Crush on Mr. Bad Boy

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Crush on Mr. Bad Boy Page 10

by Lilly Purdon

  He avoided my eye contact, “Please just know that your situation is not as bad as you make it out to be.”

  “You do know something I don’t know.”

  “I don’t know any facts,” he said. “Like I said, your situation is nowhere near bad. You’re just oblivious to things around you.

  “How am I oblivious?!”

  He ignored my question, “Just know that mine’s way worse.”

  Worse my ass. Any girl would’ve fallen for Dustin. Messy hair, ocean blue eyes, caramel skin, and a cute dimple.

  But then again, he did have an identical twin brother, and no one could tell them apart if they weren’t speaking. They did have quite different personalities. One was tough and mean while one was always playful and nice.

  But some girls probably wouldn’t have liked the nice and playful one and would go for the tough and mean one. Aggressive trouble makers were hot… at least to me they were…

  Talking about aggressive…

  I saw a few of Axel’s fights before. He looked so cold every time he threw punches at his opponents. It scared me, but I was so attracted to it. I hate to admit it, but he looked damn sexy after he fought. He would sometimes have a bruise on his cheekbone or a busted lip.

  Somehow, I found that extremely irresistible.

  “How could your situation be any harder than mine?”

  “It just is,” he replied simply.

  “I’m all ears.”

  “It’s a long story.”

  “I’ve got time,” I smirked, using his own words against him.

  He groaned and buried his face in his hands. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

  “Try me.”

  His eyes met mine, “I think I’m in love with your best friend.”

  I froze. My best friend.


  “Uh, no.”

  It took me a few moments to process in my head who he meant by my best friend.

  “You’re in love with… Kasay?”

  He nodded slowly.

  I was shocked. Dustin having a crush on Jaxon would’ve been less surprising than him liking Kasay. The more I thought of it, the worse I felt about the situation. Did she even notice him? Did she even know who he was?

  She had never liked the jocks or cheerleaders, but she did occasionally exchange bodily fluids with a few of the football and basketball players. I doubt she knew who Dustin even was…

  Maybe his situation was just as hard as mine.

  What shocked me most was Dustin falling for someone like Kasay. The perfect jock, falling for the tough pessimistic gal’ who usually viewed the world as her enemy.

  Well… I guess I fell for the opposite too.

  I was the nerd who always followed orders, who almost never spoke against anything… and I fell for the guy who rebelled against everyone and anything.

  I felt really bad for Dustin.

  I mean, Kasay was one of my best friends- one of my only friends, but she was the type of girl just looking for a quick high, not something serious.

  I understood the feeling of having a crush on someone who didn’t acknowledge your presence. Yet, you noticed every single detail about them; from their smile, their eyes, their face, and how they chose to dress, how they acted during certain situations-

  “You’ve been silent…” He looked worried, “so, what do you think?”

  I looked up at him and tried my best to give him a reassuring smile.

  “Does she even notice me?”

  His ocean blue eyes held a sliver of hope. Did I tell the truth about her hating jocks and not wanting to settle, or did I tell him a sweet lie on how she did notice him?

  Being the coward I was, I avoided doing either.

  “I don’t really talk to her about her love life, she’s quite a closed person,” I told him part of the truth, “I’ll find out for you.”

  “Thanks Rose! You’re great!”

  I nodded.

  “Still think your situation is worse?”

  I nodded again, “I’ve liked him way longer.”

  “When did you fall?”

  “Middle school…”

  He was in shock, “d-didn’t you go out with Ricky though?”

  “I did, but-”

  “You were pressured. To be honest, I could tell you didn’t really like him.”

  “I mean, I guess there was a point I genuinely did… but it faded pretty fast.”

  “I get it,” he ran a hand through his hair, “but since middle school? That’s damn long!”

  “Concludes why my situation is worse.”

  “At least he’s never told you to ‘fuck off’.”

  My eyes widened, “she told you to?”

  He nodded sadly. His trace of playfulness was completely gone. I knew straight away he couldn’t be bluffing, because that truly something Kasay would do.”

  I couldn’t stand seeing him sad, “She probably thought you were Justin.”

  That visibly cheered him up, “never thought of that,” he took it into consideration.

  “And at least she noticed you! Unlike with me-”

  He shook his head, “you’ve talked to him. You know him, he knows you. I saw you both leaving the ISS room side by side.”

  “That was Rose, not me- Rosaline-”

  “Let me repeat that, he knows you. Kasay told me to fuck off the first time I tried talking to her.”

  “He may know I exist in Rose form, but he doesn’t know ME! Rosaline Arlene Winnefred!”

  “What if he does know-”

  “He doesn’t. If he did, he would’ve came straight up to me and talked to me about that night. But he hasn’t. He doesn’t know Rose is me.”

  “That’s true…” he frowned, “but my situation is still worse. You still have a chance if you tell him the truth! Reveal that you’re Cinderella-”

  “No! You could still go to Kasay and explain how your twin brother is the jerk, and you’re the nice one. Plus, I have an influence on who she likes, so you’ve got a better chance than I do. I’ll introduce you two, and bam, you’ll take her to prom at the end of the year!”

  “Easier said than done.”

  “Just talk to her! She doesn’t like shy guys-”

  “I am shy. It’s who I am.”

  “Just DO IT! For her, for your future!”

  “I’ll consider it-”

  The door suddenly flew open, Jaxon rushed in panting crazily. “ROSIE! Everything’s going downhill,” he breathed out as he clutched his chest, still panting. The kid really needed to exercise more… said the girl who couldn’t even hit a single volleyball.

  His red hair was messy, and he was sweating up a storm. He wiped away his sweat and looked surprised by the fact that Dustin was in the same room at me, but ignored it. He sat down on the edge of my bed while whispering to himself.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, “Jaxon?”

  “Kasay…” he turned to me with wide eyes. Uh oh… “got expelled.”

  “WHAT?!” Dustin and I yelled at the same time in horror.


  Chapter 14 POWERLESS

  I was frozen, and so was Dustin. Jaxon nodded as he wiped the rest of his sweat away from his forehead.

  “We have to do something!” I yelled.

  “There's nothing we can do about it. She's already expelled, thanks to the help of Layla’s dad.”

  My blood boiled underneath my skin. I clenched my teeth and balled up my fists. Dustin put a hand on my shoulder trying to calm me down. I was surprised he wasn’t the one freaking out.

  I turned to face Dustin.

  “You alright?” I asked.

  He gave me a sad smile and nodded. We stood there a while before Jaxon cleared his throat.

  “Am I missing something here?” He asked glaring at Dustin.

  Dustin and I exchanged looks before we turned back to my best friend. Jaxon gestured over to Dustin. “What’s he doing here?” Jaxon asked quite rudely.
  I hesitated for a moment before I replied, “he’s a friend.”

  “Just checking up on her since she got injured during P.E.”

  Jaxon completely ignored the friendly guy, “friend?”

  Both of us nodded in confirmation.

  “Since when?” Jaxon asked looking confused. “Wasn’t he the jerk twin who showed up at my door with those other dickheads?”

  “Jaxon!” I scolded, “this is the good twin!”

  Before I could say anything else, Dustin extended out a hand to Jaxon with a friendly smile. Jaxon looked down at the hand then looked up again.

  “I’m Dustin.”

  Jaxon looked down his hand again before he took it and shook it.


  “Wait, aren’t you playing the lead in this year’s play?”

  Jaxon nodded proudly.

  “Oh my god, dude! That’s so cool,” Dustin praised.

  Ass kisser. He was trying to get on Jaxon’s good side and he knew exactly how to. If anyone praised Jaxon’s skills or anything related to drama he melted immediately. Dustin and Jaxon were definitely going to get along. Dustin was far more clever than I had originally thought.

  The two started discussing Shakespeare’s works, while I sat there with my arms folded across my chest bored. The two started giving one another those guy hand shake thingies, then they created a new one from one of Shakespeare’s plays.

  I must admit, it looked pretty feminine. At least it was a new hope, that Jaxon would stop discussing boring plays with Dustin instead. I sighed and grabbed my phone. I went onto my social media account and checked Axel’s page.

  Dustin was right, I was a stalker. I scrolled down his news feed and found nothing but comments of girls flirting with him.

  “Ugh you’re so hot;)”

  “Text me;)”

  “Pweasee replyyyy”

  “What’s your #? Mine’s 785-***-**** call me xoxo”

  “Heard you’re into blondes! I’m 17! ☺ <3 Hmu sometime tho!”

  I scrunched up my face in disgust. Didn’t they have any dignity at all? They seemed so desperate for his attention. I shook my head in disapproval. I mean, I wanted his attention too, but I wanted only his undivided attention, no one else’s.

  As I scrolled through all the crap posted on his timeline, I came across one status that made my heart stop.

  ‘Whoever you are, I will find you. It may not be tomorrow, but someday, I know I will.’

  Excitement bubbled in through me. It must’ve been about me. It had to have been! I clicked on the status to check the date. The morning after the dance. My heart fluttered crazily. I scrolled through the comments.

  “IT’S ME!!!”

  “OMG who is this about?!”

  “You’ve already found you babe ☹ I’ve been in your dm’s for weeks.”

  I found comfort in the fact he never replied to anyone who responded on his statuses. I scrolled further down to see if he had any more recent posts about me.

  ‘This place sucks. I want to move back to Cali.’

  My emotions of happiness vanished. I felt like crying. I looked at the date, it was posted weeks ago… so it really couldn’t mean anything, right? He could’ve changed his mind by now… I mentally slapped myself.

  Like I even had a chance with him...

  I took in a deep breath and tried to calm myself down. Of course, I know I was over reacting but I couldn’t help it.

  I fell for him. Hard. I was waiting for him to just notice me.

  I may have not been any different from the desperate girls, but I felt I had talked to him before, so I had more of a chance. Boy, did I sound pathetic. Stupid me.

  A little voice screamed in the back of my mind that I did have a chance. Rose had a chance.

  But till then, I had to do something about Kasay.


  All my emotions were crashing on me like tsunami waves. I letting my anger out in a single argument.

  “Miss Winnefred, please do not interfere with this situation-”

  I refused to listen, and interrupted my principal rudely, “they’re all on her side! They’re her best friends for Christ’s sake!”

  “You cannot do anything to make this situation better-”

  “NO! I refuse to believe that! I allow people to treat me like shit, but not my friends!”

  “Watch your language Miss Winnefred-”

  “I don’t have to watch my fucking language!” I screamed, “Do you realize how those people treat me?! Do you realize how almost every single person treats me?!” I slammed my fists on the desk, “Kasay was one of the only people who’s tried helping me! One of the only friends I have-”

  “But she’s been a terrible influence-”

  “She’s helped changed me, she’s made me more confident-”

  “Miss Winnefred, true friends don’t change you. They support you and help you gain your confidence-”

  I was too emotional to listen to what my principal had to say, “She has made me more confident than I have ever been in my entire life!”

  “If confidence is you swearing in my office, then she is a terrible influence. She has also been involved in numerous illegal activities in and outside of school-”

  “She’s not guilty! She’s been framed! She’d never do anything like that-”

  “Look, Rosaline, I know you thought you were close to her. But you don’t know her as well as you may think. We’ll let the courts decide whether or not she’s guilty-”

  “I’m tired of people judging each other based off of their appearance or what they choose to show people!” It wasn’t even about Kasay anymore, “FUCK THIS PLACE!” I was on the verge of tears.

  “That’s it,” my principal had had enough of me, “I’m afraid you’ve just earned yourself your first Discipline Referral.”

  “WHAT?!” I gasped.

  Why was I even shocked? What took over me?

  My first ever discipline referral. This couldn’t be true. I have had a clean record since kindergarten! Kindergarten! I had never gotten in trouble even once! Not even in P.E. when I couldn’t do a single thing!

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to, but I had no choice. You were using very explicit language in school-”


  My perfectly clean record… ruined… on my last year of high school…

  “I hope this is the last time you get one-”

  The door flew open revealing a very pissed off Mrs. Meisty. She stomped straight in and threw a pack of condoms right in his face. Luckily, he closed his mouth before it could fly straight in. He picked it up and examined it.

  With her arms folded across her chest, she glared down at the principal. He looked up at her, obviously confused. She smiled bitterly.

  “You must be curious to why I brought these in for you today.” She rested both her hands on his desk and glared down at him, “Axel thought it’d be funny if he took magic markers and wrote down inappropriate things on them. He stuffed them in my drawers, and threw ones filled with water at passing teachers and students.” Her face was redder than any tomato.

  Her tone of voice frightened the hell out of me. I looked at her curly blondish-white hair and saw a condom stuck in it. I tried reading what was on it, but she noticed and snatched it out and threw it onto his desk. The principal picked it up and attempted to read it, “I bl-blow in public rooms on the week-”

  She snatched it out of his hand and threw it into the trashcan.

  He stood up and gave her a small smile, “I don’t think we should be having this discussion about another student in front of any other student. Please, let’s take this-”

  “We’re not taking this anywhere! Not until I get some things cleared here! I don’t want him stepping foot in my classroom ever again. I told you I didn’t want to teach him, yet you still stuck him on my god damn schedule!”

  “Someone has to teach him-”

  “He’s set off firecrackers in m
y class, he’s set textbook pages on fire, he ain’t stupid, I tell ya’! He’s smart in a disrupting way, and I can’t take it! He’s a pain in my god damn ass!”

  The principal cleared this throat and hissed at her, “there’s a student in here!”

  “I don’t care! He’s causing trouble in my classroom and I want him out. Hell, I want him out of this school! I don’t want to see him here again-”

  “You know we can’t do that.” The principal interrupted her.

  “Why? This is a public school! His dad being a rich bastard shouldn’t-”

  “There is a student in here!” The principal snapped. “And no student will be hearing teachers using inappropriate language!”

  With my right leg crossed over my left, I looked up at the two adults staring down at me expecting me to say something.

  “What?” I asked innocently.

  The principal sighed and whispered something into her ear. She rolled her eyes and mumbled something like ‘ass kissing prick’ or something along the lines of that. The principal turned back to me.

  “And you young lady, will not say a word about that.” He said putting the boxes of condoms in his drawer.

  “When is my punishment?” I asked with a hint of bitterness in my voice.

  “Tomorrow, just so you know it’s an all day thing.” He stood up and gestured his hand to the door, “you may leave.”

  I deeply desired to go tell him to please himself until he ejaculates, but held my tongue. I wished I were like Axel.


  “He gave you a fucking D.R. for that?!” Jaxon asked in disbelief.

  I nodded and groaned out loud. “Quit bugging me about it.”

  “I still don’t believe you said the f word. But congratulations girl! You finally got in trouble!” Kasay said nudging me playfully.

  “But he expelled you!” I half screamed. “You have to go battle in court soon too! How can you be so calm?!”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Kasay seemed way to chill. “I’m supposed to be on house arrest, but I can still go out and have fun!”

  “Isn’t that illegal?” I asked.

  She just shrugged.

  “Little princess is finally getting used to bad words,” Jaxon joked.

  I smacked him playfully upside the head. He grabbed my wrists pushed me against the wall. He had both my wrists secure above my head as me grinned down at me.


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