by C. J. Anaya
“I did. Just because I’ve been trapped in the Underworld for hundreds of years, doesn’t mean I don’t know how to use a cell phone. There is a helicopter waiting for us at Seaplane Ramp.”
“Is there a town on this Island?”
“Akutan City, although the population is fairly sparse.”
I considered his massive and mutated form. His presence would send the local residents into a panic. Mass chaos.
“You planning on waltzing up to one of the locals looking like that?”
“I will change into human form in order to get us passage to Akun, but I must be quick about it. Changing my form depletes my energy if I have not actually killed the human I take the form of, and I refuse to murder a human just so I can change my shape.”
“Good to know. I didn’t realize killing a human gave nekomata more power.”
“It is why they do it,” he growled. “Human ki is powerful, but only for a short period of time. Then they go looking for another victim. It’s addicting and dangerous, merely solidifying their fall from godliness.”
“And you’ve never done it,” I probed.
“Not that,” he stated adamantly. “I have been involved in many things I am not proud of, but I have never killed a human in cold blood.”
“So once we get to Akun, what then?”
“We will wait for your friends for a few hours. If they have not arrived by that time, then we move on to Kagami. I’m assuming that’s where you were headed either way.”
“Yes. We need to find the original prophecy in its untranslated form. Hachiman may be the key to interpreting it, and if he can’t, I’m hoping he’ll know who can. It seems that the question of my soul mate has turned the entire prophecy upside down. At least the translated one, anyway. The original will give us a better understanding of what we need to do, and how Tie factors into all of this.”
I started walking next to him and noticed that he took tinier steps to allow me to keep up with him.
So he was a warrior god—a god of fortune—who’d been turned into an evil cat, and yet he was kind enough to shorten his steps so I could keep up with him.
A kind, evil cat.
I was looking forward to a normal college experience when all of this was over.
“You can’t imagine how upset Amatsu became when he realized Tie was your soul mate and Victor was not.” He let out a wicked chuckle. “He put Tie in your path specifically to sever you from your soul mate, and all he did was strengthen the bond between you both with that blossom. Severing you from Tie has become that much more difficult now. It’s taken a thousand years, your rebirth, and then some for you to finally feel the effects of the Black Blossom’s magic where Amatsu is concerned.”
“That’s how my bond with Amatsu was formed?” My heart dropped at Bishu’s solemn nod. I had to stop walking and take a moment to process this before moving on again.
Hadn’t Tie felt guilty enough over the centuries because of what he had done? He blamed himself for my death. He blamed himself for severing me from Victor when he handed me that stupid flower. Now, ever since he found out we really were meant for one another, he worried that somehow his decision to give me the blossom would come back to haunt him. Just yesterday he’d mentioned the possible repercussions of that choice, and a bond forged with Amatsu was one repercussion he’d never forgive himself for.
How was I going to tell him? How were we going to fix this?
“But I don’t feel anything,” I said. I nearly stumbled on some rocks, but Bishu’s hand kept me steady.
“Not in your conscious state you don’t, but when you dream, your subconscious takes you to him. The fact that you cannot yet remember this is irrelevant. You’ll remember it soon enough.”
“What do we do to stop it? How can I fight it? I could always stop sleeping for a while.” I wasn’t even joking about that.
“I think the only one who can combat the effects of Amatsu’s bond with you is Tie, which is why the demon god wants you with him now, even before the bond has successfully formed. Tie’s presence confuses the issue and slows down the process. In the end, Tie will be the only one who can undo the great evil he did when he gave you that blossom so long ago.”
I sighed, feeling as if the love that Tie and I harbored for one another would always be challenged. I just wanted to be with him and be at peace with it rather than have obstacle after obstacle thrown in our faces. And we still had no idea how we were going to heal the veil together.
“It was my fault. The way that all came about. I wasn’t honest with him about being The Healer, and once he realized who I was and thought I belonged to Victor, he reacted out of desperation.”
“Yes, but when he agreed to give the Black Blossom to you he also agreed to hand you over to Amatsu. That was part of the original bargain between them.”
My heart sank a little at this.
“Tie didn’t know he’d connected me to the demon god. He thought he could keep me for himself. He thought that by binding me to him and severing me from Victor that he would still have a choice when it came right down to it. He never planned to hand me over to Amatsu.”
“And yet, that’s essentially what he’s done.”
We arrived at a steep incline of rock. Without a word, Bishu lifted me in his arms, cradle style, and began to climb the rocky terrain. I clung to him reflexively until I relaxed a bit in his hairy hold. Once we reached the top of the incline, he set me down and turned me to look at him.
“Healer, there is one universal principle that our First Parents based the very foundations of Heaven and Earth upon, the very existence of life within its realms.”
“What principle?”
“The principle of choice. We all have a choice, and every choice is followed by a consequence, and every time we exercise this right, the consequences of our choices send out a ripple that is capable of effecting people, places, and events that can span hundreds or thousands of years depending upon the magnitude of that choice. It’s a dangerous power to possess, a godly power we all possess, and it’s made even more dangerous when one exerts that power to force a choice or decision upon someone else.”
“I understand what you mean, but I don’t know why you’re telling me this.” It’s why I had been so upset about all that talk concerning cherry blossoms and Cupid’s arrows in mythology class. No one should have that kind of power over another individual.
He looked out across the expansive valley below, no doubt seeing far more in the dark than my human sight.
“Your father abused you, forced you to choose Victor, and then stopped you from using your healing powers for good, which caused you to rebel and join the Samurai army where you met and fell in love with Tie. Tie forced you to choose him when he gave you the Black Blossom, which inadvertently bonded you to Amatsu, and now you are forced to choose Amatsu, the most dangerous being of all, which places the likelihood of healing the veil next to impossible, affecting all of humanity in the process.”
“How do you know all of this? How do you know my history?”
“I am one of Amatsu’s most trusted allies now, and just between you and me, he’s quite the whiner when things don’t go his way. Endless chatting. Not much else to do down there.”
He smiled, but the awkward toothiness of it made it look like more of a grimace.
“Every single time you’ve had your choices taken from you, severe consequences followed. This isn’t unique to you. This happens to everyone in all walks of life, terrible consequences that have affected not only you, but all of humanity. You’ve already been killed once, Healer. Your young friend Akane, and Kenji, and your brother Saigo all lost their lives in battle as well. When tyrants reign, basic freedoms are infringed upon, and that god-given power to choose a righteous path in life is abused and misused. When that happens, only chaos, wickedness, and unhappiness remains. That is exactly where this world is headed. That’s what it’s all coming down to.”
I sucked in a deep breath, overwhelmed by his words and the pervasive sense of hopelessness I felt at what our future held.
“Are you saying we should simply give up? That this battle is over and there’s no point in fighting the inevitable?” I wasn’t about to give in to the heavy hopelessness I felt, but if this fallen deity was going to assist us then he needed to prove that he believed in our cause just as much as the rest of us.
His pointy ears flattened in agitation.
“We’ll not give up, Healer. Even in this loathsome state, I’m still more than capable of turning the tide of any battle so long as I am not under Amatsu’s influence within the Underworld.”
I nodded, feeling relief at the surge of power I felt at his core. Amatsu not only needed me, but he needed Bishu, and at the moment he didn’t have either one of us.
“How do you know about Saigo, Kenji, and Akane? How did you know they were all murdered?”
He looked down at the ground. My eyes widened at the silent flow of tears that marked their way down his ugly snout.
“I was there, Healer. I saw it all. It pained me to watch it, but Akane’s death was the worst. I truly admired such fierce spirit from a mere human, and a woman at that. And when Fukurokuju was taken prisoner by the very same army he had built for himself, the rest of the rebels were slaughtered, and I was handed over as a bargaining chip.” The hatred that stole over Bishu’s spirit was chilling. “I too am anxious to return to Kagami. There are many wrongs that must be made right.”
“Why haven’t you demanded that I change you back into your original form yet?”
He looked at me and held out his paw again, claws sheathed for my protection. I took it and we began walking down the incline that was far less steep on this side, heading toward the road just on the edge of the valley.
“I’ve already explained that. It isn’t enough to simply drink your blood, Healer. Do you not remember? You must be able to bond your blood to mine within the enchanted realm of Kagami. Your bond with Amatsu will interfere with your powers. We will need the healing power of your soul mate to reinforce your bond and purify your abilities.”
“How will Tie reinforce the bond?”
“That is between you and your soul mate, but it must be done as soon as possible. If we cannot get you to him before the next time you sleep, I’m afraid your form may be more substantial during your next dream-like visit to the Underworld. This would have disastrous consequences.”
“Tie and I are closer when we connect our ki together. Would that regenerate the bond enough to purify my ki?”
“I certainly hope so. You cannot be allowed to fully bond to the demon god. You are invaluable to him in more ways than one, and binding your blood to his minions is definitely top on his list.”
“Drinking blood and binding it. Sounds like a kinky vampire romance novel.”
“Kinky? Novels are being written about mythological creatures such as vampires?” He shook his head. “What is the world coming to?”
“Says the giant cat walking beside me.”
“I’m not a cat,” he said stiffly, “I’m a misshapen piece of evil.”
“Like a vampire.”
He grunted. “Except I’m much better looking.”
That kept me laughing all the way down the hill.
Maritime Helicopters appeared to be the company in charge of flying people to Akun Island. I honestly hadn’t believed Bishu when he said a helicopter would be waiting for us. Who willingly agrees to transport two passengers at three in the morning? Definitely not normal business hours, but Bishu’s powers of persuasion, coupled with the fact that he was an immortal tipped the balance in our favor, and when we arrived at the nearly abandoned port, there was a large helicopter there to greet us.
My nerves took hold of me as we approached the hefty machinery, and without thinking I grabbed Bishu’s arm for support. Smooth skin greeted my touch and when I turned to study my companion, the dim lighting from the port lights illuminated his features.
Handsome human features. Blond, short cropped hair, straight nose, square jaw-line.
I wanted to ask him whose form he’d just taken upon himself, but the noise of the helicopter’s rotors overpowered any noise I might have made.
One of the staff hurriedly ushered us into the vehicle and showed us how to strap ourselves in. I didn’t even want to think about how much this short flight had cost my traveling companion. Did he have some kind of unlimited supply of Underworld currency? The thought was ridiculous, but so was my current situation, flying in a helicopter with an evil panther deity who now looked human.
We took off in a hurry after that. The whir of the engine, the smell of gasoline, and the lift of the vehicle had me wishing I hadn’t scarfed down those Cheetos. The quick flight to Akun might have been beautiful if we hadn’t traveled it in complete darkness. Clouds above us stubbornly withheld light from the waxing moon.
After disembarking at the small airport, the two aviators of our craft went about their business without a word while Bishu grabbed my arm and hurriedly moved me toward what looked like a storage facility. Was there not a place to pick up baggage or use the restroom?
It appeared that this airport was little more than a place to take-off and land. I assumed it was built more for functionality than anything else because it offered only one runway, a small fuel vehicle, and one lone plane parked in the hangar. I sincerely hoped it would be operational as soon as possible.
“What now?” I asked, after Bishu broke into the building and flipped on a light.
I watched in shock as his human skin rippled like a wave and was replaced by black fur. His human features morphed back into the toothy grimace he’d given me earlier. My initial reaction was to shudder and take a few steps away from him, but the sad look in his eye made me think he expected such a reaction. It prevented me from moving even a centimeter back.
“Now we must catch a boat ride to Dutch Harbor where we can then schedule a flight to Tokyo, Japan.”
I shook my head. “Is it just me, or does the process of getting off these islands seem a little complicated?”
“I think it wise that we rest for a few hours. Our ferry isn’t scheduled to pick us up until seven.”
“You scheduled that too? Just how long have you been planning this kidnap/rescue/escape attempt?”
“Not long. Our men assumed you would not wish to fly commercial and kept their eye on every charter plane scheduled out of Oregon. We had no way of knowing when or where you might fly to first.”
“That’s a lot of man power.”
“You have no idea.”
“You took quite a risk planning this without knowing if you could actually pull it off.”
He shrugged his massive shoulders. “What choice did I have, Healer? I took my chance to escape and join forces with you. I had little to lose. It will be difficult for Amatsu’s minions to track us without being able to follow our scent.”
“What if they assume that we came to this airport? They’ll probably just head to Dutch Harbor since that’s the only place to fly out of Japan.”
“There are a myriad of options we could have taken. They will not catch up with us now that we are off Akutan Island.”
I let out a huge sigh of relief and leaned against what looked like a parked fueling vehicle. This place was not exactly homey. Where did he think we were going to sleep?
My tummy rumbled in distress and my face heated at the very normal human demands of my body.
Bishu smiled. “Maybe we should consider looking for a vending machine around here.”
“I’m hoping for a King Sized Snickers.”
“I hope there are more of those orange chips available. I’ve never tasted anything quite like them before.”
“Yeah. A millennium in the Underworld probably doesn’t offer much variety in cuisine. Glad to see you getting out more.”
He chuckled under his breath and gently placed a heavy, hairy arm ar
ound my shoulder.
“Come. Let us stuff ourselves with high calorie, high fat, chemical-filled human food. Perhaps there will even be some powdered sugar donuts available.”
“Bishu, you are so speaking my language.”
After searching throughout the storage facility and finding nothing, we decided to circle around the building to see if, for some strange reason, there was a vending machine sitting out in the frozen Alaskan tundra. A bit dramatic, but I was still pretty cold, smelly cat cape or not.
As we exited the building and turned to our right I heard a loud grunt from Bishu and then a scuffle.
“What—” I turned around and my mouth dropped open in shock as a streak of red flashed in front of me. I watched my best friend deliver a wicked kick to the side of Bishu’s head.
“Dammit, Angie, I told you to wait,” yelled Victor coming up on my right.
Familiar arms circled round me and pulled me against a strong chest. I knew it was Tie without having to turn around. I sank into his embrace and leaned my head against him, but Tie wasn’t satisfied with just holding me. He quickly spun me around and crushed his lips to mine. I greedily accepted his affections. I felt his worry and concern for me rippling through our connection. The thought of losing me had nearly propelled him over the edge and this physical contact was all that kept him from spiraling out of control. I held him tightly to me, pouring out all of my love for him through our bond so he could feel it and take comfort in it. The gold colors of his ki swirled around me, focusing in on my heart and burning more brightly, causing an uncomfortable searing sensation to scald me from within. Before I had time to analyze it, I sensed my father approaching us.
“Hope, are you hurt?” he asked.
I broke off our impassioned kiss with some embarrassment. Never great to be caught making out, especially by your dad. Kirby ran up next to him, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open staring straight past me.
“That dude is huge,” he whispered.
“Healer, a little help, please,” Bishu shouted.
I broke away from Tie, feeling guilty that I had completely forgotten about Bishu. He stood in a crouched position and then sprang to the side as Victor attacked on his right. Ms. Mori came up behind him, but he swiftly outmaneuvered her, and used his strength to do a back flip over her, landing on his feet.