Pretty When They Collide: A Novella in the Pretty When She Dies Universe (Volume 4)

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Pretty When They Collide: A Novella in the Pretty When She Dies Universe (Volume 4) Page 14

by Rhiannon Frater

  “Fucking A!” Cassandra grinned. “My backup plan is in effect, so no worries.”

  “Backup plan?” Aimee cocked her head. “You had a backup plan?”

  “Well, yeah. I knew I was coming to save you and not get that damn relic, so I started to get nervous. It’s one thing for me to put my ass on the line, but I didn’t want to risk yours more than I had to.” Cassandra shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe I was starting to doubt Scott, but I did contact an old friend of mine who is part of an organization that fights the big bad monsters of the world. I asked for him to send someone to pick us up. I didn’t want us to leave with the rental car and take the route I took coming in. I just got word that they’re almost to the rendezvous point. Which is here.”

  Aimee shifted on her feet, adjusting her tapestry bag, the beads dangling from the bottom jingling. It felt so strange to be far away from Frank and the cocoon he had trapped her in. The world felt vast and a little frightening. “And then what?”

  Cassandra shrugged her shoulders. “We go to El Paso, grab some food, then head to Dallas. We can get you a flight out of DFW to any place you want to go. I have some extra money squirreled away. It’s on me.”

  Lowering her eyes, Aimee stared at the gravel under her feet. The setting moon was huge and bright in the sky and she felt like she could see every little individual stone. “I don’t know where to go.”

  “Do you have family?” Cassandra’s voice was concerned.

  Aimee shook her head. “Not really. My family took refuge in a very religious group to hide from our enemies and disguise our bloodline. At some point my family bought into the rhetoric. They’re all kinds of crazy because they believe that to be a witch is evil. And yet that is what we are by birth.” She lifted a shoulder. “I ran away at seventeen and Frank found me. That was ten years ago.”

  The other woman’s lips parted slightly, then she looked away. “I, uh, well... okay. My friend, Dr. Summerfield, is part of that organization I was talking about. The Assembly. He told me he would take you in. Apparently, there are some dire predictions going on about something big happening soon. They could use your help.”

  Licking her lips, Aimee pondered the offer. “Are you part of the group? Will you be there?”

  Sliding off the motorcycle, Cassandra strolled to Aimee’s side, arms folded across her breasts. “Honestly, I’m seriously thinking about it. I don’t have a broker anymore and things got bad tonight. If you hadn’t been there I may have... you know.”

  Ducking her head with sudden shyness, Aimee grinned. “We’re a good team.”

  “Yeah, we are,” Cassandra agreed, her eyes twinkling, but she seemed unsettled.

  “Maybe we could join together?” Aimee suggested. Despite her attempt to not stare at Cassandra and study her every little gesture and expression, Aimee found herself doing just that. She found herself desperately wanting the other woman to show that she wanted Aimee to remain in her life.

  The dhamphir’s eyes were a warm hazel in the moonlight. Aimee loved how they seemed to change color with her mood.

  Cassandra again lifted her shoulders. “Maybe we could.”

  With a sigh, Aimee raised her eyes to the sky.

  “What is it?”

  How could she tell Cassandra how much her heart yearned to be at her side? She barely knew the dhamphir, but she wanted to know everything about her. Maybe she didn’t know the fine little details of her life, but Aimee knew that she understood Cassandra’s heart and soul in a way she never dreamed was possible with another person. Cassandra was like Aimee: full of power that she didn’t fully understand and yearning to know what it meant apart from the darkness of the vampire world.

  “Cass,” Aimee started as she met Cassandra’s curious gaze and tried not to falter


  “All I wanted for years was to be free. To escape Frank.”

  “And now you are!” Cassandra grinned at her, tucking her hands into her jean’s pockets.

  “I never even thought of where exactly I would go or what I would do. I just wanted to be free of him.” Aimee stepped toward Cassandra. “And now that I am free and I can choose where I will go and what I will do...”

  Arching an eyebrow, Cassandra said encouragingly, “Yeah?”

  Taking Cassandra’s face between her hands, Aimee kissed her tenderly. Instantly, their powers mingled, skipping across her skin with tantalizing heat. The soft warmth of Cassandra’s lips chased away the world around them. Their lips parted for a second only to be joined again in a deeper, sweeter, more passionate kiss. The pain, fear, and violence from earlier in the night were forgotten as Aimee sank against Cassandra’s lean, yet soft body.

  Brushing her hands over Aimee’s long hair, Cassandra nuzzled the side of her mouth.

  “I want to be where you are,” Aimee whispered, tears in her eyes. “I belong where you are.”

  “I know,” Cassandra answered in a husky voice. “I think I’ve known since the dream. And it’s fucking insane.”

  Staring into eyes now the color of the bluest sea, Aimee smiled lovingly. “I believe in magic, destiny, and love.”

  Cassandra laughed lightly. “Well, a few days ago I didn’t, but now I believe in you. And you’re all those things, aren’t you? Magic, my destiny, and my love.”

  Aimee bobbed her head. “Yeah, I am.”

  Again, Cassandra’s hands skimmed over Aimee’s hair, her eyes scrutinizing Aimee’s face. “I’m a little scared.”

  “I know. But it’s okay,” Aimee assured her. “I didn’t even know I liked girls until you, so this is a whole new ballgame for me!”

  Throwing back her head, Cassandra laughed. “Well, I can teach you all the rules and then how to break them.”

  Her fingers tracing Cassandra’s lips, Aimee smiled softly. This is where she belonged and she knew it with every fiber of her being.

  Headlights interrupted their moment and they stepped apart. A big van pulled up next to the motorcycle, killing the headlights. Aimee started to panic, but Cassandra let out a squeal of delight and darted around the front of the vehicle. The driver’s door flew open and a big guy with dark blond hair and a scruffy goatee leaped out and met her with a big hug.

  “Benchley!” Cassandra exclaimed. “Jeff didn’t tell me it was you coming to get us!”

  “Hey, sexy, I’m here to rescue you!” Benchley snuggled Cassandra warmly. “Are you straight yet?”

  “Nope. Still queer. In fact, this is Aimee, my new... uh...” Cassandra looked panicked all at once.

  Aimee joined them, extending her hand. “I’m her new girlfriend.”

  Cassandra grinned widely. “Yep. Girlfriend.”

  “You always get the hottest chicks! No fair!” Benchley was obviously teasing, which set Aimee at ease.

  “Cass!” A groggy female voice called out, then the back door slid open. Rubbing her eyes, a petite young woman with a boyish haircut stumbled out.

  “Alexia!” Cassandra joyfully hugged her, too. “Hey, sweetie, what’s up?”

  “My annoying big brother told me that you needed us,” Alexia answered, yawning. She gave Aimee a short wave. “Hey, I’m Alexia.”

  “I’m Aimee,” Aimee answered, feeling strangely at home.

  “So everyone get in the van before the nasties come looking for us and let’s get the hell outta here,” Benchley said, motioning to the open doorway.

  Grabbing her messenger bag, Cassandra gave the motorcycle one last, lingering look.

  Slipping her hand into Cassandra’s, Aimee nudged her with her shoulder. “We could steal it.”

  “Nah. We don’t need a reminder of that tool,” Cassandra groused, her face darkening at the mention of Frank.

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Aimee answered.

  Alexia climbed into the passenger seat, leaving the back seat to Aimee and Cass. Once inside, Cassandra slammed the door shut and settled in beside Aimee.

  “So, El Paso, then Dallas?” Benchley asked.

  “Actually, I think it’s time for me to make a visit to Dr. Summerfield. So, Austin instead.” Cassandra clasped Aimee’s hand tightly. “We’re joining up.”

  “Bad ass!” Alexia said, clapping her hands.

  “Kick ass,” Benchley agreed, pulling the van out of the parking lot. “That’s awesome news.”

  “Besides, I may need his help if my old broker, Scott, comes sniffing around. I’ve tried to keep my personal life on the down-low, but I’m worried about him possibly trying to find me.”

  “And there’s a certain asshole vampire who likes to enslave innocent supernaturals as sex slaves that I’d like to see gone from the face of the planet,” Aimee added.

  Cassandra gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “I’ll help you take him down.”

  “I volunteer, too!” Alexia twisted around in the passenger seat. “I read up on him after your call to the Doc. That Francois guy is fucking twisted.”

  “I go where the hot women go,” Benchley declared. “So lead on fearless hot leader.”

  As Benchley and his sister fell into excited conversation about the possibility of killing Frank, Cassandra leaned toward Aimee. “I’m sorry you lost everything when you left.”

  Aimee touched the gypsy-style tapestry bag. “Not everything. I managed to hold onto this. It’s incredibly important.”

  Looking curious, Cassandra studied the purse. “It’s kinda cute.”

  “No, no. Not the purse, silly. What’s inside.” Aimee tugged it off and gently opened it. Reaching inside, she withdrew a tattered book, so old it was held together with cotton string. “It’s my family’s book of shadows. This is why I ran away from them. It called to me once I turned sixteen. It invaded my dreams, called me in my waking hours, and showed me exactly where it was. I believe it’s one of a kind, possessing spells and potions that are long forgotten. Every time I open it I find a new one. It’s ancient and powerful. So powerful it masked itself from Frank. He never knew I had it.”

  “Wow.” Cassandra’s fingers hovered over the book, but she didn’t quite touch it.

  “If we’re going to be good guys and fight the bad guys, I think this will help,” Aimee said, then stowed it away.

  Scooting closer, Cassandra held Aimee’s hands. Aimee met her thoughtful gaze with her own. “Aimee, if you want to go and try to have a normal life–”

  “No.” Aimee’s tone was firm. “I belong here. I feel it. I’m home. Don’t you want me?”

  The twinkle in her eyes and rogue quality to Cassandra’s grin said it all. “In the worst way.”

  “Then stop trying to make me reconsider.” Aimee brushed her fingertips over Cassandra’s cheek. “I know what I want.”

  Cassandra grasped her hand and pressed a long, passionate kiss to her palm. “I do, too.”

  Aimee’s heart lifted at Cassandra’s words. Snuggling together, they watched the sun slowly begin to rise as the van raced toward El Paso.


  Cassandra drove up to her mother’s house and parked in the speckled shadows beneath the tall tree that loomed over the street. The drive from Austin had been uneventful, much to her relief.

  She still feared Scott more than Frank. Scott had resources and was clever in obtaining what his clients desired. Frank was powerful, but not nearly as clever as he thought he was. When she had left behind the cellphone and laptop she had used to keep in contact with Scott, she had effectively cut off her communication with him, but she was still nervous.

  Beside her, Aimee applied a little lip gloss to her lips and checked her hair in the mirror on the back of the windshield visor.

  “You’re already pretty,” Cassandra teased her.

  “It doesn’t hurt to look presentable,” Aimee answered, rolling her eyes. Clad in a colorful summer dress and flip-flops they had picked up in Austin, she looked amazing.

  Cassandra, meanwhile, was in her regular jeans, boots, and a form-fitting t-shirt with Wonder Woman on it. She flipped down her visor, checked her hair in the mirror and shrugged. It looked good and what little makeup she wore hadn’t smeared. “Fabulous and done.”

  Aimee again rolled her eyes. “Of course.”

  “Mascara and lip balm, babe. That’s all this perfect face needs.”

  “Hard to believe you were a model in Paris,” Aimee teased.

  “I can strut with the best of them. Besides, all that makeup at the shows is probably what made me hate the stuff.” Cassandra struck one of her sultry poses. “See! I’ve still got it.”

  “Oh, work it, babe!”

  Cassandra playfully shifted around in her seat, striking all the old modeling positions.

  Aimee giggled, a delightful sound.

  In the two weeks they had spent together, Cassandra hadn’t doubted for a second that they were meant to be. They fit together effortlessly and the more they learned about each other, the more firmly cemented their relationship became. Cassandra couldn’t deny that something more powerful than both of them had brought them into each other’s lives.

  “So, ready to meet my mom?” Cassandra asked.

  “Absolutely!” Aimee popped her door open and stepped out.

  Cassandra followed quickly, taking Aimee’s hand before guiding her up the walkway to the house. “Now, remember, she gets a little muddled. I told her all about you, but chances are she won’t have a clue who you are.”

  “I understand. I won’t be freaked out,” Aimee assured her.

  Tucking her arm around Aimee’s waist, Cassandra gave her a slight squeeze. “I know that, but I just feel I should–”

  The screen door banged open and Galina stepped out onto the porch. Throwing out her arms toward Aimee, she let out a cry of delight. “She’s so beautiful! She’s so perfect! I can see the magic all around her!”

  Aimee stepped toward Galina, reaching out to her. “I’m so pleased to–”

  Galina cut her off with a warm embrace. “I’m so happy you’re finally here, Aimee. Cassandra has needed you for so long.”

  Watching the two most important women in her life, Cassandra felt a lump in her throat. Galina held Aimee tightly to her, eyes closed in rapturous happiness. Opening her eyes, she reached out to her daughter, beckoning her into the embrace.

  With a smile, Cassandra joined them.

  Author’s Note

  Cass and Aimee’s story has been banging around in my head for a very long time. I’m not even sure when they entered my subconscious because they’ve been waiting patiently for quite a while to tell their story. Because of their involvement in the PRETTY WHEN SHE DIES trilogy, I had placed them on the back burner due to the first book in the trilogy’s dismal sales. In 2011, that all changed when PRETTY WHEN SHE DIES began to sell briskly and gained a following. Encouraged by its growing fandom to write the sequel, PRETTY WHEN SHE KILLS, I finally moved forward with the trilogy and reacquainted myself with the dynamic duo of Cass and Aimee.

  Though Cass and Aimee do not enter PRETTY WHEN SHE KILLS until toward the end of the book, they still play a major part in the events of the story. They will also play a larger role in the final book in the trilogy, PRETTY WHEN SHE DESTROYS.

  Fan reaction to the couple has been incredibly positive and that is a major reason why I decided to go back to the moment when the two first meet. Though the story is still one of horror (isn’t Frank an asshole?), this is probably the closest thing I have ever written to a paranormal romance.

  As you can tell from the timeline setting, when this novella takes place Amaliya is still human, Cian is dating Samantha, and Dr. Summerfield is alive. Therefore, I’m open to writing another Cass and Aimee novella if the fan reaction is positive and the sales are solid.

  I won’t lie. These two are probably my second favorite couple after Glynis and Ignatius in the Vampire Bride series. Their dynamic and chemistry is just so vibrant and real and pours off the page. Individually they are really awesome characters, but together they are magnificent.

  Therefore, dear reader, i
f you loved this novella and would like more of their adventures, I encourage you to tell your friends about it and also drop me a line. I’d love to hear from you.

  Eternally yours,



  Rhiannon Frater is the award-winning author of the As the World Dies trilogy (The First Days, Fighting to Survive, Siege,) and several other works, including the Vampire Bide series (The Tale of the Vampire Bride, Vengeance of the Vampire Bride,) the Pretty When She series (Pretty When She Dies, Pretty When She Destroys,) the young adult novel The Living Dead Boy and the Zombie Hunters and the futuristic zombie novel The Last Bastion of the Living. Inspired to independently produce her work from the urging of her fans, she published The First Days in late 2008 and quickly gathered a cult following. She won the Dead Letter Award back-to-back for both The First Days and Fighting to Survive, the former of which the Harrisburg Book Examiner called ‘one of the best zombie books of the decade.’ Rhiannon is currently represented by Hannah Gordon of the Foundry + Literary Media agency. You may contact her by sending an email to [email protected].




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