Bedroom Rodeo: A Billionaire Romance

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Bedroom Rodeo: A Billionaire Romance Page 15

by Sarah J. Brooks

  This new kind of bidding on projects was insanely competitive, though, and as the second week went on and on, I was nearly going to lose my mind. I’m not going to lie – I was worried as hell.

  “Let’s go have a drink,” Rob suggested while sitting in my room and talking about our pitch for the last hour of the evening. “You obviously need to get some energy out. I think you’ve paced a hole in the carpet.”

  “Yeah, I could really use a drink.”

  We made our way downstairs and to the nightclub across the street. The place was crawling with gorgeous women in their twenties who had likely come into town purely because of this pitch fest. Advertising CEOs from across the country were in town, and besides our conferences and meetings, we all had a lot of free time on our hands.

  “Lord have mercy; I’ve died and gone to heaven,” Rob said as we walked into the bar.

  “Keep it in the holster man; we just got here.” I laughed. “Let’s have a drink and relax. You can go hunting for a lady friend in a few minutes.”

  “Dang, look at those ladies. Come on Tyler, be my wing man.”

  “You still have a yellow tooth. You’ll never get one of these girls.” I gave a laugh as we found a couple of spots at the bar.

  “I’m sure going to try.”

  We ordered our drinks, and less than two minutes later, there was a woman standing next to me wanting to talk. She sipped her drink and looked playfully at me as she waited for me to hit on her. Normally, I would have done my duty and flirted with the beautiful woman, but on this night, all I could think about was how much I would have preferred Summer to be standing there flirting with me.

  After about five minutes of me not talking to her, the girl turned away in a huff and went searching for a new man. It was rather freeing to realize that although there were dozens of beautiful women at the club, I had one particular one on my mind.

  I stayed with Rob for a little bit and acted as his wing man as he flirted with many women and got turned down by most. He certainly shot for the stars when it came to women though and went after all the extremely young blondes in the club. Finally, after an hour or so, he found one that would actually stay and talk to him, and I was able to sneak off and go back to my hotel room.

  It was late, but I still gave Summer a call to see how her day went with the kids. Every day right after school I called to talk to the kids, but I hadn’t really had a chance to just talk with Summer and see how she was doing.

  “Hey,” she said softly as she answered the phone on the first ring.

  “How was your day?”

  “I’m getting really good at this. But I can’t wait for you to come home. How is it all going?”

  “Good, our presentation went well. As good as could be expected, and now we just have to wait. Rob is at the bar trying to hit on women, but I’m exhausted and think I’m going to try and get some sleep.”

  “Did he fix his tooth?”

  “No.” I laughed. “But he was talking to a girl when I left, and she hadn’t run away from him yet. So maybe he will get lucky.”

  It was nice talking to Summer. I was at ease around her. Even with things a little up in the air for the nanny position, it was still comforting to be able to have a conversation with her. My best hope was that when I got home, the two of us could talk things through and figure out what to do next.

  “Seriously, I don’t see how any woman would keep talking to him with that tooth.”

  “He’s got money. Need I say more?”

  “Very true. Oh, so the kids and I actually did some mud wrestling in the backyard. And I’m pretty sure we ruined the carpet.”

  “You’re kidding? Please tell me you’re kidding,” I said as I took a deep breath in.

  “We were playing in the sprinkler for a little too long and got our feet muddy. I tried cleaning everyone up with the hose, but one of the kids left some adorable brown footprints from the kitchen to the bathroom. I’m going to get some carpet cleaner at the store tomorrow and try and clean it, but don’t get mad at them, please. It was totally my fault.”

  Normally, this was where I’d freak out. I couldn’t tell if Summer was being serious, though. It sort of sounded like she was messing with me to see if she could get me worked up.

  “Okay,” I said calmly.

  “Okay? Are you sure you’re feeling alright? I said there are muddy footprints all through the hallway.”

  “I know you’ll do your best to clean them up, and if I need to have a carpet cleaning service come in, then I can do that when I get home.”

  “Okay, who is this and what have you done with Tyler English?” Summer asked dramatically. “If he’s been kidnapped, I’m not paying a ransom. I don’t have that kind of money, and to be honest, he’s sort of a pain in the butt.”

  “Oh, you did not just say that.”

  “Ah, there he is. That sounds like the Tyler I know,” Summer said as she started giggling so hard she could hardly talk. “Don’t worry, there are no muddy footprints. I was just teasing you.”

  “Girl when I get home I swear to God I’m going to pay you back for that. I almost had a heart attack. How are the kids doing, though, really? Are they missing me? Are they having a hard week? It’s okay, just tell me the truth.”

  There was a long pause, and for a moment, I thought the call had been disconnected. I waited to see what it was she was going to say. I could handle it. I knew the kids were going to miss me, and if they were having a rough time, I wanted to hear about it.

  “Do you want me to really tell you the truth?” Summer asked.


  “Of course they love you a lot. But you’re usually busy all week anyway, and they don’t see you much. The week has been pretty much normal for them, except for we have had some extra special fun nights. I don’t think they are missing you very much, but I’m sure they miss you … I mean, they just aren’t saying it.”


  “No, I mean they love you, and they are happy. They are comfortable and happy. I’m sorry; I didn’t mean for that to sound mean. Yes, they miss you.”

  “It’s okay. I know what you were trying to say. I’m glad they are having such a great time that they don’t have to miss me. That’s all because of you.”


  “Okay, I’m going to rest and let you rest too. Are you taking care of yourself and eating properly?”

  “Of course,” she said as if she hadn’t fainted twice in my presence.

  “I’ll call tomorrow after school. Have a great night,” I said as I locked the hotel room door and got ready to go to sleep.

  “You too. We can’t wait to see you.”

  I had a huge grin on my face as I hung up the phone and started to brush my teeth. Talking to Summer just did that to me; there was no way around it. I couldn’t wait for this week to be over and to finally be able to figure out what was going on between the two of us. No matter if we got this client or not, I wanted to start dating Summer and see where things between the two of us went.


  The flight home seemed to take twice as long because Rob and I were so exhausted. We had won the job and were up the previous night partying with some of the other advertising teams who had landed some big jobs at the pitch fest. I tried to sleep the best I could, but every time I closed my eyes, my mind raced with everything we had ahead of us.

  Not only would this job land us on the radar for other big named national jobs, but it was going to allow us to expand like we had always hoped to do. There were so many decisions about our future that the two of us were going to have to spend some serious time in the office working everything out.

  But not in the next two weeks. For the next two weeks, Rob and I both promised we weren’t going to work a ton, and we were going to try and relax a little. We deserved some time off after the preparation we had put into with this client.

  As I walked off the plane, I was excited to see the kids but also really exci
ted to see Summer. I knew they were going to be waiting for me near the baggage claim, and I started searching the crowd as soon as I could see through the glass doors.

  Sure enough, there was Summer, looking amazingly beautiful in her jeans and a black T-shirt. And my beautiful kids who ran straight toward me and nearly tackled me before I got my footing and lifted them both up.

  “We missed you, Dad,” Faith said as she gave me a huge kiss and hug.

  “You were gone so long, Dad. I missed you so much,” Thomas added.

  Summer smiled and shrugged knowingly at me as I hugged them. It wasn’t as if I didn’t think they missed me at all. But it was nice to hear them say it because I missed them so much.

  “Welcome home,” Summer said as she gave me a little hug. “Okay guys, let’s help Dad find his bag.”

  The kids ran over to the luggage area while Summer and I were close behind. I had an overwhelming urge to grab her hand and hold onto it, but I resisted. There were still so many unknowns going on. I was really going to try and make better decisions where Summer was concerned.

  On the ride home, I let the kids tell me all about their two weeks. At first, it didn’t seem like they had much to talk about, but the more they started talking, the more they started remembering. By the time we got back to the house, they had pretty much replayed every day since I’d been gone.

  With downtown traffic, it was dinnertime by the time we got home. Instead of worrying about making something, I ordered pizza and played with the kids in the backyard to give Summer a few minutes of time to herself. She really didn’t look as exhausted as she had that first week she started working, but I knew she was going to need a break from the kids.

  “You finished your rooms,” I said when the kids and I went upstairs to get their pajamas.

  Not only were their rooms decorated, but they were perfectly designed for each of them. There were matching pillows, toy boxes, and even a poster of Faith’s favorite band on the wall.

  “We used the credit card you left,” Summer said as she stood in her doorway.

  Her hair was soaking wet, and I could smell the scent of candles coming from her room. Hopefully, she had taken advantage of that giant whirlpool tub and gotten a chance to really relax for a little bit.

  “That’s why I left it. I wanted you guys to use it for anything you needed. I’m so excited your rooms are done. What’s your favorite new thing?”

  That question alone ended up costing me an hour of time as Faith and then Thomas showed me every new thing in their rooms. They started by telling me one thing was their favorite and then picked another and another.

  I got Thomas going in the shower and then let Faith show me more things in her room. After a while, I put Faith in the shower while Thomas and I explored his room. It was fun to see all the things they got excited about. I could see Summer’s touch in so many ways.

  By the time I’d read them each three stories and tucked them into bed, I noticed Summer’s light was off in her room. I had hoped we would get a chance to talk a little but decided to let her sleep since she had worked so hard the two weeks I was gone.

  It was nice to be home, and I spent a few minutes picking up around the house so Summer didn’t feel like she had to do it in the morning. When I finally went to my room and looked at my phone, I realized Summer had sent me a text asking me to come talk with her when the kids were in bed.

  The text was sent over two hours earlier, though, and I really didn’t want to wake her up. But I did as she asked and knocked softly on her door.

  “Come in,” she whispered.

  Summer was sitting on her bed with her hair pulled up and a book in her hand. There was a small reading light near the bed, and she couldn’t have looked more adorable. She smiled up at me and motioned for me to come in and sit down.

  “How were the kids? Did they miss you?” she asked playfully.

  “Yeah, I think they did a little bit. I don’t want to keep you up. We can talk tomorrow.”

  “Come here,” she motioned toward the spot next to her as she put her book on the nightstand. “I’ve missed you too.”


  “I missed you. I’m just going for it. If I’m not going to be the nanny anymore, I’m going for it.”

  No sweeter words could have been spoken from what she said right then and there. I hadn’t expected it. I certainly didn’t imagine things between us could work out so easily. I was awestruck as I stayed in the chair and didn’t move for a minute.

  “Are you teasing me?” I asked skeptically after she had so expertly tricked me when it came to the muddy footprints incident.

  “No, I’m not joking,” she said as she seductively walked over to me and straddled me in the chair. “I missed you. I was thinking about you a lot, and I want you in my bed tonight.”

  “There is a God,” I said playfully as I grabbed her ass and pulled her closer to me.

  Our lips gently touched as she gave me a welcome home kiss. Her lips were so soft and delicious that I could hardly stop myself as I became more and more aroused. But I wanted to take my time. I enjoyed being with Summer so much and couldn’t let my excitement spoil the night for either of us.

  Slowly, I let my lips move down her neck and gently play with the top of her bra. I grabbed the bottom of her black T-shirt and yanked it up and over her head as I reached around to release her breasts from the confines of her undergarment. My lips were delighted in the taste of her as I devoured every inch of her exposed skin before finally picking her up and carrying her over to the bed.

  This time I didn’t forget to lock the door though as I jumped back up and playfully winked at Summer while I clicked the lock. She laughed, and I was in heaven. I loved that darn laugh of hers.

  “Come here,” she said playfully as she motioned for me to join her in the bed.

  “Coming dear.”

  As I climbed onto the bed, I started kissing her toes and worked my way up her leg to her inner thigh. She playfully opened her legs and then closed them as she teased me. The moment was everything I loved about this girl. Even after a long two weeks, she was still upbeat and playing.

  My kisses continued up her middle to her breasts and then to her lips. Softly, we moved together while I let my hands pull on her bottoms and take them off of her. She grabbed my shirt and yanked it up and over my head before tugging on my belt buckle to undo me.

  Our pace picked up a little as she pressed my pants down, and I stood up to take them all the way off. I saluted her beside the bed and was about to crawl back in when she leaned over and wrapped her lips around me.

  “Oh … my … God,” I moaned at the delight of feeling her wrapped around me.

  She moved slowly at first but then picked up the pace and moved faster and faster. I could hardly control myself as she took care of me, and my body begged for more and more. Her hands held onto my hips so she was in control, and I loved every second of it.

  But then she stopped. Her bright blue eyes looked up at me as she playfully smiled. She was stopping for good. She had that mischievous look in her eyes, and I was being tortured by her.

  “No, no, no,” I moaned.

  “What? You don’t want me to stop?” she asked coyly.

  “You know what,” I said as I playfully pushed her down on the bed. “I seem to remember someone needed a little payback for that joke about the mud on the carpet.”

  “You wouldn’t dare,” she said with a laugh.

  “I’m going to tease you until you beg me to stop,” I said just before my lips dove between her legs and I started to pleasure her.

  Her moans were quiet, but I felt her body tightening as I delivered the sweet feeling of pleasure to her. She grabbed onto my hair and guided me to just the right spot as her body relished the sweetness of my tongue.

  Harder and harder, I moved against her body until I felt her legs tightening around my head. Then I stopped. I looked up at her with a playful smile and waited for her to realiz
e just what was going on. I was torturing her like she had tortured me.

  “What are you doing?” she said sternly as she looked down at me. “Don’t you dare.”

  “What? Don’t stop?” I teased.

  “Tyler English, don’t you torture me.”

  “Oh, like you tortured me?” I asked as I continued to tease her with quick kisses to her middle. “I mean all is fair in love and war, right?”

  “Sure,” she said as she slipped her hand between her legs and started running her fingers over her own body. “No problem.”

  My eyes widened as she closed her eyes and threw her head back while enjoying her own fingers. Was she doing what I thought I saw her doing? She was literally taking matters into her own hands and leaving me totally hanging. I was not okay with that.

  I reached over to her nightstand and pulled one of the condoms out. As I opened it, I kept my eyes on her body as she wiggled and moaned with the pleasure of her fingers. There was no way I was letting this happen.

  I climbed between her legs, grabbed her hand, and pushed it up and over her head as I pressed my body next to hers.

  “I’ll take things from here,” I said boldly.

  Summer smiled up at me as if she had gotten exactly what she wanted. She tilted her hips and welcomed me into her as she let out a perfect moan of pleasure. Our bodies worked diligently together, and soon we were both moaning from the delight that was being delivered.

  As I felt her body tighten around mine, I let go of one last grunt, and joyful bliss surrounded me. Summer held onto me as her body rocked with pleasure, and we both finally collapsed into each other’s arms.

  This time I wasn’t planning on going anywhere, though. No matter what Summer said, I was staying in that bed and enjoying a whole evening of cuddling with her. I pulled her up close to me as she put her head on my chest.

  “That was fun.” She laughed as she kissed my chest lightly. “We should do that again soon.”

  “I’m so glad I’m home.”


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