Pink Slips and Glass Slippers

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Pink Slips and Glass Slippers Page 37

by J. P. Hansen

  The landing felt smooth; Brooke marveled at Chase’s touch: whether playing guitar, driving, flying—or other things. While flying, she felt carefree. Her dream kept repeating in her head and she nearly told him about it.

  In the parking area, she heard the beep from Chase’s remote key, then laughed, “Do you own anything other than beemers?”

  “There is no substitute,” Chase chuckled.

  “I think that’s Porsche…”

  “A minor detail, my fair maiden,” Chase pulled Brooke into his arms, then said, “Would James Bond drive a Porsche?”

  Brooke’s lips pursed, preparing to speak as his kiss landed. Their lips felt custom made for each other.

  The traffic flowed well for a Friday. Brooke wanted to show Chase her villa, but couldn’t wait to see his. Brooke said, “Tell me about your place?”

  “It’s small, but nice. Typical island décor.”

  Pulling into the three car garage, Brooke’s eyes bulged—this is anything but small…

  Once inside, she admired the ocean through the huge picture windows. Brooke surveyed the house like her first time inside Disney. And, she felt like Cinderella once again. Chase opened the back sliding glass door, then asked, “What do you think?”

  “Oh my God…It’s amazing. You’re right on the ocean,” she giggled while gripping his arm tightly. She said, “Can we go out there? I need to kiss you on the beach…” Brooke loped toward the dunes.

  Chase surprised her as he gripped her from behind, nearly tackling her into the sand. Lifting her with his strong arms, he set her in front of him, then said, “I love you.”

  Brooke melted inside, but somehow managed, “I love you,” before he proved he could kiss on the beach. A gust lifted Brooke’s sundress and tickled her skin. They broke from their embrace and Brooke struggled to hold it down. Chase said, “Don’t bother—it won’t be on for long.” They laughed, then he led her back inside to christen his home.

  Brooke wanted a hand-held tour, but decided it would have to wait. They were past holding hands. As predicted, Chase whisked Brooke’s dress over her head like the wind. With the sun falling, she stripped him like a band of gypsies. Then, they worked up an appetite, devouring each other in fresh ways.

  Lying atop the rumpled sheets, Brooke turned to Chase and said, “If we do that one more time, I don’t think I’ll be able to walk.”

  Chase grinned, then rolled on top of Brooke, and said, “Then, we’ll order a delivery.”

  Afterward, Brooke crawled across the floor to the bathroom, saying, “You wanna call Domino’s?” They laughed out loud.

  Chase said, “That may be our only option. It’s so late—I’m not sure if anyone’s still serving dinner.”

  “I was thinking brunch…” They giggled.

  Brooke was in love. Chase could make her laugh at will, could make her cry tears of joy, but, she hoped he wouldn’t coax her into another round. As if she wore magic slippers, Chase granted Brooke her wish. He surprised her by preparing a delicious candle-lit dinner. He had lobster tails in the freezer, frozen veggies, and even chives, cheese, and bacon bits for loaded baked potatoes. After pouring a delicious Chardonnay, he cooked it all—and even set the table.

  The wine warmed her; Brooke asked, “When were you last here?”

  When he told her, she recalled. This was where he went with Parker—duh. It seemed like such a distant memory: building sand castles with Parker, without any idea. And, to think she thought Parker had a lousy dad.

  Following dinner, Chase asked, “Are you healed yet?”

  Brooke’s eyes narrowed as she slowly grinned.

  Chase laughed, then said, “I don’t mean for that…I meant, would you like to take a stroll on the beach? I think the tide’s out.”

  “I’d love to.”

  The lukewarm sand tickled their bare feet as they ambled arm in arm. A tepid breeze guided the fresh ocean mist, cooling the day’s smolder; stars twinkled above. A picture perfect night to stroll on the beach.

  The gentle waves set their pulses. Brooke noticed the familiar relaxing feeling of Hilton Head. The last time she walked this same beach, she felt like her life was changing with the tide. With Chase beside her, she realized she was home. Then, it dawned on her—another piece of the puzzle from Tanner’s letter—the place on the beach…

  Back inside, they headed upstairs. The night air, wine, filling dinner—and one more lovemaking session—had tired them out. Chase considered telling Brooke, but wanted to wait until he had more energy. With hypnotic waves reverberating through the windows, they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  Brooke awakened at morning’s first glow. She gazed at Chase, and smiled. Brooke loved watching him sleep. His tousled hair, masculine chest, and those lashes. With eyes on him, she quietly slipped out of bed and peered out the window. The crescent moon and a sprinkling of stars were still visible, but fading. She loved the first rays popping over the horizon’s expansive water. Each sunrise and sunset had different nuances, its own unique beauty. She glanced at Chase, torn between watching him or the sunrise. He rustled, as if reading her mind.

  His lashes flickered, making Brooke’s heart flutter. Chase wiped his eyes and said, “You’re awake…What time is it?”

  “Come here. You have to see this…”

  Still groggy, he slid across the sheets. Though she wore his Duke T-shirt, he was naked. He considered asking for his shirt, but relished her in Blue Devil apparel; he grabbed the nearby comforter and joined Brooke. With the quilt covering their shoulders, they stood arm in arm in silence. Then, it popped.

  The first rays popped—the awe of nature’s stage—and the opening act proved majestic. Chase pulled her closer. The perfect way to start a perfect day. They stood silently for several minutes, soaking in the power of love inside with the power of nature outside.

  Chase said, “Remember when we first met?”

  “On the elevator? How could I ever forget?”

  “I wanted to go running with you when you healed…”

  “Let’s go,” Brooke grinned.

  The tide was midpoint, leaving plenty of firm sand for a jog. They ran barefoot at a comfortable pace as the warming sun continued its climb. In another few hours, the heat would make running unbearable, but right now, it felt inviting. Brooke still wore the Duke T-shirt—and never looked better.

  Brooke noticed a splash out of the corner of her eye. Then another—dolphins. As she glanced back at Chase, he was already watching. A family of dolphins frolicked in and out of the water, as if keeping pace with Brooke and Chase. Brooke remembered the dolphins from her last trip, and gazed up, smiling.

  They slowed to a walk, and viewed as the dolphin family continued their own morning exercise. Brooke led Chase to the tree, and kissed him.

  “Wow,” Chase said, “That was quite a kiss. We may have to turn back…unless you want to…” Brooke laughed. A gentle breeze soothed her. She knew.

  Chase picked up a nearby twig and began drawing in the sand, blocking Brooke’s view with his broad shoulders. After he finished, he stepped aside. Brooke squinted to read: “Our Names” encased inside a heart. She glanced back at Chase, and raised her eyebrow.

  He smiled, saying, “I wanted to write our names in the sand.” They laughed together, then Brooke grabbed the stick and wrote: “Brooke Loves Chase.” Not to be outdone, Chase used the stick to write: “Chase Loves Brooke More.”

  Chase said, “I’ll race you to the Marriott. Last one there buys breakfast,” then bolted.

  Brooke sprinted and, much to his surprise, caught Chase. They ran together at a swift clip, until Chase yielded at the end. After jumping in and splashing each other, they enjoyed a poolside fruit platter and fresh-squeezed orange juice.

  The return trip lasted twice as long, but it didn’t matter. They jogged, then kissed. Then jogged, and kissed, jumping into the ocean occasionally. For the last one hundred yards, they strolled while holding hands.

  Chase s
aid, “I meant what I wrote earlier.”

  “The last few weeks have been magical. I can’t tell you how much you mean to me…” Chase’s eyes moistened.

  Brooke said, “I love you,” then kissed him.


  Brooke sauntered back from the house; Chase stared from his towel on the sand. Even on uneven ground, she still had a confident stride, one of the many things he loved about her. As planned, once Brooke settled onto her towel, Chase said, “Be right back.” Brooke giggled, then scrutinized Chase’s every step. Just past the dunes, he spun around and caught her staring.

  Once inside, Chase assembled everything with the speed of a pit crew. With sweaty palms, he lifted his cooler, while holding his guitar case handle, and headed back on shaky legs.

  “Wow, what did you bring?” Brooke propped up on her elbows, eyeing Chase’s every step.

  “Just a few goodies.”

  “I was going to ask you to bring the guitar.”

  Chase lifted the lid on the cooler which squeaked. He fed Brooke a grape, then, with the bunch in his hand, settled in beside her. He had removed his sunglasses, and his eyes dazzled. He appeared nervous. She said, “Is someth—”

  “Brooke, something’s happened to me—something wonderful…”

  Brooke shifted upright on her towel and removed her sunglasses. Her radiant eyes locked on Chase’s. He paused, then continued, “I used to think I had it all figured out. But, meeting you changed everything. I feel so alive. I feel like I finally know what true love is.”

  Chase popped a grape in his mouth. He said, “I know I don’t always say things the right way, but…I want to get this right.”

  He stood, retrieving a small box from his pocket, then dropped to one knee. Peering into Brooke’s widening eyes, his voice cracked, “Brooke Anne, will you marry me?”

  Tears welled up in her eyes. Her head spun with the dream illuminating and time standing still. With trembling lips, Brooke said, “Yes.” She wanted to say more, so many things flooded into her brain, but her tongue locked.

  Chase said, “I love you so much.”

  Brooke said, “This has been the greatest day of my life.”

  Chase pulled back, holding Brooke’s elbows. He said, “There’s one more little thing you should know…”


  “You have to help me revive GenSense. I’m no longer with Pharmical.”

  Brooke squinted, “What?”

  “I got my pink slip from Pharmical yesterday,” pausing for effect, “I negotiated my severance…For the rights to GenSense.”

  “You’re not kidding, are you?”

  “You’re looking at the new CEO of GenSense. I want you to be my co-CEO in life and at GenSense.”

  Brooke frowned, “Oh Chase, you’ve thrown too much for me at once…I love Angel’s Academy—I can’t leave it now…But, I’ll be beside you.”

  “Good enough for me,” Chase said as he slid the sparkling diamond ring on Brooke’s finger.

  “It’s stunning,” Brooke’s eyes twinkled with the setting sun’s rays bouncing off the diamond.

  “Not as beautiful as you. You’re everything beautiful to me.”

  Brooke wrapped her arms tightly around Chase.

  Chase said, “Ready to celebrate?” He reached into the ice and pulled out a bottle of Dom Perignon. Her face glowed; he retrieved two crystal glasses, and handed them to Brooke in exchange for the bottle. He popped the cork, letting it soar like a Fourth of July rocket, then poured.

  Raising his glass, Chase said, “To us.”

  Chapter 22

  Two months later…

  Brooke and Chase looked stunning. Even barefoot, somehow the wedding dress and tuxedo worked. The decision to elope was an easy one. Neither one wanted the big wedding headaches, except Weston Ingram—of course. He put up a fight, but the couple appeased him by agreeing to let him throw them a big bash in Charlotte. Chase’s decision to call and ask his permission was a wise one. Just like with Brooke, Chase won Weston over.

  Brooke decided to never tell Chase what her father had nicknamed him.

  Brooke also agreed with her fiancé’s decision not to invite Dixie-dawg—and without any prodding.

  The biggest surprise arrived on the eve of their wedding. Chase answered the door and hugged him, saying, “Shhhhh, she still doesn’t know you’re coming.”

  “Thanks for inviting me, Bro.” Both Chase and Billy were excited to finally have the brother they always wanted.

  Chase and Billy snuck up on Brooke as Chase said, “Look who I found—.

  Brooke spun around and froze as Billy proclaimed, “Clean and sober for six months.”

  The early October weather was perfect. Chase’s beach house looked great, decorated with fresh cut flowers. Flanked by Melissa and Parker, the couple recited their handwritten vows before the popular beach wedding reverend.

  Aside from a few curious seagulls, the ceremony was exactly how the couple envisioned—private and loving. After they finished their vows, Chase opened his guitar case; he fixed his gaze on Brooke, and said, “I wrote a wedding song for you. It’s called “Amazing.” Brooke’s knees buckled as she recognized the beautiful guitar intro, then Chase sang:

  Wedded Bliss

  On this day’s setting sun

  I’m always there as the day is done

  We are one

  My love for you I cannot hide

  Like the ocean’s endless tide

  Your blissful laughter fills the air

  You answer my special prayer

  A life of dreams for us to share

  Crash into me and always stay

  Sweet, sweet music will fill each day

  Come fly with me above the land

  And write our names in the sand

  Please take my hand

  We’ll walk along the tide

  And thank the Lord our loves collide

  From this day as we become one

  I’m always there as the day is done

  We are one

  My love for you I cannot hide

  With you the sun will always shine.

  Brooke’s tears streamed off her smiling cheeks. She peered at Chase, and said, “That was incredible.” Parker would have preferred a Raffi song, but he liked it because Miss Ingram—Mommy—liked it. Melissa’s tears dotted her pink dress—and pink slip. Even the reverend was touched by the heartfelt song, later, telling the new couple that it had been a long time since he felt so much love in a room.

  Melissa—sans Eddie—had agreed to babysit Parker for the couple’s wedding night. Oksana, the newly appointed Associate Director at Angel’s Academy, was thrilled that Brooke trusted her to run things for the next week.

  After a nice beach dinner, Chase serenaded everyone. Even Parker made his professional singing debut, doing a funny Raffi song while his dad played guitar.

  Chase had reserved a penthouse villa in Harbour Towne for their wedding night. Penthouse on Hilton Head meant fifth floor. As they reached the elevator; Brook pressed the up button. Before the door slid open, Chase reached behind a plant and presented her with the original glass slippers. He dropped to a knee, and replaced her heels, then whisked her into his arms and kissed her. With a grin, he said, “No way are you going on that elevator tonight. I’m carrying you up the stairs.”




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