New Title 1

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New Title 1 Page 22

by Thomas DePrima

  "You've no doubt heard that Space Command seized a base from the Raiders recently?"

  "Everyone knows that. It's only a few weeks from here, just over the border in regulated Alliance space."

  "I stopped there on my way here to have a look around. They have a couple of dozen seized ships, ripe for the plucking, just sitting there in a storage area. Space Command won't use 'em because they don't have enough hull integrity for fighting, but the ships are fine for simple cargo duty."

  "You're crazy if you think that you could sneak an eight-hundred-fifty meter ship out from under the noses of Space Command."

  "Not so crazy. They're still all fouled up over there trying to organize the base. They're guarding almost seven-thousand Raider prisoners, and they're severely short-handed until ships with more personnel arrive. Besides, their systems are designed to protect against outside attack. They'll never be expecting someone to sneak a ship out that they consider useless. I, uh, also have a contact on the inside that'll help me get the ship past the automatic port sensors."

  "If you could get a ship that large, I have a dozen jobs that I could offer you. I even have a listing from Shev Rivemwilth. He's looking to move his entire warehouse out of regulated Alliance space. He's desperate to transport everything into the Frontier Zone before Space Command locates his old base."

  Vyx's attention had jumped up several notches at the mention of Rivemwilth's name, but he'd made no obvious outward signs. "I thought that he kept everything on Gollasko?"

  "Not hardly. He only kept a small sample of his merchandise there. Even if you can get a ship as large as the one that you say, it'll be difficult to fit everything in it from the way he described his warehouse to me."

  "I can get it. What's the pay?"

  "At Light-187, it'll take eight months to transport the cargo. The entire trip from here, loading, transport, unloading, and return should take about a year and a half, and you'll spend four months traveling in regulated GA space with a full cargo of illegal weapons. The pay is five-hundred-thousand credits."

  "That's not a bad payday. Can you set it up?"

  "I'll contact him right away if you feel positive that you can complete the contract. We should have an answer in a few days."

  "I'll get the ship. Who pays you?"

  "Shev Rivemwilth will deposit the contracted amount with me, as the party listing the job, as soon as I advise him that you've offered your services. That is, if he also accepts. When the contract is complete, I'll transfer the entire amount into whatever account you name. My commission comes from having the entire amount on deposit with my banker for a year and a half."

  "I see. That's makes things nice and simple. You collect the interest on the money but can't be accused of accepting payment for any misdeeds should you ever be captured by Space Command because you turn over every penny of the arranged price."

  "Yes, very simple and very clean." Ker Blasperra paused for a few seconds. "I feel that I should warn you, though. If you accept this contract, and then fail to secure the ship, it would be best if you never show your face in this part of space again. Shev Rivemwilth has no patience with failure."

  "I understand. Goodnight, Ker."

  "Goodnight, Trader."

  Byers and Nelligen returned to the table as soon as Blasperra was gone.

  "What's up?" Byers asked.

  "It looks like we're back in business already. Let's head back to the hotel and I'll tell you about it."

  Vyx, Byers, and Nelligen spent the next several days infusing themselves into the rough fraternity of spaceport dwellers at Weislik. Occasionally they even ran into someone they knew from the Gollasko Colony. They each received a number of propositions for nefarious activities, most coming from two-bit hustlers looking to turn a credit in this new environment. If Ker Blasperra had the contacts that he claimed, then they needn't look for further offers, but their job was to collect information, so they listened carefully to every offer, while not appearing to be listening very carefully or appearing too interested.

  On the fourth day following their arrival, they stood at a bar drinking the house ale, while trying very hard not to stare at the four Milora at the other end of the bar. A very ugly species by Terran standards, the home world of the warlike Milori race was roughly eight-hundred light-years beyond the new outer border of GA space. Totally intolerant of Terrans in their own territory, it was highly unusual to see them outside their own borders. About the same average height as Terrans, Milora are covered with a dense, brown, stringy hair that completely covers their body. They have what pass for two arms, that end not with hands, but rather with what would more accurately be described as gripper claws, as might be found on a terran crab or lobster. Additionally, they have four tentacles. It's probably that fact that upsets Terrans so much. The body hair completely conceals their tentacles when at rest, but it's said that they can dart out to coil around you, then crush you to death, as would a boa constrictor on Earth. Four eyes offer Milora superior peripheral vision.

  Vyx, Byers, and Nelligen were just about to leave when Ker Blasperra arrived and approached them.

  "Gentlemen, it's a pleasure to meet you again."

  "Hello, Ker," Vyx said.

  Byers and Nelligen just nodded.

  "If you gentlemen will excuse me, I'd like to speak with the Trader," Blasperra said.

  "There're no secrets here, Ker," Vyx said. "They know everything. You can speak freely."

  "Very well, Trader. I've been in contact with Shev Rivemwilth, and he has accepted your offer." Reaching into his pocket he took out a sealed envelope. "Here're the coordinates where you're to go, along with the route you're to follow precisely for the final month of travel. There's also a frequency and scramble code, and a code word to send when you're ten days from the final location. A ship will meet you there and lead you to where the arms are stored. Make sure that you're not being followed, or the other ship won't show. They'll have spotters watching you along the way. Give them a full day after you reach the destination. If no one shows, contact me. My frequency and encryption code is listed also."

  "And the money?"

  "It's been deposited with me. If you fail to show, I'll have to return it." Looking at Vyx ominously, he said, "I don't like returning payments, so don't let me down."

  "We'll be there, if we're not dead or in a Space Command brig."

  "If you're dead, all will be forgiven."

  "But not if we're simply jailed?"

  "Shev Rivemwilth believes that people try harder if they know that their lives are on the line. A Space Command brig won't spare you from his wrath. It will only delay the inevitable. Until the contract is fulfilled, he considers you his employees."

  "It's nice to know where you stand," Byers said calmly. "Sort of comforting to know how much he cares," he added sardonically.

  "Uh–– yes," Ker Blasperra said uncertainly. Wolkerrons don't understand the subtlety of Terran sarcasm. "Gentlemen, I bid you goodbye and good luck. If you're successful, I'll see you in about a year and a half."

  "We'll see you again, Ker," Vyx said. "Be sure that you don't lose track of our payment."

  Vyx and his two associates stayed around Weislik for another day before pre-flighting the Scorpion and preparing to leave the planet. When word spread that they were departing, they were inundated with requests from people looking for a ride. They responded to all requests with the simple comment that all passengers will have to share their quarters with a dozen crates of Melwen powder. At the mere mention of the highly volatile substance, each requestor suddenly lost interest in hitching a ride. After filing their request for departure, they had to wait patiently for almost two hours before being given clearance by the spaceport control center to lift off.

  The small craft achieved orbit without a problem, and then was almost struck by an arriving freighter that had setup a similar orbit track. After a few heart stopping minutes, and some fancy maneuvering by Vyx at the controls of the Scorpion, bo
th craft were established in their orbits with a mere hundred meters of separation. Given the three kilometer size of the freighter, it might have appeared to an outside observer that they were linked.

  Vyx performed the flight calculations using the Gollasko Colony as their destination, and the small ship moved out of orbit. The destination was designed to confuse anyone trying to track them, and they'd follow that course for a week before altering course to Stewart Space Command Base. The phony destination would only cost them about a day of extra travel.

  * * *

  Seven days out of Scruscotto, Vyx altered course for Stewart. The time alone on the bridge was calming, and he spent several hours there before returning to the lounge where Byers and Nelligen were playing cards. During the past week, the pair had spent most of their waking hours playing cards, watching recorded sporting events, or arguing about the food preparation. Vyx preferred to read, but the lounge was the only comfortable place to relax, except for his bunk, and he didn't enjoy lying in bed all day. The anti-collision alarm would alert them in time to react if danger appeared ahead.

  At four-billion kilometers from Stewart, Vyx dropped his envelope and engaged his sub-light engines to Sub-Light-100. FTL speeds were always prohibited by any inbound ship at a Space Command Base. It would be too dangerous to suddenly appear at the asteroid, because, aside from the danger of impact with other ships arriving or departing, there was the danger of being fired upon by defensive weapons. Since the Battle for Higgins, any unannounced ship suddenly appearing within twenty-five thousand kilometers would be immediately targeted by every phased array laser on the station. Once identified, approach control would establish an approach vector for the vessel. There wouldn't be any danger of collision or defensive fire if you didn't deviate from their assigned approach path and speeds.

  When Vyx contacted the base, they gave him approach instructions and told him reduce his speed first to Sub-Light-10 at the outer pattern marker (fifty-million-km), then to Plus-100 at the inner marker (ten-thousand-km).

  A shuttle with an inspection crew met them when they finally arrived at Stewart. A mandatory examination was required of every vessel before being allowed inside. The Scorpion was scanned for potentially explosive or bio-hazardous materials. It passed cleanly, in spite of Byers sarcastic comments about the volatility of Nelligen's food stores. Approach control then directed them to a vacant docking pier where they would be met by a port operations officer.

  After completing the dock and lock, Vyx walked to the entry bay hatch and waited until the airlock tunnel was fully pressurized and certified. As he was opening the ship's door, a port worker was opening the door at the other end of the ramp tunnel. Lieutenant Graham, the Port Officer, stood by as Vyx walked to the docking platform, where he was required to hand over his identity papers for examination.

  "Good day, Trader," Graham said, "what's the purpose of your visit to Stewart Space Command Base this time?"

  "We just stopped by to see if your civilian operations were established yet."

  "We have civilian housing accommodations available, but little else. The civilian concourse is under construction, but at present there are only several temporary offices and one temporary restaurant open."

  "Then we'd like to arrange for housing accommodations."

  "Contact the base housing officer in the base commander's office. Do you have anything to declare in the way of restricted cargo?"

  "Nope. We're empty. You're welcome to check."

  "We will. I'll have someone escort you to the base commander's office."

  "No need. I know the way to Commander Carver's office. She is still the base commander, isn't she?"


  "Thank you. One of my associates will show you anything onboard that you wish to see."

  Vyx walked to Jenetta's office and stopped at Lieutenant Ashraf's desk. "Good afternoon, Lieutenant."

  "Good Afternoon. Trader Vyx, isn't it?"

  "Yes, you have a good memory. Is the Commander in?"

  "Yes. Let me see if she's available to see you?" Lieutenant Ashraf pushed a button on her com unit and said, "Trader Vyx would like a few minutes of your time, ma'am."

  "Send him in, Lori," appeared on Lieutenant Ashraf's screen in response to Jenetta's spoken words. The com panel was not visible to Vyx.

  "You may go in, Trader," the lieutenant said.

  Vyx walked to the door and stepped inside, stopping as the two large cats raised their heads, sniffed the air, and looked at him like he was part of the evening's dinner selections. They were always more alert to someone not wearing a Space Command uniform.

  "Cayla, Tayna, you remember Trader Vyx," Jenetta said softly.

  As the cats relaxed, Vyx walked over to the desk.

  "Have a seat, Trader. I'm surprised to see you so soon. It's only been about two months, hasn't it?"

  "Nine weeks. Eight weeks of travel and one week on Scruscotto."

  "I assume that things either went very well or very badly."

  "Very well, I think. I was hired to move a large cache of illegal arms for a certain notorious arms dealer."


  Vyx grinned. "Exactly. Good guess."

  "It wasn't so hard. He's one of the most notorious, and the focus of your case."

  "It's amazing how things happen. I was racking my brain, trying to figure out how I was going to get that toad back into my sights, when this deal fell into my lap."

  "How large is the cache?"

  "Rivemwilth is moving his entire operation into the new Frontier Zone. I got the job by promising that I could provide an eight-hundred-fifty meter transport."

  "And you want me to provide the ship?"

  "Yes," he said smiling. "Can you help me out?"

  "For an opportunity to confiscate his entire cache of weapons, I'm sure that we can. How will you explain having the ship?"

  "I told the broker that I'm going to steal it. I said that things are so fouled up over here that I could sneak it out under your very nose. I told him that I have a contact on the inside that will arrange for our departure clearance."

  "Not a very flattering endorsement of myself or my staff," Jenetta said, smiling.

  "I did explain how shorthanded you are, and how you have almost seven-thousand Raider prisoners to guard."

  "What's your plan after you have the ship?"

  "We'll go to the base and load up. On the leg of the trip that takes us towards the Frontier, I'll send you a message and you arrange for us to be stopped for inspection. I'll sabotage the ship so that we can't make a run for it."

  "That's a dangerous plan. You could get killed if Rivemwilth makes a fight of it. The big transports that we got from the Raiders aren't well protected."

  "As long as your people don't hit the bridge, my associates and I will be safe. Just make sure that the corridor doors on the ship you select all close tightly in the event of a pressure drop."

  "It would be better if you rig the torpedoes so they can't explode. That way the Space Command ships won't feel as compelled to return fire. Better yet, why don't we just move in and take the arms cache before it's loaded?"

  "They haven't told me where it is yet. I only have directions for a rendezvous point, and they'll have spotters watching to make sure that we're not followed. We have to give ten days notice before arriving at the RP, so the cache could be ten days away, or even much more. It could even be at multiple locations."

  "We'll put a tracking device in the ship so we can follow your movements."

  "I can't risk them discovering a signal."

  "They won't discover it. We'll set it to transmit just a single pulse every few hours on a rotating frequency. We can even have the time vary so a pattern can't be discovered. If they do happen to pick up one pulse, they'll think that it was a reflection, or an anomaly, when it doesn't repeat. I'll make sure that no one moves in closer than ten billion kilometers, but when you call they'll be there in about three minutes."

  "Okay, I can live with that. But don't, under any circumstances, move in until I call."

  "You've got it. Let's go look at the available ships."

  "I can't be seen with you, Commander. There are civilians on this station who might pass on such information for a price. I came to your office under the pretext of getting rooms for myself and my associates."

  "I see." Jenetta leaned forward and pressed a button on her com. "Lori, please arrange for three rooms in the civilian housing section in the name of Trader Vyx."

  As the words appeared on Lieutenant Ashraf's com screen, she responded with, "Aye, Commander. He can pick up the card keys on the way out."

  "Thank you," Jenetta said before punching a few keys on her computer terminal. Scanning the display as she leaned back in her chair, she said to Vyx, "Okay, Trader, you're all set with your housing. In my opinion, the ship at docking pier 4-Sierra, the Maid of Mephad, appears to suit your stated purpose best. It's the biggest, and it has several enormous holds with easy access, but I'll leave the choice up to you. As soon as you decide which ship you want, I'll have my chief engineer, Lieutenant Jacoby, install the tracking device. He's checked the ships over and declared all of them spaceworthy, except for the one at docking pier 4-Tango, the Baroness. He says that he wouldn't trust that ship for any duty other than as an unmanned marker buoy. He can help you if you have any questions or need any assistance. I'm sure that you can think up some pretext for being seen with him. Tell people that you were having a problem with your ship or something, and needed his advice."

  "Thank you, Commander."

  "You're welcome. Good luck, Trader."

  Vyx picked up the card keys on the way past Lieutenant Ashraf's desk. When used for the first time, the room's occupant could record a thumbprint, or a voiceprint to be used on the door instead. Vyx asked Lieutenant Ashraf to locate Lieutenant Jacoby and then arranged with him to come to Vyx's ship in an hour.

  Arriving a few minutes early, Lieutenant Jacoby refused a beverage but accepted a seat in the ship's lounge.


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