Crush on Mr. Bad Boy

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Crush on Mr. Bad Boy Page 19

by Lilly Purdon

  Everything around me was… warping. The bathroom started changing colors in front of my eyes… pink… orange… stripes… the showerhead grew into a green lizard that smiled at me… A giant bee flew past me.

  That wasn’t candy.

  I grinned, what pretty creatures.

  I grabbed a towel, but it turned into cotton candy. It still felt like a towel. I bit into the cotton candy, but it tasted like cloth! I wiped my body with it, and threw it onto the floor. I grabbed my undergarments from the floor- at least they looked normal. The ground turned into yellow sand, but still felt like the tiles.

  “What!”I gasped. The mirror had a face!

  Axel knocked on the door, “is everything okay in there?”

  The mirror’s lips moved to Axel’s voice… “THE MIRROR TALKS!” I screamed with joy.

  The entire bathroom was transforming and moving in front of me.

  “ROSE!” Axel banged the door again. “Let me in!”

  “CANDY!” I squealed at the toilet that turned into a chocolate bar.

  He swore from the other side of the door, “Please tell me you didn’t eat anything in there.”

  A few moments later, the chocolate fountain flew open. Why was it solid?


  His face didn’t change at all.

  He had a floating crown around his head.

  He grabbed me and pulled me out of there.

  The bedroom looked like a colorful jungle.

  “THE FLOOR IS LAVA!” I screamed, jumping onto the prince. “KISS ME!” I crushed my lips against his. Tasted better than any candy I had ever tasted.

  He didn’t push me away, instead he held me close. His minty sweet scent was intoxicating. YUM! We made out for a long time, until my lips hurt. I stared into his eyes, wow he was beautiful.

  I ran my hands over his abs… damn. He buried his head in the crook of my neck and started kissing and sucking…

  I breathed heavily and let all the sounds flow out of my mouth. I felt so… energetic! So hyper! I wanted more, more, and more!

  We were now on the bed, and I was on top of him; straddling him.

  The candy creatures had faded, but I still felt lightheaded, bubbly, and excited. I wanted to jump on the bed and do splits mid air!

  The moonlight was the only thing that lit the room.

  I bent down to kiss him. He grinded against me, “Rosaline.”

  Both of us froze immediately. We stared at each other with wide eyes. What. The-

  “Please tell me I didn’t just say that…” he breathed out, obviously in shock himself.

  I didn’t even know how to react.

  He said my name.

  My real name.

  The real me.

  I truly didn’t know what to say, or what to do, so I let my body decide.

  I wasn’t sober enough to react sensibly anyway.

  So I kissed him.


  Chapter 24 HANGOVER

  Soft breathing fanned my back, as my eyes fluttered open. The first things that I felt, was a headache. Then I felt soreness between my legs. Ouch! What the hell happened last night? I looked around and observed my surroundings.

  I was in what looked like a very modern bedroom. I tried to get up, but an arm was draped over my waist. My eyes widened in fear. What kind of shit did I get myself into when I was drunk? I took a deep breath and slowly turned around.

  I found myself facing none other than Axel Storm Spencer.

  It was my ultimate dream come true.

  I thought I was going to have a heart attack.

  He looked so peaceful and innocent. His lashes, his face, his lips, his nose, his structure, and last but not least, his sandy blonde hair falling above his closed eyelids. I felt like reaching over and brushing his hair, but I wasn’t brave enough to.

  I inhaled his scent and enjoyed being in his arms. It felt so right. I even sniffed the breath coming out of his mouth, he still smelt like mint and candy. How was it possible to be so perfect?

  I thought about last night.

  What could’ve led up to us falling asleep on his bed with each other.

  I looked at the position we were in.

  Did something happen between…. us?

  My eyes widened.


  The thought gave me butterflies, but also had me sweating.

  No, no, no, we couldn't have- I cleared all my thoughts when I saw a small box lying on the floor. In bold letters the box said ‘TROJANS’.

  My palms started to get sweaty.

  Oh no, I couldn't have- I mean, how?

  Then it hit me, how wasted was I last night? I didn’t even remember what I forgot. I tried to piece the puzzles together. I remembered being in the kitchen, I remembered drinking, meeting Axel.


  My skin crawled just thinking of his name. I couldn’t remember everything exactly…

  I looked under the comforter to see if I had anything on. I sighed; at least I had undergarments on.

  At least the box of condoms on the floor did indicate that if we did… ‘do it’, we did it the safe way and used protection. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. At least I didn’t have to worry about being pregnant. Softly, I picked up his heavy arm and lifted it off of me. I felt so empty and vulnerable without it around my small body.Quickly and quietly, I lifted his arm off me and got out of his bed.

  I found the red dress I was wearing last night. It was torn…from the top all the way to the mid section.

  Damn, I really liked that dress.

  I quickly slipped it on, but it kept sliding off. I couldn't remember anything after I drowned down those drinks last night. I couldn't just go out with a dress ripped and sliding off my body. I looked around the room and saw a wire from a broken lamp lying on the floor.

  Aha! I tiptoed over to the broken lamp and got a small piece of wire from it. I then used the wire to tie the dress together. I didn't have a needle, so I used my nail and dug into the material creating a hole.

  I looped the wire through the whole then made another whole in on the other side of the dress. I put the wire through that too, and I knotted the wire. I tied it together somehow. I'm not even sure how I managed to do that.

  The dress held up. You could still see the tear and the wire, but it didn't slide off. Yes, you saved yourself Rosie. I guess that was one good thing about being a quick thinker.

  “Shoes,” I whispered to myself.

  I looked around for my heels, but I only found one. I grabbed it and left his room, leaving the sleeping angel sleeping soundly. I made a dash for it down the stairs; I couldn't afford getting caught sneaking out of his bedroom.

  After running down three flights of stairs, I finally reached the first floor. A bunch of teens were passed out on the floor, lying on top of each other in creepy angles. Ew. I looked around for Kasay, but I found one of the twins.

  “Smile,” I greeted.

  “It’s Dustin.”

  I believed him.

  “Hey,” he said gloomily.

  His eyes were blood shot, his face was paler than he usually was, and his blonde hair was messy in a cute boyish way. He looked tired and worn out though. His voice was raspy like he was yelling a lot.

  “Where’s Kasay?”

  I had hoped Kasay and Dustin would get together. Judging by how he looked… either nothing happened, or something terrible happened.

  “She’s in one of the bathrooms… with my brother.”

  I froze and blinked twice.

  Kasay, disappearing into a bathroom with Justin?!

  Kasay had always had a problem with remembering names. Like that dude Rex, she always called him Rix… but I really didn’t think…

  Oh who was I trying to kid.

  Justin and Dustin were identical in every way, and I had never told her how to tell them apart. Oh god... Just then, I heard a door on the second floor shut loudly. Kasay, with the blonde wig put on sideways, walked down
the stairs proudly. The pink dress she was wearing was all wrinkled up.

  Her makeup was smeared across her face. She looked like she had a pretty rough night, if you know what I'm talking about.

  “Just the person I was looking for,” she beamed at me.

  I just stared at her. Dustin walked the other direction.

  “What’s his problem?” She huffed about Dustin.

  I grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the house. Once we were far away from any passed out bystanders, I stopped. “What the hell happened last night?”

  She looked proud, “I had sex with the nice twin you hooked me up with.”

  “Nice twin? You sure?” I pursed my lips together, “what’s the nice twin’s name.”

  She rolled her eyes, “as if I’d forget! His name was Justin of course!” She said in a ‘duh, I know’ tone.

  I massaged my temples, “I set you up with Dustin, not Justin.”

  Her eyes widened, before her face grew paler.

  “You were supposed to get with Dustin! The guy who’s had a crush on you for a long ass time! Not his twin brother who sleeps around with everyone!”

  “Well I guess Justin and I have more in common…” she trailed off, “Why didn’t you tell me I was with the wrong twin!”

  “You left me in the kitchen! And it just goes kinda’ blurry from there…”

  She was shocked, “you mean- you don’t remember what you did last night?”

  I nodded slowly. She put a hand on her hip, thinking.

  “Where’d you wake up?”

  I froze.

  I knew she’d freak out if I told her.

  But she’d be even more freaked if I lied.

  I gulped and waved for her to come closer. She put her ear out so I could whisper in it.

  “In someone’s arms-”

  Before I could finish whispering, she screamed out.

  “What?!” she screamed. “WHO?!”

  I didn’t answer the question, and avoided looking at her face. She was far excited to care whose arms I slept in.

  “Did you have sex?”

  “NO!” I mean- I didn’t think so, so I just didn’t say anything.

  “What happened to your dress anyway?!” She cut me off.

  “Sorry… I accidentally tore it.”

  “Bullshit, you had sex.”

  Someone cleared their throat from behind us. "Excuse me if I interrupt, ladies?"

  We both turned around to see who it is. I almost choked when I saw who it was. Justin was standing there with low hanging jeans showing of his V line torso, and showing off his abs. He had no shirt on and his hair was messy.

  Just telling by his attitude and how he was showing off, you could tell he was definitely not his twin brother.

  “Babe, you still haven't told me your name,” when Kasay turned in his direction he practically screamed. “YOU LOOKED LIKE A TEN LAST NIGHT! WHAT THE HELL!” With that, he ran away from us.

  We just laughed.

  With one heel on, I stumbled to Dustin and clung onto him for support. He helped walk me to his car and got in. No one uttered a word in the car. It was incredibly awkward between Dustin and Kasay. Dustin dropped me Kasay out at her house first.

  Right after Kasay stepped out of the car, Dustin let out a long sigh in relief. I got into the front seat and buckled my seat belt, before turning to Dustin. I spoke first, before he had the chance to.

  “You know, Kasay had no idea who she was sleeping with, right?”

  He shrugged.

  “Kasay has always had a problem with names. And you and Justin look exactly alike, so she got you two mixed up.”

  He sighed, “She didn’t even remember my name.”

  “She was drunk…”

  “Not when I told her.”

  “Well people forget things when they’re drunk, and everyone was dead wasted last night-”

  He interrupted me, “I wasn’t.”

  “Well, you were probably the only one sober there. But everyone else was wasted. Hell! I don't even remember what I did last night!”

  “Axel clearly wasn’t either.”

  “How do you know?”

  “He was pretty sober the entire night.”

  “How do you know?” I repeated my question once again.

  “You went up there for hours, and then you came stumbling down the stairs screaming some crazy shit. Everyone was passed out by then, but I was chillin’ on the couch with some chick that almost puked on my crotch. Well, I saw everything. You turned on some Spongebob and started dancing on his pool table like a baboon.”

  “What time was this?”

  “Can’t remember exactly- about 3AM? You looked like you were on something. When I tried to get close, he told me he had his eyes on you and told me not to intrude. He was very protective of you.”

  I listened in awe, “he was?”

  He nodded, “gotta’ give him points for patience. You were screaming some pretty sexual things, I’m guessing you lost your virginity last night?”

  “What exactly did I scream? And I don’t remember…”

  “Nothing I’d like to repeat,” He chuckled, “you passed out and he carried up to his room.”

  I turned to him with wide eyes, “he did?”

  Dustin nodded, “I’ve never seen him that way with anyone.”

  A small smile crept up on my lips. “What else did I miss?”

  “Well, Layla left right after you and Kasay arrived, Matt got the living shit beat out of him, Justin banged Kasay, Ricky got his head stuck in a fish tank downstairs because he was trying to French kiss a clown fish, some of the drinks were spiked-”

  I cut him off, “the drinks were drugged?!”

  “Happens at every party, you just gotta’ be careful.”

  “Do you think the reason I don't remember anything was because...”

  Dustin nodded again, “it’s a possibility, or it could just be you. How many drinks did you even have?”

  “A few,” I lied, but then felt guilty. “Maybe a ser few…” I thought again, “actually, I didn’t keep count.”

  He just rolled his eyes, “you’re lucky you have someone like Axel to take care of you.”

  “Was Matt the one who tore your dress?”

  “How’d you-”

  “Judging by how beat up he was, it was probably Axel’s doing. I just put the pieces together.”

  “You’re too clever for your own good.”

  “I wish I wasn’t.”


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