Earth (Vetrix)

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Earth (Vetrix) Page 19

by Bill Bush

  ”That's the first thing she's said that I believe,” Jake commented.

  ”They're still blaming the Gudes!” General Jaxxen raged. “I have to get out there and help my men.”

  ”We all do,” Fox added.

  ”I have a better idea.” Bruce muted the report. “I have a room set up as a command center. General, you can contact your men and direct them from there. I suggest the rest of your men stay here. We are well protected and everyone will be safe.”

  ”But we have to…” Fox started.

  Bruce put up his hand. “I know you want to get out and fight, but the fact is you only have one spaceship. I think it's a better strategy to remain here. If this goes badly and the Snaders get their spaceships to earth, we are going to be all that is left to defend this planet.”

  ”He's right,” the general relented. “We're the group of last resort. Show me to the command center.”

  Chapter 47

  Since they had Anna, the adults let Flipper, Allison, Josh, Jake, Alya, and Chase walk her through a cave that was attached to the compound. Bruce assured the parents the kids were safe. There wasn't much to see and when the kids returned Dee and Lavon audibly breathed a sigh of relief.

  ”What's that smell?” Alya sniffed her nose in the air.

  ”I don't smell anything,” Chase said.

  ”I smell it too,” Allison agreed.

  ”Me too,” added Jake.

  Alya pointed at Josh's feet. “You have something on your shoe.”

  Josh put a hand on Flipper's shoulder and crossed his leg to examine the bottom of his shoe and the smooth, brown substance attached to it.”

  Alya covered her face with both hands. “Eww!”

  ”It's not me,” Josh insisted.

  ”That's gross! Go clean it up!” Allison ordered.

  Flipper reached toward the blob and everyone gasped. He drug his finger through it and took a whiff, tasted it with the tip of his tongue, then licked his finger clean.

  ”Blake William!” His Mom shouted.

  His Aunt Lavon ran from the room shouting, “I'm going to be sick!”

  The kids all busted up laughing.

  ”It's just peanut butter,” Flipper announced.

  Chase collapsed on the floor laughing. Even Bruce and Tori got a chuckle out of the prank.

  General Jaxxen, Fox, and Dell came into the room with long faces and the laughter died off quickly. Flipper didn't need an explanation to know that things were not going well.

  ”The first of the Snader spaceships made it to earth. We're delaying their attack on earth but that's all we can do.”

  Flipper was too stunned to feel anything. Josh's mom broke down sobbing. Several sat on the floor to absorb the news.

  ”What can be done?” Dennis asked.

  ”We'll do as much damage as we can and delay them as long as we can, but we need to start considering a strategy for when they settle on this planet.”

  Flipper yelled and pointed to one of the screens on a side wall. “Hey, it’s Nicole!”

  Nicole was blindfolded and gagged, with her hands tied behind her back. She was on her knees. Two secret service agents stood on either side of her, one with a syringe in his hand.

  “Turn it up,” General Jaxxen ordered.

  Immediately the volume became louder.

  President Charles stepped in front of the camera. “I trust that whoever is responsible for sabotaging our plans today is watching. I also have no doubt that this lady is part of your group.”

  She took a step back, out of sight of the camera. The secret service man stabbed the needle into Nicole’s neck. He pushed the contents of the syringe into her body, then pulled it out. President Charles stepped back in view to address the camera again.

  “We just injected your friend with the poison. If the Gudes' leader shows up and surrenders to me before she dies I will allow the antidote to be injected and her to go free. If not, well, then she will die.”

  The camera went blank.

  “We have to go after her!” Jake exclaimed.

  “We can’t go on her terms, though,” Fox said.

  “Even if we meet her demands there is no way she will let Nicole go,” Dell injected.

  General Jaxxen let out a big sigh. “I would gladly trade my life for Nicole’s. But Dell is right. We can’t trust the President to release Nicole.”

  “There’s another way,” Allison said.

  “Your dreams?” Alya asked.

  “Yes. I have the antidote inside of me. I could dream and find Nicole, then give her the antidote.”

  “But you can’t bring her back with you, can you?” Josh asked.

  “No, but it could buy us some time,” Fox said.

  “What if there was a way we could get Nicole to teleport out of there?” Eric asked.

  “It’s not safe to teleport anywhere,” Fox said. “How could we possibly get her out from right under the President’s nose?”

  “It’s a long shot,” Eric said. “But if I could take the technology that allowed us to teleport safely among the spaceships and put it in liquid form, we could inject it into Nicole and it might give her one chance to safely teleport.”

  ”Doesn't she need Snader blood to teleport?” Flipper asked.

  ”True! And once Allison provides her with the antidote she will have a little Snader blood in her,” Eric explained.

  “Is it possible? Can you do it?” General Jaxxen asked.

  “Like I said, it’s a long shot. But I think I can do it. I need to get back to my lab, and I’ll need a few hours.”

  ”I've got everything you need here,” Bruce said.

  General Jaxxen took charge. “Bruce, show Eric your lab and you two get to work.” He looked at Allison's parents. They nodded their consent. “Allison, make yourself sleepy. I need to get back to the battle. Fox, Dell, you two make a plan to rescue Nicole.”

  Chapter 48

  ”Do you think you can take the syringes with you when you dream.”

  It was a fair question from Alya.

  Allison shrugged. “I returned with the ice pack so surely I can take something.”

  Flipper saw the concern on his cousin's face. He desperately wanted to help, but that seemed to mean staying out of the way.

  “The Dreamers on Vetrix have always been able to carry items into their dreams,” Fox said.

  ”The syringe marked A is the antidote and the one marked B is the teleporting agent.” As Eric explained, her mom wrapped the syringes to her shin and pulled her jeans down to conceal them. “It's okay if you don't remember which is which — just get them both injected into Nicole. She won't be able to teleport if you don't get the antidote with the Snader blood into her.”

  Allison nervously nodded. “What if she's unconscious?”

  ”Try to wake her. If you don't speak with her she won't know she might have the ability to teleport.” Eric emphasized the word might. “Keep in mind, even if she doesn't teleport back, at least you are going to save her life from the poison.”

  ”I'll wake you up the minute Nicole arrives,” Flipper assured her.

  Allison smiled. “Thanks.”


  Allison knew Nicole would be sick, but she wasn’t prepared for how bad she looked. Nicole lay on her side, sound asleep. Her breathing was heavy and labored. Her face was bright—almost a pink color. Although Allison thought it was cold in the room, Nicole was drenched in sweat. Allison teared up.

  She reached down and lightly touched Nicole. She startled and sat straight up. Her sudden movement made Allison flinch and almost scream.

  “Nicole, it’s me—Allison.”

  “What are you doing here? How did you get in here?”

  “I’m dreaming,” Allison said. “We found an antidote to the poison and I'm here to give it to you.”

  “What kind of antidote?” Nicole asked.

  “It’s my blood,” Allison said. “Because I am part Snader, Gude, and human my blood fights of
f the poison.”

  Nicole tried to say something, but it didn’t come out coherent.

  “Nicole, just relax. I am going to make you better.”

  Allison removed the syringes from her leg. She uncovered Nicole and rolled up her sleeve. Nicole’s hands and arm looked just like her face—bright and pink.

  “You’re going to feel a poke.” Allison jabbed the needle into Nicole’s arm and Nicole bolted upright again.

  “It’s okay.” Allison helped her lie back down and turn on her side. “Okay, Nicole, another poke.” Allison jabbed the needle into the back of Nicole’s neck. She released the serum inside the needle and pulled it out.

  “Nicole, you need to get out of here. I gave you a serum that Eric developed that will help you to safely teleport. Go to Fox and they will take care of you.”

  “What about you?” Nicole asked.

  Allison smiled. “I am there too, asleep, remember? Flipper will wake me up as soon as you return, then I'll help nurse you back to health. You’re going to be just fine now.”

  Nicole took Allison’s hand. “Thank you.”

  With those words, Nicole disappeared.


  Although the room was full of people and lit up brighter than the Vegas strip from all the television screens, it was quiet, except for a few shuffling feet, including Flipper's. He paced, alone. As he passed screen after screen along the wall, oblivious to their existence, he anxiously flipped a plastic coat hanger he had borrowed from E.T … .Bruce … grandpa? Okay, it would take him a while to warm up to grandpa.

  What was he doing to help? Nothing! And he was the key to defeating the Snaders. Why wasn't General Jaxxen using him like he had on Vetrix. He knew he could beat the Snaders again, he just needed the opportunity.

  Fox burst out of the command center yelling. “Wahoo!”

  Dell and General Jaxxen closely followed.

  ”What is it?” Dennis asked.

  ”The Snaders retreated!” Dell proclaimed.

  ”What?” most everyone voiced.

  ”Why?” Jake asked.

  General Jaxxen shrugged. “We don't know the reason; it's the strangest thing. But they did, they're gone!”

  ”A special announcement!” Alya shouted.

  ”Good evening. As most of you know I am Vice President Langston. Or was, until thirty minutes ago when I was sworn in as President. President Charles is missing and presumed dead, as are most of her cabinet members. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family and the families of those missing as well as all who have lost their lives today.

  ”The good news is that the threat is over. All spaceships that had been traveling toward the earth have reversed course and are no longer a threat to our planet. This is in thanks to the brave fighting on our behalf by our friends, the Snaders. They have selflessly protected our planet from the Gudes. We are safe … for now.

  ”Unfortunately there is some reality we are forced to deal with in the aftermath. During the battle some of the spaceships made their way to earth causing substantial damage. We will evaluate the extent of that damage in the upcoming days. Structures and cities will be rebuilt, but the lives of those lost can never be replaced. Our deepest condolences to those who lost loved ones today.

  ”We won the battle today but the world also experienced a significant defeat. The water systems worldwide have been polluted with a substance that, although it is harmless to us humans, is deadly to the Snaders. It's with deep regret that I announce all Snaders that have survived are in the process of leaving our planet. I know many of you are happy to see all alien life go. But I must remind you that if it weren't for the Snaders, humans may be on the verge of extinction.

  ”This brings us to the issue of the Gudes. Although most fled Earth, we have reason to believe small bands remain. We can tell you that the Gude captured yesterday after poisoning the water system did not act alone. We have released photos of the group that helped her in that horrendous act. It is imperative that if you see them, or anyone with violet skin, to notify the authorities immediately. Let's come together to defeat the evil among us and to rebuild. Thank you.”

  The excited chatter that began halfway through President Langston's speech died immediately when every screen in the room showed the images of the fugitives being hunted worldwide. Along with Nicole, pictures of Fox, Dell, General Jaxxen, Jake, Alya, Chezlor, Eric, Flipper, and Allison wallpapered every screen in the room.

  ”What did she mean that the water is polluted against Snaders?” Fox asked. “I thought the antidote saved all species?”

  Everyone stared at Eric, who shifted his weight from foot to foot. “I didn't say anything because I didn't think it would work, but I took Allison's blood and manipulated it to only work for Gudes and humans.”

  ”How on Earth did you do that?” General Jaxxen asked.

  ”I reversed what I knew about the Snaders technology. They create things that only work for them. I created the antidote to not work for them.”

  ”Brilliant!” Dell declared.

  ”President Charles must have figured out what Eric had done and that's why the Snaders are fleeing,” Flipper surmised.

  ”That means all the hybrids and Snaders will either die from poisoned water or flee,” Jake cheered.

  ”The Earth will truly be Snader-free,” Chezlor chimed in.

  ”That means the water is deadly for Flipper, Allison, Lavon, and me!” Dennis' face was red. Flipper had never seen his dad this angry.

  ”My theory was that with the human and Gude blood your family could safely ingest the water,” Eric assured them.

  General Jaxxen injected. “My guess is that President Charles fled Earth. Surely the reason for such a rash action was her discovery that the water would kill her.”

  ”What's going to happen to us?” Flipper asked.

  ”We'll talk about it,” Dennis said.

  Bruce smiled. “I hope your dad and aunt will agree to stay here. We have more than enough room and this place makes an excellent central point to maintain contact with the Gudes. You are welcome to stay here as long as you like,” he said to General Jaxxen.

  ”But won't we susceptible to the poisonous water?” Allison asked.

  Eric hung his head. “I'm sorry, but that is a possibility.”

  ”We aren't going to drink the water if it's possible it will kill us,” Dennis said.

  Flipper gaped at his dad, then Eric. “We can't live on Earth any more?”

  ”You can have my water-maker. It will keep you supplied. I'll help Bruce install it so it naturally supplies you with fresh, safe water indefinitely.

  Dee firmly squeezed her husband's hand. “Even if the water is safe for you and Flipper, we can't live out in the open.” She struggled to continue. “Everyone thinks Flipper and Allison are criminals.”

  Dennis and Lavon looked at each other and nodded.

  ”It doesn't look like we have much choice,” Dennis relented.

  ”What about Dyson?” Josh asked.

  Fox placed his hand on Dyson's shoulder. “I'm sorry.”

  Dyson was unusually mellow. “I request that you return me to Roswell. I would like to return to my former colony so I can warn those remaining.”

  ”Certainly,” General Jaxxen readily agreed. “And we'll make sure you have a safe place to settle with them.”

  ”Thank you.”

  Suddenly Nicole appeared. Dell and Alya were the first to her.

  Flipper turned away. He couldn't handle seeing her like that. He immediately felt horrible since she spent so much time nursing him when he lost the use of his legs after fighting FireKing.

  ”Is there somewhere we can make her comfortable?” Dell asked.

  ”Yes, follow me. I have a medical facility where she can rest comfortably and we can treat her accordingly.” Bruce led the way.

  Dell easily picked Nicole up and followed Bruce from the room.

  ”I need to wake up Allison!” Flipper suddenly remembered. He
ran to her room and threw on the lights. He froze in disbelief. Allison was gone.


  Allison woke up stiff, like she had been asleep all day.

  She sat up and looked around. She was in a small room she had never seen before.

  The room glowed, a bright red-orange color. The walls, floor, ceiling—everything glowed.

  Where one had not been apparent, a door opened. President Charles stepped into the room carrying a tray of food and the door closed behind her.

  President Charles obviously enjoyed the look of astonishment on Allison’s face.

  “Where am I?”

  President Charles set the tray on the table in the corner of the room. “You are in a spaceship.”

  “What?!” Allison didn’t believe it. “But you're President…”

  ”Not any longer. With the water poisoned I had to flee.”

  ”I don't believe this.”

  “After that little stunt you pulled ruining our poison with your antidote, I knew you would show up to help Nicole. You were the only one who could get to her.”

  “What are you talking about?” Allison asked, shaking her head in disbelief. “The rescue was a trap?”

  “Exactly. I expected you to inject Nicole with the antidote, not rescue her.” President Charles shrugged. “So she got away. I would gladly trade her to get you, my dear.”

  “But how come I didn’t wake up back where I went to sleep?”

  “We locked Nicole up in a special room designed to capture you.”

  “But I have Snader blood. I escaped out of a similar room that Red had built.”

  “Yes, we know all about that. After your escape from Red our scientists redesigned the room so that it could also capture Snaders. We didn’t know if it would work until you showed up. I would say it works rather nicely. Wouldn’t you?”

  “What do you want with me?” Allison demanded.

  “We want to study you,” President Charles said. “We want to understand why you and your cousin are the way you are.”

  “You mean because we have Snader, Gude, and human blood?”


  “How are you going to do that?” Allison asked.


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