Cherry Hill 1-A Place to Call Home

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Cherry Hill 1-A Place to Call Home Page 5

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer Dixie Lynn Dwyer Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  When she was done, she lay in bed and listened to the quietness of the apartment. She thought about the new job. The people she worked with and those that came in to enjoy the place. Harper’s was actually pretty cool. A dance hall for country music, a large bar to the right, dining to the left, all the old memorabilia from Harpers’ family hung on the walls. She could just imagine the type of town it was to grow up in. She had seen a lot of kids around, and there was a park she had yet to explore, some ball fields for sports. Her life would have been so much different if she lived in a place like Cherry Hill.

  Instead, she grew up in Boston. Her mom died of cancer when she was only twelve. Her mom was gorgeous, and Athena shared her same color eyes, her olive complexion, as well as her love of music. She exhaled as she thought about how long it had been since she danced. Since she just put on some music and listened, let it consume her body and just dance. Matias wouldn’t allow it. He said she looked too sexy. That too much attention was brought to her body. Tears filled her eyes as the memories danced in her head one after the next. She felt the need to dance. To move her hips, and as she did, with her eyes closed, she hadn’t even realized that she was drawing attention to herself. When the strong arm came around her waist, gripping her so tight she lost her breath, and then he used his large hand to cup her breast, hard as he reprimanded her, the tears fell.

  “This body is mine. These breasts, these hips, this pussy all mine. You’ll be punished tonight for this, Athena. Punished.”

  Athena cried as one memory, one nightmare and incident after the next invaded her mind and took away the small feeling of happiness, almost peace, she felt after working at Harper’s tonight. She wouldn’t work more nights. She couldn’t lose focus that she was in hiding. That Matias was out there searching for her. She rolled onto her side, tucked her knees to her chest and sobbed as the feelings of loneliness, of fear, of desperation to truly be free consumed her into exhaustion. Tonight, the nightmares would win over her determination to put it all behind her.

  * * * *

  “Holy shit. We didn’t expect you to make it here today. Thought for sure you wouldn’t be in until Sunday,” Culter McCabe said to his brothers Chase and Fox.

  They hugged and then slapped one another on the back. Kane joined them.

  “Well we did, and we are looking forward to some R&R and having a few beers with the crew. Everyone still going to Harper’s tonight?” Chase asked as Fox took a seat by the kitchen table and exhaled. He looked like he was in a bad mood as usual. Both of his brothers looked hard, like they went through hell and back, and it wasn’t the first time.

  “Yeah, it should be pretty crowded too, but we reserved a table near the bar,” Kane said.

  “Great. We can catch some sleep and head out with you guys,” Chase said.

  “You okay, Fox?” Culter asked.

  He nodded. That was Fox. A man of few words.

  They all shared similar features. Their distinguished noses, firm jaws, and dark brown hair all gave away that they were related. Fox and Kane however, had darker, more intense demeanors, where Chase and Culter could hide that a little, and smile a bit more around the right people. They were really approachable, where it took quite some time for Kane to actually converse with everyone he met. He wasn’t always like that, and definitely not after he retired from the Marine Corps.

  “How’s the dojo?” Chase asked.

  “It’s been super busy. As soon as you guys are rested up I could use your help. Nash has been helping when he isn’t working, and his brothers have stepped in to cover some classes.”

  “Well, we should be good to go by Monday. It will be nice to roll around on the mats a little,” Chase said.

  “I don’t know if I’m up for it tonight. Maybe I’ll catch the next one,” Fox said, and stood up. He walked by the back door and looked out toward the land.

  Culter looked at Chase, then Kane. If their sister Charlie was here, she would be worried, and pushing to talk to him. She was a therapist and counselor currently working with retired soldiers and training other therapists starting out in the field. She had been gone for six months, but had called just two weeks ago to check in.

  “Whatever you want to do, Fox, but it’s going to be fun. Could help to get out, see the gang and just kick back a little. Decide later on. We got all day,” Kane said, and then looked at the clock.

  “I need to head to out. I’ll be home by 5:00 p.m. to shower and change, and then we’ll head to Harper’s. Glad you guys are home and safe,” he said, and then nodded before he left.

  “Isn’t he leaving a little early?” Chase asked.

  Culter nodded. He’d heard that the mysterious brunette everyone in town was wondering about, was pretty damn hot. Then he got a text last night from one of the guys saying his brother was at the bar all night talking to her. He wondered if Kane actually liked the woman, and his curiosity about seeing her up close was another reason he was looking forward to tonight.

  “Hello, any reason he’s leaving early?” Fox now asked.

  “Well, it could have something to do with the mysterious brunette everyone in town has been talking about. She leaves about twenty minutes from now to take the bus into Central Valley to the dojo there.”

  “What mysterious brunette?” Chase asked, eyes narrowed, and now his arms were crossed in front of his chest. They were all very protective of one another, and their history with women wasn’t exactly good. Didn’t seem to pick the right women, and certainly that caused some problems. Had a few that stalked one of them, then all of them. It wasn’t pretty.

  “She’s been around for months. Didn’t venture into town much, and had started working at Spark’s a couple of days a week, and goes to the dojo. Then I heard last night she started working at Harper’s. Harper talked her into it and she was good. The bar was extra crowded last night, her second night, if you know what I mean.”

  “She’s that hot?” Fox asked.

  “Apparently so, because Montana texted me that Kane was by the bar all night talking with her. Said he definitely had his eyes on her and not just as the sheriff.”

  “Who the fuck is she?” Fox asked.

  “Don’t know, and I never really got a good look at her, so tonight I will.”

  “Kane doesn’t date, doesn’t hook up and draw attention to himself when it comes to that because he’s the sheriff. Maybe he was talking to her because some other men want to be her guardians?”

  “She turns down every offer, whether coffee or a date. She rents the apartment the Gaynors’ have over their garage. Takes the bus to Central Valley then walks the mile back to her apartment. Heard she has these stunning, deep green eyes.”

  “Why isn’t she working out in your dojo?” Fox snapped at him and then leaned against the counter by the sink. He looked lethal, pissed off, and still not fully down from whatever operation he and Chase completed.

  “Corey Mullen’s dojo is three times the size of our place because the town is that much bigger than Cherry Hill. They offer more classes, too.”

  “Sounds like a mysterious woman to me. So he left early to what? Meet her before she goes to the dojo there?” Chase asked.

  “I don’t know. Probably see her before she takes the bus. Not sure. We’ll see what the deal is tonight. I need to head to the dojo now. I’ll catch up with you guys later and we’ll all head out together.”

  They nodded and he grabbed his things and went to his blue pickup truck. On his way into town, he was curious about this woman, as well. When he got there, he saw people still waiting at the bus stop and his brother Kane talking to a young woman by his patrol car. He quickly parked, glanced at his watch and knew he only had a few minutes. So maybe a quick introduction. As he got closer, he could see the way she shyly nodded, and Kane stood there with one hand on the butt of his gun and the other on his hip. When his brother reached out to stroke the woman’s hair and she stepped to the side, his gut clenched.

  “Morning,” he int
errupted, and when Kane turned his way he looked concerned, but then smiled.

  “Hey, Culter. How’s it going?”

  “Good,” he said, then looked down toward the brunette and he felt his chest tighten, his breath catch in his throat. Holy Jesus she was gorgeous, and young. Fuck, she was incredible. She gulped, and he realized that he was probably drooling.

  “Hannah, meet my brother, Culter. He’s the one I told you about. The one who owns the dojo here in town.”

  “Nice to meet you, Hannah.” He reached his hand out and she slowly reached out to shake his. When their hands touched, he felt the instant attraction, a spark of interest, and she seemed to have felt it too as she pulled back.

  Her face turned red and she looked away a moment and cleared her throat. “Nice to meet you, Culter. Heard great things about your dojo.” She straightened her shoulders like she was forcing herself to not react to the attraction.

  He absorbed her features. She was feminine, and maybe stood about five feet six tops. Her hair was brown, and very long, but pulled back into some sort of braid. She pulled her waist-length hoodie a little tighter, and he could tell she was in good shape. She had long muscular legs, he could see the material of her leggings stretched across them. She smelled really good, too.

  “Then how come you go out of town to take classes and haven’t checked out my place?” he asked, and winked.

  She chuckled, and glanced toward the bus stop, and then at her watch. “Don’t be insulted. I was just telling the sheriff that I took the job two days a week in Central Valley, and some guys who train there and a few women had recommended the place there. Corey is very good, and he offers so many different classes, and one I was very interested in.”

  “Which one was that?” Culter asked.

  “One that combines self-defense with grappling, kickboxing, and a little hand-to-hand combat. Like defending yourself when someone might have a weapon. Things a woman should know to help keep her safe. Corey has been showing me a bunch of moves, plus it’s a great workout.”

  He squinted at her. Corey was a good guy. Retired Green Beret along with his brothers, and his brother Titus was the sheriff in Central Valley. So why did the idea of her rolling around on the mat with Corey make him feel jealous? He didn’t even know this woman. No wonder Kane was acting funny.

  “Sounds like a great class and definitely useful stuff to learn. However, I still don’t think it’s a good idea to be riding your bike late at night in the dark, flashlight or not, Hannah,” Kane said to her. His brother’s tone wall all sheriff and commanding, and she felt it as she shifted her feet and nibbled her full, lush lips.

  “Sheriff, I told you that I’m fine, plus it’s my only option.”

  “Not the only one,” Kane replied and stared at her lips. His eyes then roamed over her body and she looked from Kane to him.

  “I said I would drive you home, and you didn’t accept it and was going to ride your bike at 3:00 a.m. in the morning. Not smart.”

  “What?” Culter asked, eyes squinted. She looked back toward the bus stop like she would make a run for it if that bus pulled up right now.

  “Hannah, you need to be careful, and despite these classes you take, you could get caught in a situation. I heard those men saying things to you, never mind behind your back, last night. I didn’t like it, and I’m offering you some advice as well as an option to protect you.”

  “I take care of myself, sheriff.” She looked at the bus stop, and other people were standing by the stop waiting.

  “Where is that bus? I’m already going to be late to class.”

  “My dojo is opened right now. You could take the one we offer that’s similar, and I run it, so you know me now,” Culter offered.

  Kane glanced at his brother, their eyes locked, and he didn’t quite know what was exchanged between them. Perhaps an understanding, a mutual ground here about an attraction to this gorgeous woman, he wasn’t sure.

  “I…I already paid for the classes there, and today was the last one before I had to pay for more.”

  “Well, check out my class, and the others I offer. Then you won’t need to worry about the bus not showing up and missing the class.”

  “I could always ride my bike. It’s only ten or so miles,” she replied, and then looked away.

  “Fifteen, between all the farm land and the beginning of town which has developments and housing, that’s why a bus comes through here four times a day,” Kane told her.

  “Give it a try. You might like it and the convenience of being right here in town, too,” Culter said to her.

  She took a deep breath and exhaled. “Well the bus doesn’t seem like it’s coming, and even if it did I would be late to class.” She looked like she was thinking about it.

  “How much do you charge a month?” she asked Culter?

  “A little less then Corey does. He has a bigger place, more overhead than I do. Plus, my classes are smaller so there’s more one-on-one training, so you get more out of the class.”

  She stared at him, kind of seemed to size him up or something, like she was determining if he was bad. It made him feel like he was guilty of something, but the only thing he felt guilty of was trying to get to know Hannah more and seeing what was it besides her good looks and timid personality that had his brother so interested.

  “He’s trustworthy and very good. A retired Marine like me, and he’s patient, hell a lot more patient than I am. He actually teaches a children’s martial arts class, with kids as young as five. Got any idea how crazy that is?” Kane asked her, and she chuckled.

  “Okay, I’ll give it a try but no promises. I like Corey and his classes, and the people who go there. They train so seriously in the hour in a half, and that’s what I like.”

  “You got it. Come on and I’ll walk with you to the dojo, show you around and introduce you to the other five people who take this class. You may recognize a few of them.”

  “Let me know how it goes, Hannah. If you need a ride back to your apartment, I can break away to bring you.”

  “That won’t be necessary. I’ll probably jog back. Usually when I’m done with Corey’s class I go for a run through the back trails and the park there.”

  “By yourself?” Kane asked, squinting his eyes at her.

  She took a deep breath and exhaled. “It was fine.”

  He looked her over. “I hope this works out for you. See you later.” Kane nodded at Culter before he headed to the department across the street.

  “So how do you like working at Spark’s?” Culter asked her as they walked down the street together.

  “It’s not bad. The people are nice and friendly. A lot of new faces every day as people pass through town.”

  “Yeah, that’s a bit different than Cherry Hill. Around here everyone knows one another and it’s like a family. We all watch out for each other.”

  “I sensed that. It’s kind of how I wound up checking out Harper’s on Thursday.”

  “What do you mean?” he asked her.

  “I met Harper in town one day, and then she was in Central Valley and she came in to Spark’s. She sat at the counter and we started talking. Next thing I know, a week or so later she shows up at the Gaynors’ place and is asking me to help her out. That some bartender bailed on her. I wasn’t too sure but then I showed up, knowing that people around here like to help one another out, and she has a great personality.”

  “Harper is awesome and tough as nails, too,” he added, and smiled at Hannah, loving the way she smelled, and how sweet and low her voice was.

  “When I showed up just to check it out and see the bar, another bartender was a no-show and the place was packed. Next thing I know, I’m working all night.” She smiled. “It was pretty fun, actually, and Ade is a riot. He was very helpful.”

  “Ade is a great guy too, and Maya is super friendly and very outgoing.”

  “Oh God, yes she is.” As they entered the dojo she paused a moment. The place had all men in
it right now and he wondered if she felt uncomfortable. All eyes went to her, but then behind her as Genesis and Cheris showed up. They waitressed at Harper’s.

  “Hey, the new girl is here,” Cheris said, and smiled wide. “You did so good bartending. I heard about that special concoction you made the ladies last night. Coconut rum and mango juice or something. I am totally trying that at the end of my shift tonight.”

  “Maybe during the shift,” Genesis added, and smiled.

  It seemed to put Hannah at ease as she smiled.

  “You’re joining the dojo?” Cheris asked her.

  “I’m checking out the class. I usually go to the dojo in Central Valley, but the bus didn’t make it here yet.”

  “Oh yeah, heard it broke down or something and they’ll be thirty minutes behind schedule,” Genesis said as Culter listened, and then looked at the guys all checking out the women and especially Hannah.

  As they made their way to the different rooms for different training, Culter told her about the classes and what they entailed. By her answers she seemed more advanced then Cheris and Genesis, but he wanted her to feel comfortable, and her demeanor changed having the familiar faces.

  “You could take the class they’re taking this morning, Hannah, then try the more advanced one another day if you would feel more comfortable,” he suggested.

  She seemed to think about it a moment.

  “I’d like to do the one you said is similar to Corey’s, that way I know the difference and can decide if I’ll continue with Corey or not.”

  “Hmm, sounds like a challenge,” he replied, and winked.

  “Sounds like Hannah has more experience in training than we do. We only started a couple of months ago and at the sheriff’s suggestion after an incident at Harper’s,” Cheris said to her.

  “What incident?”

  “Some handsy guys. A long story we’ll share with you some time. See you at the end of class,” she said, and Hannah, nodded but then followed Culter to the other room.


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