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T-AWorthwhileSin Page 4

by Melissa F. Hart

  Her nipples puckered and ached with a need that was quickly spiraling out of control. Tate thrust his tongue deep into her, and he lifted one trembling thigh over his shoulder. Sin gripped the table with one hand and a fistful of his hair with the other. Over and over, he plunged into her with his tongue. His fingers played lower, coaxing her in places she’d never dared enjoy. The things he made her body want made her cry out and buck on the table.

  But even as he promised her an evening she’d never forget, Sin couldn’t. She couldn’t.

  She tugged hard on his hair and dragged him up from between her thighs. “Tate.” His name was a slurred prayer on her lips. He let her pull him away, but his lips grazed every inch of skin along the way and as his face hovered above hers, his thick cock pressed into the exact spot his tongue had been.

  “Please don’t tell me we’re stopping.”

  Sin’s breath heaved like she’d run a marathon. She wanted to wiggle her way off the table and have a decent conversation, but she couldn’t manage to move an inch. Besides, the pleasure radiating along her every nerve just wanted her to grind low and slow across him.

  When her breathing eased, she lifted up on her elbows, laughing as one breast fell to the side and slipped out of her tank. “This is, without a doubt, the strangest job interview. . .”

  Tate grinned and pulsed his hips against her. “You sound sorry. I’m loving it.”

  Sin clamped her lips together to fight the moan trying to escape. “Yes. We’re stopping. If we’re going to be working together, we can’t be doing this.”

  Tate shrugged and settled his hands on either side of her waist, leaning forward and pressing the thick ridge of his cock deeper into her. “Are you sure? I think that seems like a waste. If we’re already hanging out together . . .” His face lowered, and he licked the inner curve of her breast.

  Sin’s head dropped back but she yanked it forward and forced her eyes to stay open. “I’m--oh--sure.” She pressed her hips forward and scooted off the table. Tate wrapped his arms around her and steadied her, tugging her shirt and skirt gently down while she found her balance. He splayed his hands across her back and rubbed his nose against her cheek. “You are fucking amazing.”

  A surge of delight rose up in her chest. She was doing the right thing by making them stop. If they went any further, she’d just be something old and used.

  Right now, the way he looked at her made her feel bright and shiny.


  Three sheets of notebook paper later, they had an agreeable arrangement for the terms of Sin’s job. Tate scrawled his signature across the bottom, took a step back, and handed Sin the pen. She settled a palm on the table and leaned over, scanning the wording one more time. As badly as she wanted this, she also knew that the most powerful negotiating position was before she agreed.

  Tate had given her everything she’d asked for; salary, vacation time, access to him, access to the band, the authority to act as final word. She couldn’t think of anything else to put into the contract, but still her pen hesitated above the line for her signature. There was no shame in reversing her decision and turning in the interview. No matter what happened from here on out, she’d kick herself for not taking the chance.

  Sin pressed the tip to the paper, and Tate pressed himself into the cleft of her ass. “I don’t know how I’m going to resist these curves of yours though.”

  Sin let him pull her tight against him. She wasn’t sure how she was going to make him. Now that she worked for him, there was no way they could do what she so desperately wanted, but no way would she jeopardize the best job she’d ever landed.

  She signed her name as slowly as possible, but as she dotted the I and straightened, she twisted to the right, breaking the sensual contact.

  Extending her hand, she smiled. “Good night, Tate.”

  He gathered her against his chest. “Goodnight, sweet Sin.” His lips pressed gently against hers, and she let him steal this one last kiss.

  “We’re out of here in a couple hours. Can you be on the bus at 4:00 a.m.?”

  Sin trailed a finger down his naked chest because she couldn’t resist one final touch. “Wouldn’t miss it.”

  He walked her to the door, unable to keep his hands off her ass. Sin was going to have to get much better at telling him no.

  But not tonight.


  St. Louis, Milwaukee, Toronto. Sin’s whirlwind baptism into the world of a rockstar’s life was nothing she’d imagined. Her days went from the bus to the stage and back to the bus. She interviewed the guys between meals and practice, hoarding as many stories as she could. Somewhere between the Canadian border and their next location, she made the bus driver stop at a mall so she could buy a smaller laptop and new recording equipment. The children’s nursery rhyme about the Wheels on the Bus played through her mind the entire shopping trip and it was true, there were a million bizarre noises that happened on a bus.

  Arms full and standing in line, she took a second to breathe and reflect on the last crazy week. Had it really only been ten days since she’d wiggled her hips into a backstage pass that would forever alter her life? The cashier smiled and rang up her purchases. Sin dug in her purse for her new corporate card.

  This was the life she’d always imagined. Interviewing celebrities and traveling non-stop. Tate’s entire band had welcomed her without question. His drummer, Geoff, had been reserved for the first couple days—probably wary that she was just Tate’s flavor of the week. She still hadn’t interviewed him and wasn’t positive what she wanted to talk to him about yet. Of all the guys, Geoff seemed to be the “leader” and they all looked to him for major decisions—and sometimes the small ones too, like where to eat. He took the responsibility seriously and handled the group in an almost fatherly way, even though Sin was positive that the bass guitarist was older than dirt and a few of the road dogs weren’t even born this century. But they were all really nice guys.

  So, for now, she’d leave Geoff for last and observe.

  Bag in hand, she hurried out of the store and onto the waiting bus. Tate sat in the recliner behind the driver, hair sleep-mussed and jaw dusted with an extensive five-o’clock shadow. He winked and heat rose up her neck and into her cheeks. She hadn’t forgotten the feel of his chest beneath her fingers or the thickness of his cock pressed against her. “Good morning.”

  Sin smiled, not trusting her tongue, and carried her purchases through the tour bus and dropped them onto her bed. They’d situated the sleeping arrangements so she had the single bedroom with a door. Normally, they rotated it, switching it out between the guys after each concert. She felt kind of bad about relegating all of them to the tiny bunks, but they’d all refused her offer to be put in the rotation.

  Now that she’d watched them climb into the tiny cabins each night, she was glad. It would have taken her at least a week to stop being terrified of collapsing the entire berth and smushing whoever got stuck beneath her.

  Having her own room took away the awkwardness of changing too. As big and spacious as the bus was, maneuvering in the bathroom was still a feat worthy of a Rubik’s cube master. Bad enough she had to shower and redress before coming back to her room. But all that was going to change tonight, at least for a few days. Now that they’d finished the arctic portion of the tour, the bus was speeding them toward the warmth of the Florida Keys. Even though she hadn’t formed a complete assessment of Geoff, the guy could certainly plan a tour. These guys had been on the road for four months straight and were all dying for a break. Apparently the rock star life wasn’t all it was cracked up to be and even the most die-hard rocker needed a break from all the booze and groupies. Something she’d never have believed if she hadn’t experienced it, and a myth she wasn’t sure she wanted to burst just yet. Every kid making his way to guitar practice probably shored up his bad days with the knowledge that women threw themselves at these guys constantly. No point in ruining the dream with a bit of fact.

  They’d been on the road now for days, and she was ready for a break too. Fun as they were, she could use a few minutes to herself.

  By the time they pulled into the hotel parking lot, tensions were running high. Even the normally jovial bus driver snapped at Tate when he tried to give directions. Sin retreated to her room. She hadn’t thought to pack a swimsuit, so her first goal was to hit the gift shop and then take her new gadgets and laptop straight to the pool so she could compile all the interviews and figure out what to do with them.

  Sun streamed through the bedroom window, casting a golden glow around the room. Sin stretched her hand toward the warm spear of light and wiggled her fingers. She was ready for a sun-drenched afternoon and some alone time.

  A knock on the door turned her head. Tate filled the narrow opening. His T-shirt clung to his shoulders. “Hey.”

  Sin smiled.

  “I’m hoping we can chat for a minute.”

  Her nipples puckered in answer. The last time they chatted he hadn’t been able to keep his hands off her or his mouth away from her skin. Part of her hoped that “chat” was code for sex. She still wanted him with a heat that nearly consumed her.

  “Sure.” Her heartbeat skipped. “Now or after we get settled?”

  Tate’s gaze lingered on her tight nipples as it caressed her body. “Later, when you have some time for me.” His voice dipped low like a slow pour of melted chocolate over her skin. She was wound tighter than a spring-loaded timer and one touch would release all that pent-up lust in one single crashing orgasm.

  Her fingers trembled, and she pressed them against her thigh. “Are you going to behave?”

  A sexy grin pulled his lips wide, revealing his straight, white teeth. “Definitely not.”

  Sin laughed. “Then meet me by the pool in an hour. You can’t get into too much trouble in public.”

  He lifted his hand and swirled his finger around her pebbled nipple. “Wanna bet?”

  The bus lurched to a stop, jostling their bodies apart. Sin backed against the wall. “See you in an hour.”

  Tate blew her a kiss.


  Sin escaped the bus and hurried to the reception desk. The harried old man checked her in and then directed her to the gift shop. Sin thanked him and gripped the straps of her purse tighter as she raced along the twisting corridors of the Tuscan-inspired hotel. At a wrought-iron set of doors, she ducked beneath the arched doorway and scanned the racks of touristy junk. At the back a ‘Clearance’ sign called her name and Sin serpentined her way to the spinner of clothes. There was only one bathing suit in her size, and it was a leopard-print bikini. She fingered the ribbon ties and shrugged. Why the hell not?

  Lifting the hanger off the rack, she grabbed an oversized sweatshirt and carried all her purchases to the front.

  This trip was turning into one giant expense after another. Surely there had to be a way to write a swimsuit off too. She smiled and handed her Visa card over to the cashier.

  Bag in hand, she wound her way through the back of the hotel and up the stairs to her room. She wasn’t sure what she’d expected, but the luxury and stateliness of the room caught her off guard. Not as big as Tate’s last suite, but oversized compared to anything she’d ever stayed in—or expected today. She dropped her purse on the ornate table and stepped to the huge sliding glass windows. Ten stories below the pool extended out in wide undulating arms, and Sin picked out the chair she was going to spend the next several hours in.

  Her swollen breasts pressed against the glass, and she swayed back and forth, rubbing her over-sensitive nipples on the cool door. Being around Tate kept her in a permanent state of arousal. She’d never wanted anyone as much as she wanted that hot body. She tugged her shirt off and dumped the new bikini on the bed. She palmed her breasts through her bra and arched her back. God, they were so heavy and ripe. Sin tweaked her nipples through the lace, then dropped her bra to the floor. Her breasts swayed and she leaned over the bed, rocking them back and forth so they rubbed together.

  Her pussy throbbed in her jeans, and she fumbled with the button then slid them off. The way Tate looked at her reminded her instantly of everything they’d done that first night in his hotel. It didn’t matter that they’d spent hours and thousands of miles together. None of the newness had rubbed off. She still wanted him. Needed him. Craved him.

  A warm blush heated her skin, and Sin dragged her hands across her belly and down, down. Slickness dampened her thighs and she dragged one finger through it, then brought it to her lips. She tasted sweet and salty at the same time. What would Tate taste like? Her pussy clenched at the thought, and she swirled her tongue over her finger and sucked, wanting it to be Tate’s.

  Her ass lifted higher into the air and pumped over and over, needing him behind her, driving that thick cock between her cheeks. Friction heated her thighs, and her fingers found her moist center again. She circled her damp curls and slipped one finger inside. The tight walls of her center clenched and begged for more, needed to be filled. So much need. Sin slipped another finger inside, and her thumb grazed across her clit. She moaned and bit her lip. Her head dropped forward, and she dropped to one elbow while her fingers worked her deep inside. Spirals of color ricocheted against each other, banging into each other with psychotic frequency. Higher and higher she drove herself. Onward and deeper. Deeper.

  Sin gasped and fell forward onto the bed, sex clenched tight around her fingers. Her thumb eased its motion and lay still beside her clit, pressing just enough to keep her orgasm going.

  She rolled over onto her back and stroked the wetness. Being around Tate was going to drive her mad. Her ass ground into the bedspread, and she dipped her middle finger lower, pressing gently until she spasmed again. Her breath came as tight panting gasps, and she squirmed on the bed. Once wouldn’t be enough, and until she had Tate’s massive cock replacing her fingers, this thrum in her body was never going to let up.

  Sitting, she jumped at the tiny friction against her swollen lips, then pressed her hips wide. The need hadn’t cleared her mind. If anything, it had only clouded it further. Tate was a drug and one she hadn’t even tasted yet. How much worse would she be if she hadn’t stuck to her guns that night and forced herself to get dressed?

  Standing, she squeezed her damp thighs together and moaned as another spiral of desire rocketed through her body. All she’d managed to do was kick her arousal into overdrive. She tugged the strings of the bikini closer and slipped the cool fabric over her skin. The bottoms instantly soaked up her wetness, and she tapped the fullness then pulled the tiny triangles of the top over her full breasts. Milky flesh spilled out the sides, and she lifted them together until her cleavage reached nearly to her chin. She dropped them and they bounced, making her giggle.

  Hopefully Tate was feeling the same need and this outfit would drive him out of his mind so he could get a small taste of what he was doing to Sin.

  She tied the sweatshirt around her hips and gathered her laptop and bag, then sauntered down the stairs, enjoying the double-takes and stares from the occasional patron as she passed.

  Her chair was still available, and she tugged it to the edge of the water so she could dip her toes in. Laptop, notebooks, and pens cluttered the one next to her. There weren’t enough people here to fill a dozen chairs, so it wasn’t a big deal if she took two.

  She hadn’t bothered to ask the guys how they were going to spend the afternoon. She’d been so ready to get rid of them that it hadn’t occurred to her that they’d all be apart for the first time. As she’d blasted off the bus, she thought she’d overheard them planning on the buffet and the card tables, which was perfect, because then she could have the whole day to herself. Hopefully they were all good enough gamblers to stay occupied until the sun went down.

  Settled in, she popped the top on her laptop and smiled at a cocktail waitress.

  “Hey, hon. Looks like you’re all set. Can I bring you a drink?”

  Sin ordered
an iced tea. Maybe this afternoon she’d have a real drink, but she didn’t need anything else playing on her inhibitions. “How about a menu?”

  “That would be great.”

  “Make that two.”

  The waitress gasped, and Sin smiled in answer. Tate slid behind her on the chaise, one leg on either side of her hips. Sin forced herself not to lean back.

  “Hey, sexy.” His breath was warm and rumbling against her ear.

  Sin licked her lips and forced the last hour from her mind. Right now she could press her ass back a handful of inches and have the thick meat of her desire right where she wanted it. Needed it.

  She inhaled and shook out her hands, then scooted forward until his skin didn’t touch any of hers. Pulling her knees up, she turned and faced him on the lounge. It wobbled but he steadied it with his legs.

  No matter how badly she wanted him, she had to remember that she was here to do a job—a job that did not involve what he kept in his pants.

  “You said you wanted to talk?” Sin rolled her eyes at how high-pitched and strained her voice sounded.

  His blue eyes smiled and traveled the length of her body, stopping an uncomfortably long time at the wet spot between her thighs. A new wave of desire flooded her suit, and she forced her hands not to cover herself up.

  Tate’s tongue darted out and licked upward like he was tasting the river of her desire. Sin needed to be three chairs over, or three hotels over, but even that might not be enough. His dick hardened and pushed up against the light-green fabric of his swim trunks.


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