Bedroom Rodeo: A Billionaire Romance

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Bedroom Rodeo: A Billionaire Romance Page 6

by Sarah J. Brooks

  “Why would he do it on a holiday? Maybe he forgot about it. Maybe you could come with us. Why don’t you call and check with him and get back to me?”

  I really didn’t want to call Tyler and check in with him. I knew he said Monday at three o’clock, and I was planning on being there when he said. It didn’t really matter if the school was in session or not, he could still give me a run-through of how the process worked.

  “No, sorry, guys. I’m going to have to stay home. I’m trying to be responsible and keep this job. I know, I know, it’s shocking.” I laughed.

  “Okay, well have fun at your new job. Call me and let me know how it’s going this week sometime. I’d love to hear all about it. I bet it’s going to be a cake walk. Playing with kids all day and getting paid for it, you’re so lucky.”

  “Thanks, Amy; I’ll talk to you later.”

  I did think I was pretty lucky to have such an amazing job opportunity. I’d have to make sure and write Jason a thank you card for connecting me with his friend. When I was younger, my mother always taught me that writing thank you cards was more important than anything else in the social hierarchy. ‘It shows you care,’ she would say.

  Even though I wasn’t normally good at remembering to do the cards, I couldn’t help sitting down and writing one since I was thinking about it. This job was a turning point for me in my life – I could feel it.


  On Monday, I was ready for work. I slept in and made sure I showered and did my hair cute so Faith would like it. I did a double French braid with a little zigzag part to add some style. The whole morning I worried over what I should wear, though. Most of my outfits were designed to show off my figure, and I knew that wasn’t going to be something I should do around kids.

  I’d worn a simple T-shirt and jeans when I did my interview, and that seemed pretty appropriate to me. But how the heck was I supposed to know what was right or wrong? I’d never been a nanny before, and I hadn’t even known anyone else who was a nanny.

  My only education about nannies was what I’d seen online and in movies, and I doubted in the provided information. By the time it was two o’clock, I realized that Patrick still wasn’t home, and I’d have to figure out my own way to get over to Tyler’s house.

  Without any money in the bank account, I couldn’t exactly order an Uber or take a cab. I furiously started calling my friends to see if anyone was around. Patrick wasn’t answering his phone; Anna was busy, and Amy and Rebecca were out of town. By 2:15 p.m., I was getting so nervous that I tried to call my father to see if he could give me a ride.

  When my father also didn’t answer his phone, I went to my very last choice, my mother. I loved my mother very much, and I knew she loved me too. But this whole issue with me being kicked out still hurt our relationship terribly.

  I expected her to stand up for me and protect me from all of this. Whether it was right or wrong, I really didn’t think she would let me get kicked out like she had. For so many years, she was the one who said I didn’t need that sort of normal life because we had our own special life. But somewhere in the middle of all of that, she changed her mind and didn’t tell me about it.

  “Honey, how are you? I’m so glad you called,” my mother said before I said a single word.

  “I have to get to a new job today, and I don’t have anyone around to drive me. Could you possibly take me over there?”

  “Of course, honey. When do you need to be there?”

  “At three, so hurry.”

  “I’ll leave right now. Be ready downstairs in fifteen minutes,” my mom said as I heard her hurrying around and grabbing her things.

  “Thanks so much, Mom.”

  Even after not talking to each other for several months, my mom was willing to drop everything and help me out with a moment’s notice. God, I loved her. Even when we were fighting, she was an amazing woman.

  I waited downstairs for her, and she was there exactly in fifteen minutes. I jumped in the car and typed the address for Tyler’s house into her GPS. Not a moment later, I realized this was going to be one of those meaningful mother-daughter conversations while we drove to my job. There was no way around it – she had me trapped in the car with her.

  “I’m so proud of all the hard work you’re doing, honey. I know your father and I are being tough, and it probably feels like we are being mean, but I really do love you.”

  As much as I wanted to have this conversation with her, I also didn’t feel like getting all worked up before going to Tyler’s house. This was my first day, and I had to continue to make a good first impression.

  “I know you love me, Mom,” I said without giving her any ammunition to continue the conversation forward.

  I bit my tongue for the rest of the drive and tried to think of something nice to say when I got to Tyler’s. I could hardly remember what had happened during my first interview. I’d been so distracted by how handsome he was.

  Tyler was probably in his early forties, but that wasn’t too old for me. I’d been out with guys of all ages, and the forty-year-old was a popular group. They had their life put together enough that they had decent money and weren’t hustling so much at work that they didn’t have time for a woman.

  When my mom pulled up into the driveway, I felt like a teenager getting dropped off at a babysitting gig. What kind of nanny has her mother dropping her off? That would be me.

  “Okay, thanks, Mom. I’ve got to go,” I said as I hurried out of the car.

  “You don’t want to introduce me?”


  My mom was driving her Rolls Royce, and I already felt totally weird as Tyler and Thomas watched me walk up toward the house. Obviously, I wasn’t going to be able to hide the fact that my family had money, and that frustrated me. When people knew about my family having money, they seemed to think that the job didn’t matter to me when it really did.

  One of my first jobs was helping at a hair salon and answering the phones. The ladies there started really judging me after they heard who my parents were. I never lived it down and swore they were making my life harder purely because of my family.

  Tyler opened the front door, and I nearly fell over in my Louboutin shoes. His salt and pepper hair was precisely combed, and he had let a little bit of a goatee form. Even though he also had salt and pepper coloring in his goatee, it still looked handsome as hell.

  “Well, hello there,” I said as I pointed to my mother. “That’s my mom, and she’s going to be talking about you for days now that she’s gotten to see you.”

  “You should have had her come in. I would have loved to meet your mother.”

  “You’re inviting me to move in with you and asking to meet my parents; slow down there big boy,” I teased.

  I don’t know what it was about Tyler that made me so damn flirty. I just couldn’t help myself. Being around Tyler made every bit of my sexual energy ooze out of me. The more I tried not to be attracted to the guy, the more I was actually attracted to him.

  “Well, I’ve got good news and bad news, which would you like first?” Tyler asked as we went inside.

  “Bad news.”

  “There’s no school today.”

  “Hmm, I think that sounds like the good news,” I said as I saw Faith and Thomas sitting at the kitchen table. “Do you guys think it’s good news there was no school today?”

  “Yes!” They both said in unison.

  “Okay, well then, I have good news and more good news,” Tyler laughed. “I think it will be a good day to go do a drive through of the drop-off and pick up since no one is at the school. It might actually make it easier for us. Also, we can go over some of the other stuff going on around here. How does that sound.”

  To be honest, I was barely able to pay attention to what Tyler was saying because every time I looked at him, he reminded me of a movie star. His hair was perfectly styled, his teeth perfectly white, and I suspected that under his polo shirt was a body that was also perfectly

  For years, I’d been finding flaws in every man I came across, but I couldn’t find a single flaw with Tyler. He was perfection.

  “I’m sorry; what did you say?” I replied as I came out of my daze.

  “We are going to drive to the school,” he said with a smirk on his face.

  Damn, he had a fine looking smile, smirk, and everything in between. As we loaded into his car, I tried to pay attention to how the kids buckled their booster seats, but they both seemed to know what they were doing and didn’t need help.

  “Do you have a car?” Tyler asked as we pulled out of the driveway.

  “Not right now.”

  “Okay, I’ve got an extra in the garage you can drive. It’s just an Infiniti SUV, nothing too fancy.”


  The drive to the school was beyond awkward as I sat there trying to pay attention to where we were going but also trying not to look over at Tyler. I swore his eyes kept checking out my cleavage, though, and I found myself leaning to face him a little so he could get a better look.

  I didn’t mind Tyler checking me out one bit. In fact, I found a moment or two to check him out too while we were driving. His jeans fit him perfectly, and I even saw an outline of his manhood when he adjusted his seat position.

  “Okay, so you have to go up Timber Street even though the GPS will say Wells Street,” Tyler started to say. “Then we turn on the Nineteenth Street and curve back around to the school. It’s very counterintuitive, and you’ll get lost the first time almost guaranteed.”

  “Okay, turn on Timber Street and Nineteenth,” I said confidently. “Got it.”

  “When you arrive at school, you’ve got to stay in the left lane. It will move slowly but just keep behind the line until you get to the front. At the front of the school, you’ve got to pull up to the last spot, and then the kids climb out and you pull forward as soon as you can. Don’t stop in the middle.”


  “Also, if you have to stop or get out for any reason, you’ll need to park at the seven-eleven down the street and walk. There’s no way to park up here during rush morning traffic or at pickup time.”

  “Okay, got it.”

  Tyler went on and on about all the rules, and none of them seemed all that hard to remember. A lot of them seemed more like common sense than really hard rules. As Tyler went on and on, I happened to glance back at Faith who rolled her eyes as if she knew her dad was getting a bit excessive with the rules.

  “Do you want to practice the driving part?” Tyler asked as he pulled around to the back of the school.

  “No, I think I’ve got it,” I replied confidently.

  To be honest, this job didn’t seem all that hard at all. Basically, the hardest thing I could figure was going to be getting up and getting the kids ready. But after I dropped them off, I could sleep all day until it was time to pick them up again. This cushy job was turning into the job of my dreams.

  As we drove back into the driveway to Tyler’s house, there were a couple kids just playing there. It was a boy and a girl of about the same ages as Faith and Thomas.

  “Dad, can we go play?” Thomas asked so full of excitement he already had his seatbelt off and was just waiting for the car to stop.

  “Yes, in our backyard only, though.”

  The kids both jumped out and ran into the backyard leaving Tyler and me in the car for a moment. It was uncomfortable yet electric between us. If we had been on a date, I would have expected him to lean over and give me a kiss right then and there. But we weren’t on a date; I was his new nanny, and he was my new boss.

  “Maybe you should write down those directions for me. I don’t want to forget anything when I try to take them to school,” I said as I turned toward Tyler.

  “Of course. And maybe tomorrow you’d like to come early and drive with us to school? It might be easier if you see it all in action.”

  I really did want to do a live run through, but I knew there was no way I’d make it to his house that early without a car. It was silly that I didn’t have my own car yet, and it made me feel like a child.

  “Um, well … I couldn’t get here by then, you know. I don’t have a car right now.”

  “How about we come and pick you up before school?”

  “So you want to pick me up, eh?” I teased, and Tyler gave a little laugh.

  “If you would like me to, I’m sure we could get up a little early and come get you. I really would feel more comfortable if you had a chance to see it all live and in person. There’s no way to truly describe the hell that is the morning drop off.”

  “Sure you can come get me. I’ll send you my address,” I said as my phone started to buzz.

  I clicked it closed to try and be respectful to Tyler, but it was so hard for me. I was so used to constantly having my phone on that it was going to take a lot of getting used to not using it as much.

  “You can get that if you’d like. I was just going to head inside for a minute. I can take you home in a little bit, and then I’ll know where you live and will have no troubles finding your house in the morning.”

  “Okay,” I said a little too eagerly. “Um, I’m going to go visit with the kids in the back yard. Just let me know when you’d like to go.”

  I couldn’t get away from Tyler fast enough. Everything in my body was pulling me toward him, and I thought I might actually kiss him. How awkward would that have made my first day of work?”

  Faith and Thomas were busy with their friends by the time I got to the backyard, so I just sat down and watched them. With a little spare time on my hands, I pulled out my phone and sent a few SnapChats and Instagram messages.

  There was an overwhelming feeling of calm for me. I just knew I was going to love this job. I could literally sit out in the sun and get a tan while the kids played, and I was going to get paid.

  “Who are you?” the neighbor boy asked me.

  “I’m Summer.”

  “That’s not a name.”

  “Yeah, it is. That’s my name. It’s kind of silly, though, isn’t it?”


  “What’s your name?”


  “I like that name,” I said as he turned and ran away.

  Just as quickly as the kids had started playing, they suddenly turned against each other. I heard the two girls screaming at each other and fighting over a toy that they were both holding onto.

  As I looked around, I realized I was the only adult there, and it was up to me to calm down the chaos. Slowly, I approached them as I tried to get them to calm down.

  “Hey, girls, you can take turns with that,” I said although neither of them stopped to look at me.

  “It’s my doll! Why are you even touching it,” Faith said to the neighbor girl.

  “I just want to play with it for a second, stop being such a jerk.”

  “Wow, okay girls. Let’s calm down,” I tried again, but they just kept fighting.

  I reached down to try and stop them, but they were muddy and wet from the sprinklers that had been going earlier. Before I knew what had happened, I was on the ground with them and covered in mud.

  They were both rolling around on the ground as the screaming continued, even with me on the ground with them. Each of the little ones was so full of spunk that I really didn’t know what to do. I literally laid there next to them and just waited for them to tucker themselves out.

  “Stop it right now,” a woman’s voice screamed from the fence.

  I couldn’t see who it was, but the girls both froze where they were. We were all laying on the ground as this woman walked through the gate in the fence and toward us. I had no idea what to do.

  “Sorry, I asked them to stop,” I said as I stood up. “I’m Summer, the new nanny.”

  “Oh, you’re the new nanny?” the woman said as she looked me up and down.

  Her nose crinkled up, and judgment drenched her face. I normally wasn’t subjected
to looks like that unless I was at a bar and a guy who had a girlfriend was looking at me a little too long.

  “I’m sorry, I tried to stop them,” I said as the woman rolled her eyes at me.

  “Is Tyler home?”

  “Yes, he’s inside.”

  The woman grabbed her son by one hand and her daughter by the other as she stormed up to the back door. Her feet barely slowed down when she climbed the deck steps and then knocked on the glass door.

  “Well, I guess I won’t be around much longer,” I said with a sigh.

  “She’s always like that,” Thomas said. “No one likes her. But we like her kids.”

  “I’m sorry for not listening,” Faith said as her beautiful blue eyes looked up at me.

  “We can do better next time. If there is a next time,” I said with a shrug. “For now, we should probably get ourselves cleaned up.”

  “I’ll get the hose,” Thomas exclaimed.

  “No, no, not the hose. We will wait for the wicked witch of the East to leave, and then we can go inside.”

  Faith grabbed my hand and stood next to me as the woman yelled something at Tyler and pointed in my direction. I really didn’t know how Tyler would react to such a thing and was terrified that I could lose the best job I could have hoped for.

  When the neighbor woman finally grabbed her kids’ hands and stormed back to her side of the fence, Faith, Thomas, and I made our way across the yard. I moved a little slower than the kids as I tried to delay the inevitable reaction from Tyler.

  “I’m sorry,” Faith said right away. “I was fighting with Abby because she stole my doll and wouldn’t give it back.”

  “And Summer was fighting too?” Tyler said with a huge grin on his face.

  Instant relief washed over me. He wasn’t mad at all. He seemed to be enjoying the fact that I was covered in mud, though.

  “I slipped trying to stop them,” I said with a smile. “Sorry.”

  “It’s a good look for you. Don’t you guys think she should get muddy more often?”

  “Definitely.” Thomas laughed.

  “I’m going to get this little princess cleaned up, and then we will give you a ride home. Does that work?” Tyler asked as he continued to smile at me.


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