Vampire Dreams Revamped (A Sons of Navarus Prequel)

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Vampire Dreams Revamped (A Sons of Navarus Prequel) Page 6

by Gabrielle Bisset

  Blushing, she dropped her gaze to the table. He lifted her chin with his finger until her eyes met his. His eyes had a longing to them like she’d never seen before.

  “You have no reason to look away. Never be ashamed in front of me.”

  All at once, the incredible sensations she’d felt with him in her dreams passed through her body. Every touch of his hands, every caress of his lips, and every drag of his tongue over her most sensitive parts glimmered in his eyes, and her body responded to his gaze as she began to crave being close to him.

  Her nipples tightened under her plain maid’s uniform, pressing into the fabric and exciting her more. And an ache formed in the pit of her stomach followed by a need to have him inside her, filling her.

  As much as she knew she should be embarrassed by what she wanted, she couldn't control the longing his touch and his gaze created in her.


  Brandon saw her desire grow in front of him and felt his own grow as his fangs lengthened in his mouth. She was ready. Tonight, she would be his. Tentatively, he leaned forward and touched his lips to hers. So soft, so willing against his, just as she’d been each night he’d visited her.

  Afraid she might back away or run, he took her face in his hands and gently held her to him. Tenderly, his tongue slid between her half-open lips and searched for hers, teasing the tip when they touched.

  She drew in a sharp breath in surprise but didn’t pull away, instead almost imperceptibly moving her tongue over the sharp point of one fang. Brandon felt a jolt of excitement run through him straight to his cock as she innocently explored one of the most sensual parts of him. Unable to hold back, he moaned into her mouth, reveling in the feel of her tongue stroking him. His emotion startled her and as she pulled away, he willed his fangs to recede, not ready to take her where he planned to go just yet.

  “Arden, look at me.” Slowly she opened her eyes. “Do you like me?”

  Like a soul desperate to enjoy what she’d been feeling, she nodded her answer, her eyes never straying from the lips she seemed to yearn to return to kissing.

  “I’ve grown to care for you a great deal. Do you trust me?”

  Without hesitation, she nodded again.

  “I want to take you somewhere tonight. Say you’ll come with me.”

  Breathlessly, she answered, “Yes.”

  Brandon smiled at her willingness to trust him and leaned in to kiss her again. “I have something for you, love. Keep your eyes closed.”

  As she sat patiently waiting, he retrieved the box of chocolates from near his desk and placed it on the table in front of them. “Open your mouth for me, Arden.”

  Obeying, she parted her lips and slowly moved her tongue to lick her lips in anticipation of his gift. As he placed the tiny candy on her tongue, her eyes opened wide and she smiled, savoring the delicious sweetness in her mouth.

  “Oh, Brandon! It’s delicious. Thank you!”

  Innocently, she leaned forward to kiss him, and he tasted the sugar and milk on her tongue as she eagerly ran it over his. Brandon’s heart filled with joy, and he wanted to make her happy again.

  “I have something else for you. I want you to go upstairs to your room and put on the new dress I bought you.”

  He knew she’d thought the dress had been for another woman, and he saw the flash of recognition cross her face before she smiled wider.

  “Go and have Mrs. Benson help you. I’ll be up to get you in a little while,” he whispered near her mouth before kissing the tip of her nose.

  Brandon watched as she excitedly left his study. His heart was filled with joy from their time together. All he had to do was make it through introducing her to Vasilije and she would be his. It had only been six months since he’d last made a true request to his sire. He accepted the protocol required for what he wanted to do with Arden, though the memory of his last attempt made presenting her to him something he dreaded.

  He just hoped this time wouldn’t end as his last visit had.

  Chapter Seven

  Brandon waited outside Arden’s bedroom door and tried to calm himself. His heart beat wildly as he envisioned what she’d look like in the dress he’d had made especially for her. He heard her go silent behind the door and knew it was time to go.

  Three sharp raps on the door and she appeared in front of him, more beautiful than he ever could have imagined. The red dress fit perfectly, accentuating her luscious breasts and feminine body usually hidden behind her bland maid’s uniform. As he stood staring at her, he wished he could bypass vampire law and take her as his right there at that very moment.

  Arden smiled, but she made an expression that told him she was unsure of her new look. He reached out to take her hand, and twirling her in front of him, he stopped her to face him.

  “You’re every bit as stunning as I knew you would be, Arden.”

  “Thank you so very much, Brandon. It’s lovely. But where are we going?”

  “I want to introduce you to someone. I promise we’ll only stay a short while and then we can come home.”

  “Oh, we don’t have to return early, do we? I’d love to have a night out.”

  “Then perhaps after you meet Vasilije we can take a carriage ride. Would you like that?”

  Arden squeezed his hand in excitement. “Oh, I’d love that!”

  As they waited for the carriage to stop at Vasilije’s home, tension began to take hold of Brandon. He hoped this time would be a success and he’d approve of his choice. As his sire, his approval was necessary before he could take Arden as his own, but Vasilije was difficult to predict, as he’d learned the last time he petitioned for his approval to sire his previous maid, Celeste.

  That time he’d chosen to withhold his approval, and she’d left before he could convince her to return to his home. Looking at Arden, Brandon knew that unfortunate turn of events with Celeste was for the best as he never cared for her like he did for Arden. He just prayed Vasilije wouldn’t disapprove of her.

  Never before had he cared so much for the approval to sire a vampire for himself. The others had been to keep him company and fed. Arden was different. She was someone he could be devoted to.

  Someone to love.

  Taking her hand to ease her out of the carriage, he escorted her toward the massive mansion in front of them. Standing outside the door, he turned toward her and took her in his arms.

  “Arden, although it’s only been a short time that you’ve been in my life, I’ve grown to care for you a great deal. I hope you feel the same.”

  Looking up at him, she spoke the words he’d prayed to hear. “Yes, Brandon. I do care for you.”

  In a far more serious tone, he continued, “After tonight, I hope you’ll be happy to be with me forever.”

  The door opened and they were shown into a sitting room to wait. The room spoke volumes about its owner. Furnished with expensive tapestries from around the world and priceless works of art, it showed like a shrine to the centuries Vasilije had walked the Earth. They sat on a sofa from the Louis XIV period, a further tribute to his holdings. Brandon held her hand and watched as she examined Vasilije’s luxurious home. His sire was, in truth, no wealthier than he, but Brandon suddenly worried his home didn’t stand up to the one she admired now.

  “Vasilije’s home is exquisite, is it not?”

  “Yes it is, but I like yours better,” she said, making him beam with happiness.

  Brandon smiled, but his mood quickly grew serious as he felt the presence of his sire. Looking up, he saw Vasilije enter the room and his stomach clenched.

  Older in years, the vampire who greeted him had never aged beyond his mid-twenties. Forever young, his body rippled with strength while his face appeared at once innocent and knowing. No lines or wrinkles marred his appearance to indicate the passage of time. Vasilije stood as a testament to the charmed facets of a vampire’s existence.

  Brandon looked to see Arden’s face impressed by the man he jealously wished looked older
or uglier. He winced as that jealousy stabbed at him, and he squeezed her hand possessively.

  “My dear Brandon. Who do we have here?”

  As he introduced Arden to his sire, he watched his eyes roam over her as if he were appraising a piece of fine art—or sizing up his next victim.

  Vasilije took her hand, softly kissing the top of it, and looked into her eyes. “What a beautiful name, truly fitting for such a beautiful woman.”

  As the delicate dance to win his maker’s approval began, Brandon wished for nothing more than to be finished with this night and home in Arden's arms.


  Arden shivered as Vasilije looked into her eyes. Uncertain why Brandon wanted her to meet this man, she felt his apprehension as he continued to squeeze her hand. So much had happened so quickly between them, and she didn’t want to ruin that with the incorrect response to his friend. Was she to be friendly or merely respectful? By the look on his face as he watched his friend kiss her, she sensed respectful was the correct answer.

  As Vasilije released her hand, she studied him closely. Tall, with jet black hair, he was striking with his regal nose and dark blue eyes. There was something almost hypnotic in his voice as he began to speak to Brandon in a tone that seemed to indicate his superiority but also his care.

  She looked at Brandon, so dark and impressive himself, as he stood to speak to the man. How wonderful things had become between them in the short time she’d lived in his home. He’d obviously been planning this night for days, and she silently chided herself for ever being jealous. And as she watched him now as he looked over at her, she hoped he cared for her as she did him.

  But her dreams made her hope for something much more than the proper love of a well-off English gentleman.

  Something passionate.

  Something that possessed her body and soul and made her unlike who she was when awake.

  She sat waiting as they spoke in low tones about things obviously not meant for her to hear and closed her eyes to remember the lustful images that filled her dreams. His hands, so gentle yet commanding, as they cupped her breasts and his fingers pinched a nipple to an excited peak. His mouth pressed against the wetness between her legs with his tongue seductively lapping against her most sensitive spot and sending exquisite sensations throughout her body. His hardness...

  Arden’s eyes snapped open as she tried to make herself focus on her present surroundings instead of her wanton desires. Wiping the tiny beads of sweat that had formed across the tops of her breasts, she forced herself to examine Vasilije’s well-appointed sitting room, with its imported tapestries and expensive furniture. It was no use. Repeatedly, her mind returned to all the things she wished Brandon to do to her.

  As she sat trying to think of the mundane, a doubt crept into her mind. She was still just a maid, no matter how many red dresses she wore. What would someone like Brandon Ridley want with a mere maid when he could have a lady of worth equal to his station? Torturing herself with self-doubt, she looked over at him wishing he’d never brought her to this place. She had no business pretending to be something she wasn’t. She was a homeless girl he’d taken pity on, no more.

  A small frown formed on her face as a sense of shame began to cover her. God, she wished he’d return so they could leave! She belonged back at his home in her dowdy maid’s uniform, not sitting in a red dress on display for his friend!

  “Arden, what’s wrong?”

  She looked up to see him standing over her with a look of concern on his face. She put a fake smile on and shook her head.


  Brandon crouched down in front of her and steadied himself with his hand on her knee. Looking up into her eyes, he looked like she’d hurt him.

  “Tell me what’s wrong.”

  Arden hung her head and quietly said, “I don’t belong here. I’m merely a homeless girl you took pity on with a job as your maid. Your friend probably wonders why you’ve brought someone like me to his beautiful house.”

  Lifting her chin with his fingertip, he met her tear-filled gaze. “I assure you I never took pity on you, Arden Stephens. From the moment I first looked down into those beautiful brown eyes, I’ve been enchanted. I offered you the job as my maid so I could have you near me. And Vasilije can see as clearly as I how lovely you are. It is I who doesn’t deserve you, not the other way around.”

  Arden couldn’t stop a smile from forming. Looking down at the face of this amazing man who was saying such wonderful things, she wished they were at home in his study, just the two of them.

  “Just give me a few more minutes with Vasilije and I promise we’ll leave soon.”

  Brandon took her hands in his and brought them to his lips. “I love you, Arden.”

  As he walked away to rejoin his friend, she replayed his words over and over. I love you. Thrilled by his admission, her self-doubts faded from her mind and she returned to thinking of her fantasies. Would they make love that night? Would he be the same kind of lover as he was in her dreams?


  “She’s delightful, Brandon. But is she ready? She seems easily upset.”

  Brandon sensed the hint of disapproval in his sire’s tone. Knowing he had the final say, he worked to reassure him as he had Arden.

  “No need to worry. Trust me. She’s fine.”

  Vasilije trained his blue eyes on Brandon’s face. “And why should I accede to your wishes this time? If I recall, you asked for the same permission with that other delicious looking treat not more than six months ago. And I knew she wasn’t right for you, didn’t I?”

  Brandon struggled to control his temper. He knew Vasilije was right about Celeste. Still, his smugness irritated him.

  “Arden’s different.”

  Vasilije cocked one eyebrow and directed his gaze toward her. “And how is she different?”

  Sure he couldn’t trust his sire with the knowledge that she excited him more than any woman had in decades, he chose to focus on her unfortunate past and felt like a bastard as he did. “She has no family to be concerned about and was homeless when I found her.”

  Vasilije chuckled deeply as he turned to face him. “A stray? Don’t you know not to take strays in, dear Brandon?”

  “She’s not a stray!” he snapped.

  A long moment of tension remained between the two men until Vasilije turned toward Arden and moved to approach her.

  “Well, let’s make sure she’s right for you then.”

  Brandon’s chest tightened at the thought of how his sire would decide that. Following behind him, he tried to catch Arden’s gaze, but Vasilije had gotten to her already.

  Standing over her, he stared down into her eyes and began. “Arden, I’m so happy you’ve come here tonight. Do you enjoy it here?”

  Brandon knew by the silky tone of his voice he was hypnotizing her.


  Waving off his concern, he concentrated on Arden’s eyes and continued. “Arden, how do you feel about Brandon?”

  Afraid of what she’d answer, he said, “Vasilije, don’t.”

  Turning his head, the older vampire chided him. “How can I be expected to allow you to bring her into our world if I don’t know she can handle it?”

  Brandon had seen him do this with another of his vampires and hated the idea of him having control over Arden. “She’s done nothing to warrant this.”

  Turning back toward her, he slid his finger along her jaw. “Don’t worry. I promise I won’t hurt her.”

  Brandon cringed at the idea that he could.

  Vasilije repeated his question and Brandon saw a shy smile form on her lips.

  “I love him.”

  “And why is that?”

  “Because he’s kind and takes care of me.”

  Brandon filled with guilt at her words. If he truly took care of her, he wouldn’t let his sire do this.

  “Arden, dear. Do you know what he is?”

  Silently, she nodded, and Brandon wonder
ed if she’d misunderstood the question.

  “And what is he?”


  Brandon took a step back, stunned that she knew.

  “And how do you know that?”

  Arden smiled again. “He comes to me at night.”

  “And what happens when he visits you at night?”

  Brandon’s stomach clenched at the idea that his sire was going to know what he and Arden did together. Each visit with her held a special charm for him, and he didn’t want to share those moments with Vasilije.


  The look of rage that Vasilije flashed toward him surprised Brandon, and he had to force himself to resist deferring to the one who’d made him what he was.

  “Brandon, I grow weary of your interference.”

  “Vasilije, don’t do this to her.”

  But his plea fell on deaf ears and Vasilije continued his questioning.

  “Arden, tell me what happens when he visits you at night.”

  Looking up into his face, her beautiful eyes glazed over, she whispered, “He makes love to me and drinks from me.”

  Brandon closed his eyes in pain. He should be doing everything in his power to protect her from his sire’s manipulations. Instead, he stood obediently as the shame of powerlessness washed over him.

  “And you like when he does this?”

  Shyly, she answered, “Yes. I love him.”

  Relieved and thrilled by her answer, Brandon opened his eyes and saw Arden’s innocent face beaming from her admission. Gradually, the pain that had forced his eyes closed ebbed away and he found the strength he needed to protect her.

  Running his hand over her cheek, Vasilije thanked her and turned to Brandon. “You’re right. She’s perfect.”

  Relieved she’d passed his sire’s test, he looked over at her beautiful face staring straight ahead.

  “So I’m going to take her.”

  Brandon whipped his head around to face Vasilije. “No! She’s mine!”

  “As your sire, I have right of first choice. You know that. And as I watched that beautiful mouth pledge her love to you, I couldn’t help think how much I wanted that mouth filled with my cock.”


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