New Title 1

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New Title 1 Page 20

by Thomas DePrima

  Captain Gavin returned to the Prometheus after spending much of the day touring the facility and recording the information that he needed to complete his report to Space Command. Jenetta returned to her office after he left, and called up her messages. Knowing that she'd be lucky to get to bed before 2400 hours again tonight, she took a short break to feed her pets and spend a little time grooming them before resuming work.

  Jenetta was so busy handling a myriad of details that she hardly realized the passage of another week. The computer problems had finally all been resolved, and the new base was receiving daily data streams that kept the base computer up to date with everything happening in Galactic Alliance space. There were actually a number of channels dedicated to the same stream, broadcast at different time intervals. If something caused an interruption in the transmission, the computer would automatically seek to replace the corrupted packet with one from another channel until the data was complete and accurate. The IDS streams included broadcasts from hundreds of news and entertainment stations on a dozen worlds, and these entertainment programs were stored and rebroadcast on demand throughout the station.

  The reassignment phase of staffing the station was going well. Almost seventy-five percent of the base's staff were now 'assigned until relieved by the arrival of a replacement'. Staffing the base was decimating the crews of the ships in the task force, but it couldn't be helped. Each ship would lose about twenty-eight percent of its complement. That wouldn't be enough to hinder operations in any way, but much of the crew would be working extra duty hours each week.

  The renovation work in the housing quarters was progressing well, with almost sixty percent of the rooms now repainted and re-furnished. Because of the damage caused by the Raiders, Jenetta estimated that she would have only about eight-thousand rooms available for normal occupancy. The other two-thousand would have partial furniture, or no furniture, until new could be procured or the old could be repaired. The top six floors of the habitat were devoted to living quarters, and walls had been erected in corridors to divide the floors into four distinct and separate vertical sections, each having its own bank of elevators. One section was designated for civilian use and another for bachelor officer quarters. The other sections were designated for crew quarters and family quarters.

  The prisoners were growing restless, cooped up as they were in the warehouses, and fights were becoming more common, despite the certain knowledge that those involved would be stunned by Marine guards armed with stun rifles. Although the beam was quite narrow, there had been instances of innocent bystanders being stunned, so whenever a fight broke out, the nearby prisoners scattered quickly away. This sometimes led to new fights as people collided or got trampled. Most of the fighting was limited to Warehouse Three, the place where all recalcitrant prisoners were placed. Anyone responsible for starting a fight was immediately moved into W3, so the other warehouses were comparatively calm and trouble free. Still, Lieutenant Commander Novotny was kept busy responding to complaints and charges from the prisoners against their fellows. Novotny had placed large monitors in the corners of each warehouse, and selected movies and entertainment specials were being rebroadcast. Sports were limited to non-contact sports because an early re-broadcast of a football game had resulted in a general melee among viewers, many of whom were fans of one side or the other. None of the participants in that incident had been moved to W3 because it would have immediately overcrowded that warehouse.

  The base's exterior defenses had been checked, improved where possible, and greatly expanded. A dozen self-loading torpedo launchers had been added to supplement the laser arrays that the Raiders had mounted on the asteroid's surface, and the number of laser arrays had been tripled by salvaging weapons from the ships destroyed in the initial action at the habitat. More, and better, sensors had been added as well. There was a lot to be said for having the best engineering talents from half a dozen ships available for your use, even if it was only temporary, and Jenetta made the most of it.

  When Jenetta received orders to report aboard the Prometheus for a meeting of ship's captains at 1000 hours, she presented herself at the designated conference room at the designated hour. Although she didn't hold the rank of captain, her position as base commander dictated inclusion in this select group. Several captains were already present, and she took her chair after preparing a cup of coffee.

  Gavin arrived a couple of minutes before the appointed time and welcomed the attendees individually. At 1000 he took his seat at the head of the conference table and began the meeting.

  "We've all received our new orders by now. You'll each have specifics not available to me, but basically, Prometheus, Geneva, Ottawa, and Song will be leaving here within a week. The Asuncion and the Thor will remain at the base until other ships arrive in relief and they receive orders to embark on patrol.

  "Space Command has now officially designated this base as Stewart Space Command Base. It's being named after Admiral Phillip S. Stewart, one of our earliest space pioneers. If we were closer to the center of Galactic Alliance territory, there would be a ribbon cutting, dozens of politicians giving long-winded speeches, and hundreds of news reporters providing coverage of the event. But since we're so far away, and in hostile space, such activities are suspended. The news agencies have been apprised via press release that we've secured this base from the Raiders and been informed of the new name.

  "If it was feasible, Space Command would leave five ships here to protect this important base, but we all know the situation. Commander Carver is in the unenviable position of trying to develop this base while guarding thousands of Raider prisoners with minimal staff levels. Before any ship can leave, it will be necessary to complete the formal reassignment of loaned personnel to Stewart. I'm sure that your Space Command orders mentioned that new base personnel are already on their way in several ships, and that you'll get your people back as soon as possible. We'll all have to make do for awhile.

  "Commander Carver's staff has completed an inventory of everything in the warehouses. You can access the supply database, and submit your supply requisitions through her office. The ships on their way here include quartermaster supply ships and, once they begin arriving, Stewart should be able to supply anything not currently available.

  "Should you receive a distress call from this base, I know that you'll return with all due haste to assist in its defense. Before this base was captured by the Colorado, I had been notified that Dixon would be our new home port. Following the seizure, Space Command re-designated this base as the new homeport for both the Prometheus and Thor. I'm sure that other reassignments will be made in the next few months. That's all I wanted to announce, so the meeting is open for discussions."

  "Larry," Captain Yung of the Song began, "there's been quite a bit of scuttlebutt about the Colorado. The main area of speculation centers on how a disabled scout ship could wind up being three-hundred light-years away from its host ship? Are you free to clear up the mystery now?"

  "I can say that the Colorado wasn't disabled until it reached this area. Prior to that it was under full power."

  "But why was it so far from the Prometheus?"

  "An unfortunate mechanical problem left the ship without communications or sensors, while the drive system was locked. The chief engineer believed that disengaging the drive would destroy the drive circuitry, requiring substantial time in a yard to repair. Commander Carver wanted the engineers to definitely determine that there was no other way to disengage the drive before giving orders that would incapacitate the ship."

  "Shouldn't you have been trailing the ship during its tests?"

  Gavin sighed slightly. "Okay, here's the story. It's still classified top secret, and Supreme Headquarters has to be the one to officially declassify the information, but it's too significant and too widely known to really remain secret for long anyway. However, you should still treat it as such and not repeat what I'm going to say. I'm only telling you now because without the facts, the
Commander and I come off looking like incompetent fools.

  "Commander Carver and the crew of the Colorado traveled the three-hundred-fifteen light-years in twelve and a half days. When the ship engaged its FTL drive, it disappeared from our sensors so quickly that we at first thought it had exploded. It was only after a close examination of the image logs that we discovered what had actually occurred."

  The room was silent for a few seconds as most of the officers turned to stare at Jenetta while they computed the speed in their heads. Captain Crosby of the Ottawa was the first to speak.

  "I heard the rumors that the Colorado had exceeded Light-7500, but I had dismissed them as fantasy. If it was anyone but you relating these facts, I would laugh."

  "There's nothing laughable about Light-9750," Captain Yung of the Song said. "I never thought that such speed would be achieved. The theorists have said that the most we could ever expect to achieve is Light-862."

  "A couple of centuries ago, theorists said that we'd never exceed the speed of light," Gavin said. "And before that, theorists said we've never break the sound barrier. And before that, people believed the Earth was flat. The officially computed speed is Light-9793.48, but we've simplified that to just 9790. I concur with you, Charles. I never expected that such speed would be realized either; at least not in my lifetime. The Colorado was only rated at Light-450 Plus, and the top speed was to be listed officially as Light-225. The trip that brought her here was to be a test of the ship at full power. Something unexplained happened that we may not be able to reproduce in the near future, but we now know that it's possible. If it can be done once, it can be done again. My orders are to return the Colorado to the ship yards so the scientists and engineers there can try to figure out exactly what happened."

  "Sir," Jenetta said, "that means that you'll be gone for two years. Space Command can't seriously be considering removing such an important part of our protective shield for that long."

  "Our orders are specific, Jen. We're to deliver the Colorado to Dixon with all possible haste. A special transport ship, with destroyer escorts, will meet us there to take the Colorado on to the shipyard. We'll return here upon completion of that mission. We should be back in twenty months."

  "The drive wasn't severely damaged, because the anti-collision system shut it down. Why not try sending the Colorado back the same way? The Prometheus can always shuttle the ship if it fails to achieve Light-9790."

  "Space Command specifically ordered me not to try that. They don't want to intentionally risk having the ship travel that far without any control, and if the collision avoidance system should shut down the drive months from the nearest SC ship, the Raiders might have an opportunity to destroy the Colorado before the scientists get to examine it."

  "Commander Carver is correct," Captain Payton of the Thor said, "that losing your ship for almost two years will place an additional hardship on this and the surrounding sectors; especially since the Thor is ordered to remain at the base."

  "It can't be helped. Identifying what caused the speed anomaly could revolutionize space travel. Think of it. We could travel the length of the galaxy in less than eleven years, instead of the two hundred seventy five that it would currently take in the Prometheus or Chiron. For the first time, travel to another galaxy within a lifetime seems possible, with the use of stasis sleep. Travel to Andromeda would only take two hundred thirty years instead of the current five thousand four hundred years."

  The captains at the table nodded without remarking. No attempts to travel to another galaxy had ever been made, or even seriously contemplated before. The speed that the Colorado had achieved could open the universe to exploration if it could be duplicated and brought under control.

  The meeting lasted for another half-hour, but Jenetta only listened half-heartedly. Until today she thought that she might be able to rejoin the Prometheus in as little as six months, if Supreme HQ had selected and dispatched a base administrator for Stewart before the first troop transports and quartermaster ships left. But it now seemed clear that she would be stranded on the base for almost two years, whether a new base commander arrived with the first group of personnel, or not. Although disappointed, she resolved before the meeting was over to put her personal feelings aside and perform her assigned duties to the best of her abilities.

  The Ottawa was the first ship to depart Stewart SCB. With its stores restocked from the base warehouses, it left to resume its patrol duties. The Geneva was the second to leave, also restocked and able to remain out for up to five years if necessary. Most ships tried to get into port at least once a year to replenish their fresh food supplies, since one year was about the longest that most fresh foods could be preserved at peak freshness levels. After that, the mess had to rely either on frozen foods, or synthesizers that could create acceptable imitations. But with Stewart being so far from the regular supply sources, it would be impossible to stock most fresh foods, and frozen foods would become the norm.

  Jenetta was working in her office a few days after the Geneva left on patrol, when Lieutenant Ashraf buzzed her to inform her that Trader Vyx was in the outer office, requesting to see her.

  "Send him in, Lori."

  Trader Vyx strode into the office a few seconds later as the door opened to admit him. Instantly, both cats stood up. They sniffed the air and eyed the newcomer carefully. Vyx didn't miss the obvious movement of the cats and stopped in his tracks.

  "Cayla, Tayna, Trader Vyx is a trusted Space Command operative," Jenetta said. "He doesn't present any threat."

  Both large cats sank down again, but never took their eyes off Vyx.

  "Good morning, Commander."

  "Good morning, Trader."

  "Is it okay to move?"

  "It is now. Come sit down."

  Vyx sat down across from Jenetta. "Very effective security measures, Commander."

  "They're just my pets, but they feel very protective towards me."

  "I see that. I'll be sure not to make any sudden movements. Uh, do they understand Amer?"

  "To be honest, I don't know if they understand my words, perceive my meaning from the tone of my voice, or if they have telepathic abilities. Most of Taurentlus-Thur is a bit primitive and little research has been done on its indigenous species. I always speak to them as I would to another person, and they always seem to understand."

  "So it seems."

  "How have you been getting on," Jenetta said, trying to change the subject.

  "Quite well. I'm preparing to leave the base, and I was informed by the Port Officer that I needed permission from you to leave because there's no record in the computer of my having arrived. I'm told that if I try to leave without my ship, the Scorpion, first being registered in the computer, I'll be targeted by automatic laser fire."

  "Yes, you arrived in the Song, didn't you? I'll add a record to the logs so that you'll be able to leave whenever you wish. You'll still need clearance from departure control before moving around the cavern. Still outbound for the colony on Scruscotto?"

  "Yes, at least initially. Once I'm established there I might do a little traveling. We've made a little headway in the stolen arms case, but there's still a lot to do. Knowing where they disappeared from the supply line and who is acting as broker to sell them, are only two parts to the puzzle. We still have to find out who actually stole them, how, where they are now, and who else is involved with the thefts and distribution."

  "Are you traveling alone?"

  "No. I have two associates from Gollasko who are traveling with me."

  "Byers and Nelligen?"

  Vyx nodded. "Kanes decided that there wasn't any sense them remaining undercover at Gollasko. It virtually turned into a ghost colony after the frontier boundary was moved. So they joined me as my business associates. Gollasko never had much to offer anyone, except the complete lack of governmental authority. And with Space Command moving into the neighborhood, it suddenly became unhealthy for most of its inhabitants."

d luck, Trader. Let me know if there's anything that I can do to help you out."

  "There is one thing. I'd like to give you an envelope to hold for me. It contains a data ring and some vid wafers. I know that I can trust you because you worked at Intelligence. If anything happens to me, it should be forwarded to Captain Kanes."

  "I'll be happy to forward it for you."

  "But only if I go missing for an extended period."

  "Of course."

  Vyx stood up and, after laying an envelope on her desk, extended his hand. "Thank you, Commander."

  Jenetta stood up and shook the proffered hand. "You're welcome. Good-bye and good luck."

  After he left, Jenetta picked up the envelope addressed to Commander Kanes, and placed it in her safe.

  The Prometheus and Song left within hours of one another. Jenetta had visited the Prometheus before it left, to say goodbye to her friends, and to take one last walk around the ship that she wouldn't see again for almost two years.

  Lieutenant Ashraf had similarly taken a couple of hours to say goodbye to her ship and friends, although the Song should be back in ten to twelve months.

  Base personnel and crewmen from the Thor and Asuncion continued to assist in restoration of the base and, with things settling down, Jenetta started to work with design engineers to prepare plans for the new civilian concourse. She'd decided that it would occupy virtually all of the three-kilometer wide level just above the docking level. Like the docking level, the second level had been designed for warehouse space, so like on the docking level, the ceiling was twenty-five-meters high. Jenetta used the knowledge and experience gained from her year as base commander at Dixon to prepare an even more grandiose vision for the new civilian area on Stewart. The concourse plan included construction of a centrally located stadium that could be used for athletic events, meetings, plays, or concerts. The area around the planned arena would be divided up into four distinct shopping areas with specific design themes. Large and small shops with wide corridors for shoppers would consume most of the available space, but there would also be large common areas for gathering and relaxing.


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