Filthy Desires: A Romantic Suspense Collection

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Filthy Desires: A Romantic Suspense Collection Page 103

by Parker, Kylie

  “Now…” James heaved a long, deep sigh. “I’d like to play a song that my friend here dedicated to me, a long time ago. I’m sure you all know it was a dark time for me. Part of me wished I had listened to him, but, if I had, I never would have met my wife. Bon Jovi’s ‘Keep the faith’.”

  Marcus smiled bitterly to himself, tapping the sixth string on his guitar. The quick rhythm drove Helen to shake her head, watching the veins on his hands, as James joined him for the second time. Just like earlier, the two of them sang with presence, as the flames swirled in front of them. The title provided Helen with a hint, but, she only comprehended what James meant, when she heard the lyrics of the powerful song. This time, despite the quickness of the rhythm, they both looked sad, as melodious lyrics exploded out of them…

  Mother mother tell your children

  That their time has just begun

  I have suffered for my anger

  There are wars that can't be won

  Father father please believe me

  I am laying down my guns

  I am broken like an arrow

  Forgive me

  Forgive your wayward son

  Everybody needs somebody to love

  (mother, mother)

  Everybody needs somebody to hate

  (please believe me)

  Everybody's bitching

  'cause they can't get enough

  And it's hard to hold on

  When there's no one to lean on

  Faith: you know you're gonna live thru the rain

  Lord you got to keep the faith

  Faith: don't let your love turn to hate

  Right now we got to

  Keep the faith

  Keep the faith

  Keep the faith

  Lord we got to keep the faith

  Tell me baby when I hurt you

  Do you keep it all inside

  Do you tell me all's forgiven

  And just hide behind your pride

  Everybody needs somebody to love

  (mother, father)

  Everybody needs somebody to hate

  (please don't leave me)

  Everybody's bleeding

  'cause the times are tough

  Well it's hard to be strong

  When there's no one to dream on

  Faith: you know you're gonna live through the rain

  Lord you got to keep the faith

  Now you know is not too late

  Oh you got to keep the faith

  Faith: don't let your love turn to hate

  Right now we got to

  Keep the faith

  Keep the faith

  Keep the faith

  Lord we got to keep the faith

  Walking in the footsteps

  Of society's lies

  I don't like what I see no more

  Sometimes I wish that I was blind

  Sometimes I wait forever

  To stand out in the rain

  So no one sees me crying

  Trying to wash away the pain

  Mother father

  There's things I've done I can't erase

  Every night we fall from grace

  It's hard with the world in your face

  Trying to hold on, trying to hold on

  Faith: you know you're gonna live through the rain

  Lord you got to keep the faith

  Faith: don't let your love turn to hate

  Right now we got to keep the faith

  Faith: now it's not too late

  Try to hold on, trying to hold on

  Keep the faith

  James and Marcus finished playing the old song, amid loud cheers and well-deserved applause. Helen put her hands together, realizing that the man she had only just started dating had a sensitive side. All of a sudden, she felt an uncontrollable urge to go over to him and kiss him. Before she could do so however, James addressed them once again.

  “Thanks.” He croaked. “Now, I’d like to invite my good friend, my right-hand girl, protégée extraordinaire, Ms. Michelle Adams.”

  “Thank you for the kind words, Mr. Farrell.” Michelle said in a sweet voice as she rose from the sand. “What do you guys want to play next?”

  James’s words passed Helen, unheard by her. Whatever they decided to play next did not matter. For her, the only focus that held all her attention was Marcus, stealing glances at her, as he entertained her and her friends. Her feelings for him had changed into something much deeper than a mere crush. In her eyes, Marcus embodied everything she had been looking for in a man: sensitivity, rugged looks and a calm nature.

  The night went on with more and more, older and newer songs. In spite of Michelle’s initial objections, they didn’t have to try hard to convince her to sing for them. Very soon, the young brunette was having so much fun that she would not stop. Finally, more than two hours later, the seven of them left Butterfly beach, promising to each other to repeat this, sometime in the near future. Helen’s head might have been buzzing, yet her heart was filled with content. She would ride off with her biker, in the hope that her presence would help him heal his broken heart.

  Bon Jovi, Deep Purple, Whitesnake… God, I wish I knew all those band names sooner. But, it’s ok. My Marcus will educate me. My Marcus… It sure feels good to call him that. I’d better talk to Liv tomorrow about Rick’s nephew. It’s a long shot, but I need to know if he’s had any luck hacking into the Pentagon’s database.


  Helen might have been curious about Peter’s efforts, but she knew that a somewhat crowded hotel balcony was not an ideal place to have that – potentially long – conversation. The studio where James and Michelle rehearsed was very close to their hotel. Usually, their sessions lasted hours, but, after singing for hours the night before, Michelle would not want to strain her voice. More than likely, they would not be long. Helen didn’t wish to discuss the matter in front of James and she also didn’t need to handle her friend’s questions about the night she had spent with Marcus, yet again. Therefore, she convinced Olivia to visit a beachside café in Santa Monica.

  “Alright…” Olivia started, gazing out at the ocean, as she lifted her glass to her lips. “I’d really love to know what’s going on in that little head of yours. You’ve barely said a word all morning. What’s the big emergency, Helen?”

  “First of all…” Helen drew in a sharp breath. “I think I’m in love.”

  “Well…” Olivia snorted in amusement, facing her. “You finally realized it. Better late than never, I guess.”

  “What, you knew?” Helen’s voice became high-pitched, her brows popping up as she leaned towards her. “How?”

  “From the moment I saw you crying on that balcony.” Olivia replied, easing her glass down on the table. “I mean, why else would you cry for someone? Plus, the guy’s your type. He’s handsome, he doesn’t talk much and he’s a musician.”

  “If you’re saying he’s a lot like James, trust me, he’s not.” Helen remarked, shaking her head sideways. “Sure, he’s not so talkative, but, he doesn’t have a temper. The other night, I tried to get out of bed. I accidentally kneed him in the crotch. He cried out in pain, but then, he just smiled at me and said something like: ‘Try to be more careful next time’.”

  “Yeah,” Olivia gave a short laugh. “James wouldn’t do that. What are you planning to do?”

  “What can I do?” Helen answered her friend’s question with a question, holding her hands out. “Try to enjoy it? How could I do that, knowing I’ll be leaving soon?”

  “You’re already doing something …” Olivia raised an eyebrow, “… something that could change his life. Who knows? If things go well, your biker may not have to live in the shadows for much longer.”

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you about that.” Helen stated, leaning her elbows on the table. “What’s Peter been up to?”

  “Well, he can’t hack into the Pentagon.” Olivia informed, dropping her gaze from her friend’s stare. “He said �
�without a supercomputer, it’s pretty much impenetrable’. But, he’s been digging in the dark web. He’s come up with some very controversial reports on the incident, but there’s a problem.”

  “What kind of problem?” Helen waited for her answer with bated breath.

  “All this needs to be investigated.” Olivia said with a touch of sadness in her voice. “Pete’s just a college student. We need to find a very skilled investigator, who won’t be afraid to challenge the official account.”

  “I can’t afford one.” Helen sighed, running both hands through her hair.

  “Awww, poor thing,” Olivia spoke in her most comforting voice, reaching to caress her hand. “Do you really think I hadn’t thought of that?”

  Helen’s face became slack in disbelief, her mouth open wide as she stared at her friend. Once again, Olivia had proven her love to her. Unable to force a single word out of her throat, she put her fingers over her lips, as Olivia’s smile turned into a huge grin.

  “I talked to James about it, yesterday morning.” Olivia went on. “He said he’d been thinking about Marcus’s case, since they saw each other on our wedding. He’s found an investigator. His name is Dan Warrick. I’ll ask Peter to contact him today and hand over everything’s he’s found so far.”

  “I can’t thank you guys enough for this.” Helen said, her voice a soft whisper, as she felt tears rising up in her eyes.

  “Anything for my friend,” Olivia uttered in a whisper as well when she placed her hand over Helen’s. “I pray this goes well; for both of your sakes. Marcus has been on the run for too long and you? You deserve all the happiness in the world.”

  At that point, Helen’s phone rang. It was her mother.

  “Hey, mom. What’s up?”

  “Hi, sweetheart. All is fine here.” Debbie’s voice came out somewhat faint. “How about you?”

  “Not much has changed since last night. Mom, you sound a little off. What is it?”

  “Nothing important, pumpkin.” Debbie put a little force in her voice, before her sigh sent shivers of worry through her daughter. “It can wait. Don’t you worry, ok?”

  “Mom!” Helen raised her tone. “What is it?”

  “Like I said, it’s nothing urgent. You take care, child. Bye.”

  “Ok, something’s seriously wrong.” Helen murmured, tossing her cell phone across the table.

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” Olivia’s smile vanished, as she leaned closer to her friend. “What do you think it is?”

  “I don’t have a clue.” Helen shrugged her shoulders. “She said it’s not urgent. She picked one hell of a time to call me, that’s for sure.”

  “What are you going to do?” Her friend’s question was the one she had been asking herself, since the moment she hung up the phone. Helen might have been having the greatest time on this trip, spending her time with her friends and Marcus; but, in her mind, that question only had one answer.

  “I’m going back to Shandaken,” she announced. “I’m worried about them.”

  “What?” Olivia screeched. “Really? Because of a hint?”

  “Liv, they’re my family!” Helen exclaimed. “What am I supposed to do, turn my back on them? And it’s not just a hint. My mother never talks like that, unless something’s gone seriously wrong.”

  “It’s your call, Helen.” Olivia clenched her jaw. “I’m fine with it, but, what about Marcus? How are you going to tell him?”

  “I’ll figure it out.” Helen stated, her heart sinking at the thought of her conversation with him. “Let’s just go back to the hotel.”


  The unexpected turn of events sent Helen’s heart into a downward spiral. Very soon, she would have to say “goodbye” to her friends and Marcus alike. She hoped that the problem between her parents was minor and that she would return to Los Angeles as quickly as possible, but Helen couldn’t deny to herself that resolving it could likely require a lot of time. There was a good chance that she would not be able to join her friends again, at least not until Michelle’s tour was over. Nevertheless, even if Helen decided to ignore her mother’s words, she could not enjoy herself, knowing that there was a problem back in Shandaken. Despite the fact that the everyday routine in the small town had tired her, she loved her parents fiercely and she wanted to stand by them in this dark hour.

  Helen and Olivia found Michelle and James in the living room of their suite, laughing and obviously having a good time.

  “There you are!” Michelle cheered, pointing up at Olivia. “Where have you guys been?”

  “Santa Monica.” Olivia said with a sigh. “How was the rehearsal?”

  “Awesome!” Michelle winked at her. “I think we’re ready for tomorrow night. Helen, can I talk to you for a second? In private?”

  “Oh, God…” Helen let out a huff of exasperation, crossing her arms over her chest, as she sauntered towards the glass French doors. “What is it, Michelle?”

  “Are you ever going to tell me what happened between you two in his apartment?” The whispering voice in her ear brought a bitter smile to her face.

  “Now’s not the time.” Helen said softly as she stared down at her feet.

  “But, it’s never the time!” Michelle complained in her squeaky voice. “Come on! You’ve been dodging this conversation since yesterday!”

  “Damn it, Michelle!” Helen cried, whipping her head left to glare at her. “Feel the tone! I can’t talk about this kind of stuff when I’m…” Her voice broke, as she bit her lower lip. She tore her gaze away from her friend’s startled face and looked out the glass doors, struggling to fight back her tears.

  “I’m sorry.” Michelle whispered, reaching up to put her arm around Helen’s shoulders. “I just wanted to gossip. What’s the matter?”

  “I...” Helen croaked, as a tear streamed down her cheek. “I have to leave L.A. Something’s going on back home.”

  “Oh, no,” Michelle whispered in despair, tightening her hold around her. “You’re going back?”

  Helen murmured assent, before her friend leaned over, stroking her shoulder as she laid a soft kiss on her cheek.

  “Is there anything I can do to change your mind?” Michelle asked in a mellow voice.

  “I’m really sorry.” Helen said on a hard exhale. “They’re my family, Michelle. They need me there.”

  “We need you here, too.” Michelle whispered. “What am I going to do without my personal assistant? Who’s going to lift my spirits if you leave?”

  “Come on…” Helen admonished with a small smile on her face, as she turned her head to the left to face her. “You don’t need me, girl. Besides, Liv is here.”

  “I’m not as good at giving pep talks as you.” Olivia interjected mildly as she walked up to them. “I hate to say it, but…” she paused, “I respect your decision. Family comes first.”

  “Thanks a lot, Olivia.” Helen muttered.

  “Why don’t you turn around, blondie?” The sweetness in Olivia’s tone was too hard for Helen to resist. She obliged, but she would not raise her eyes to Olivia’s. Before she knew it though, Olivia had circled her arms around her back. “Don’t cry. You will come back. Have you told Marcus yet?”

  “No.” Helen sniffled, easing out of her embrace. “I still haven’t figured out a way to tell him.”

  “I’m afraid we’ve just saved you from the trouble.” James’s stentorian voice forced her gaze to the left, as he emerged from the kitchen. “He called me. He overheard Olivia saying ‘Helen’s leaving’. He asked me; I couldn’t lie to him. I’m sorry. We messed up.”

  “I can’t get mad at you, James.” Helen told him. “Or you, Olivia. You’ve been amazing to me. I’m kind of relieved he knows, really. What did he say?”

  “Well, not much.” James smirked, slipping his hands into his pockets. “He just said he’d come over tonight.”

  “When?” Helen asked in a high-pitched voice. “He gets off from work pretty late.”

what he said.” James continued. “Have you booked a flight yet?”

  “Not really.” Helen replied, wiping her tears off her face. “Damn it. I need to start packing.”

  “Aren’t you going to miss this sweet little face?” Michelle teased her, hugging her from behind. “All the squeaky little noises she makes when she’s upset are just adorable.”

  “I am.” James confessed with a firm nod. “But, I agree with Olivia. Family’s the most important thing in the world. Helen, let me know if there’s anything I can do to help. Now, excuse me. I need to go over my sheet music.”

  “This is so weird.” Michelle spoke in a low voice, as James made his way to the bedroom. “I’ve never seen him so calm. He doesn’t even yell when I make mistakes at the rehearsals. Mr. Grumpy has lost his will to bitch about things.”

  “Actually, I call that the ‘Olivia’ effect.” Helen smiled, looking down at her over her right shoulder. “He’s been a lot different since they got back together.”

  “Thank you.” Olivia bowed before them. “Finally, someone noticed.”

  “Let’s give her a hand with packing.” Michelle suggested, dropping her arms. Helen looked around her, in the hope that this would not be the last time she would be in that luxurious suite. However, even if she couldn’t manage to return to the city of angels, the young blonde would take many happy memories with her. The few days she had spent there had been full of fun, music, emotion and passion. Helen had been blessed with the good friends that she had made and, although she would be separated from them for a while, she would always remember this vacation.

  Keep your chin up. Ok, it’s awful that I have to leave, but it’s not the end of the world. You’ll see them again. Who cares if it’s in New York, Shandaken or anywhere else? I am dying to know what in the world is going on back home. Patience, Helen. You’ll soon find out.


  Helen called the airport and booked a ticket on the next available flight to New York. Happily for her, she would get to spend one more night with Marcus, as her plane was scheduled to depart the following afternoon.


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