you, sir!" Borden said. "My mission group is not CIA:'

  "I want to believe you, of course," Busch said. "We are leaving now, but we will be back. Think of us as your friends. We can bring you things you need. Perhaps our food will be superior to what your mission sends you."

  "We are not in need, senor el coronel," Borden said.

  "How fortunate for you," Busch remarked coldly. "Remember! We are the Falangists. The day is nigh when we will not only control the Gran Chaco but all of South America. Do not play coy or false with us. There would be dire consequences for you and your people."

  "Yes, senor el coronel," Borden acknowledged respectfully.

  Busch shouted terse orders, and the Falangists made a hurried but orderly walk toward the helicopter. Borden watched as the aircraft lifted off to fly low over the grasslands.

  "May the Good Lord save us from such friends!" he prayed aloud and fervently.



  Ancho. Brannigan would have liked to employ the rigid raider boats for the task by using their motors when noise wasn't a problem and poling them when silence was essential. But attempts to move the ungainly craft using the quieter method proved impossible. Even towing them behind the piraguas was impractical. It was obvious the craft were designed to be propelled rapidly through the water, not tediously pulled across it. On the other hand, there was no way to attach the motors to the sterns of the piraguas. A trial attempt almost sank one as its bow rose steeply out of the water under the weight.

  Thus the piraguas were the boats of choice for the river trip across the savannah to the jungles of the Selva Verde Mountains.

  Not all the caches had been excavated. Those that contained items not absolutely necessary for the mission such as extra clothing, web equipment, camouflage capes and netting were left in their earthen concealments. However, all of James Bradley's medical supplies and Frank Gomez's commo gear, including extra batteries, were placed in the little wooden boats.



  THE detachment stood in two ranks, observing section and team integrity. All were fully equipped for combat, including their night vision equipment. The knowledge that they were about to embark on an extremely dangerous trek through the heart of the enemy was foremost on everyone's mind, but none spoke any concerns aloud. This was a job to do--a rather hairy one--but still it was just another task in the dangerous lives they had volunteered for.

  Brannigan went to the front of the formation and studied the detachment. It was at times like this that he missed Lieutenant (J. G.) Jim Cruiser. There was a quality of calm efficiency about him that gave Brannigan not only confidence in his men but in himself as well. At least it was comforting to have Senior Chief Petty Officer Buford Dawkins and Chief Petty Officer Matt Gunnarson around. Those old salts had smarts that could only be developed and nurtured over long years of military service.

  Brannigan cleared his throat, speaking only loud enough to be heard. "Listen up," the Skipper said. "First thing. The Odd Couple is going to alternate point and reconnaissance duties with Redhawk and Murchison. Devereaux is going to be pulled from the Second Assault Section and go with the Command Element. That way we'll have six men, while the assault sections will have seven each. During the run down the river we'll rotate three jobs in two-hour shifts. You will alternate poling the piraguas, acting as flankers on both sides of the river, and resting."

  "Sir," Connie Concord said, raising his hand. "How in hell are we supposed to rest?"

  "You'll just have to arrange yourselves as conveniently as possible among the three piraguas," Brannigan said. "Don't worry about being uncomfortable. Hell, you'll only be resting for a couple of hours anyway. But try to get as much sleep as possible. This is going to be a long trip."

  Andy Malachenko asked, "Just how much time is it gonna take, sir?"

  "If things go well; Brannigan said, "we'll be able to travel relatively fast--for a walking speed--and should reach our destination within forty-eight hours. When we get to our debarkation point, the boats will be hidden along the banks of the river, and we'll move from there up to the high ground and set up positions."

  Bruno Puglisi frowned in puzzlement. "Then what, sir?"

  "Then we'll await either further orders from home or organized assaults from the enemy," Brannigan said. "Whichever comes first. Any more questions? Good. Now hear this! First Section begins as flankers, the Second Section poles the boats, and the Command Element will ride and rest."

  Cries of derision rose from the assault sections, directed toward the Command Element. "Headquarters pukes! Staff weenies!"

  Brannigan chuckled. "All right! Move out, you magnificent sons of bitches!"

  Chapter 14




  THE SEALs had managed to move twenty-six kilometers after eight hours of continuous travel from the base camp. Poling the piraguas down the river was the most difficult part of the journey. The men manning the boats were continuously working with their arms and shoulders, first placing the twenty-foot poles into the water until reaching bottom, then giving a hard push. That was bad enough, but it had to be done in cadence or the first boat would hardly move while those behind it banged into each other. This problem was eventually solved by having the man on the head boat speak so
ftly over the LASH, saying, "Up! Down! Push! Up! Down! Push!" The first and third men poled on the starboard side while the second did his chores on the port side, all this done in time to the cadence. It was very monotonous and tiring. Lieutenant Wild Bill Brannigan took special note of the situation, and in the rotation of jobs, the SEALs went directly from poling to resting before going back to flanker duty.

  It wasn't so bad to be a flanker. They simply walked along the riverbank, having to deal with uneven ground now and then as they strode down the Rio Ancho. The guys could gaze out over the panorama of deep grass around them, feeling the hot breeze off the savannah as they strolled rather slowly to keep from getting too far ahead of the piraguas. The only downside was that if the column was attacked, they would be the first casualties. Still, it was actually a rather pleasant walk in the country, though the heat was bothersome.

  The guys resting after their poling duties were like any well-trained military men. A rookie might be restless and finicky about taking a nap, but all seasoned veterans have evolved into champion sleepers. Any experienced campaigner could sit down or lie down and fall asleep in an instant. In some cases, they would find no difficulty sleeping on their feet. They could even doze off for one or two minutes and come out of it a bit more refreshed than before they closed their eyes. The soft sounds of the first boat guy's voice were like a lullaby to those SEAL veterans as they recovered from their own muscle-cramping stints on the poles.




  Bruno Puglisi's voice alerted everyone, even those dozing in the bottoms of the piraguas. All eyes snapped northward to catch sight of a helicopter rapidly approaching. It was obvious the fliers had caught sight of them by the way the aircraft was rapidly climbing and swinging out to make a quick run past them.

  Brannigan put his binoculars to his eyes, studying the growing image of the approaching helicopter. "Hold your fire! It has the light blue roundels of Argentina on the fuselage. We don't need to create an international incident here. There's already enough butt-wipes shooting at us."

  "Shit, sir!" Puglisi said, hefting his SAW in his usual shoot-first-and-ask-questions-later attitude. "Nobody told us what kind of aircraft markings them Falangists have. If any."

  "Patience, Puglisi," Brannigan counseled him.

  The helicopter came boldly on, flying directly over them. Chad Murchison spoke over his LASH. "It's a Eurocopter EC-635. That's a twenty-millimeter cannon sticking out its nose, fellows. It's an efficacious aircraft employed by several nations for its qualities and attributes."

  Joe Miskoski growled, "I don't have the slightest fucking idea of what you just said."

  "Jesus, Chad!" Frank Gomez added. "Couldn't you just say it's a damn good chopper?"

  The helicopter made one circle around them, then straightened up and sped off in the direction from where it had come.

  Puglisi groused over his LASH, "I still think we shoulda shot the motherfucker down."




  SUBALTERNO Ernesto Pizzaro was the first helicopter pilot to desert his country's armed forces to become a permanent, active member of the Ejercito Falangista. Before cutting out, he had been doing the same as all the renegade pilots, going back and forth between his Argentine Air Force helicopter squadron and the Falangists when the opportunities presented themselves. His absences were misrepresented by his unit's adjutant, a Falangist sympathizer, who covered his ass by listing him as TDY when he wasn't present for duty. But now Pizzaro wanted to stay permanently at Fuerte Franco for the action and adventure when flying in the service of the generalisimo.

  He had just returned from a mission with Sargento Antonio Muller as an observer. They had spotted the bandidos moving eastward on the Rio Ancho with three piraguas. Muller left the young pilot with the aircraft after landing, rushing over to the Command Bunker to report the crucial findings of the short reconnaissance patrol.

  When Muller presented himself to Castillo, he found Coronel Jeronimo Busch also in the earthen office. The sargento gave an oral report, not wasting words as he quickly told them what he and Pizzaro had seen.

  Castillo was pleased. "This is most interesting. It appears that the bandidos are making a major transfer of their command complete with bag and baggage, verdad?"

  "Seguro, mi generalisimo," Busch agreed. "They are obviously withdrawing because their support from the Petroleo Colmo Company--or I should say the CIA is gone. I wonder if they are trying to reach Paraguay. Perhaps they have aid available there."

  Castillo nodded his head. "In that case, we must keep them from traveling that far." He swiveled in his chair and looked at the map of the Gran Chaco on the wall behind his desk. "Now, if I were the commander of the bandidos, what would motivate me to travel eastward whether I had support or not?" he mused.

  "Ah!" Busch exclaimed. "The high country of the jungles. The Selva Verde Mountains! It would be a perfect place to set up defenses or link up with reinforcements."

  "Of course," Castillo agreed. "A perfect place to hole up and hide until further help arrives, no?"

  "You are absolutely correct when you say they must not be allowed to reach those mountains, mi generalisimo," Busch said. "The bastardos have been ambushing our patrols almost at will. Now it is their turn to endure strikes from the unknown."

  "Tiene razon! " Castillo exclaimed. "You are right! And let's take into consideration that we have two helicopters at our disposal, and they have none. Alert the garrison, coronel, we are going on the offensive. Now we shall mount a full-scale attack on those damned bandidos!"



  GENERALISIM0 Castillo had been very precise as he dictated his operational orders to Suboficial Ignacio Perez. After writing down the combat directive word for word, the little man turned to his portable typewriter and carbon paper to make enough copies to pass out to the field officers who would lead the various echelons. In order to get out nine clear copies, he'd had to type the document three times. Fuerte Franco, without the power of generators, had no way to run word processors or photocopiers to ease the administrative burdens of the little adjutant and quartermaster.

  Two lifts of twenty-four fully equipped men--each with eight on the EC-635 light utility helicopter and sixteen on the SA-330 utility helicopter--were organized for the trip to the battle site. Coronel Jeronimo Busch would be overall commander with Suboficial Punzarron, SargentoMayor Chaubere and Sargento Muller serving as his personal equipo comando. The three stalwarts would stick close to their field commander while he directed the operation to destroy the enemy in this one final effort.

  Comandante Javier Toledo would command the first lift with Capitanes Francisco Silber and Roberto Argento as detachment leaders. Comandante Gustavo Cappuzzo was to lead the second lift, having as detachment commanders capitanes Tomas Platas and Pablo Gonzales. The latter was a recently arrived infantry officer from the Bolivian Army.

  The basic concept of the OPLAN was that after Busch and the equipo comando were set down in the EC-635, it would return to Fuerte Franco to join the SA-330 to begin the transport of the two main lifts. The first was to be taken to a point on both sides of the river ahead of the bandidos, while the second lift would be landed behind them. At a signal from Busch over the RMAM radio, the battle would commence with an all-out infantry attack supported by machine guns.





  THE sound of a single helicopter engine caught the immediate and collective attention of the detachment. Everyone went on the alert, including the men napping in the piraguas. They all sat up expectantly while the Hankers scanned the skies for a sighting of the aircraft.

  Joe Miskoski was on the left bank with his SAW, while Bruno Puglisi, who had been on break in the piragua, climbed up on the right bank to add his own SAW to the firepower on that side.

Brannigan spoke calmly into his LASH. "Command Element, get into the piraguas and be ready to lend a hand where and when necessary. Let's go, people! The shit's about to hit the fan!"




  THE EC-635 came in slow about two meters off the deck with Coronel Busch and his comandos standing in the doors. As soon as Busch spoke "Vamanos! " into his LASH, all four leaped to the thick grass, hitting the ground at a run. They continued going until the chopper pulled up and away to return to Fuerte Franco.

  Busch took the lead, heading toward the river with his picked men. They were stripped down lean and mean for light travel and quick attacks. They carried only weapons, ammunition, grenades, knives and canteens. The equipo kept a close watch in all directions as they hurried across the savannah. The only sounds from their rapid trek were the swishing noise made by the grass brushing against their uniform trousers. None of the superbly conditioned men breathed hard as they continued toward the bandidos, all eager to lock horns in this final corrida.

  After a half hour of hard pushing, Busch suddenly signaled for them to hit the ground. All four dove into the grass. "Enemy sighted!" the coronel said softly. "Ciento metres adelante--a hundred meters ahead." He gave each man a chance to raise his head just enough to see the bandidos. "We will do nothing now but trail after them for the time being. When the two lifts arrive, the fight starts."



  1320 H0URS LOCAL

  FOUR more helicopter flights had been heard on both sides of the river with only quick glances of the aircraft as they settled to the ground out of sight, then almost immediately took off again.

  "Now hear this!" Wild Bill Brannigan said. "We're approximately thirty-plus hours away from where we climb out of this fucking river and start humping our asses up into the mountains. If we don't make it that far, this whole operation is shot down. And us with it."

  "Sir," Senior Chief Buford Dawkins said, "we've had no sightings of the enemy other than a quick look at them choppers. I'm certain there's only two of 'em, but they both came in twice."


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