Bedroom Rodeo: A Billionaire Romance

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Bedroom Rodeo: A Billionaire Romance Page 8

by Sarah J. Brooks

  “Hey guys, can I help out?” I offered.

  “Oh, yes, thank you,” Summer said as she handed me the giant suitcase. “Tyler, this is my friend, Patrick. Patrick, this is my boss, Tyler.”

  “Nice to meet you man,” Patrick said as we shook hands.

  “I’ll walk you up to my room, Patrick,” Summer said as she pulled him away to bring up some of the smaller things.

  The bag I was carrying was at least fifty pounds, and it looked like Summer had several other bags in the car. I couldn’t imagine what all she had brought and how many wardrobe changes she expected to be making on a daily basis.

  “Do you have a body in here?” I laughed as I brought the thing upstairs.

  “Yes, sorry. I forgot to tell you.” Summer appeared at the top of the stairs. “I’m actually a serial killer. I brought all the people I’ve killed with me.” She started to laugh, and I couldn’t help smiling back at her.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “I’ll get the other big one,” Patrick said as he raced down the stairs past me.

  “He seems like a nice guy,” I said to make small talk as I set the bag in her room. “Have you two known each other long?”

  “Not too long,” Patrick said as he freakishly showed up right behind me with the other heavy bag. It did not look all that heavy to him, though. “I gave her a bit of a scare the other day when I said I was moving in with my boyfriend, though. But we settled things.”

  He has a boyfriend. Got it. Nice to know. I couldn’t have imagined any other reason this guy wouldn’t have snatched up Summer for himself.

  The three of us finished bringing up the car full of suitcases and other items. Summer certainly was planning on making the room more comfortable. She had blankets, decorative pillows, and even a lamp in the car.

  “Summer, you are welcome to stay here as long as you’d like. I did have past nannies that chose to live here full-time, and I’m fine with that. It’s just hard to have a social life if me and the kids are around all the time, and I thought you might not like that.”

  “Thanks, I might need that in the future.”

  “I’m going to go back to my office, so let me know if you need any help with anything else,” I said as I started to walk down the hallway.

  “Girl, you are fucking him, aren’t you,” I heard Patrick said when I was at the stairs.

  I couldn’t help smiling at the idea. No, we wouldn’t be doing anything like that. But I’d thought about it a few times already and could tell Summer was going to be on my mind often. I’d never been so attracted to a high maintenance sort of woman like Summer. I’d also never had to live with such a beautiful woman since my wife.

  There was a general uneasiness I felt around Summer. It had nothing to do with her, though. She was a very easy person to feel comfortable around. I didn’t trust myself around her. There was this primal urge building when she was near, and I barely felt like I had control over it.

  I sequestered myself in my office for the rest of the afternoon until I heard Summer in the kitchen making a bunch of noise. As I came around the corner, I saw her looking stunning as the afternoon light shone in against her white T-shirt, and of course, she still had on a pair of her hi-heels.

  “Can I help you find anything?”

  “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to make so much noise. I was just trying to make a sandwich, but your fridge is the size of Mount Everest.”

  “It is probably a little large,” I admitted as we stood in front of the industrial sized refrigerator.

  “You really do need to throw some of this out. Half of this food will probably kill you.” She laughed as she pulled out a box of takeout that was clearly some sort of biology experiment now.

  “I’m not the best at cleaning that out. You can throw away anything that looks like that. In fact, you can do whatever you’d like with the fridge. I’m hardly here, so I’ll leave you a card for groceries and stuff like that.”

  “Sounds good. One of the days after dropping the kids off, I’ll shop. I’m not the best at it, yet, but I’ll get some fresh fruit, vegetables, lunch meat, and that sort of thing.”

  Summer started handing food to me so I could throw it away, and suddenly we were cleaning out the entire refrigerator. She kept her heels on the entire time as she started at the top shelf and moved her way down to the very bottom.

  “Oh, keep that.” I laughed at the one can of beer in the fridge.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a guy only have one can of beer in his refrigerator.”

  “I’m not opposed to you picking up more,” I said with a laugh. “I just hate drinking alone.”

  “What about this?” Summer held up an enormous size hot sauce container. “Does your tongue even have taste buds anymore?”

  Summer went to hand me the giant bottle, slipped in her heels and fell right into me. The bottle of hot sauce tumbled to the ground, but I stopped Summer from falling. My arms wrapped around her, and I felt her breasts as they pushed up against my body.

  Instantly, I hardened from the touch of her body. It was a natural manly response that I was unable to stop. As Summer grabbed the counter to push herself away from me, her hand gently pressed past me and against my raging hard body. There was no denying she felt how excited I was, but I just helped her up and tried to pretend like nothing had happened.

  “Sorry,” I said more in reference to her falling and not my bodily reaction to her.

  “I should probably not wear these in here, but I don’t have any other shoes but tennis shoes with me.” She laughed.

  “In all those boxes and suitcases, you don’t have any other shoes?” I asked in genuine surprise.

  “I brought my workout clothes and tennis shoes but not sandals or flats.”

  “I have a feeling you’re going to make full use of that walk in closet.” I laughed. “But yeah, maybe tennis shoes would be better.”

  I grabbed the hot sauce container from the floor that luckily hadn’t broken. As I handed it back to Summer and she set it in the fridge, our hands touched, and again I felt the electricity between us. This was going to be one hell of a time with her around.

  “I’m going to make a sandwich, do you want one?” Summer asked as she pulled her hand away.

  “Sure, I’ll be in my office; just bring it in when you’re done.”

  “No problem.”

  As much as I would have liked to stay in the kitchen with Summer, my raging body needed to step away, and I was looking forward to seeing comfort in my office. Summer hadn’t been flirting, and neither had I, yet I couldn’t hold back my body and how badly I wanted this girl.

  A few minutes later as she walked in with a sandwich on a plate, I stayed seated. I still hadn’t calmed down as she leaned over and placed the plate on my desk.

  “Anything else?”

  “Nope, I’m good. See you in a few minutes, and we can go get the kids.”

  “See you in a few minutes,” she said as she turned around and her ass swayed back and forth as she walked out of my office.

  How was I going to survive this girl?

  Chapter 7


  I felt him; I definitely felt his body hard for me when he caught me in the kitchen. It wasn’t his hand or his leg, it was his desire for me; there was no doubt about it. I wanted him just as badly as he wanted me.

  When we went to pick up the kids, I couldn’t stop smiling as I glanced down at his lap and tried to see if he was still hard for me. There didn’t appear to be any evidence of him still wanting me.

  My mind was a whirl as I thought about what things could be like with this delicious man. Tyler had it all. He was smart, sexy as hell, and a great father. I hadn’t found anything wrong with him, and normally I found something wrong with pretty much everyone. Yet, I didn’t feel the vibe from him that he wanted to move things forward. Despite his obvious bodily reaction, Tyler was keeping his distance.

  We drove in relative silen
ce and got into the line to pick up the kids. It all felt like old hat after being there in the morning, but as we pulled up to the front, the kids weren’t out there.

  “So this is where it gets tricky,” Tyler said with a smile. “If the kids aren’t here, or just one of them, you’ve got to drive around again and get back into the line.”

  “Do they know to wait for me?”

  “Yep, they will wait until you come back around. It’s a normal process. You just can’t be stopped up front.”

  “Where was it that I could park if I want to go get them?”

  “That parking lot around to the side. If you think it will be easier, you could park there. It’s just really hard to get out once you’re in there.”

  I nodded my head in understanding as we went back around and got in line again. Tyler was an old pro, though, and he had us back to the front of the line in no time, and both the kids were there waiting this time.

  On the drive home, Faith and Thomas were super chatty, and I could hardly keep what they were saying organized. They wouldn’t even finish what was being said before they continued with the next thing. It was as if they were all hyped up on sugar or something.

  “Are they like this all the time after school?” I asked Tyler as he turned up the music so the kids could listen to it and not talk for a little bit.

  “Yep, normally they have soccer, dance, or music lessons, so that helps get some of the energy out. But today, we are just going to go home, and we can all make dinner together.”

  “Sounds like a good plan.”

  I was looking forward to getting to know the kids a little better and liked that Tyler was going to stay around. Even just a little more time with him around was going to be helpful. My nerves were getting the best of me after the whole mud thing the other day.

  Even though Tyler had been nice about the whole mess, it was still a bit of a disaster, and I felt like I wasn’t showing I was any good at this job. The truth was, I really wasn’t all that great at being a nanny, yet. I was positive this job was for me, though, and I could get better at it.

  “Okay, so let’s get the meat ready,” Tyler said as soon as we got in the house. “We are going to barbecue. How does that sound?”

  “Can we make hot dogs?” Thomas asked.

  “No, we are making ribs. Summer, do you eat ribs?” he asked.

  “I love ribs. This is exciting.”

  Neither of the kids looked all that excited about the ribs, but neither of them complained either. That was a really good sign for me. I was a horrible kid around my parents. If they were making something I didn’t like, I’d just whine and complain until they agreed to make something else. I was starting to see that I was a bit of trouble for my parents.

  Tyler showed us all how to marinade the meat, and then we set it back into the fridge while we started to work on the salad. At first, the kids were all in the kitchen working together, but they slowly peeled off and moved to the television, leaving Tyler and me to cook.

  “Do you know how to make pasta salad?” he asked.

  “No, I hardly know how to make a simple salad. I’m sorry; I promise I will work on learning more, though. I know the kids will want something more than fast food.”

  “Actually, the kids would be fine with fast food every night.” He laughed. “But cooking is a good skill to have. You can always make yourself something and save money. As you get older, saving money is important.”

  “I’m starting to realize that.”

  We started by boiling some noodles, and then Tyler showed me the spices he liked to add along with oil and vinegar. We cut some tomatoes as well as small pieces of cheese. It was a lot of fun to cook with Tyler, and I was feeling more and more comfortable with him.

  We put the salad into the fridge and then made our way outside to get the grill going. With the sun starting to move behind some clouds, it was getting a little cold outside. I grabbed a seat across from the grill as Tyler showed me how to start the grill and prepare it for cooking.

  “Are you tired of those shoes yet?” Tyler asked as he flashed me a smile.

  “Actually, my feet are killing me.”

  I flipped my shoes off and set them gently next to me as Tyler watched. There was no denying his gaze was a primal one, and I liked it. I liked how he oozed sexual chemistry just standing there looking at me. I’d never met a man who could do that so easily to me.

  “You have nice Louboutin shoes.”

  “What?” I said in absolute shock that he knew what brand my shoes were. No guys knew that. None that I’d met at least.

  Tyler turned back toward the girl with a smile on his face. He seemed to be enjoying shocking me a little bit. But I wasn’t about to let him get away with things that easily. I got up and stood behind him, close behind him. Not touching him, but close enough that the electricity was clearly vibrating between the two of us.

  “I’m a worldly man,” he finally answered.

  “I don’t believe it for a minute. Don’t tell me you are a shoe fetish guy?” I said accusingly.

  “No!” he denied right away and spun around. “My partner’s ex-wife used to love those, and he would force me to go with him to the store to pick them out for gifts. It’s served me well to know them, though. I also know they are really expensive,” he said with a raised eyebrow.

  “I got them as a gift,” I replied.

  “Oh, so you had a boyfriend buy them?”

  “No, why do you assume it was a boyfriend? It could have been my parents.” I lied; it was totally a guy who had bought the shoes for me.

  “I’m a man, right?”


  “I know darn well those shoes weren’t bought by your parents. Excuse my French, but those are fuck-me shoes,” he said laughing.

  “Fine, it was a boyfriend that got them for me. But not because we were sleeping together,” I replied defensively. “Some men just give gifts because they really like someone. Haven’t you ever given a gift to someone you liked?”

  “Not someone as beautiful as you,” he said almost under his breath and quickly turned back toward the grill and didn’t look in my direction again.

  It wasn’t until the meat was done that Tyler made an eye contact with me again. His gaze was still full of lust and making me want him more and more. I couldn’t help my feelings for this guy. The longer I was around him, the more I was convinced the two of us were going to end up in bed together.

  As we set the table and prepared for dinner, I made sure to put myself next to Faith and Thomas. I wanted to spend my time and attention on them as much as possible, despite this lust growing between me and their father.

  “I normally sit there and Thomas there,” Faith said as she moved things. “You can sit on that side with Daddy.”

  I smiled politely as they put me and Tyler in the two chairs opposite of the kids. At least I wouldn’t have to look him in the eyes during dinner. That would be really hard.

  Dinner with Tyler English and his children reminded me of my childhood. My father and mother loved having family dinners, and as I got older, we stopped having them, so this was like a short walk down memory lane for me.

  Faith and Thomas talked about their day at school while Tyler asked them more and more questions. They all seemed so darn happy – now this was something new to me. We hadn’t been all that happy when I was younger. Even though my father had money back then, he was always working so much that my parents fought a lot. I had to wonder if Tyler and his late wife had ever fought. He didn’t strike me as the kind of husband who would have argued about much.

  “Can you pass the pasta salad,” Tyler asked and leaned toward the bowl.

  As he leaned over, I felt his hand glide over my thigh. At first, I froze in total shock, and then all I could think about was that this was his sign to me that things were going to move forward in that direction. I was fine with it. It didn’t bother me at all if he and I had a sexual relationship while I worked as his n
anny. Maybe it should have, maybe I should have been worried about what would happen down the road, but I just wasn’t.

  I handed him the pasta salad, and then we continued our dinner conversation. It was lighthearted and fun up until one fateful moment.

  “Okay, so what do you think of me being your nanny, guys? Do you think I can handle it?”

  “I think you are going to do great,” Faith said.

  “Should be fine,” Thomas said.

  “If you get rid of those darn hi-heels,” Tyler joked.

  Then I’ll do it. I didn’t mean to do it, or maybe I really did mean to. I reached my hand over and gently squeezed his thigh as I laughed at his joke. It was meant to be playful, something lighthearted. But then he grabbed my wrist and held it for a minute.

  “Summer and I will be right back,” Tyler said as he let go of me and motioned for me to follow him.

  Were we going to screw right then and there? Was he so overcome with a sexual desire that he couldn’t even wait until the kids went to bed? I had no idea what was going on, but I dutifully followed him into his office.

  “What was that Summer? What are you doing?” he said with an angry scowl on his face.

  “I don’t know,” I replied in total shock.

  “You are here for the kids, not for this, got it?” Tyler said firmly. “I don’t know what you think might happen here, but it’s not. Understand?”

  “Yeah,” I said as my face turned red with embarrassment.

  “And, I’d suggest you wear more child-friendly clothes,” he said as he motioned up and down my body as if something I was wearing wasn’t appropriate.

  “Okay,” I responded, not quite sure what he was talking about.

  “I’m going back to dinner. You can come back and join us whenever you’re ready,” Tyler said and stormed out of his office and back to the kitchen.

  For at least five minutes, I stood there trying to figure out what the heck had just happened. Had I totally been misreading what was going on between the two of us? He had been so angry and really mean to me. I wasn’t expecting that to come from him, and I started to well up in tears.


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