Colin: A Serial Killer Romance

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Colin: A Serial Killer Romance Page 25

by Stella Noir

  She didn’t even say a word to me as she pulled me out of bed and pushed me towards the bathroom.

  I guess now that I know what’s going on I’m just a piece of meat to throw around, I thought as I looked around for something to use to smash her face in.

  I went through the bathroom door and turned to close it but the nurse put her foot in the way.

  “I’d like to use the bathroom alone, please,” I said as I tried to force the door to shut on her foot. She pushed it open with very little effort and walked in, smiling and carrying a metal bowl in one hand and backing me up against the sink.

  “Turn around and bend over and keep your hands on the sink,” she said in that same flat voice that she used the other night at the nurse’s station. I did what she said, even though I wanted to kick her right in the stomach, mainly because I really had to go to the bathroom. I felt her cold hands grab my hips and with one fast tug she pulled the plug right out of my ass, which was even more humiliating than when Jake had put it in. I heard her drop it into the metal bowl and close the door as she left the bathroom and I immediately ran to the toilet. As I sat there, I thought about all the ways I was eventually going to wipe that horrible smile off her ugly face.

  I realized that in the previous days of my drugged out haze it hadn’t occurred to me to take a shower, so I got in and let the hot water soak into my bones. I thought about Jake and how I was going to get out of there, then emerged almost a half hour later feeling a little bit better. I decided I would try to talk to him again, to see if there was any way I could reason with him. And I decided that the next time I saw that nurse I was going to smash one of the bedside tables over her head.

  Jake was leaning up against the wall next to the door when I came out of the bathroom. I wondered how long he had been there, but figured he had probably been watching everything I’d done from the minute I woke up this morning. For a moment I thought I saw the old Jake’s eyes, the way he used to look at me across the room and tell me what to do without opening his mouth. That look used to take my breath away and for a split second I could have sworn it was there. I wanted so badly for things to go back to the way they were before I left and ruined everything, and a little part of me melted inside as I watched him stare at me.

  “Stand facing the bed, Abby,” he said as he gestured with a flick of his wrist at the side of the bed that was closest to me. I felt his hard stare follow me as I walked over to the bed and stood there, waiting for what was coming next.

  “Bend over and spread your feet apart.”

  I bent down so that my hands were touching the bed and I spread my feet apart. I heard him walk up behind me and felt the immense sting of what sounded and felt like a wooden paddle striking my butt cheek. Jake grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my head back towards him and talked into my ear through gritted teeth.

  “I want you to bend down so that your are laying on the bed with your ass in the air and I want your feet spread as far apart as they will go. Now.”

  He threw my head down onto the bed and I did exactly as he said. I didn’t understand it but I felt a strong desire to please him and to do whatever he asked of me, but at the same time, this was nothing like he had ever done before. I wasn’t used to being hit by him and when he would talk into my ear it had always been in a voice that made me want to do whatever he asked. But the way he was talking to me now made it sound like he almost despised me.

  I felt his hands on my ass, caressing the spot where he had hit it with the paddle. It stung but it also felt good to have him touching it in such a gentle way, but that only lasted a moment. He pulled me apart and poked around inside me for a minute or two like he was giving me another examination, and I flinched as I felt a cold stream of liquid fall where his fingers had just been. Then he did something to me that he knew I had never done before. My eyes grew wide as I felt him push his thick cock into my asshole, and he did it all in one thrust. I screamed into the pile of blankets that my face was buried in as I felt his head push past my tight muscles and his entire length slam into me all the way to the hilt. The bed was shaking as he ripped into me, pounding away inside my ass like he was trying to break through it into another dimension. I felt his feet kick mine even further apart so that they weren’t touching the floor and I had no leverage. I was being pounded into the bed, my legs curling up behind me and my fingers gripping the bedding as I listened to the erratic breathing and deep moans that came with each thrust.

  Suddenly he pulled out of me and grabbed my hair again. This time, he pulled it and one of my legs to the side and flipped me over on the bed so that I was facing him. He pulled my body closer to the edge of the bed, then pushed my thighs back so that they were on either side of my chest and crammed his cock back into my asshole. I yelled and tried to arch my back and squirm away, but he held me in place and looked into my eyes like he was about to eat me alive.

  “Make yourself come,” he ordered as he continued to slam into me, his eyes wild and his hair dripping with sweat.

  I reached my hand down through the space between my leg and my stomach and ran it over my clit. I was incredibly wet and he watched me as I spread my slippery juices all over my clit and lips. As I went back and forth between swirling my finger around my wet clit and thrusting it deep into my vagina, I watched him and he seemed hypnotized by my movements. His eyes were glued to where my hand was circling my clit, and as he gripped my thighs harder and sped up his thrusting, I realized he was about to come. The thought of him orgasming inside me put me over the edge and I felt waves of pleasure start to pulsate inside me. The warm, tingly sensation spread from my pelvic area and washed out over my stomach, then my body went into shivering convulsions. I lost all control and yelled out Jake’s name over and over as I gripped the rock hard arms that still held my thighs down. The ring of muscles that hugged Jake’s cock was convulsing along with the rest of me and as the waves subsided, I watched his eyes close and noticed a change in his face as all traces of tension disappeared. He collapsed on top of me and ran his hand up over one of my breasts, then gently across my shoulder and neck while he caught his breath. I wanted to wrap my arms around him and run my fingers through his hair but hated myself at the same time for having those feelings. After a few moments he recovered his breath, then got up and looked down at me with those cold eyes I was getting so used to.

  “Go and take another shower. You’re filthy.”

  He zipped his pants up and walked out of the room without saying another word to me.

  After lying there stunned and confused for a few minutes, I pushed myself up and slowly made my way to the bathroom and then into the shower. As I stood there under the stream of hot water, I thought about everything that had happened, just now, and in the happy months I had had with Jake, and I was still amazed that I’d never seen any of this kind of behavior before. Or maybe I just hadn’t wanted to see it.

  When I thought about it, the two times we’d had actual intercourse when we were together Jake was much more forceful, a lot like he had been earlier, but he had never been cruel. It did seem to me that the personality Jake was embodying, this doctor person, was similar in some ways to the side of him that came out when we’d made love back then. Not that I would actually call it making love, though. It was more like raw, crazed, animalistic fucking, with hair pulling and spanking and physical force - which I have to admit I enjoyed, but also found a bit confusing. It was just startling to have him switch mid-stream from the smoldering and lust-filled glances that filled his eyes, to that manic, sadistic appearance that swept over him and made him look like he wanted to strangle me. It was as if fucking turned him into a completely different person.

  Seeing him now made me realize that there were warning signs in the beginning, and maybe the reason I ran away was because there was a part of my brain that was actually paying attention to them. I guess I had just never consciously thought about the fact that he might be a little crazy. I mean, why would I? I just figured
there were times when his dominant nature was more subtle and was conveyed more through his eyes and then there were times when he liked to be in control through force and with pain.

  I hated Jake for treating me this way, for making me his captive and forcing himself on me, but I had to admit I had never come so hard in my life. It was hard not to feel ashamed of my reaction to him and the gentle feelings I had had for him after what he had just done.

  I got out of the shower and dried off and when I returned to my bed I found a domed tray next to it. I didn’t even lift the lid to see what was underneath it, though. I wasn’t interested in being drugged by a nasty sandwich and a bowl of watery soup today. I would rather starve than eat that crap ever again.

  I quickly realized that it was a completely different experience being in this drab, dimly lit hospital room without the added benefit of being drugged out of my mind for hours on end. It was actually pretty boring in here and after sitting on the bed for a while, I decided to look around the room a bit. I thought if anything a remote control for the TV would be nice so that I could while away the hours with a good melodramatic story when I wasn’t being harassed and tortured by my ex-boyfriend.

  Maybe I could catch up on my soap operas, I thought, then laughed at the how my life actually resembled a soap opera now.

  As I opened the few drawers I could find around the room that weren’t locked, I stumbled across a strange picture in a pile of papers that looked like some sort of official hospital paperwork. It was a picture of a little boy and someone else, but it had been torn in half so that the other person in the picture was removed. It seemed like it might have been another small child standing next to the boy in the picture, but all that was visible were the fingers from the disembodied hand that he was holding.

  The door opened and I threw the pile of papers back into the drawer. Jake walked in, smiling his cool, calm smile, strode across the room to the tray of food and lifted the lid. Underneath sat a plate of meats, cheeses and fruit, along with a loaf of french bread and some sparkling water and wine. I took a step closer to the table that the tray sat on, examining all of the different delicious looking items of food, then looked back up at Jake.

  “I imagine this looks a bit more appetizing than you had anticipated,”

  I looked up at him but didn’t say anything. He had to have known that I was aware that he and his staff had been drugging me, but I didn’t want to let on that I knew it was in the food.

  “I hope you don’t plan on leaving your dinner untouched. I can assure you there’s nothing to worry about,” he said as he looked at my scantily clad body and smiled. “I know the food here hasn’t been satisfactory up until now, but I put all of this together with you in mind. I hope you enjoy it.”

  He walked out of the room without another word and after I watched him leave I looked back at the tray of food. It did look incredible, and he was right, I loved this sort of food more than just about anything. I did find this a little creepy, but knowing what my favorite foods were wasn’t really that alarming, since I know I had mentioned it to him at some point while we were dating. But that romance novel of mine he left on my bedside table really shook me up. I had no idea how he could have known about that.

  I elevated the bed and pulled the table up so that I could recline back and eat. I was completely exhausted and I just wanted to eat and pass out. And that’s exactly what happened, after only a few bites of food and a sip of wine.



  I drifted into half-consciousness with the feeling of something extremely heavy on top of me. It was dark in the room but there was moonlight streaming through the window and I could just see the outline of a face inches in front of me. I had a hard time getting my eyes to open and when I finally did it was almost impossible for me to get them to focus properly.

  That asshole did drug me. I knew I couldn’t trust him. When are you going to learn, Abby?

  I could feel that my arms and legs were pinned down by the weight of the man who was straddling my body and I struggled as hard as I could in my half tranquilized state to get him off of me. I felt a surge of panic and came out of the deep sleep quickly as two hands shook my shoulders.

  “Abby! Abby, it’s Jake!”

  “What? Jake?” I said as I focused in on him. My head cleared as I realized that those were, in fact, Jake’s deep, soft eyes I was looking at.

  What the hell? Now he’s Jake all of a sudden, but a few hours ago he was the creepy doctor?

  “Abby I’m going to get you out of here!” he said in a panicked whisper. “I’m going to get you away from him. I’m not sure how yet, but I promise you I will.”

  I stared at him in total disbelief. I’d thought that maybe this sadistic doctor persona was the big secret that Jake had been keeping from me when we were together, that maybe nice-guy Jake was just an act to get me to fall for him before he revealed the evil doctor. But what the hell was going on now? Surprise! He’s not the doctor…apparently he’s going to save me from the doctor now.

  I was still too groggy to fully absorb what was going on and I was more curious than anything to see where all this was going.

  “You’re going to get me out of here?” I said slowly as I watched him periodically glance over his shoulder to see if someone was coming through the door. Sweat was pouring down his face and even in the dark, I could see that he was at least a couple of shades paler than his normal slightly tanned skin tone.

  “I’m so sorry about all this, Abby. You have no idea how sorry. I didn’t want this to happen. I was going to tell you eventually but things got out of hand when you left so suddenly. I tried to call you when I realized that he had taken off in his car to follow you.”

  So, he did follow me. Why am I even remotely surprised? Especially after all the creepy things he’s done to me.

  “I would have done anything to keep him from bringing you here. None of this was my idea. It was his. I swear to you!”

  I could tell he was incredibly agitated. He looked like a scared little boy that was afraid of getting caught doing something wrong, not the cold, calculating doctor who had smirked his way through that fake psychiatric session the other day.

  “Ok, Jake, just calm down.”

  It was astounding to see it in his eyes. He completely believed that there was another person that might come through the door at any moment. It was then that I started to wonder if this was just another one of his so-called tests.

  “I just…I’m not very good at saying no to him, Abby. I’m so sorry. And once he had brought you here I…I didn’t know what to do to stop him. He’s dangerous, Abby. You can’t just reason with him. And this is his house now. I have no idea what kind of traps he has set up to keep you here.”

  I studied his eyes, waiting for some shred of coldness to creep in but it never came.

  “I know this is probably hard for you to believe. That I would be afraid of him, or of anyone. I feel silly saying it out loud to you. You have no idea how badly I never wanted to have this conversation with you.”

  I could see tears welling up in his eyes. Whatever it was that he was trying to tell me, it was obvious that he believed it, and he was terrified. And as much as my brain was screaming at me to forget about this lunatic, I still wanted to believe that he wasn’t a lost cause.

  Ok, maybe make that determination after you’re not a prisoner in his hospital mansion anymore, Abby.

  “I don’t know why you left the way you did. I was heartbroken, Abby, but I knew you had your reasons. I didn’t want to press you because I was afraid that all of this would come up and I was afraid. And I don’t expect to pick up where we left off when I get you out of here, but I really hope you’ll be able to forgive me someday. I never, ever wanted to hurt you. I’m going to do everything I can to get you out of here. I promise. I’ll die before I let him have you. I’m so sorry, Abby.”

  I just couldn’t believe what I was hearing as I watched tears stream down his
cheeks and felt them dripping onto my neck. It was excruciating to watch him in so much pain even though I knew that at any second he could become the doctor again. I looked into his beautiful dark eyes and knew it was the Jake I had fallen in love with.

  Oh, Jake, why did you have to be so fucked up? Well, we’re both pretty fucked up actually. Who am I to talk?

  I stared into his sad eyes and decided to go along with whatever game he was playing. I didn’t have the vaguest idea what he was talking about, but I stilled cared about him and a part of me hoped something good could come of all of this, even though I was having hard time not feeling incredibly pathetic about having thoughts like that.

  “It’s ok Jake. Just get me out of here and we’ll deal with everything else afterward. I would like to talk to you about everything that happened, and maybe even…work things through.”

  His sad eyes softened even more as my words sank in. He slowly lowered his head and brushed his lips against mine.

  You’re kidding me, right? You’re gonna let the psycho kiss you.

  But my heart just wouldn’t hold back. I knew it was insane. I knew I was going off the deep end to a place of no return by letting him get to me like this. But I couldn’t stop myself once he touched me with those perfect lips. The way they brushed against mine so gently then worked their way up to the incredibly slow, passionate kisses that I swear to God I could feel all the way down to the tips of my toes. If there was such a thing as kissing soul mates, he was mine. Tears fell down the sides of my face as my entire body experienced what I had been craving these last few days. I had been wanting Jake’s touch, not the cold, hard grasp and fucking of that horrible doctor. I didn’t know if there was any way things could change for both of us, but I prayed that it was at least possible.

  Please be fixable, Jake. Please!

  His incredibly soft lips felt strong and powerful as they slowly ground themselves into me, his rough stubble grazing my skin in a way that hurt just a little but felt so good. I could taste the salt of his tears as they pooled in the corners of his mouth and that made me want him even more. He rested his arms on either side of my head on the pillow as I kissed him deeply and I brought my arm around his neck. His hair was thick and soft as I ran my hands through it, pressing him into my mouth harder. I just wanted the old Jake back.


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