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FMR Page 3

by SL

  eyes. Derek felt his heart flutter in his chest. Gently, he placed his

  hands on her shoulders. She didn't pull away, but, instead, ran the tip

  of her tongue over her lips. Before he realized it, he'd leaned in,

  placing a feather-light kiss on her mouth.

  "You'd better get going," he whispered. He'd felt his blood warm

  with desire, but reluctantly, he pulled away.

  "I'll be back tonight." Her face brightened, her cheeks glowing with

  color. "And I'll bring more supplies, too. Now, promise me you'll

  stay out of trouble while I'm gone."

  "Trouble? In the middle of nowhere?" He grinned, spreading his

  arms in an expansive gesture.

  "Derek?" Megan's tone was serious, although he could tell she was

  trying to stifle a smile.

  "Oh, all right. Cross my heart, no trouble." He sighed, tracing a

  little x over his chest with his fingertip.

  As he'd watched her leave, the warmth of her promise lingered in

  his heart. For once in his life, he felt wanted ... and loved. Now,

  standing on the porch, the wolf once again stirred under his skin.

  "It's a lovely day," he mused out loud. "It'd be a shame to waste it."

  He slid out of the tight t-shirt, borrowed jogging pants and sandals.

  Leaving his clothes bunched in a pile on the porch, he strolled naked

  through the autumn leaves, the sunlight warming his skin.

  Derek felt an inkling of tranquility, an at-oneness with the natural

  beauty that surrounded him. Casting a cautious glance back at the

  small cabin, he knew he was alone. With a smirk of satisfaction, he

  headed for the grove with a quick sprint. Reaching the first line of

  trees, Derek effortlessly transformed and the wolf bounded off into

  the woods.

  * * * *

  Megan's blood was still churning in her veins. She could feel the

  effects of the moon even though the afternoon sun was shining

  through the windshield. It was a strong moon, and a dangerous one,

  but she had to remain in control ... for her sake and Derek's. She

  gripped the steering wheel tighter as she recalled what had happened

  earlier at the diner.

  MacDonald was telling his side of the incident. Megan eyed him

  across the table, listening, but not quite believing him. Not that

  MacDonald was lying. She just felt he wasn't telling the whole truth.

  "Yeah, I had a few beers and may have said some things out of

  line." MacDonald shrugged his big shoulders. "But that Derek fella

  didn't have to get out of hand. He's the one who lost control, not me.

  I tell ya, he's a loner – always has been, always will be."

  "What if he wants to join our pack? Have you ever thought of

  that?" Megan hotly asked before she'd even realized she'd spoken.

  "Doesn't he deserve a chance? A sense of belonging?"

  Megan glanced around the table, her senses on alert as she studied

  the other pack members. Gazing over at her brother, she was

  disappointed to find he was blocking his thoughts from everyone ...

  including her. But what did she expect? She knew he was only trying

  to stay neutral and impartial to the whole situation.

  "He's too unpredictable, moon or no moon. Besides, he's not even

  sure of his parentage, Megan. If ya ask me, he's nothing more than-

  than a mutt!"

  Megan slapped a hand down on the table in aggravation.

  "MacDonald, you will not talk about Derek Lee like that! It's wrong!

  It's unfair to judge him before you even get a chance to know him!"

  Ray leaned close, laying a cool hand on her shoulder. "Meg, calm

  down and lower your voice." The tone of his voice was gentle, but

  held a note of warning. Her entire body quivered with anger. Her

  outburst had sent a ripple of shock and uneasiness around the table.

  "So, tell us, Megan," MacDonald leered, pushing his chair back

  from the table and holding her gaze, "how well have you gotten to

  know him?"

  That did it. Megan leapt to her feet as she gripped the edge of the

  table for control, but her heart was pounding angrily, the wolf inside

  her rippling under her skin. "You son of a bitch – how dare you!" she

  growled. "I ought to – "

  "Meg, no!" Ray swiftly rose and gripped her arm tight, whirling her

  around to face him. Her anger lost its punch as she gazed up into her

  brother's eyes. "Not here. Not now."

  She inhaled deep, struggling on the inside to cool her demeanor.

  Control. Breathe. Don't let him get to you. Stay calm, sis. Megan

  blinked, realizing it was not her own thoughts in her head, but Ray's.

  "I-I'm going outside." She nodded, her voice quivering. "Excuse


  Megan barely remembered walking through the crowded diner and

  stepping outside into the parking lot. "Damn him! How dare he think

  that I – that we – oh!" She fumed, letting out another hiss of anger.

  But it wasn't like we didn't want to. A tiny smile tugged at the corners

  of her mouth, recalling their kiss. She tried to shake the memory from

  her head.

  This moon's definitely got a hold on more of us than just Derek.

  She let out a heavy sigh. Propping up against the side of her car, she

  took a deep breath. She felt the autumn sun on her face and let the

  coolness of the morning air quiet her thoughts, clearing away the

  barrage of feelings that swirled inside her.

  Only ten minutes had passed, but it felt like forever. She'd decided

  to just wait outside, not go back into the diner. Her outburst had

  drawn attention from a few of the other customers. She thought it best

  to stay put. More than likely, the pack was finishing the meeting ...

  without her.

  Finally, the diner door swung open. Members of the pack filed out,

  talking among themselves. A low growl escaped from under her

  breath as she saw MacDonald exit the diner, but he wasn't even

  looking in her direction. His shoulders were hunched, his face pale

  and lips tightly drawn as he headed to his truck on the far side of the

  gravel lot.

  I wonder what all that's about?

  Ray and fellow pack-mate, Bruce Taylor, came out the door,

  heading toward her. Ray was chatting with Bruce as they drew closer.

  She couldn't help overhearing what her brother was saying. "I'm glad

  you spoke up when you did, Bruce. I felt MacDonald was holding

  back on us, too. Thanks for letting us know." Her brother grinned,

  patting the other man on the back.

  The two men came to a halt in front of her. Ray turned his gaze to

  Megan. "Hey, sis, are you doing okay now?"

  Her heart nervously skipped a beat. "Uh, yeah, I'm feeling better."

  She blushed, and then her curiosity got the best of her. "So what

  happened in there after I left? What was MacDonald holding back

  on?" Her eyes darted from Ray to Bruce, then back again to her


  Bruce rubbed the back of his neck with a hand, a slow grin

  spreading over his face. "Well, I should have spoken up before

  MacDonald made his dig, Megan. Sorry. But I was waiting to see if

  he did or not. Hard to tell with a guy like him." He gestured with his

  head in the direction of MacDonald's truck as it pulled
out of the

  parking lot.

  "What do you mean?" Megan raised an eyebrow in Bruce's

  direction, folding her arms over her chest.

  "I was off-duty that night and in the bar too. I overheard what was

  said. MacDonald was drunk again. Derek was there asking a few

  members about his chances of getting acceptance into the pack. That

  was all. Then, MacDonald shot off his mouth, and basically said that

  your family was full-blooded sithech. He also said there was no way

  our pack would accept him ... especially you. After that, he insulted

  Derek, calling him a Heinz-57 mutt."

  Megan stared at him, speechless. Her mind was numb. She was

  trying to comprehend what Bruce was saying. Ray wrapped his arm

  around her shoulders.

  "It seems like wolf-boy's fond of you, sis. I think he went off not

  because dumb-ass MacDonald called him a mutt, but because he'd

  struck a nerve when it came to you." Ray grinned down at her, giving

  her a gentle, affectionate squeeze. "And it doesn't take any wolf-sense

  to know you're having feelings for him, too. Right?"

  Megan blushed again, her cheeks burning with color as butterflies

  invaded her stomach.

  "Whoa! That's between you guys." Bruce grinned over at them,

  raising a hand. "I'd better get a move on. I go on duty at the police

  station in a few hours and I don't want to be late. Y'all have a good

  Halloween and be safe tonight, okay?"

  Ray and Megan said their good-byes, watching in silence as Bruce

  headed to his car. When he pulled out of the parking lot, Megan drew

  a deep breath and glanced up into her big brother's eyes.

  "I'm really glad Bruce spoke up, telling the pack exactly what

  MacDonald said. I also had a funny feeling, but I thought it was my

  own emotions getting in the way."

  Ray chuckled, his arm sliding from around her shoulders. "Yeah,

  remember Dad used to warn us about the October moon. He used to

  say it was a 'bad moon risin'. Up until a few years ago, when I took

  over as a pack leader, I never understood what he meant. It seems to

  me that even MacDonald's petty envy over Derek's interest in joining

  our pack was magnified by the moon the other night."

  "Yeah." Megan nodded in agreement. "I can't believe he lashed out

  at me, too. That was a nasty remark in front of the pack leaders. A

  real low blow."

  "Hmm, I think he also struck a nerve with you, sis."

  "What do you mean?" she asked, but kept her thoughts carefully

  guarded as she stared over at him.

  "If I were you, I'd wait until after we get past this moon phase

  before you and wolf-boy do anything rash. Please, promise me, Meg,

  you'll play it cool. Okay?"

  "Yeah, I'll be cool." She nodded, flashing him a reassuring smile.

  "I promise."

  After she left Ray in the diner parking lot, she drove over to her

  house to pick up supplies for her and Derek. She'd also stopped off at

  the local Target, purchasing him some warmer clothes before she

  headed back to the cabin.

  As she turned down the gravel road leading to the little hideaway in

  the woods, her heart began to patter rapidly in her chest. She was

  happy to be heading back to the quaint little cabin, returning to the

  serenity of the forest ... and to Derek.


  His entire body ached. He was grimy and sweaty, too. However,

  lucky for him, nothing was broken thanks to the thick bedding of

  fallen leaves coating the bottom of the hole. Derek had been the

  prisoner of the large earthen crater all morning. He'd kept watch on

  the sun's rays as they shifted angles, revealing to him the passage of

  time. The morning seemed to have lasted an eternity.

  The sides of the pitted crater were crumbly, difficult to climb in

  either his human or his wolf form. Reluctantly, he finally gave in,

  realizing he was stuck until Megan returned back to the cabin.

  She should be back soon, she promised. Gazing up to the top of the

  wide opening, his frustration mounted. Frustration and hunger. He

  was anxious until he heard the sound of a car off in the distance.

  Megan's back! His heart soared with happiness, his nerves flooded

  with relief. She'll get me out of here!

  Knowing his senses would be keener in wolf form, Derek

  effortlessly transformed. Remembering how Megan mind-talked, he

  wondered if it could be done, conveying messages over a distance.

  Ah, what the hell ... it's worth a try. Raising his nose to the sky, he

  mentally strained, sending out a psychic message. Meg! Megan! Can

  you hear me? Meg! I need your help! Meg?

  * * * *

  Megan shook her head in disbelief, placing an armload of bags onto

  the kitchen table. The cabin was quiet and empty. Derek was no

  where in sight. Now, where has he gone? Maybe he's running off a bit

  of sexual frustration. She grinned at the thought . Lord knows, I could

  use a good run too!

  Returning back outside to her car, she busied herself with the

  remainder of the bags when something nudged at her mind. It was

  like a mental poke. Listening to her instincts she stilled, holding her

  breath, and concentrated on the sensation. But whatever it was went

  silent. "Oh, that moon's now screwing with my mind too, damn it!"

  she cursed, hefting the bags into her arms and heading toward the

  cabin. "I swear, I can't wait until this moon waxes and – "

  Oooooo! A distant howl rolled through the woods. Megan stopped

  dead in her tracks, the hairs on the back of her neck rising in response.

  Oooooooo! It was a call for help.

  "Derek?" she yelled, depositing the bags swiftly onto the porch

  before she jogged in the direction of the distressing call. "Derek,

  where are you? I hear you! Keep howling!" she called out, stripping

  out of her clothing as she transformed, then picked up her pace. In her

  sithech form, she dashed off into the thick, amber-shaded grove in

  search of him.

  Ooooooo! His howl sounded strange, muffled, but unmistakable.

  She hurried on all fours through the bed of fallen leaves with her keen

  nose sniffing, seeking a clue to which direction to take. Ah ha! She

  gloated, finding the trail tainted with his unmistakable scent. Megan

  followed it deeper and deeper into the woods until she came to a

  shaded glade.

  Oooooo! A howl arose from a midsized hole in the ground. Derek?

  She slowed her pace and cautiously padded to the opening, gazing

  over the edge into the leaf-lined pit. To her relief, a pair of amber

  eyes glowed back at her from the bottom. The tawny-colored wolf let

  out a soft whimper.

  Derek! Are you okay? she mentally conveyed, her heart racing

  against her ribcage.

  Yes, I'm okay. Be careful. Those leaves around the edges are slick.

  How long have you been down there? Can't you get out in human

  form? she inquired, padding easily around the rim of the earthen-

  cavity, pondering the situation. Derek transformed and stood upright,

  naked and dirty at the bottom of the pit with a frown on his face.

  "I've been waiting for you to return all day. I trie
d to climb out, but

  the dirt is too flakey and loose. I won't be able to climb out unless I

  have something sturdy to grab onto."

  She could sense his frustration. He shrugged his shoulders, looking

  as helpless as a baby wolf pup. Her heart ached with desperation and


  Don't worry ... I have an idea. I'll be right back! She turned and

  scampered back in the direction of the cabin as fast as her limbs could

  carry her.

  * * * *

  He stared up at the opening and blinked in disbelief. Well, this'll be

  the second time she's saved my ass. He shook his head. Megan was

  once again putting herself out on a limb for him. That was twice in

  just a couple of days.

  "Well, I'll just have to think of a special way to thank her." He

  grinned, as a heady scent of she-wolf drifted down into the hole and

  filled his senses. The sun was still lingering in the sky, but Derek

  could feel the stirring of the moon in his blood. The feeling made him

  ache for Megan's caresses, her honey-sweet kisses and her body.

  Derek shook his head. "No, it's more than that," he grumbled out

  loud, engaging the moon's strange sensations within him. "I want her

  to be ... to be something more. I want her to be ... to be my mate!"

  Mate. The realization hit him hard, like a punch in the gut. Never

  in his single, solitary life had he ever met a woman who he wanted for

  both her body and her spirit. Megan McShaw was definitely special

  ... and he wanted her forever.

  "But it's impossible right now. She's keeping a distance between us

  until this Halloween moon fades. Damn it!" He swung his foot in

  frustration, kicking up a cloud of leaves.

  "What's wrong? Are you okay, Derek?" a familiar voice called from


  Hoping she didn't hear his outburst, he glanced up and cleared the

  tightness in his throat. "I-I was just letting off some steam, that's all.

  It's not easy to be stuck down here most of the day, you know."

  "I found some rope back at the cabin." She grinned, holding up a

  coil of thick rope in her hand. "Now I need to find a sturdy tree trunk

  to tie it around." Megan's face disappeared from the opening once

  again, but he could still hear her voice. "I'll help get you out of there

  in no time."

  "Sorry to be such a pain, Meg. I wasn't paying attention where I


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