Crush on Mr. Bad Boy

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Crush on Mr. Bad Boy Page 27

by Lilly Purdon

  Once the car had left, I drove us back to her house, purposefully parking my baby right in the driveway so she wouldn’t be able to park in the garage.

  “Let’s go inside,” I motioned for her to follow me. She quickly followed me. “Do you have a key with you?”

  She stared blankly at me.

  “Key,” I made a hand action of unlocking the door.

  She stared at me, before looking at the ground. She started talking to herself. “No, I can’t let that happen,” she whispered.

  “Let what happened?” I asked, snapping her out of her daze.

  “Nothing,” she replied a little too quickly- indicating she was lying.

  I didn't push her on the subject; she was half asleep anyway. “Okay then, we'll just have to find another way in then.” I looked up and observed the medium sized house. She lived in two story cream house with a brown roof.

  There was a window opened on the second floor, but it’d be quite a climb to get up there. I could’ve broken the door down and hoped her stepmom wouldn’t mind. Oh, hell with her evil stepmother. She had been sleeping around with my stepdad for nearly three years.

  I felt so stupid for knowing it all along and saying nothing to Rosie. She could’ve used it to her advantage. I had always been afraid to talk to her, since middle school. Sometimes in the hall I would catch her staring at me, but pretend not to notice and look away.

  Most people stared at me because I was ‘different’. They couldn’t seem to grasp my concept of life. The schools’ in school suspension room had been my classroom since 7th grade. I moved to this sad town at the end of 6th grade.

  My mom divorced my dad because she thought he was a 'loser', and she could do better. Dad worked in a garage and fixed cars. We weren’t the richest family, but at least we had enough to get by. But mom wanted more. She went for one of the richest business men in the country.

  I didn’t really know what was going on back then. She’d disappear for days, telling me ‘I’m finding you a better future’. She cheated on my dad with my current step dad. She wasn’t the nicest person, but she was my mom.

  The most ironic thing about this whole situation was that she had the exact same thing happen to her, (except for the money part). Karma got her back. But it was unfair; I didn’t deserve the wrath she brought on. I guess that’s why I didn’t feel the need to break it to her until it benefitted me.

  Moving back to California wasn’t a priority anyways.

  So a couple hundred thousand dollars shut me up temporarily.

  I avoided em’ both.

  Mom wanted nothing to do with me.

  Rose suddenly spoke up, “Did you know that what is called a ‘French kiss’ in the English speaking world is known as an ‘English kiss’ in France?”

  I turned to her and studied her carefully. Her bright blue eyes, as bright as the summer sky were staring at me with expectation. I had no clue what she was talking about, “no?”

  “Well, you should've known that,” she crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes at me.

  “No need for the attitude, Princess.”

  “You should know that, because you've probably done it with plenty of girls,” she said bitterly.

  “Where'd you get that idea from?” I cocked my eyebrow at her.

  She huffed, “everyone thinks you're a player, and it's probably true.”

  “Then everyone’s a fucking retard,” I growled.

  For some reason I hated her saying that to me. I hated her accusing me of being a player. I usually didn't care when other people judged me, but for some reason I hated it when she judged me.

  Especially judging me for something that wasn’t true.

  Her disliking something about me made me feel like the worst thing alive. She made me actually feel ashamed of myself for doing the shit I did. Since I had started talking to her, I hadn’t touched any kind of drug. She was the only girl who could actually make me feel bad.

  No other girl had that effect on me.

  Rosaline was different.

  Something in her made her stand out in an ocean of faces.

  She seemed vulnerable, yet strong. A person of such contrasts. She was quiet for the most part, yet had an air of authority around her. It was the other people around her who tried to stop her from becoming who she was meant to be.

  She was confident, yet shy at the same time. A combination I had never seen before. Not to mention she was drop dead gorgeous. Her long beach blonde hair reached down to her upper back, she had amazing blue eyes and a petite face and body.

  I walked around the house searching for an open window or somewhere easier to break in. I could easily break the front door down, but I didn’t want the cops being called on us. It was easy to get caught in a town like this.

  Luckily, the kitchen window was open. It wasn't too high off the ground; it was just about half a story off the ground. It looked pretty simple to climb through, but it was harder than I had expected. I had broken into a couple places before- not to steal, just to break some shit and cause trouble.

  I tried climbing into her window with my bare hands, but I slipped right down. Damn, I wish I was taller. The cold biting into my skin wasn’t helping either. I stepped about 10 feet away and took in a deep breath. I prayed I wouldn’t break any teeth.

  I stepped away about 10 feet and took in a deep breath. “Don't be a pussy, you can do it.” I encouraged myself and took another deep breathe. “Axel Storm Spencer, don’t be a fucking wimp.”

  I sprinted as fast I could towards the house. When I came about two feet within reaching the house, I jumped up as high as I could. Thank god the window was opened wide enough, otherwise I would've broken a limb flying through the window.

  I flew right through the window and crashed straight into the kitchen wall inside. Thankfully my side hit the wall and not my head, or I would've had to switch plans and take care of myself instead of her. I got up and brushed off a little dust that got on me.

  I smiled to myself. That wasn't half bad. I managed to fly through the kitchen window without getting injured. This was the first time in years that the odds were in my favor. I started taking steps out of the kitchen but I stopped.

  I turned and looked at the wall I crashed into. There was a large crack in the wall. I was pretty sure Rosaline wouldn’t mind. I shrugged, walking out of the kitchen. I walked carelessly through the hallway headed to the front door.

  Her house was tiny compared to mine, but it also held a sense of coldness.... not the homey vibe I was expecting. The floor was hard wood with carpeting here and there, the walls were painted grey few picture frames on the walls. Before I let her in, I looked at a few of the photos.

  Surprisingly, none were of Rosie at all.

  All of them were of her father and her stepmom. It was like they didn’t even want her under the same roof. The house was something glittering vampires would live in. I cringed at my own thought. I was listening to drunken girls rambling on too much.

  I shouldn’t have said the odds were in my favor this time.

  Before I could reach the door, I tripped on something and fell right into the doorknob. With my shitty luck, my left eye smashed into the doorknob. The impact caused me to hiss out in pain and fall to the ground. My hand immediately flew up to my face to cover my left eye. I cursed under my breath as I cradled my eye carefully.

  I was about to open the door, but then I realized something. Rosaline couldn't see me injured like this! She’d think I was a loser and would never give me a second glance. She conclude I was some clumsy crack head, which I was weeks ago. I ran back to her kitchen, franticly searching for something to cover my eye with.

  There was absolutely nothing. Not even a single kitchen towel… did the woman ever cook? I ran up the staircase in search of at least a small handkerchief to cover my eye with, but I found something else.

  I went into the first room I came to. I knew it was Rosaline’s room from the moment I stepped in
it. Unlike the other rooms in the house, her rooms was colorful. It was the most girly rooms I had ever seen in my life, ever.

  It wasn’t what I was expecting; I was expecting a room full of books with cobwebs, but this was My Little Pony heaven. I felt like gagging at all the stuffed animals. It was cute, but a bit too much. Her curtains were white with pink polka dots. I felt like shaking my head at her style, but I was more concentrated on finding something to cover my eye with. I went straight to her drawers and started going through them.

  I felt creepy going through her drawers to find a handkerchief. I couldn't find any in her top drawer; all I found were school papers. With my hand still covering my left eye, I searched the other drawers.

  I opened the second drawer and quickly shut it when I saw what was inside. Now I felt like a real pervert opening her underwear drawer. Wait, maybe there were some handkerchiefs in her underwear drawer…

  I took a deep breath and opened it again slowly. It wasn't like I had never seen girl's underwear before; I had seen plenty of girls’ underwear. But this was different, this was her underwear. I felt my cheeks warm up, but I bit my cheek to stop myself. No, don’t blush. Bad-asses don’t blush.

  Who’d ever imagine the big bad boy blushing over girl's underwear?

  The more I thought about it, the hotter my cheeks grew. I had never blushed before. It scared me. What the hell was this girl doing to me?

  Secretly, I had always had a little thing for her. Thank god no one ever caught me glancing at her. It started out as fascination. Why was she so patient with everyone who picked on her? Why was she so closed? Why would she hide her head in a book whenever she was alone? After math class, I’d watch her put her books away sometimes.

  She was so gentle with everything she did. Layla would sometimes bump into her on purpose and make her drop her books. Of course, I was too afraid to go over and help her or at least talk to her. Whenever she would feel my stare burning into her, she’d look up but I would always be looking in another direction.

  I noticed her only dimple on her right cheek, I noticed how when she was nervous she would either bite on her lip, run her hand through her hair or furrow her eyebrows. She was so kind… even when Layla humiliated her, she still didn’t want to slit the girl’s throat. If I were her, Layla would be long dead.

  I’ve had suspicions of why she picked on Rosaline, but I was never sure.

  I've always assumed it had something to do with her messed up family, but I never really paid much attention to it.

  I knew Rosie was upset about her emo friend getting expelled, and blamed Layla for it. But if you asked me, the emo had been doing lots of shit behind Rosie’s back. She was just oblivious to everything; the violence, the drugs, and the reputation she had.

  Layla had reasons for doing things, obviously her reasons for torturing Rosie could never justify her actions, but Layla didn’t torment everyone just for fun. I saw the way she was with different people. A bitch to some, sweet to some… and an absolute monster to Rosie.

  The true monster was Matt. Layla’s sidekick who had a thing for Rosaline, so he tormented the fuck out of her, because he knew she’d never get with him. He was a sick minded cunt, who took advantages of girls at parties. He tried to rape…

  I didn't notice I was gripping one of Rosaline's undergarments until I looked down.

  My good eye widened before I quickly let go of it. I quickly went through her drawer. I explored the drawer with her undergarments with my hand. My hand felt something hard under all that stuff. I pulled out a little pink diary.

  I never knew this nerd had a diary. Then again, I really didn't know her that well. I may have felt like I knew her really well, but I probably didn't. I was about to open the diary and read it, but then I decided to put it down and went back to finding a handkerchief.

  After digging through her undergarments, I finally found a little white handkerchief. I quickly tied it around my eye, making it look like a pirate's eye patch, and then quickly ran downstairs to open the door for Rosaline.

  Even though I ran down the stairs, I managed not to trip on anything this time. Before I reached the door, I made sure to make extra cautious steps to the front door. I got a tight grip on the doorknob that hurt my eye and opened it.

  Rosaline was bent over picking reaching into a flower pot. She didn't realize I was watching her yet. She pulled out a key from the flower pot and looked at it dreamily. I sure hoped that was not a certain key I thought that was...

  She looked up at me light a deer caught in headlights. She gave me a sheepish smile while holding the key tightly. I leaned on the door frame and cocked an eyebrow at her. “What door does that key open?” I asked, hoping the answer she was going to give me was going to be different from the one I was currently thinking of.

  She chuckled nervously. “Cinderella's attic door?”

  I narrowed my eyes at her, “I’m serious.”

  She scratched the back of her head nervously.

  I went through all that trouble just to open the front door for her, and the key was in the flower pot right next to the door all along… I injured myself just to open the god damn door for her.

  “You made me go through all that trouble and you had the key all along?!” I raised my voice.

  She flinched at my yelling. She looked like a puppy cowering from its nasty owner. I felt horrible after that. She started tearing up, “I-I'm s-sorry Axel.”

  I felt like a complete asshole, “Sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you.” I almost forgot she wasn't thinking straight.

  “No, it's okay.” She sniffed away some tears. But when she looked up at me again, a giant grin was spread across her face. “So are we playing dress up?”

  “Dress up?”

  She nodded excitedly. “Yup!” she replied popping the 'p'. “Aren't you dressed like a modern pirate?” she cocked her head to the side.

  I felt the handkerchief on my left eye. “Yes!” I laughed nervously, hoping she wouldn't get suspicious of what was under there.

  “Fail though,” she snickered.

  “Fail what?”

  “Failed dress up, silly!” she brushed passed me into the house. “I always win dress up with Jaxon.”

  Hearing his name was like hearing an elephant fart, or someone’s nails against a chalkboard. I shut the door behind her and locked it.

  “Why are you even friends with him?”

  “Because he’s my best friend, he’s never left my side, and he loves me!”

  “You think so?” Boy was she clueless.

  “I know so,” she replied confident.

  I didn’t want to rain on her parade, “how do you know he hasn’t changed?”

  Though she was half awake, I hoped I could still talk a bit of sense into her.

  “Because we hang out all the time,” she replied.

  “You’ve barely hung out the past weeks-”

  “He’s been busy with stuff, duh.” She liked him so much, she made excuses for him.

  “Specify, what kind of stuff has he been doing?”

  Leaning Layla over the tables and claiming her and his.

  “Like…” she tried to play it off as if she knew, “stuff.”

  “What kind of stuff?”

  “Why are you even asking me this?” she snapped, glaring at me.

  “I just want to make sure he's good enough to be your best friend.”


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