[Space Wolf 05] - Sons of Fenris

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[Space Wolf 05] - Sons of Fenris Page 28

by Lee Lightner - (ebook by Undead)

  “I believe that it may be possible that the Thousand Sons will once again attempt to draw Magnus the Red from the warp back into Imperial space,” she concluded.

  Logan Grimnar remained impassive. Silence filled the chamber. The quiet lasted an eternity for Ragnar. It took every ounce of his self-control not to shout an oath to Leman Russ and the Emperor before the Great Wolf himself, that he would find and return the Spear of Russ. Still, he kept his tongue, but at that moment, he looked into the eyes of the mighty Wolf Lord and made the oath in his heart.

  Ragnar thought that Logan Grimnar nodded, ever so slightly.

  The doors to the great hall opened and a messenger came in, running swiftly. He went over to Logan Grimnar and whispered something to the Great Wolf.

  Ragnar had a sudden feeling of déjà vu. At his last meeting with Logan Grimnar, a messenger had also interrupted to bring word of the death of Gabriella’s father, the Great Wolfs old friend, Skander.

  “Good news coupled with more grim tidings,” announced the Great Wolf. “Berek Thunderfist and his fleet have returned battle-worn from Hyades, but the astropaths have reported attacks on many worlds. The Thousand Sons have launched an offensive, unforeseen in recent centuries against planets protected by our Chapter. Our enemies have declared war, and boldly, but we will rise to the challenge. There will be a council of war. Lady Gabriella, you and the Wolfblade may go. I will call upon you later.”

  Gabriella knelt before the Chapter Master of the Space Wolves and departed with the Wolfblade following behind.

  For the next several hours, Ragnar volunteered to spend his time guarding Lady Gabriella’s chambers. He wanted the time to brood and think. Gabriella had wanted to sleep. Haegr had needed food, Torin looked as if he wished to explore so Ragnar decided to volunteer for the first shift of guard duty.

  Ragnar wanted to recover the Spear of Russ. He knew that it should satisfy him if the Chapter found it, but he wanted to have a chance to restore his honour and he felt that it was his responsibility. He had lost it. He had been exiled and he wanted the chance to set things right.

  After a several hours, Torin came up to him. “Still on guard, brother?” he asked.

  “Aye,” said Ragnar, “she still rests.”

  “Well, Haegr will be eating a few more krakens before we see him again.” Torin said, shaking his head. “I hope that the Chapter’s stores will recover.”

  Ragnar just looked at him.

  “Brother,” said Torin, “you have a great deal on your mind, but you can’t change any of it. You look tense. I knew there was a problem when you didn’t argue with Haegr or myself about guard duty and volunteered. Let me relieve you. Besides, someone important is in the observation chamber near the hangars, wanting to speak with you.”

  “Who?” asked Ragnar.

  “I think it best that you find out yourself. You’ll know soon enough,” said Torin.

  “Thank you, Torin. I’m on my way.” Ragnar said, slapping his fellow Space Wolf’s shoulder. He walked quickly, and then broke into a jog as he headed to the observation chamber.

  Someone wanted to speak to him. Ragnar wondered who it could be. Ranek, perhaps, wanting to give him advice?

  Ragnar opened the stone doors, marked with Logan Grimnar’s dancing wolf crest. The chamber looked out over the hangars, and from its vantage point, an observer could watch the Thunderhawks and shuttles arriving and departing. The panoramic view of Fenris seen through floor to ceiling panels was impressive. He could see the lesser mountains under the shadow of the Fang with their icecaps and forests, and the dark shadows of deep valleys. Far off, he could even make out the stormy oceans and a few of the distant islands as well as the mighty icebergs that floated on the cold seas.

  Ragnar saw a Space Wolf standing by the viewing window. “I’ve come as quickly as I could,” he blurted out, before he even took a good look at whoever was waiting for him.

  “Well, not bad for someone as slow as you.” Ragnar instantly recognised the voice of Sven, his long-time friend. He smiled at the sound of the voice. Sven had been with Ragnar since the beginning. They had been chosen at the same time from the battlefields of Fenris. It had been so many years ago that Ragnar had lost count. They had survived initiation together, both confronting their personal struggles with the wulfen. They had seen many battles and were made members of the same claw. Sven had been with him when the Spear was lost, fighting alongside him against the Thousand Sons and the Sorcerer, Madox. Sven had lost a hand that day and more. The hellblade that had wounded him had cut deep.

  Sven’s hair was now silvery grey and his face far more lined than it should be. He reached out to Ragnar. Sven was more than a friend. He was a battle-brother, and closer to Ragnar than anyone else in the galaxy.

  “Ragnar.” Sven said, grabbing him in a bear hug. “It’s good to see you. I had hoped to make planetfall on Hyades and find you.”

  “Sven!” Ragnar returned the bear hug.

  The two men broke their embrace and smiled at one another, but Ragnar knew that Sven could tell that something was wrong.

  “Don’t look so excited to see me,” said Sven.

  Ragnar shook his head. “I’m sorry, it’s just…”

  Sven held up his hand. “I know, my brother. The Thousand Sons are back, and last time, you jammed the Spear of Russ into the eye of their primarch and got made into a Wolfblade. You know how I feel, especially about Madox. When I see him again, I’m going to take my blade and thrust it straight up his…”

  “I remember,” said Ragnar, grinning. “It is good to see you, Sven.” He gave Sven a hearty clasp.

  “I can’t believe that you have been living the soft life on Blessed Terra,” said Sven.

  “You’d be surprised at life on Terra. Besides, what happened after we left Hyades?” asked Ragnar.

  It was Sven’s turn to grow quiet. “The Dark Angels showed up and helped us finish the battle. We drove the Chaos fleet back, but we had to abandon Hyades. We had too much damage to stay there, and the Dark Angels left little in the way of facilities in the system to repair our ships. I think the future of Hyades is no longer ours to determine.”

  The two friends exchanged a meaningful look. Word of what had happened on Hyades would reach the Imperium… and the Inquisition.

  “While you were on guard duty, we finished a major briefing. The Thousand Sons have attacked across the sector. Some of the Wolf Lords got hit hard. Even as we speak, battle rages on,” said Sven. “I suspect that you would have been invited if you weren’t assigned to guard Lady Gabriella.”

  “I see that the two of you are once again attempting to chart the future of the galaxy. Sven, you are needed with your company. Go,” said a deep voice.

  Ragnar and Sven both jumped, startled, and reached for their weapons, before they realised that it was Ranek. Despite their senses, neither Ragnar nor Sven had noticed the Wolf Priest enter the chamber. Ragnar wondered how long he had been there.

  “Of course,” Sven said removing his hand from his bolter. “Good to see you again, Ragnar. Hope Terra hasn’t made you too soft.” Sven clapped Ragnar’s shoulder and left the chamber.

  Ragnar came to attention, as he always did under Ranek’s eye.

  The Wolf Priest waited until the door closed before he spoke. “The Thousand Sons have attacked us on all sides. Even now, we are looking for help wherever we can find it. The Wolfblade will be needed. The alliance between the Space Wolves and House Belisarius works both ways.”

  “Laddie, you look as if you lost Hyades to the Thousand Sons. I have some terrible news for you. We lost a city on Hyades, not the planet, and it wasn’t just you, but our entire Chapter, and we may be on the verge of losing much more. Ready yourself for your duties in the fight, wherever they may take you.”

  “Yes, of course,” Ragnar said, taking a deep breath. Whatever he did, he would help his Chapter.

  A gleam shone in the old man’s eyes. “Besides, I hear that there’s a wolf aroun
d who stuck the primarch of the Thousand Sons in the eye.”

  Ragnar grinned and to his surprise, Ranek grinned back. “Go back to your duties,” said the Wolf Priest.

  Ragnar nodded and left, heading back to Torin. When he arrived, the older Wolfblade stood at Gabriella’s door, straightening his moustache. Ragnar had a strange feeling his friend knew everything that had transpired.

  “So, everything went well, I take it?” asked Torin.

  “Indeed,” said Ragnar. “Thank you. I’ll take over guard duty again.”

  “No need,” said Torin. “Get yourself some food. I’ll call if I need you.”

  Ragnar decided to take his friend’s advice and get something to eat. As he walked through the halls, the impact of the Fang and of Fenris struck him again. He was glad to be home. He made his way through the ice and rock-hewn corridors to the great hall, where he had enjoyed several feasts as a Blood Claw.

  When Ragnar entered the great hall, he was astounded to see Berek Thunderfist’s company. They were his friends and battle-brothers, and he had fought alongside them against the Thousand Sons. Many of them had fresh scars. Others wore gleaming cybernetics, a sure sign of their newness. A few also carried Dark Angels helms, obvious trophies. Ragnar felt strange to see so many who knew him so well. They knew of the Spear of Russ, and they had been on Hyades.

  Ragnar saw Haegr, sitting alone at the other end of the hall. He paused, wondering if the others would recognise him. Fie wondered if they hated him as a disgrace to the company, if any of them would even acknowledge him. He was who he was, and he couldn’t change the past.

  He decided to make his way towards his giant battle-brother and the debris that Haegr had left on the table. As he walked, he thought about Magni and the young Wolfblade’s last words.

  Halfway across the room, he was noticed. Several Space Wolves stood up as he went towards Haegr. Ragnar felt the eyes and the stares. He remained focused on Haegr, who seemed to be the only person in the room oblivious to his presence. Haegr was too busy devouring a huge joint of meat and drinking a keg of Fenrisian ale, apparently at the same time.

  “Ragnar,” shouted a Grey Hunter. Ragnar stopped and turned.

  “To our battle-brother Ragnar! May he have another chance to drive a spear into the eye of Magnus the Red.”

  “To your health, little brother.”

  “It hasn’t been the same without you.”

  Suddenly, the voices came from all sides and so did the cheers. Then, a number of Space Wolves were all around him, attempting to commiserate for his assignment to the Wolfblade, asking about his part in the battle on Hyades, wishing him well, and hoping that he’d get a chance to get back at the Thousand Sons. It all seemed overwhelming and wonderful all at once. His battle-brothers knew the truth.

  Ragnar was home. Someone thrust a drink into his hand and he gulped it down. It was the best-tasting ale he had ever had. “To Berek’s great company!” he shouted.

  Cheers of agreement followed. “When are you rejoining us?” yelled a Space Wolf. “You should be there when we drive the Thousand Sons into the warp.”

  “Ho!” roared Haegr, before belching loudly.

  Haegr pushed his way through the crowd. “Hands off, he’s a Wolfblade now.” Ragnar could tell by the way that Haegr was swaying that the giant had drunk too much, even for him.

  Haegr clapped Ragnar’s shoulder.

  “I am a Wolfblade,” announced Ragnar, “but I will always be the battle-brother of any member of Berek Thunderfist’s great company.”

  There was a loud cheering and then, much drinking.


  Councils of War

  Logan Grimnar stood at the window looking out over the mountains of Asaheim. His grey hair flowed like a mane, blending with the wolf pelt cloak he wore, making it hard to tell one from the other. This was the tallest tower in the Fang, and he often found himself here at times like this. Looking out over the mountain ranges of Asaheim brought him focus. He was the Chapter Master of the Space Wolves. He’d been the Great Wolf for several centuries, so long in fact that he was sometimes referred to as the Old Wolf. He sometimes found that title humorous for it was only at times like this that he actually felt old.

  The Thousand Sons, the Space Wolves’ ancient hated nemesis, were once again wreaking destruction and mayhem within Space Wolf-controlled space, on a scale that had not been seen since their assault on the Fang, many years ago. The actions on Hyades were just one of a series of events that were unfolding; several worlds were under siege.

  Logan knew the Thousand Sons all too well. They did not just initiate random assaults, mindless violence, or kill for the sake of killing. He wondered if the Sons of Magnus might be hiding their true intentions within several attacks. Perhaps a mastermind among them had devised a terrifying scheme. Maybe they were hoping to spread the Space Wolves so thin that their true objective would go unnoticed until it was too late. Dealing with the Thousand Sons was always problematic.

  Logan pondered the challenges that lay before his Chapter and his battle-brothers. Upon hearing of the attacks he had instructed the Rune Priests to consult the runes in an attempt to unravel the mystery of Thousand Sons’ true intentions. He had called on his available Wolf Lords to seek the advice of their veteran leadership. He had even woken one of the mighty Dreadnoughts to hear the wisdom of the ancient one. This information was imperative to allow him and his Wolf Lords to develop a cohesive plan of action and bring the incursion of the Thousand Sons to an abrupt halt.

  The door to the Great Wolfs chamber slid open and Rune Priest Aldrek entered the room, accompanied by Ranek and two other Rune Priests. Grimnar stood gazing out of the window with his back to them, apparently oblivious to their presence. The four priests stood perfectly silent, waiting for the Great Wolf to acknowledge them before daring to speak.

  Several minutes passed before Aldrek took a breath as he prepared to interrupt the Great Wolfs concentration.

  “Yes, Aldrek, I know you are here. You’ve consulted the runes, I take it?” Grimnar asked.

  “We have, Great Wolf,” Aldrek said.

  “What do they tell you?” Logan took a deep breath and slowly turned to face the priests.

  “The news is grave, Great Wolf, far worse than we first thought. The runes suggest that the Thousand Sons have recovered the Spear of Russ, and the signs indicate that they will attempt far more than they did in the past.” Dread filled Aldrek’s voice as he continued.

  Aldrek left unspoken the fact that when the Thousand Sons had last possessed the Spear of Russ they had attempted to summon their primarch, Magnus the Red from the warp. All of the Space Wolves had heard the tale of that battle.

  “The runes show that the ritual they are attempting could bring about the destruction of Fenris and the entire Space Wolf Chapter!”

  Within hours, the leadership of the Space Wolves had gathered in the Great Hall of the Fang at the command of the Great Wolf. Five Wolf Lords, each a leader of one of the Chapter’s great companies, sat at an oval table, carved from rare woods. A large circular stone tablet hung at one end, the grand annulus with the symbols of each great company. Dominating them all was the rampant wolf, symbol of Logan Grimnar. The Great Wolf sat on a throne of stone, directly below his crest. Behind each of the Wolf Lords stood a small retinue of Wolf Guard, hand-picked warriors from their companies, chosen to serve as the Wolf Lord’s personal guard.

  Other advisors and personages, such as Lady Gabriella of House Belisarius, held seats or stood behind the Wolf Guards. They included many Wolf Priests, Iron Priests and Rune Priests, the spiritual, technological and psychic advisors to their leaders.

  Like the grand annulus, the table within the great hall depicted the symbols of each great company, each one having an assigned position. Several of those positions were empty, representing the severity of the situation facing the Space Wolves. It was not uncommon for a number of the great companies to be away from the Fang, on various mi
ssions, conducting Chapter business, however this time their absence indicated another threat within Fenrisian-protected space.

  Logan Grimnar listened intently to Wolf Lord Berek’s report on the events that had taken place on Hyades. Slowly stroking his beard, the Old Wolf had deep concentration etched on his face as he contemplated the course before the Space Wolves.

  Logan rose to his feet and walked around the table, arms crossed. All eyes followed the Great Wolf as he paced across the room.

  “The Thousand Sons manipulated us into fighting the Dark Angels and vice versa. This is not an isolated incident. On Gere, a Chaos uprising has destroyed valuable factories. Across the worlds we protect, numerous threats have arisen. Each one seems random, with no connection to the others, but we all suspect that this isn’t coincidence. We are at a dangerous crossroads, my Wolf Lords.” The Great Wolf walked back to his seat. “We have other indicators as well. Rune Lord Aldrek will explain further.”

  Aldrek bowed to the Great Wolf and stepped forwards.

  “Wolf Lords, at the behest of Lord Grimnar, I have gathered many Rune Priests and consulted the runes, interpreting the portents. The signs are disturbing. Dark castings indicate a terrible threat and show signs that the Chapter may be in even more danger than we imagined. We believe that the Thousand Sons may be seeking a powerful artifact, but we cannot be certain what and why. What we do know is that the runes indicate a threat to the Chapter as strongly as they ever have.” Aldrek finished.

  “Iron Priest Rorik,” commanded the Great Wolf.

  Holding a massive thunder hammer as the sign of his station, a large Iron Priest strode before the assembled lords. “Wolf Lords, at the behest of Lord Grimnar, I have analysed the worlds attacked so far, along with others of my order and many of them held valuable resources. The Chaos Marines have attacked our production abilities, and although they have done nothing that we cannot rebuild, they have weakened our ability to maintain our production. We are not well-positioned for a protracted conflict.”


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