Filthy Desires: A Romantic Suspense Collection

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Filthy Desires: A Romantic Suspense Collection Page 71

by Parker, Kylie


  I’m still hiding out in my hermit hole a bit. It’s been probably five days since I’ve been anywhere but the hospital. Éclair has not called me once today, so I wonder if she has given up on me or if she is just giving it a break for a while. There is a knock on my door, and I hesitate to move because if it is Éclair I’m worried I might would actually answer it. I slither off of my couch and quietly make my way over to the door –quite confident that it’s not Éclair before I even get there because the first knock was not followed by yelling or angry banging on the door. I peep through the hole, and I see Sylvia standing patiently outside of my door. I smile.

  I open up the door, not realizing how much I must look like a bum right now, and she immediately grins and shows off her perky personality. “All right, you look like shit,” she says, laughing as she enters inside and runs her fingers through my obviously unwashed hair.

  “Oh… well, sorry,” I say, “I was not exactly expecting company.”

  Her eyes dart over to the kitchen where several days’ worth of delivery dinners are still scattered all over the place. “I suppose I should have called,” she says and spins herself around. She is wearing a bright pink running top and white tennis skirt with a bit of pink bedazzling down the leg line along with some matching running shoes. She doesn’t look like she’s been for a run, so my guess is she was headed that way and decided to stop by. “You need to get out of the house,” she says and crosses her arms.

  “I’m not really in the mood,” I admit.

  “Well, get in the mood –because from the looks of it you have been sulking around your apartment all day… days?” Sylvia rolls her eyes. “Besides, I have planned a date.”

  “Oh?” I question.

  “Go on, go get on some running shoes.” She waves me off towards the bedroom, remaining behind in the den so I don’t get any kinky ideas.

  I roll my eyes and go and get dressed. She is about as easy to argue with as Éclair, so I don’t bother. Once I’m dressed in a tank, gym shorts, and my best running shoes, I exit the bedroom ready to go. I guess athletic women is just my thing. It was always the same with Éclair –although our idea of athletic activities mostly consisted of weird shit we would do in the bedroom –but I’m pretty sure if Éclair and I had ever actually dated, going for a run would probably be something we would have done. I like running and pushing my body to new limits through activities like rock-climbing or boxing. I also enjoy being with a woman who enjoys doing those sort of things with me –well, running and rock-climbing that is, I don’t know if I would ever want to throw punches with a chick.

  Sylvia and I head out, and we enjoy a nice evening run. She leads the way, and the next thing I know we are arriving at an unopened skate park. The place is brand new and is still off-limits due to the fact that its grand opening is not for another couple of weeks, but Sylvia has a key to let us in through the gates. Apparently she is testing out the new equipment, and she has invited me along to see her in action. “Can you skateboard?” she asks, locating two boards she had stashed away earlier. She has all sorts of top of the line gear for us to use –stuff that hasn’t even hit the market yet, and I got to admit it’s kind of a turn on for a guy who is into this sort of stuff like me.

  “It’s been a while,” I admit.

  “Pussy,” she teases once she has put on her knee and elbow pads and helmet. She doesn’t give me time to think or give an adequate response before skating off towards one of the half-pipes. I go after her at about the half the speed she is going, and by the time I reach her she is doing some pretty impressive maneuvers that I know if I attempt I will land on my ass.

  “Nice.” I say and skate around half-ass on the ramps, showing her that I do know a little but lack the confidence and the ability to attempt her more experienced tricks. She zips around me on a ramp and goes up on a handrail, gliding with ease and landing with perfect grace. I grin, “You know, that is something I could never figure out.”

  “What? Handrails?” she asks.

  “Yeah. I would always fall on my ass.” I grin, not sure if I should try it or not.

  “Show me what you do, and maybe I can help you out,” she says.

  “I’m not twenty anymore. I don’t want to break my damn leg,” I say.

  As if to further the taunt, she proceeds to go back and forth on the handrail. I roll my eyes. “All right, all right –fine, but if I break my leg, you’re paying for the emergency bill.” As predicated, I trip up as soon as I get my board up on the rail, and I fall and straddle the fucking rail, collapsing over in a heap onto the concrete ground beside the rail. Damn, my balls!

  She is laughing at me, but she hurries over concerned. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry! I shouldn’t have made you do that!”

  “Nope. I’m fine. I’m fine… my pride is hurt more than anything,” I say, although a lot more than my pride is throbbing now.

  We wind up skating around for a while longer before Sylvia takes me to the parks corner offices –they’re empty, and there is a little loveseat inside. I grin, suspecting where this is going but not too hopeful just yet. “There’s a private shower in here for park security and for any future professional skaters who come here for competitions,” she says and proceeds to strip down, “And I think I could use a shower after all that.”

  Geeze, woman! I smile and tell her that I think I’m in need of one too. She makes a cheesy joke about saving water, and we both hurry into the private shower after dropping out clothes in the office. I stare excitedly as the water runs over her, and I lack all patience in this moment. I push her up against the tile wall and kiss her lips and her breasts. I nibble at her neck, and she laughs as she drapes her arms on my shoulder. Water splashes in my eyes, but I’m only blinded by it for a moment. I push my dick up inside her, and then I wrap my arms around her, lifting her up off her feet and pinning her against the tile wall as she wraps her legs around my waist. “Oh, God, James!” I hear her shout excitedly. Her breasts are at the perfect height for me to kiss and gently bite.

  I’m glad she came to get me out of the house. I manage to keep her up in the air with my body weight and one arm while my other hand reaches around her throat, choking her just a bit. I think she’s into that sort of thing, but I’m not entirely sure making the plunge. She practically screams when I do it, so I take it as a good sign. Her lips cup around mine, and I feel her tongue do this sexy flip in my mouth –it weirds me out slightly because Éclair used to do the same thing when we first started fucking around. I won’t let thinking of Éclair ruin another moment with Sylvia, though. This time I push Éclair out of my mind, and I focus entirely on Sylvia and on making her scream and beg for more.

  Just as I am really getting her going, we both hear the subtle sound of a camera phone, and we freeze. “Son of a bitch!” Sylvia shrieks, and I turn to see this teenage little shit running off.

  “Fuck!” I shout, and I turn to go after him in all my naked glory. The little punk slips in water just outside of the shower, and he winds up flat on his back with my dick just floating about as I stand over him. I grab his phone, and he jumps up to take it from me, but I snap it in half and then throw it into the wall.

  “Awe, fuck!” the kid shouts, and I grab him by his shirt collar. “Fuck man, put some pants on!” he shouts at me.

  I glare at the kid. I don’t give a shit if I’m in pants or not –I’m going to kick his little ass. I can hear Sylvia back in the shower completely freaking out about the little pervert. “Give me one reason I shouldn’t just beat the life out of you, you little creep!” I shout at the top of your lungs.

  The kid is scared out of his mind. He holds up both hands, “It-it wasn’t for me,” he tries to pull away from my grasp and I can tell he is doing everything he can to keep his eyes up and not glance down at my package.

  “What the fuck do you mean?” I ask, realizing that I hear Sylvia getting dressed in her panic. Little fucker just cock-blocked me and took a picture o
f me and my girl doing the deed in a public shower.

  “S-some lawyer paid be five hundred bucks to follow you around…” he says, “He wanted pictures of you doing anything… um…questionable…”

  “Let me guess,” I shove the kid down onto the ground, and he lands on his back, “the lawyer who paid you is the one taking on the lawsuit case, right?” The kid nods. “Cheap ass lawyer hires some random little shit off the street instead of a detective, huh?” I practically growl as I throw my pants back on, still dripping wet. I point a finger at him, “Let me tell you something right now, if I ever see you again, I’m going to break your fucking neck. You’re lucky I don’t call the cops, you little pervert. Tell your lawyer friend that if he tries to pull anymore shit like this, I’m going to put together a counter suit. Now beat it!”

  The kid runs out without collecting the broken fragments of his phone. Sylvia emerges from the shower looking incredibly distraught. I’m 100% confident that I am never going to be able to fuck this woman in a shower ever again after that. I can’t wait to call my lawyer about this bullshit; I’m sure Lillian is going to have a field day with this one.


  I awaken early the next morning with Sylvia fast asleep beside me in my bed. She had stayed over after the creepy kid had snapped our picture in the shower, but we had not wound up sleeping together. Her clothes are in my bathroom hanging up to dry after she had gotten dressed in the shower during her panic, so I know she is naked under those sheets because she had not borrowed anything to wear and had just gone to bed after arriving back at my apartment. I can’t help myself. I drop my drawers and curl up next to her. She’s sleeping on her stomach, so I crawl onto her back. She mumbles something, still half asleep.

  I kiss the back of her neck while reaching my hand down and around in front of her to play with her pussy. Her eyes stay clothes, but I can tell she’s awake by the grin appearing on her face. “James, what are you doing?”

  “Shh…” I say playfully, “Go back to sleep.”

  “Quit being a dumbass,” she says, her eyes still closed as I massage her lips and slowly work my fingers inside of her. She groans and then spreads her legs apart so that I can plow her from behind. It feels so good to be inside of her –especially after our last encounter had been interrupted by a little creep snapping our picture.

  I get going fast and hard, getting her where she needs to be. I stroke her back and kiss her neck, smothering her slightly in the pillows as I slide my dick in and out of her as quickly as I can. “You’re so damn sexy,” I tell her as she lifts her hips up slightly for me to get a better angle.

  “Harder!” she begs, so I kick it up a notch. I reach around and squeeze her breasts and do my best to make my movements fiercer for her. She lets out this deep-winded squeal, and I cum inside her and collapse on her back. Thank God –I had been holding that in since the skate park.

  We curl up together, and she plays with my fingers. We talk about some random stuff, and soon the topic of the court case comes up –it was bound to come up after finding out the lawyer had hired a kid to stalk me. I tell her I’m worried, and I tell her about my thoughts about Éclair again. She still doesn’t think that someone like Éclair would do something like this, but it’s not like she knows Éclair or anything. I know her, and it seems unlikely, but it is still present on my mind.

  “I just can’t stop thinking about it,” I say. “Eddie is hurt. Whoever did this is still walking around free. The cops have no idea who could possibly be behind this.”

  She touches my face, “Maybe we can find out together?”

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “Well, who knows you better than you?” She says, “If the cops can’t figure this out –maybe together we can? There’s got to be something they’re missing. Maybe we can find out together who hurt Eddie and who poisoned your supplements?”

  “What are you, a detective?” I question.

  “Well,” she says flirtatiously, “I do love Nancy Drew.”

  I laugh at her; I lean in and kiss her cheek. “All right, super-sleuth, if you say so.”


  I find myself sitting at the hospital yet again. Eddie is out cold, but that’s nothing new. Most of the time he is out from all of the medications. Today is going to be a pretty rough day for him; he’s going in for another surgery soon. He’s had so many surgeries I can’t keep up. The door to the room opens, and I expect to see another doctor or nurse, but much to my surprise it’s Éclair. She’s holding this silver vase full of pink flowers, and she looks embarrassed to see me.

  I’m not sure which of us is more uncomfortable –me or her. Before we have a chance to talk, a doctor appears asking me to come sign something. I run out into the hall to do so, eager to give myself a moment to think about what I’m going to say to Éclair. The doctor gives me the rundown on the latest surgery Eddie is going to have to go through, and it sounds pretty rough just like all the others he has had. After asking the man numerous questions and having him address my concerns, I sign the necessary paperwork and nervously head back into the hospital room.

  “Well, if you weren’t always such cunt-” I hear Eddies’ raspy voice speaking in the slow, monotonous tone that had become his norm since the assault.

  “Awe, shut the hell up, Eddie,” Éclair says with a slight chuckle in her voice. The two of them have never gotten along, but they are able to joke around with one another now.

  Excited to see Eddie awake, I dart over to the side of his bed right beside Éclair. “Eddie, you’re up!” I say, and it’s obvious that I am trying to contain my overwhelming enthusiasm.

  Eddie offers me this weak smile. He asks nervously, “Am I getting another surgery?” Despite the fact that Eddie had been occasionally drifting in and out of consciousness, the hospital has not really been allowing Eddie to make any decisions about himself –saying his judgement was highly impaired.

  “Yeah, man,” I say, “This one’s not that serious, though. You’ll be in and out in an hour tops.”

  Eddie looks really upset, but he doesn’t voice it. He’s been in so many surgeries now, I’m sure it’s starting to get to him. Éclair puts a hand on his shoulder, “You’ll be back to yourself before no time.” She stands and then shoots me this awkward smile. “I can’t stay, but… it was good to see you both.”

  “Yeah,” I say anxiously, “you too.”

  She is so sad acting, but I let her leave like that. I feel terrible. All she wants to do is talk to me, but I just can’t. I think I’ve finally realized that I can’t have both worlds. I can’t have Éclair and have Sylvia. I can’t keep stringing them both along. And Éclair is just so toxic for me. There is no way I could still associate with her and be with Sylvia. She tempts me, so I let her leave without saying a word. Eddie is really dazed. I try to get him to talk about what happened to him, but he can’t concentrate on one thing for more than two minutes. The doctor said that he has some minor brain damage from the assault and it is affecting both his short term and long term memory –and he is probably experiencing a bit of trauma which is why he can’t remember a damn thing from the day he was attacked. Eventually I give up trying to get him to talk about it because it really freaks him out. Instead, I just let him talk about whatever he wants to talk about between him snoozing off every five minutes.

  Nurses and doctors are coming in and out of his room a lot today since he is going to be having surgery later. There’s so much protocol they have to go through. At one point Eddie is wide awake and seeming more like himself when Sylvia comes by for a visit; she knows he is supposed to be having surgery today, so I’m glad to see that she thought to pay a visit. She smiles to see him awake, seeming surprised. I supposed with what all I’ve told her about how he has been acting she would be surprised to see him so alert. “Hey,” Eddie says, smiling, “Have we met?”

  Sylvia smiles, “No, I don’t think so... well… not when you’ve been up, at least. I’ve come here with James a few

  I give the two of them a proper introduction, and the two of them seem to hit is off very quickly. Eddie has a thing for pretty girls, so he talks her head off. “You look like that chick on the billboard down the street from Shattered INC,” he sounds high as hell when he talks, “James really likes that billboard.”

  “That is her, Eddie,” I say, and Eddie laughs his head off for a minute.

  I roll my eyes. I shoot Eddie a glare warning him not to say anything too embarrassing, and it’s just my luck that the surgeon asks to speak to me at this moment –forcing me to leave the two of them alone. Please, dear God, don’t let Eddie tell her about catching me jacking off to a photo I snapped of that billboard.

  After speaking to the surgeon, I head back into the room where I see that Eddie is asleep and Sylvia’s face is red as hell. Shit. He told her. Asshole.

  “Um… hey,” I say and smile at her –pretending that I don’t know exactly what they have been talking about, “The surgeon told me they’re delaying the surgery until tomorrow morning, so I’m probably going to head home.”

  She smiles, “Did you have your driver drop you off?”

  “Yeah,” I say.

  “Well, I have my car. I’ll go get it and meet you out front and drive you home,” she stands up, “I’m sure you want to tell him you’ll see him tomorrow, right?”

  “Yeah,” I say with a grin.

  “Okay,” she passes by me and gives me a peck on the cheek, “And don’t think you and I don’t have something to talk about, you pervert.” She winks at me, assuring me that yes he told her about the picture. Great.


  I wait around for a while for Eddie to wake up, but it is starting to seem like he is out for the night. I don’t want to keep Sylvia waiting, so I stand up to leave. As soon as I do, he stirs. “Hey,” he says weakly.


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