A Million Tiny Pieces

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A Million Tiny Pieces Page 35

by Nicole Edwards

  The table was silent for a moment, and Mia knew she had better do something or Harrison was going to bolt. As it was, he looked incredibly uncomfortable.

  “Harrison was explaining how he and Damien had a falling out.”

  Tarik turned his hardened gaze on her at that point, and Mia nodded, letting him know that his original suspicions had been accurate.

  “We aren’t here to make things difficult for you,” Tarik said, his tone even, although it held a dangerous edge to it. “As you can imagine, we’re a little concerned about Mia’s … safety. Please, do continue.”

  The waitress interrupted once more, bringing their food and taking an order from Phoenix and Tarik as though this were a normal lunch date for the four of them. Mia wasn’t hungry, but she did want Harrison to continue, so she started eating, trying to keep things casual. As casual as possible, considering.

  “Harrison,” she said softly, “I really would like to hear what you have to say.”

  Harrison nodded, his eyes dropping to his plate as he opened his mouth, closed it. He took a deep breath and then cleared his throat. “We were having dinner in Vegas. My wife was there with me and…” Harrison looked up then, hesitantly casting a look at Phoenix, then Tarik. “Damien was there with Teresa Somerhaus.”

  Mia’s harsh intake of breath had all three men looking at her.

  “I’m sorry, Mia. I should’ve told you.”

  “Yes, you should have,” Tarik growled.

  “It’s just… Things weren’t that simple.” Harrison looked at her again, remorse in his dark brown eyes, and continued, “It was that night that I told Damien to hold off on pursuing the casino investment and gave him a few details about my suspicions on his financials. I hadn’t even had a chance to look into the group backing the casino. He got pissed, told me I didn’t know what I was talking about. It was very volatile. Turned out, Damien had already moved forward without the consent of those who worked for him. It was an emotional decision. That I was certain of.”

  “Damien invested in the casino without having all of the details? Or the money?” Mia asked, surprised. Damien had always been so level-headed.

  “Yes. I tried to encourage him to wait. I even informed him in detail about the problem, not in so many words. Teresa was paying close attention to everything I said. Oddly, Damien told me not to worry about it. Told me mistakes happened and it wasn’t a big deal. He was sure that it could be fixed. I knew immediately that something was off. First of all, a mistake of that nature should’ve been grounds for termination. Since I was ultimately responsible for missing the error, it should’ve been my head on the chopping block.

  “Needing my job, I dismissed Damien’s nonchalant response. He quickly changed the subject that night. I was already suspicious, but I let it go.”

  “So Damien was having financial problems before then?” Phoenix inquired, sitting back in his chair, looking as though he didn’t have a care in the world. Mia knew better. He was hanging on Harrison’s every word.

  “Looked that way,” Harrison confirmed, hardening his gaze as he looked at Phoenix. “But I quickly learned, the following week, that Damien already knew that, which was how he ended up in bed, so to speak, with Teresa. He was looking to partner with her father.”

  “Because he lacked the funds?” Tarik questioned.

  Harrison nodded. “Someone was trying to cover it up. He called me into his office that week and asked for my honest opinion on the Vegas deal. I told him that it wasn’t a financially sound decision at the moment, considering the errors I’d found. This time he got really pissed. Told me this was unacceptable, that he was working with Teresa’s father on the Vegas investment; they were both moving forward. Informed me that I needed to find a way to fix the problem immediately. Basically, he asked me to make it go away. Things got tense at that point.”

  “Make it go away? How is that possible? It’s not like you can just summon money from the sky. If he didn’t have it, he didn’t have it,” Mia stated. “I don’t understand.”

  “Neither did I.”

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  TARIK SAT BACK and watched the interaction between Harrison and Mia. Although he and Phoenix had crashed their little lunch date, he was doing his best to pretend he was invisible. More for Harrison’s sake. The man clearly had some secrets, and he wasn’t above sharing them with Mia. It was just a damn good thing the man looked remorseful or Tarik would’ve punched him in the fucking face at this point.

  The bastard had known that Damien was cheating on Mia from the beginning. He would’ve been her proof, netting her the additional ten mil that the prenup had declared was hers in the event Landry was unfaithful. Mia didn’t seem concerned about the money, though, and that had him paying close attention to her. No, she seemed more concerned about getting information that would help Phoenix, although the man she was talking to had known the fate of her marriage long before she had.

  He wondered if Phoenix noticed. Likely, since the guy was pretty damn perceptive. However, Phoenix was being equally silent, allowing Harrison to spill his guts.

  “So is that why you no longer work for him?” Mia questioned.

  “Damien became obsessed with the Vegas property. He went off on tangents that this could be the biggest deal of his lifetime.”

  “How did my father play into this?” Phoenix asked.

  Harrison turned his attention back to Phoenix. “I don’t know exactly. I do know that Damien mentioned running into Sid at one of the Arrows games. Before the Vegas deal, he’d had an obsession with hockey. Wanted to own a team. He went on and on that he’d had a conversation with the Arrows owner. I joked that he should offer to buy the Arrows and then he wouldn’t need the Vegas investment.”

  Phoenix’s gaze hardened. “Did he or did he not make a deal with my father?”

  Tarik already knew the answer to that question, as did Phoenix. Evidently Phoenix was looking for confirmation.

  “I have no idea, honestly. Damien’s obsessions multiplied, and for the next few weeks, while I was still employed, he mentioned wanting to own the team once again. Said it would be a solid investment. I laughed it off, considering he’d said the same thing about the Vegas opportunity, but he seemed serious. Then” — Harrison looked back at Mia — “Mia asked for a divorce, and all hell broke loose.”

  “But you said Damien was already out of control,” Phoenix mentioned.

  “He was, but when Mia left him, he became someone different. Someone I’d never seen before. Within a few days, he fired me.”

  Tarik noticed the sadness reflected on Harrison’s face. He only questioned the look because he couldn’t imagine that he was upset that Damien had let him go after all the hell he’d been put through. “Did something else happen?” Tarik asked.

  “Yes,” Harrison said, looking up, his eyes hard. “My wife informed me that she’d cheated. With Damien.”

  Mia gasped and Tarik automatically reached for her hand.

  “After Mia left him?” Phoenix asked, his tone serious.

  “No. She … had apparently been sleeping with him for a while. According to her.”

  If it hadn’t been for the fact that he was holding Mia’s hand, he would’ve balled up his fist. Not only had Harrison known about Damien and Teresa, but he’d also known his own wife had had an affair with Damien. “I take it the two of you weren’t really friends.” Tarik nodded between Harrison and Mia. “If you were, I’d like to think he would’ve shared this information with you. Before now,” Tarik said snidely, his eyes locked on Harrison.

  “I confronted Damien about it. Not only did he fire me but he’d been knowingly screwing my wife,” Harrison retorted angrily. “Damien threatened to announce that I’d intentionally made the accounting error,” Harrison added quickly. “He informed me that if I said one word about what had gone down in Vegas, or that he’d been cheating, I’d lose my CPA license.”

  Mia was silent, as was Phoenix, but Tarik could see that he
was fuming. He was probably trying to keep himself in check the same way Tarik was.

  “Is there anything else I can get you?” the waitress asked as she made a drive-by.

  “The check,” Phoenix said harshly.

  The woman nodded warily, pulling a pad of paper out of her pocket. When she went to hand it to Phoenix, he pointed to Harrison. “He’ll be picking up the tab today.”

  Harrison didn’t bother to argue. If Tarik had to guess, the guy felt bad about what he’d done to Mia; however, that still didn’t make it right, in his opinion.

  “Thank you for the information,” Phoenix said, taking Mia’s hand and helping her up. She went willingly, her expression sad.

  Tarik allowed them to move away from the table before he leaned in to Harrison. “I’m sure you’re a nice guy, but you’re damn lucky I haven’t laid you out flat on that floor for what you did to Mia. It’s in your best interest to find a way to make amends.” Tarik got to his feet. “And I suggest you fucking do it soon.”

  Harrison nodded his head as Tarik turned and walked away.


  FORTY FIVE MINUTES later, the three of them were walking into Phoenix’s condo. It would’ve taken less time, but the stupid elevator had taken its own sweet fucking time. Apparently, the damn thing wasn’t on the same timeline Phoenix was. Ever since Harrison’s admissions, he’d been hard-pressed not to punch the fucking wall. His anger was at a boiling point. He could attribute his ability to maintain his composure to the fact that Mia was there, seemingly still processing all that Harrison had told her at lunch.

  “Don’t sit down,” Tarik commanded when Phoenix headed right for the sofa in the living room. He turned and looked at his lover, trying to figure out just what he had in mind. He couldn’t quite pinpoint what Tarik was going to do, but right there in those glittering gold eyes was just what Phoenix needed. There was no softness there. There wasn’t any fear of hurting Tarik the way he worried with Mia.

  With a minimum amount of hesitation, knowing his control was about to be stripped from him and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it, Phoenix remained on his feet, but he didn’t do anything more.

  “Lose the jacket, shirt, and tie,” Tarik instructed, followed by, “Mia, come here, love.”

  Phoenix shrugged out of his jacket, loosened his tie, and then unbuttoned his shirt as he watched Tarik. When he rid himself of the shirt, he tossed it onto the arm of the sofa with his jacket and then placed his arms down at his sides.

  Mia came to stand in front of Tarik, both of them facing him, Tarik behind her.

  “For the next few minutes, I want you to forget everything that Harrison told you. Understand?” Tarik asked Mia, his voice soft as he spoke close to her ear.

  Mia nodded, her eyes locked with Phoenix’s.

  Tarik’s hands moved around to Mia’s chest, plucking one button on her white blouse from its mooring. He continued down her chest, moving slowly as he looked down at her. Phoenix couldn’t do anything other than watch the show. When she leaned against Tarik, raising her arms to wrap around behind his neck, causing the shirt to open, the creamy skin of her stomach coming into view, he found himself transfixed on her.

  Once all the buttons were released, Tarik easily lifted the cotton up and off her arms, tossing it away while Mia returned her hands to his neck, still facing Phoenix.

  “Do you see the way he’s looking at you, Mia?” Tarik asked her.

  Mia nodded.

  “That’s the look of a man who would give anything to be with you.”

  Phoenix instantly realized what Tarik was doing. He was reinforcing for Mia just how much she was wanted. Just how much they needed her. “I want you more than my next breath,” Phoenix admitted, his voice coming out laced with the emotion he felt for her.

  Phoenix wanted to lean forward and place his mouth on her breasts, suck her nipples between his lips through the sheer white bra that still covered her. He wanted to wrap her in his arms and never fucking let her go.

  All of the shit he’d listened to from Harrison had reinforced Phoenix’s hatred for Landry. How the bastard had ever managed to be with Mia was beyond him. Landry didn’t deserve her, never deserved her.

  Tarik’s big hands slid down her chest, stopping to gently knead the glorious mounds before continuing lower until he reached the button on her jeans. He quickly flipped it free and then lowered the zipper, pushing the denim down her hips. Mia wiggled, causing her jeans to slide down her legs and pool at her feet. She toed off her shoes and then stepped out of them, kicking them in the direction of her shirt. Her eyes locked with Phoenix’s as she stood there, nearly naked and on display for him. He wanted to touch her, but he wasn’t sure he could get his hands to move. He was lost in her beauty.

  Tarik pressed his mouth to Mia’s neck as he spoke once more. “I dream about this, Mia. Dream about touching you, tasting you. Feeling your soft skin against my fingers.”

  Tarik cupped Mia’s breasts, hefting them in his hands while Phoenix was helpless to watch.

  “I dream about watching you take Phoenix’s cock inside you while you ride him. I crave seeing the pleasure on both of your faces. It’s all I want, all I need. Do you understand what I’m telling you, Mia?”

  Mia nodded. “I’ve never felt this before,” she admitted, and the words pierced Phoenix’s heart as he continued to hold her gaze. “I’ve never wanted anything in my life more than I want the two of you.”

  Phoenix swallowed hard, her words making him feel things he hadn’t ever felt before.

  “Kick off your shoes,” Tarik said, interrupting his thoughts, his eyes meeting Phoenix’s once more.

  He did as he was told.

  “Now remove your slacks and socks. Leave your boxers on.”

  A few seconds later, Phoenix was mostly naked, save for his boxers, while Tarik was still completely dressed.

  Tarik must’ve read Phoenix’s mind, because he instructed Mia to face him. While he proceeded to have her undress him, one article of clothing at a time, starting with his suit jacket, Phoenix watched, admiring her cute little heart-shaped ass bisected by the white thong she wore.

  “Put your mouth on me, Mia,” Tarik instructed, cupping Mia’s head in both of his hands and pulling her forward. Her lips pressed against the hard planes of Tarik’s chest. “I want to feel you, Mia.”

  Mia kissed Tarik’s chest while Tarik held her head in his hands, his golden eyes meeting Phoenix’s. Without a single touch, Phoenix could feel Tarik’s need like a physical caress. He was proving to them both just what this was. It was more than any of them had anticipated.

  While Phoenix watched Mia, his mouth watered to taste her. He wanted to drop to his knees and kiss her soft skin, starting with the backs of her thighs and moving higher. She was so fucking beautiful.

  By the time Tarik had Mia turning back around to face Phoenix, Tarik was down to a pair of black boxer briefs that did little to hide the massive erection straining to get free.

  “Now what?” Phoenix asked, the words barely spoken past his dry throat, his anxiety level ratcheting up a notch.

  “Be patient,” Tarik said, his eyes narrowing as though warning Phoenix not to cross that line.

  Biting his tongue to keep from lashing out, to keep from begging for something, anything, Phoenix managed to remain silent.

  Tarik leaned down and pressed his lips to Mia’s ear. Phoenix could hear the muffled sound of words, but he couldn’t make them out this time. It must’ve been more instructions, because she moved over to the chair and sat down, primly pulling her legs up beneath her as though she was about to watch a show.

  “Come here,” Tarik stated firmly.

  Phoenix moved forward, closing the gap between them in two steps. His muscles were tense, his hands beginning to shake as the adrenaline and need barreled through him. There was a time for patience, and then there was now. Tarik was pushing him to his limits, and he was close to snapping.

bsp; Tarik’s hand came up to cup the back of Phoenix’s head, his fingers twining into his hair and pulling roughly, holding him still.

  “I’m in charge,” Tarik leaned in and whispered against Phoenix’s ear, his voice too low for Mia to hear. “If you have a problem with that, let me know now.”

  Phoenix considered that for a moment. He wasn’t sure how far Tarik would go. He wasn’t sure how far he wanted Tarik to go. But he knew he wasn’t going to find out unless he gave in. “I’m in,” Phoenix answered just as quietly.

  “You’re at my mercy, you know that, right?”

  Phoenix nodded, but no words came out, because Tarik chose that moment to slam his mouth over Phoenix’s, his tongue driving into his mouth in a kiss so hot, so fierce, Phoenix was lightheaded. He grabbed for Tarik, his arms going around him, his fingers digging into the rigid muscles of Tarik’s back as he kissed him with all the hunger, all the fury that raged inside him.

  The next thing Phoenix knew, Tarik was forcing him toward his bedroom, tugging Mia behind him. Her soft laughter made something loosen in Phoenix’s chest, and when she came over to him, he kissed her, trying to be gentle. She took his control from him instantly with the way she captured his mouth, her hands cradling his head.

  Tarik stripped her completely while her mouth was locked with Phoenix’s.

  “On the bed,” Tarik growled.

  Mia smiled against Phoenix’s lips, pulling him with her as she settled onto the mattress. “He’s awfully bossy, isn’t he?” she said in a mock whisper.

  Phoenix grinned but resumed kissing her, delving into her mouth, letting her consume him with her sweetness, her eagerness. He wanted to be inside her, and he didn’t want to wait.

  Letting his fingers trail down between her legs, he teased her gently. “You’re ready for me.”

  “Always,” she answered, her hands sliding to his hips and forcing his boxers down.

  Tarik assisted, pulling his boxers off, and the next thing Phoenix knew, he was sliding into Mia’s warm, wet heat.


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